Run the truth tracking examples


Acts must be build with activated examples and Pythia8 support (ACTS_BUILD_EXAMPLES_PYTHIA8=on) to enable the fast simulation. <build> is used to identify the path to the build directory.

Generate a simulation dataset

Generate a simulation dataset with the default signal process and an average of 50 additional pile-up interactions based on the generic example detector using the following command:

<build>/bin/ActsSimFatrasGeneric \
  --evg-input-type=pythia8 \
  --evg-pileup=50 \
  --output-dir=sim \
  --output-csv=1 \

Setting the output to CSV is necessary since the truth tracking only reads CSV files at the moment.

Run the truth tracking

Run the truth tracking tool that reads the simulation output, creates smeared measurements from the true hits, builds truth tracks (i.e. uses the truth information to group simulated hits into tracks) and fits them:

<build>/bin/ActsRecTruthTracks \
  --input-dir=sim \