Template Class GainMatrixUpdater

Class Documentation

template<typename parameters_t>
class Acts::GainMatrixUpdater

Update step of Kalman Filter using gain matrix formalism.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t: Type of the parameters to be filtered

  • jacobian_t: Type of the Transport jacobian

Public Functions

GainMatrixUpdater(std::shared_ptr<const Logger> logger = std::shared_ptr<const Logger>(getDefaultLogger("GainMatrixUpdater", Logging::INFO).release()))

Explicit constructor.

  • calibrator: is the calibration struct/class that converts uncalibrated measurements into calibrated ones

  • logger: a logger instance

const Logger &logger() const

Getter for the logger, to support logging macros.

template<typename track_state_t>
Result<void> operator()(const GeometryContext&, track_state_t trackState, const NavigationDirection &direction = forward) const

Public call operator for the boost visitor pattern.


Bool indicating whether this update was ‘successful’


Non-‘successful’ updates could be holes or outliers, which need to be treated differently in calling code.

Template Parameters
  • track_state_t: Type of the track state for the update

  • gctx: The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • trackState: the measured track state

  • direction: the navigation direction

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<const Logger> m_logger = {nullptr}

Pointer to a logger that is owned by the parent, KalmanFilter.