Template Struct KalmanFitterOptions

Struct Documentation

template<typename outlier_finder_t = VoidOutlierFinder>
struct Acts::KalmanFitterOptions

Options struct how the Fitter is called.

It contains the context of the fitter call, the outlier finder, the optional surface where to express the fit result and configurations for material effects and smoothing options


the context objects must be provided

Public Types

using OutlierFinder = outlier_finder_t

Public Functions

KalmanFitterOptions() = delete

Deleted default constructor.

KalmanFitterOptions(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx, std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx, std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx, const OutlierFinder &outlierFinder_, const Surface *rSurface = nullptr, bool mScattering = true, bool eLoss = true, bool bwdFiltering = false)

PropagatorOptions with context.

  • gctx: The goemetry context for this fit

  • mctx: The magnetic context for this fit

  • cctx: The calibration context for this fit

  • olCfg: The config for the outlier finder

  • rSurface: The reference surface for the fit to be expressed at

  • mScattering: Whether to include multiple scattering

  • eLoss: Whether to include energy loss

  • bwdFiltering: Whether to run backward filtering as smoothing

Public Members

bool backwardFiltering = false

Whether to run backward filtering.

std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext

context object for the calibration

bool energyLoss = true

Whether to consider energy loss.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Context object for the magnetic field.

bool multipleScattering = true

Whether to consider multiple scattering.

OutlierFinder outlierFinder

The config for the outlier finder.

const Surface *referenceSurface = nullptr

The reference Surface.