File QueueWrapper.hpp

namespace Sycl
class QueueWrapper
#include </home/docs/checkouts/>

Accessor functions/operators

const cl::sycl::queue *getQueue() const

Get stored pointer (const)

cl::sycl::queue *getQueue()

Get stored pointer (non-const)

const cl::sycl::queue *operator->() const

Operator implementing smart pointer behaviour (const)

cl::sycl::queue *operator->()

Operator implementing smart pointer behaviour (non-const)

const cl::sycl::queue &operator*() const

De-referencing operator (const)

cl::sycl::queue &operator*()

De-referencing operator (non-const)

Public Functions

QueueWrapper(const std::string& = "", std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("Sycl::QueueWrapper", Logging::INFO))

Create queue with default selector or given name Default constructed queue wrappers are owners.

QueueWrapper(cl::sycl::queue &queue, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("Sycl::QueueWrapper", Logging::INFO))

Constructor around an existing queue object.

QueueWrapper(QueueWrapper &&parent) noexcept

Move constructor It takes ownership (if it is given).

QueueWrapper(const QueueWrapper &other)

Copy constructor Does not give ownership to the underlying pointer.


Destructor Destroy the underlying pointer, but only if it is owned.

QueueWrapper &operator=(QueueWrapper &&rhs) noexcept

Move assignment operator.

QueueWrapper &operator=(const QueueWrapper &other)

Copy assignment operator.

Private Members

std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger

The logger object.

bool m_ownsQueue

Owns queue.

cl::sycl::queue *m_queue

Raw pointer to SYCL queue object.

namespace cl

Forward declaration of incomplete type cl::sycl::queue.

namespace sycl