Enum BoundarySurfaceFace

Enum Documentation

enum Acts::BoundarySurfaceFace

Enum to describe the position of the BoundarySurface respectively to the frame orientatin of the volume, this is mainly ment for code readability.

The different numeration sequences can be found in the documentation of the actual VolumeBounds implementations.

The order of faces is chosen to follow - as much as possible - a cycular structure.


enumerator negativeFaceXY = 0
enumerator positiveFaceXY = 1
enumerator negativeFaceYZ = 2
enumerator positiveFaceYZ = 3
enumerator negativeFaceZX = 4
enumerator positiveFaceZX = 5
enumerator cylinderCover = 2
enumerator tubeInnerCover = 3
enumerator tubeOuterCover = 2
enumerator tubeSectorNegativePhi = 4
enumerator tubeSectorPositivePhi = 5
enumerator tubeSectorInnerCover = 3
enumerator tubeSectorOuterCover = 2
enumerator trapezoidFaceAlpha = 2
enumerator trapezoidFaceBeta = 3
enumerator index0 = 0
enumerator index1 = 1
enumerator index2 = 2
enumerator index3 = 3
enumerator index4 = 4
enumerator index5 = 5
enumerator index6 = 6
enumerator index7 = 7
enumerator index8 = 8
enumerator index9 = 9
enumerator index10 = 10
enumerator index11 = 11
enumerator undefinedFace = 99