Struct CKFSourceLinkSelector

Nested Relationships

Struct Documentation

struct Acts::CKFSourceLinkSelector

Source link selection struct selecting those source links compatible with the given track parameter against provided criteria on one surface.

The selection criteria could be allowed maximum chi2 and allowed maximum number of source links on one surface

If there is no compatible source link, the source link with the mininum chi2 will be selected and the status will be tagged as an outlier

Public Functions

CKFSourceLinkSelector() = default

Default constructor.

CKFSourceLinkSelector(Config cfg, std::shared_ptr<const Logger> logger = std::shared_ptr<const Logger>(getDefaultLogger("CKFSourceLinkSelector", Logging::INFO).release()))

Constructor with config and (non-owning) logger.

  • config: a config instance

  • logger: a logger instance

const Logger &logger() const

Getter for the logger, to support logging macros.

Operater that select the source links compatible with the given track parameter on a surface.

Template Parameters
  • calibrator_t: The type of calibrator

  • source_link_t: The type of source link

  • calibrator: The measurement calibrator

  • predictedParams: The predicted track parameter on a surface

  • sourcelinks: The pool of source links

  • sourcelinkChi2: The container for index and chi2 of intermediate source link candidates

  • sourcelinkCandidateIndices: The container for index of final source link candidates

  • isOutlier: The indicator for outlier or not

Public Members

Config m_config

The config.

std::shared_ptr<const Logger> m_logger = {nullptr}

Pointer to a logger that is owned by the parent, track finder.

struct Config

nested config struct

Configuration of source link selection criteria at different detector level: -> The hierarchical criteria at sensitive/layer/volume level -> The global criteria for all sensitive surfaces If a geometry identifier is not found in the hierarchical geometry container, the global criteria will be used

Public Types

using CKFCriteriaContainer = Acts::HierarchicalGeometryContainer<GeometryCKFCriteria>

Public Members

CKFCriteriaContainer criteriaContainer
double globalChi2CutOff = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
size_t globalNumSourcelinksCutOff = 1