File CreateSeedsForGroupSycl.hpp

namespace Acts::Sycl


void createSeedsForGroupSycl(const QueueWrapper &wrappedQueue, const detail::DeviceSeedfinderConfig &seedfinderConfig, const DeviceExperimentCuts &deviceCuts, const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint> &bottomSPs, const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint> &middleSPs, const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint> &topSPs, std::vector<std::vector<detail::SeedData>> &seeds)

Seedfinding algorithm implemented in SYCL.

  • wrappedQueue[in] is a wrapper object of the SYCL queue

  • seedfinderConfig[in] includes the required configuration parameters for the algorithm

  • deviceCuts[in] is an experiment specific object with customizable seed weight altering and seed cutting member functions

  • bottomSPs[in] an array of simplified internal space point structures of bottom space points

  • middleSPs[in] an array of simplified internal space point structures of middle space points

  • topSPs[in] an array of simplified internal space point structures of top space points

  • seeds[out] holds of the generated seed indices and weight