Namespace Acts::UnitConstants

namespace Acts::UnitConstants

Unit definitions and conversions.

All physical quantities have both a numerical value and a unit. For the computations we always choose a particular unit so we only need to consider the numerical values as such. The chosen base unit for a particular physical quantity, e.g. length, time, or energy, within this code base is called the native unit.

Here, the following native units are used:

  • Length is expressed in mm.

  • Time is expressed in [speed-of-light * time] == mm. A consequence of this choice is that the speed-of-light expressed in native units is 1.

  • Angles are expressed in radian.

  • Energy, mass, and momentum are all expressed in GeV (consistent with a speed-of-light == 1).

  • Electric charge is expressed in e, i.e. units of the elementary charge.

  • The magnetic field is expressed in GeV/(e*mm). The magnetic field connects momentum to length, e.g. in SI units the radius of a charged particle trajectory in a constant magnetic field is given by

    radius = - (momentum / charge) / magnetic-field
    With the chosen magnetic field unit the expression above stays the
    same and no additional conversion factors are necessary.

  • Amount of substance is expressed in mol.

To ensure consistent computations and results the following guidelines must be followed when handling physical quantities with units:

  • All unqualified numerical values, i.e. without a unit, are assumed to be expressed in the relevant native unit, e.g. mm for lengths or GeV for energy/momentum.

  • If a variable stores a physical quantity in a specific unit that is not the native unit, clearly mark this in the variable, i.e.

    double momentum = 100.0; // momentum is stored as native unit GeV
    double momentumInMeV = 10.0; // would be 0.01 in native units

  • All input values must be given as numerical_value * unit_constant or equivalently using the unit literals as value_unit. The resulting unqualified numerical value will be automatically converted to the native unit.

  • To output an unqualified numerical value in the native units as a numerical value in a specific unit divide by the unit constants as numerical_value / unit_constant or using the unit literals as value / 1_unit.


#include "Acts/include/Definitions/Units.hpp"
using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;

// define input values w/ units (via unit constants)
double width    = 12 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
double mmuon    = 105.7 * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV;
// define input values w/ units (via unit user literals)
double length   = 23_cm;
double time     = 1214.2_ns;
double angle    = 123_degree;
double momentum = 2.5_TeV;
double mass     = 511_keV;
double velocity = 345_m / 1_s;
double bfield   = 3.9_T;
double density  = 1_mol / 1_cm3;

// convert output values (via unit constants)
doube t_in_ns    = trackPars.time() / Acts::UnitConstants::ns;
// convert output values (via unit user literals)
double x_in_mm   = trackPars.position()[ePos0] / 1_mm;
double p_in_TeV = trackPars.absoluteMomentum() / 1_TeV;


A helper script is available in Core/scripts/ to validate some of the numerical values.


constexpr double C = J / eV
constexpr double cm = 10.0
constexpr double cm2 = cm * cm
constexpr double cm3 = cm * cm * cm
constexpr double degree = 0.017453292519943295
constexpr double e = 1.0
constexpr double eV = 1e-9
constexpr double fm = 1e-12
constexpr double fs = 1e-15 * s
constexpr double g = 1.0 / 1.782662e-24
constexpr double Gauss = 1e-4 * T
constexpr double GeV = 1.0
constexpr double h = 3600.0 * s
constexpr double J = 6241509074.460763 * GeV
constexpr double keV = 1e-6
constexpr double kg = 1.0 / 1.782662e-27
constexpr double kGauss = 1e-1 * T
constexpr double km = 1e6
constexpr double m = 1e3
constexpr double m2 = m * m
constexpr double m3 = m * m * m
constexpr double MeV = 1e-3
constexpr double min = 60.0 * s
constexpr double mm = 1.0
constexpr double mm2 = mm * mm
constexpr double mm3 = mm * mm * mm
constexpr double mol = 1.0
constexpr double mrad = 1e-3
constexpr double ms = 1e-3 * s
constexpr double nm = 1e-6
constexpr double ns = 1e-9 * s
constexpr double pm = 1e-9
constexpr double ps = 1e-12 * s
constexpr double rad = 1.0
constexpr double s = 299792458000.0
constexpr double T = 0.000299792458
constexpr double TeV = 1e3
constexpr double u = 0.93149410242
constexpr double um = 1e-3
constexpr double us = 1e-6 * s