Magnetic field


This section is largely outdated and will be replaced in the future.

This module collects information about classes and typedefs useful for describing different magnetic field configurations. Acts is independent of the magnetic field implementation used. Algorithms which need magnetic field information (e.g. Acts::AtlasStepper, Acts::EigenStepper) are templated on the magnetic field. The requirements for the magnetic field implementation are shown in the example FieldProvider given below:

struct FieldProvider {
  struct Cache {
  // implementation specific

  // get field for a given position, no cache
  Vector3 getField(const Vector3& pos) const;
  // get field and the gradient, no cache
  Vector3 getFieldGradient(const Vector3& pos, ActsMatrix<3,3>& deriv) const;

  // get the field for a given position, and provide the cache object
  Vector3 getField(const Vector3& position, Cache& cache) const;
  // get the field and gradient for a given position, provide cache
  Vector3 getFieldGradient(const Vector3& pos,
                            ActsMatrix<3,3>& deriv, // mutable reference
                            Cache& cache) const;

// client code
FieldProvider p;
FieldProvider::Cache cache;
auto field = p.getField({1, 2, 3}, cache); // retrieve field

Each magnetic field implementation expects to be passed a reference to an implementation specific cache object. The cache type is provided as a nested struct of the field provider. It can usually be extracted using typename BField::Cache cache, where BField is a template parameter. Acts comes with the following implementations of this (implicit) interface:

Constant magnetic field

The simplest implementation is the a constant field, which returns the same field values at every queried location. It is implemented in the Acts::ConstantBField class.

class ConstantBField : public Acts::MagneticFieldProvider

This class implements a simple constant magnetic field.

The magnetic field value has to be set at creation time, but can be updated later on.

Public Functions

inline explicit ConstantBField(Vector3 B)

Construct constant magnetic field from field vector.


B[in] magnetic field vector in global coordinate system

As seen above, the class is constructed from a three-dimensional field vector, which is returned unmodified to every call to Acts::ConstantBField::getField().

Interpolated magnetic field

For more complex magnetic field implementations the Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap can be used. The idea here is to calculate an interpolated value of the magnetic field from a grid of known field values. In 3D, this means the interpolation is done from the 8 cornerpoints of a field cell. The field cell can be retrieved for any given position. Since during typical access patterns, e.g. the propagation, subsequent steps are relatively likely to not cross the field cell boundary, the field cell can be cached.


Fig. 1 Illustration of the field cell concept. Subsequent steps are clustered in the same field cell. The field cell only need to be refetched when the propagation crosses into the next grid region.

The class constructor

inline Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap::InterpolatedBFieldMap(Config cfg)

accepts a single object of type Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap::Config:

struct Config

Public Members

double scale = 1.

The config object contains an instance of a mapper type, as well as a global scale to be applied to any field values.

One implementation Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMapper is provided, but since the mapper type is a template parameter, this implementation can also be switched out. The default implementation uses Acts::detail::Grid as the underlying data storage. It is generic over the number of dimensions.

Most notably it exposes a type Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMapper::FieldCell that corresponds to the concept of a field cell discussed above. It also exposes a function


doxygenfunction: Cannot find function “Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMapper::getFieldCell” in doxygen xml output for project “Acts” from directory: _build/doxygen-xml

that allows retrieval of such a field cell at a given position. This function is used by Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap to lookup and use field cells. Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap will store the most recent field cell in the Cache object provided by the client, and only talk to Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMapper when the position leaves the current field cell. Access to the magnetic field is done using the common interface methods

template<typename grid_t>
class InterpolatedBFieldMap : public Acts::InterpolatedMagneticField

Public Functions

inline Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position) const
inline virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

where the Cache type hides the concrete mapper used.

Helpers to construct mappers from text and root file inputs are provided:

  • Acts::fieldMapperRZ()

  • Acts::fieldMapperXYZ()

Analytical solenoid magnetic field

Acts also provides a field provider that calculates the field vectors analytically for a solenoid field.

Picture of a solenoid field in rz, with arrows indicating the direction of the field, and their size denoting the strength. The field is almost homogeneous in the center.

The implementation can has configurable solenoid parameters:

struct Config

Config struct for the SolenoidBfield.

Public Members

double bMagCenter

The target magnetic field strength at the center.

This will be used to scale coefficients

double length

Extent of the solenoid in z.

It goes from -length/2 to +length/2 by convention

size_t nCoils

The number of coils that make up the solenoid.

double radius

Radius at which the coils are located.


A configuration of

SolenoidBField::Config cfg;
cfg.length = 5.8_m;
cfg.radius = (2.56 + 2.46) * 0.5 * 0.5_m;
cfg.nCoils = 1154;
cfg.bMagCenter = 2_T;
SolenoidBField bField(cfg);

roughly corresponds to the solenoid wrapping the Inner Detector in ATLAS.


The calculation uses two special functions:

  • \(E_1(k^2)\) is the complete elliptic integral of the 1st kind

  • \(E_2(k^2)\) is the complete elliptic integral of the 2nd kind

\(E_1(k^2)\) and \(E_2(k^2)\) are usually indicated as \(K(k^2)\) and \(E(k^2)\) in literature, respectively:

\[E_1(k^2) = \int_0^{\pi/2} \left( 1 - k^2 \sin^2{\theta} \right )^{-1/2} \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}\theta\]
\[E_2(k^2) = \int_0^{\pi/2}\sqrt{1 - k^2 \sin^2{\theta}} \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}\theta\]

\(k^2\) is a function of the point \((r, z)\) and of the radius of the coil \(R\)

\[k^2 = \frac{4Rr}{(R+r)^2 + z^2}\]

Using these, you can evaluate the two components \(B_r\) and \(B_z\) of the magnetic field:

\[B_r(r, z) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi} \frac{kz}{\sqrt{Rr^3}} \left[ \left(\frac{2-k^2}{2-2k^2}\right)E_2(k^2) - E_1(k^2) \right ]\]
\[B_z(r,z) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi} \frac{k}{\sqrt{Rr}} \left[ \left( \frac{(R+r)k^2-2r}{2r(1-k^2)} \right ) E_2(k^2) + E_1(k^2) \right ]\]

In the implementation the factor of \((\mu_0\cdot I)\) is defined to be a scaling factor. It is evaluated and defined the magnetic field in the center of the coil, i.e. the scale set in Acts::SolenoidBField::Config::bMagCenter.


Evaluation of \(E_1(k^2)\) and \(E_2(k^2)\) is slow. The Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap easily outperforms Acts::SolenoidBField. A helper Acts::solenoidFieldMapper() is provided that builds a map from the analytical implementation and is much faster to lookup.

Shared magnetic field

Acts::SharedBField wraps another one of the magnetic field types from above. Internally, it holds a std::shared_ptr<...>, so the same field provider can be reused. This is useful in case of a larger map, for example.


doxygenfunction: Unable to resolve function “Acts::SharedBField::SharedBField” with arguments None in doxygen xml output for project “Acts” from directory: _build/doxygen-xml. Potential matches:

- SharedBField() = delete
- SharedBField(std::shared_ptr<const BField> bField)