File DummyVertexFitter.hpp

namespace Acts

Set the Geometry Context PLUGIN.

Set the Calibration Context PLUGIN.

Convenience functions to ease creation of and Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap and to avoid code duplication.

Set the Mangetic Field Context PLUGIN.

Convenience functions to ease creation of and Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap and to avoid code duplication.

Currently implemented for the two most common formats: rz and xyz.

template<typename input_track_t = BoundTrackParameters, typename linearizer_t = DummyTrackLinearizer>
class DummyVertexFitter
#include <Acts/Vertexing/DummyVertexFitter.hpp>

Dummy vertex fitter class, only to be used for ensuring interfaces where a vertex fitter type is required but no fitter is actually needed.

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = input_track_t
using Linearizer_t = linearizer_t
using Propagator_t = void

Public Functions

DummyVertexFitter() = delete
Result<Vertex<input_track_t>> fit(const std::vector<input_track_t>&, const linearizer_t&, const VertexingOptions<input_track_t>&) const

Dummy fit method.