Enum TrackStatePropMask

Enum Documentation

enum Acts::TrackStatePropMask

Collection of bit masks to enable steering which components of a track state should be initialized, and which should be left invalid.

These mask values can be combined using binary operators, so (TrackStatePropMask::Predicted | TrackStatePropMask::Jacobian) will instruct allocating storage for both predicted parameters (including covariance) and a jacobian. The enum is used as a strong type wrapper around the bits to prevent autoconversion from integer


enumerator None = 0
enumerator Predicted = 1 << 0
enumerator Filtered = 1 << 1
enumerator Smoothed = 1 << 2
enumerator Jacobian = 1 << 3
enumerator Uncalibrated = 1 << 4
enumerator Calibrated = 1 << 5
enumerator All = std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max()