File DeviceExperimentCuts.hpp

namespace Acts::Sycl
class DeviceExperimentCuts
#include </home/docs/checkouts/>

DeviceExperimentCuts can be used to increase or decrease seed weights based on the space points used in a seed.

Seed weights are also influenced by the SeedFilter default implementation. This tool is also used to decide if a seed passes a seed weight cut. As the weight is stored in seeds, there are two distinct methods.

Public Functions

inline float seedWeight(const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &bottom, const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &middle, const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &top) const

Returns seed weight bonus/malus depending on detector considerations.

  • bottom – bottom space point of the current seed

  • middle – middle space point of the current seed

  • top – top space point of the current seed


seed weight to be added to the seed’s weight

inline bool singleSeedCut(float weight, const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &bottom, const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &middle, const detail::DeviceSpacePoint &top) const
  • weight – the current seed weight

  • bottom – bottom space point of the current seed

  • middle – middle space point of the current seed

  • top – top space point of the current seed


true if the seed should be kept, false if the seed should be discarded