Struct AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder::Config

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Template Class AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.

Struct Documentation

struct Acts::AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder::Config

Public Functions

Config(vfitter_t fitter, const sfinder_t &sfinder, const ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> &ipEst, const Linearizer_t &lin)

Config constructor.

  • fitter: The vertex fitter

  • sfinder: The seed finder

  • ipEst: ImpactPointEstimator

  • lin: Track linearizer

Public Members

bool addSingleTrackVertices = false
std::pair<double, double> defaultConstrFitQuality = {0., -3.}
bool do3dSplitting = false
bool doRealMultiVertex = true
ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> ipEstimator
Linearizer_t linearizer
double looseConstrValue = 1e+8
double maximumVertexContamination = 0.5
int maxIterations = 100
double maxMergeVertexSignificance = 3.
double maxVertexChi2 = 18.42
double minWeight = 0.0001
bool refitAfterBadVertex = true
sfinder_t seedFinder
double tracksMaxSignificance = 5.
double tracksMaxZinterval = 3. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool useBeamSpotConstraint = true
bool useFastCompatibility = true
bool useSeedConstraint = true
bool useVertexCovForIPEstimation = false
vfitter_t vertexFitter