Template Class Ray

Class Documentation

template<typename value_t, size_t DIM>
class Acts::Ray

Class which models a ray.

It is defined by a starting point and a direction.

Template Parameters
  • value_t: The floating point type to use

  • DIM: The number of dimensions in which this ray is defined (2 or 3)

Public Types

using transform_type = Eigen::Transform<value_t, DIM, Eigen::Affine>

Associated transform type.

using value_type = value_t

Re expose the value type.

using vertex_array_type = Eigen::Array<value_t, DIM, 1>

Vertex array type corresponding to the vertex type.

using VertexType = ActsVector<value_t, DIM>

Vertex type based on the value type and dimension.

Public Functions

Ray(const VertexType &origin, const VertexType &dir)

Constructor from an origin point and a direction.

  • origin: The origin of the ray

  • dir: The direction of the ray

const VertexType &dir() const

Getter for the direction.


The direction

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 3, int> = 0>
void draw(IVisualization3D &helper, value_type far_distance = 10) const

Helper to draw this ray using a given visualization helper.

  • helper: The visualization helper

  • far_distance: The “length” of the drawn line representing the ray

const vertex_array_type &idir() const

Getter for the element wise inverse of the direction.


The element wise inverse.

const VertexType &origin() const

Getter for the origin.


The origin

std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const

Write information on this instance to an outstream.


The out stream given as a nargument

  • os: The out stream

Ray<value_t, DIM> transformed(const transform_type &trf) const

Transforms this ray using a given transform and returns a new instance.


Copy of this ray with the transform applied

  • trf: The transform to apply