Namespace Acts

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


this is foreseen for the ‘Geometry’ module


using ActsDynamicMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<ActsScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>
using ActsDynamicVector = Eigen::Matrix<ActsScalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>
using ActsMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<ActsScalar, kRows, kCols>
using ActsScalar = double

Common scalar (floating point type used for the default algebra types.

Defaults to double but can be customized by the user.

using ActsSymMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<ActsScalar, kSize, kSize>
using ActsVector = Eigen::Matrix<ActsScalar, kSize, 1>
using AlignmentMatrix = ActsMatrix<eAlignmentSize, eAlignmentSize>
using AlignmentRowVector = ActsMatrix<1, eAlignmentSize>
using AlignmentToBoundMatrix = ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eAlignmentSize>
using AlignmentToPathMatrix = ActsMatrix<1, eAlignmentSize>
using AlignmentToPositionMatrix = ActsMatrix<3, eAlignmentSize>
using AlignmentVector = ActsVector<eAlignmentSize>
using AngleAxis3 = Eigen::AngleAxis<ActsScalar>
using Any = AnyBase<sizeof(void*)>
using AxisScalar = Vector3::Scalar
using BoundaryIntersection = ObjectIntersection<BoundarySurface, Surface>

Intersection with a BoundarySurface.

using BoundarySurface = BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>

BoundarySurface of a volume.

using BoundarySurfacePtr = std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<AbstractVolume>>
using BoundMatrix = ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eBoundSize>
using BoundSymMatrix = ActsSymMatrix<eBoundSize>
using BoundToFreeMatrix = ActsMatrix<eFreeSize, eBoundSize>
using BoundTrackParameters = SingleBoundTrackParameters<SinglyCharged>
using BoundVariantMeasurement = VariantMeasurement<BoundIndices>

Variant that can hold all possible bound measurements.

using BoundVector = ActsVector<eBoundSize>
using CalibrationContext = std::any

This is the central definition of the Acts payload object regarding detector calbiration.

It is propagated through the code to allow for event/thread dependent calibration

using ColorRGB = std::array<int, 3>

The color typedef.

It’s an array of three numbers [0, 255] representing the RGB color values.

using ConstTrackAccessor = TrackAccessorBase<T, true>
using CurvilinearTrackParameters = SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters<SinglyCharged>
using DefaultExtension = detail::GenericDefaultExtension<double>

A typedef for the default GenericDefaultExtension with double.

using DenseEnvironmentExtension = detail::GenericDenseEnvironmentExtension<double>

A typedef for the default GenericDenseEnvironmentExtension with double.

using EAxis = Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis
using Envelope = std::array<ActsScalar, 2>
using ExtentEnvelope = std::array<std::array<ActsScalar, 2>, binValues>
using FreeMatrix = ActsMatrix<eFreeSize, eFreeSize>
using FreeSymMatrix = ActsSymMatrix<eFreeSize>
using FreeToBoundMatrix = ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, eFreeSize>
using FreeToPathMatrix = ActsMatrix<1, eFreeSize>
using FreeTrackParameters = SingleFreeTrackParameters<SinglyCharged>
using FreeVariantMeasurement = VariantMeasurement<FreeIndices>

Variant that can hold all possible free measurements.

using FreeVector = ActsVector<eFreeSize>
using GeometryContext = ContextType

This is the central definition of the Acts payload object regarding detector geometry status (e.g.


It is propagated through the code to allow for event/thread dependent geometry changes

using Grid2D = Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::AccumulatedVolumeMaterial, EAxis, EAxis>
using Grid3D = Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::AccumulatedVolumeMaterial, EAxis, EAxis, EAxis>
using HashedString = std::uint32_t
using Intersection2D = Intersection<2>
using Intersection3D = Intersection<3>
typedef BinnedArray<LayerPtr> LayerArray

A BinnedArray to a std::shared_ptr of a layer.

Layers are constructed with shared_ptr factories, hence the layer array is describes as:

using LayerIntersection = ObjectIntersection<Layer, Surface>
typedef std::shared_ptr<const Layer> LayerPtr

A std::shared_ptr to a Layer.

typedef std::vector<LayerPtr> LayerVector

A vector of std::shared_ptr to layers.

using MagneticFieldContext = ContextType

This is the central definition of the Acts payload object regarding magnetic field status.

It is propagated through the code to allow for event/thread dependent magnetic field changes

using MaterialGrid2D = Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::Material::ParametersVector, EAxis, EAxis>
using MaterialGrid3D = Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::Material::ParametersVector, EAxis, EAxis, EAxis>
using MaterialGridAxisData = std::tuple<double, double, size_t>
using MaterialSlabMatrix = std::vector<MaterialSlabVector>
using MaterialSlabVector = std::vector<MaterialSlab>
typedef std::shared_ptr<Layer> MutableLayerPtr
typedef std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume> MutableTrackingVolumePtr
typedef std::vector<MutableTrackingVolumePtr> MutableTrackingVolumeVector
using NeighborhoodVector = boost::container::small_vector<size_t, 10>
using NeutralBoundTrackParameters = SingleBoundTrackParameters<Neutral>
using NeutralCurvilinearTrackParameters = SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters<Neutral>
using NeutralFreeTrackParameters = SingleFreeTrackParameters<Neutral>
using NextLayers = std::pair<const Layer*, const Layer*>
using OrientedSurface = std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Surface>, NavigationDirection>
using OrientedSurfaces = std::vector<OrientedSurface>
using ProjectorBitset = std::bitset<eBoundSize * eBoundSize>
using Ray3D = Ray<ActsScalar, 3>
using RecordedMaterialTrack = std::pair<std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector3>, RecordedMaterial>

And recorded material track.

  • this is start: position, start momentum and the Recorded material

using RecordedMaterialVolumePoint = std::vector<std::pair<Acts::MaterialSlab, std::vector<Acts::Vector3>>>

list of point used in the mapping of a volume

using RotationMatrix2 = ActsMatrix<2, 2>
using RotationMatrix3 = ActsMatrix<3, 3>
using SourceLinkAccessorDelegate = Delegate<std::pair<source_link_iterator_t, source_link_iterator_t>(const Surface&)>

Delegate type that retrieves a range of source links to for a given surface to be processed by the CKF.

using SpacePointGrid = detail::Grid<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>>>, detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Equidistant, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed>, detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Variable, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>>
typedef std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::Surface>, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>, Acts::GeometryContext> SurfaceAndMaterialWithContext
typedef ObjectIntersection<Surface> SurfaceIntersection

Typedef of the surface intersection.

using SurfaceMatcher = std::function<bool(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue, const Surface*, const Surface*)>
using surfaceMaterialPointer = const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial*
using SurfaceMatrix = std::vector<SurfaceVector>
typedef std::shared_ptr<const Surface> SurfacePtr
typedef std::vector<SurfacePtr> SurfacePtrVector
typedef std::vector<const Surface*> SurfaceVector
using SymMatrix2 = ActsSymMatrix<2>
using SymMatrix3 = ActsSymMatrix<3>
using SymMatrix4 = ActsSymMatrix<4>
using TrackAccessor = TrackAccessorBase<T, false>
typedef std::pair<const Acts::TrackingVolume*, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial>> TrackingVolumeAndMaterial
typedef BinnedArray<TrackingVolumePtr> TrackingVolumeArray

A BinnedArray of a std::shared_tr to a TrackingVolume.

using TrackingVolumeBoundaries = std::vector<TrackingVolumeBoundaryPtr>
using TrackingVolumeBoundaryPtr = std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>>
using TrackingVolumeOrderPosition = std::pair<TrackingVolumePtr, Vector3>
using TrackingVolumePointer = const Acts::TrackingVolume*
typedef std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolume> TrackingVolumePtr

A std::shared_ptr to a tracking volume.

typedef std::vector<TrackingVolumePtr> TrackingVolumeVector

A std::vector of a std::shared_ptr to a TrackingVolume.

using TrackStateType = std::bitset<TrackStateFlag::NumTrackStateFlags>
using Transform2 = Eigen::Transform<ActsScalar, 2, Eigen::AffineCompact>
using Transform3 = Eigen::Transform<ActsScalar, 3, Eigen::Affine>
using Translation2 = Eigen::Translation<ActsScalar, 2>
using Translation3 = Eigen::Translation<ActsScalar, 3>
using V3Matrix = std::vector<V3Vector>
using V3Vector = std::vector<Vector3>
using VariantCovariance = std::variant<BoundSymMatrix, FreeSymMatrix>
using VariantMeasurement = typename detail::VariantMeasurementGenerator<indices_t, detail::kParametersSize<indices_t>>::Type

Variant that can contain all possible measurements in a parameter space.

Template Parameters

indices_t – Parameter index type, determines the full parameter space

using VariantTransportJacobian = std::variant<BoundMatrix, BoundToFreeMatrix, FreeToBoundMatrix, FreeMatrix>
using Vector2 = ActsVector<2>
using Vector3 = ActsVector<3>
using Vector4 = ActsVector<4>
typedef std::shared_ptr<const VolumeBounds> VolumeBoundsPtr
using volumeMaterialPointer = const Acts::IVolumeMaterial*


enum AlignmentIndices

Components of alignment parameters vector.

To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers. This must be a regular enum and not a scoped enum class to allow implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly in namespace Acts and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.


enumerator eAlignmentCenter0
enumerator eAlignmentCenter1
enumerator eAlignmentCenter2
enumerator eAlignmentRotation0
enumerator eAlignmentRotation1
enumerator eAlignmentRotation2
enumerator eAlignmentSize
enum BinningOption

flag for open/closed bins


enumerator open
enumerator closed
enum BinningType

, BinningOption & BinningAccess

  • BinningType:

    Enumeration to qualify the binning type for the use of the LayerArrayCreator and the TrackingVolumeArrayCreator

    • BinningOption: open: [0,max] closed: 0 -> nextbin -> max -> 0

    • BinningValue necessary access to global positions


enumerator equidistant
enumerator arbitrary
enum BinningValue

how to take the global / local position


enumerator binX
enumerator binY
enumerator binZ
enumerator binR
enumerator binPhi
enumerator binRPhi
enumerator binH
enumerator binEta
enumerator binMag
enumerator binValues
enum BoundarySurfaceFace

Enum to describe the position of the BoundarySurface respectively to the frame orientatin of the volume, this is mainly ment for code readability.

The different numeration sequences can be found in the documentation of the actual VolumeBounds implementations.

The order of faces is chosen to follow - as much as possible - a cycular structure.


enumerator negativeFaceXY
enumerator positiveFaceXY
enumerator negativeFaceYZ
enumerator positiveFaceYZ
enumerator negativeFaceZX
enumerator positiveFaceZX
enumerator cylinderCover
enumerator tubeInnerCover
enumerator tubeOuterCover
enumerator tubeSectorNegativePhi
enumerator tubeSectorPositivePhi
enumerator tubeSectorInnerCover
enumerator tubeSectorOuterCover
enumerator trapezoidFaceAlpha
enumerator trapezoidFaceBeta
enumerator index0
enumerator index1
enumerator index2
enumerator index3
enumerator index4
enumerator index5
enumerator index6
enumerator index7
enumerator index8
enumerator index9
enumerator index10
enumerator index11
enumerator undefinedFace
enum BoundIndices

Components of a bound track parameters vector.

To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers. This must be a regular enum and not a scoped enum class to allow implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly in namespace Acts and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.


enumerator eBoundLoc0
enumerator eBoundLoc1
enumerator eBoundPhi
enumerator eBoundTheta
enumerator eBoundQOverP
enumerator eBoundTime
enumerator eBoundSize
enum CombinatorialKalmanFilterError


enumerator UpdateFailed
enumerator SmoothFailed
enumerator OutputConversionFailed
enumerator MeasurementSelectionFailed
enumerator PropagationReachesMaxSteps
enum CoordinateIndices

Components of coordinate vectors.

To be used to access coordinate components by named indices instead of magic numbers. This must be a regular enum and not a scoped enum class to allow implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly in namespace Acts.

This index enum is not user-configurable (in contrast e.g. to the track parameter index enums) since it must be compatible with varying dimensionality (2d-4d) and other access methods (.{x,y,z}() accessors).


enumerator ePos0
enumerator ePos1
enumerator ePos2
enumerator eTime
enumerator eMom0
enumerator eMom1
enumerator eMom2
enumerator eEnergy
enumerator eX
enumerator eY
enumerator eZ
enum DelegateType

Ownership enum for Delegate.


enumerator Owning
enumerator NonOwning
enum EigenStepperError


enumerator StepSizeStalled
enumerator StepInvalid
enumerator StepSizeAdjustmentFailed
enum FinalReductionMethod

Available reduction methods for the reduction in the boundState and curvilinearState member functions of the MultiEigenStepperLoop.


enumerator eMean
enumerator eMaxWeight
enum FreeIndices

Components of a free track parameters vector.

To be used to access components by named indices instead of just numbers. This must be a regular enum and not a scoped enum class to allow implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly in namespace Acts and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.


enumerator eFreePos0
enumerator eFreePos1
enumerator eFreePos2
enumerator eFreeTime
enumerator eFreeDir0
enumerator eFreeDir1
enumerator eFreeDir2
enumerator eFreeQOverP
enumerator eFreeSize
enum IntersectionStatus

Status enum.


enumerator missed
enumerator unreachable
enumerator reachable
enumerator onSurface
enum KalmanFitterError


enumerator ForwardUpdateFailed
enumerator BackwardUpdateFailed
enumerator SmoothFailed
enumerator OutputConversionFailed
enumerator NoMeasurementFound
enumerator ReverseNavigationFailed
enum LayerType

For code readability, it distinguishes between different type of layers, which steers the behaviour in the navigation.


enumerator navigation
enumerator passive
enumerator active
enum MagneticFieldError


enumerator OutOfBounds
enum MappingType

This enum describes the type of surface material mapping.


enumerator PreMapping
enumerator Default
enumerator PostMapping
enumerator Sensor
enum MaterialUpdateStage

This is a steering enum to tell which material update stage:

  • PreUpdate : update on approach of a surface

  • FullUpdate : update when passing a surface

  • PostUpdate : update when leaving a surface


enumerator PreUpdate
enumerator FullUpdate
enumerator PostUpdate
enum MultiStepperError


enumerator ComponentNotOnSurface
enumerator StateOfMultipleComponentsRequested
enumerator AverageTrackLeftCurrentVolume
enumerator AllComponentsSteppingError
enumerator AllComponentsConversionToBoundFailed
enumerator SomeComponentsConversionToBoundFailed
enum NavigationDirection

The navigation direction is always with respect to a given momentum or direction.


enumerator Backward
enumerator Forward
enum NoiseUpdateMode

to tell how to deal with noise term in covariance transport

  • removeNoise: subtract noise term

  • addNoise: add noise term


enumerator removeNoise
enumerator addNoise
enum PdgParticle

Symbolic values for commonly used PDG particle numbers.


enumerator eInvalid
enumerator eElectron
enumerator eAntiElectron
enumerator ePositron
enumerator eMuon
enumerator eAntiMuon
enumerator eTau
enumerator eAntiTau
enumerator eGamma
enumerator ePionZero
enumerator ePionPlus
enumerator ePionMinus
enumerator eNeutron
enumerator eAntiNeutron
enumerator eProton
enumerator eAntiProton
enum PropagatorError


enumerator Failure
enumerator WrongDirection
enumerator StepCountLimitReached
enum SurfaceError


enumerator GlobalPositionNotOnSurface
enum TrackStateFlag

This enum describes the type of TrackState.


enumerator MeasurementFlag
enumerator ParameterFlag
enumerator OutlierFlag
enumerator HoleFlag
enumerator MaterialFlag
enumerator SharedHitFlag
enumerator NumTrackStateFlags
enum TrackStatePropMask

Collection of bit masks to enable steering which components of a track state should be initialized, and which should be left invalid.

These mask values can be combined using binary operators, so (TrackStatePropMask::Predicted | TrackStatePropMask::Jacobian) will instruct allocating storage for both predicted parameters (including covariance) and a jacobian. The enum is used as a strong type wrapper around the bits to prevent autoconversion from integer


enumerator None
enumerator Predicted
enumerator Filtered
enumerator Smoothed
enumerator Jacobian
enumerator Calibrated
enumerator All
enum VertexingError


enumerator NumericFailure
enumerator EmptyInput
enumerator SeedingError
enumerator NotConverged
enumerator ElementNotFound
enumerator NoCovariance
enum WrappingCondition


enumerator Undefined

inconsistency detected

enumerator Attaching

attach the volumes

enumerator Inserting

insert the new volume

enumerator Wrapping

wrap the new volume around

enumerator CentralInserting

insert the new one into the center

enumerator CentralWrapping

wrap the new central volume around

enumerator NoWrapping

no inner volume present - no wrapping needed


void addCylinderLayerProtoMaterial(dd4hep::DetElement detElement, Layer &cylinderLayer, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger())

Helper method to translate DD4hep material to Acts::ISurfaceMaterial.

This is used to assign proto material to Cylinder Layers

  • detElement – the DD4hep detector element for which this material is assigned

  • cylinderLayer – is the target layer

  • logger – a Logger for output

void addDiscLayerProtoMaterial(dd4hep::DetElement detElement, Layer &discLayer, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger())

Helper method to translate DD4hep material to Acts::ISurfaceMaterial.

Thisis used to assign proto material to Disc Layers

  • detElement – the DD4hep detector element for which this material is assigned

  • discLayer – is the target layer

  • logger – a Logger for output

void addLayerProtoMaterial(const dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters &params, Layer &layer, const std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, Acts::BinningOption>> &binning, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger())

Helper method to be called for Cylinder and Disc Proto material.

For both, cylinder and disc, the closed binning value is “binPhi”

  • params – An instance of DD4hep::VariantParameters

  • layer – the Layer to assign the proto material

  • binning – the Binning prescription for the ActsExtension

  • logger – a Logger for output

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const CylinderVolumeBounds &cBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of cylinder volume bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • cBounds – the Cylinder volume bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const RadialBounds &rBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of radial bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • rBounds – the Radial bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const CylinderBounds &cBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of cylinder bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • cBounds – the Cylinder bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds &cBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of cutout cylinder volume bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • cBounds – the Cutout Cylinder volume bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const RectangleBounds &pBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of plane bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • pBounds – the Rectangle bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const CuboidVolumeBounds &cBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of cuboid volume bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • cBounds – the Cuboid volume bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const TrapezoidBounds &pBounds, const Transform3 &transform)

adjust the BinUtility bu to the dimensions of plane bounds

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • pBounds – the Trapezoid bounds to adjust to

  • transform – Transform for the adjusted BinUtility


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const Volume &volume)

adjust the BinUtility bu to a volume

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • volume – Volume to which the adjustment is being done


new updated BinUtiltiy

BinUtility adjustBinUtility(const BinUtility &bu, const Surface &surface, const GeometryContext &gctx)

adjust the BinUtility bu to a surface

  • bu – BinUtility at source

  • surface – Surface to which the adjustment is being done

  • gctx – Geometry context to get the surfaces transform


new updated BinUtiltiy

inline const std::vector<std::string> &binningValueNames()

screen output option

template<typename MatrixType>
MatrixType bitsetToMatrix(const std::bitset<MatrixType::RowsAtCompileTime * MatrixType::ColsAtCompileTime> bs)

Convert a bitset to a matrix of integers, with each element set to the bit value.


How the bits are assigned to matrix elements depends on the storage type of the matrix being converted (row-major or col-major)

Template Parameters

MatrixType – Matrix type that is produced


bs – The bitset to convert


A matrix with the integer values of the bits from bs

template<typename A, typename B>
inline ActsMatrix<A::RowsAtCompileTime, B::ColsAtCompileTime> blockedMult(const A &a, const B &b)

Perform a blocked matrix multiplication, avoiding Eigen GEMM methods.

Template Parameters
  • A – The type of the first matrix, which should be MxN

  • B – The type of the second matrix, which should be NxP

  • a[in] An MxN matrix of type A

  • b[in] An NxP matrix of type P


The product ab

template<typename T, typename U>
T clampValue(U value)

Clamp a numeric value to another type, respecting range of the target type.

Template Parameters
  • T – the target type

  • U – the source type


value – the value to clamp


the clamped value

void collectCompounds_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement &detElement, std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> &compounds)

Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector to collect all volumes of a compound detector.

  • detElement[in] the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the compounds should be collected

  • compounds[out] the DD4hep::DetElements of the compounds contained by detElement

void collectLayers_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement &detElement, std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> &layers, const Logger &logger)

Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector.

  • detElement[in] the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the layers should be collected

  • layers[out] the DD4hep::DetElements of the layers contained by detElement

  • logger – a Logger for output

void collectSubDetectors_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement &detElement, std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> &subdetectors, const Logger &logger)

Method internally used by convertDD4hepDetector to collect all sub detectors Sub detector means each ‘compound’ DetElement or DetElements which are declared as ‘isBarrel’ or ‘isBeampipe’ by their extension.

  • detElement[in] the dd4hep::DetElement of the volume of which the sub detectors should be collected

  • subdetectors[out] the DD4hep::DetElements of the sub detectors contained by detElement

  • logger – a Logger for output

float computeEnergyLossBethe(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the mean energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) through a material with the given properties, i.e. it computes

-dE(x) = -dE/dx * x

where -dE/dx is given by the Bethe formula. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeEnergyLossLandau(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the most propable energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

Compute the mean energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) through a material with the given properties, i.e. it computes

-dE(x) = -dE/dx * x

where -dE/dx is given by the Bethe formula. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

This computes the most probable energy loss -dE(x) through a material of the given properties and thickness as described by the mode of the Landau-Vavilov-Bichsel distribution. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeEnergyLossLandauSigma(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the Gaussian-equivalent sigma for the ionisation loss fluctuations.

This is the sigma paramter of a Gaussian distribution with the same full-width-half-maximum as the Landau-Vavilov-Bichsel distribution. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

See also

computeEnergyLossBethe for parameters description

float computeEnergyLossLandauSigmaQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute q/p Gaussian-equivalent sigma due to ionisation loss fluctuations.

Compute the mean energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) through a material with the given properties, i.e. it computes

-dE(x) = -dE/dx * x

where -dE/dx is given by the Bethe formula. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeEnergyLossMean(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the combined mean energy loss.

This computes the combined mean energy loss -dE(x) including ionisation and radiative effects. The computations are valid over a wide range of particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeEnergyLossMode(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the combined most probably energy loss.

Compute the combined mean energy loss.

This computes the combined mean energy loss -dE(x) including ionisation and radiative effects. The computations are valid over a wide range of particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeEnergyLossRadiative(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the mean energy loss due to radiative effects at high energies.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) using an approximative formula. Bremsstrahlung is always included; direct e+e- pair production and photo-nuclear interactions only for muons.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float computeMultipleScatteringTheta0(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Compute the core width of the projected planar scattering distribution.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> convertDD4hepDetector(dd4hep::DetElement worldDetElement, Logging::Level loggingLevel = Logging::Level::INFO, BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant, BinningType bTypeR = equidistant, BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant, double layerEnvelopeR = UnitConstants::mm, double layerEnvelopeZ = UnitConstants::mm, double defaultLayerThickness = UnitConstants::fm, const std::function<void(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> &detectors)> &sortSubDetectors = sortDetElementsByID, const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext(), std::shared_ptr<const IMaterialDecorator> matDecorator = nullptr, std::shared_ptr<const GeometryIdentifierHook> geometryIdentifierHook = std::make_shared<GeometryIdentifierHook>())

Global method which creates the TrackingGeometry from DD4hep input.

This method returns a std::unique_ptr of the TrackingGeometry from the World DD4hep DetElement.


The default thickness should be set thin enough that no touching or overlapping with the next layer can happen.


Possible binningtypes:

  • arbitrary - of the sizes if the surfaces and the distance inbetween vary. This mode finds out the bin boundaries by scanning through the surfaces.

  • equidistant - if the sensitive surfaces are placed equidistantly


equidistant binningtype is recommended because it is faster not only while building the geometry but also for look up during the extrapolation


Layers containing surfaces per default are not allowed to be attached to each other (navigation will fail at this point). However, to allow material layers (not containing surfaces) to be attached to each other, this default thickness is needed. In this way, the layer will be thin (with space to the next layer), but the material will have the’real’ thickness.

  • worldDetElement[in] the DD4hep DetElement of the world

  • loggingLevel[in] is the debug logging level of the conversion and geometry building

  • bTypePhi[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in phi direction.

  • bTypeR[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in r direction

  • bTypeZ[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in z direction

  • layerEnvelopeR[in] the tolerance added to the geometrical extension in r of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around

  • layerEnvelopeZ[in] the tolerance added to the geometrical extension in z of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around

  • defaultLayerThickness[in] In case no surfaces (to be contained by the layer) are handed over, the layer thickness will be set to this value

  • sortSubDetectors[in] std::function which should be used in order to sort all sub detectors (=all Detelements collected by the method collectSubDetectors() ) from bottom to top to ensure correct wrapping of the volumes, which is needed for navigation. Therefore the different hierachies need to be sorted ascending. The default is sorting by ID.

  • gctx – The geometry context to use

  • matDecorator – is the material decorator that loads material maps

  • geometryIdentifierHook – Hook to apply to surfaces during geometry closure.


std::logic_error – if an error in the translation occurs


Before using this method make sure, that the preconditions described in DD4hepPlugins are met.


std::unique_ptr to the full TrackingGeometry * The Tracking geometry needs to be built from bottom to top to ensure Navigation. Therefore the different hierachies need to be sorted ascending. Per default the sub detectors are sorted by the id of their dd4hep::DetElement. In case another sorting needs to be applied, the users can provide their own function

Grid2D createGrid(MaterialGridAxisData gridAxis1, MaterialGridAxisData gridAxis2)

Helper method that creates the cache grid for the mapping.

This grid allows the collection of material at a the anchor points.


The data of the axes is given in the std::array as {minimum value, maximum value, number of bins}

  • gridAxis1[in] Axis data

  • gridAxis2[in] Axis data


The grid

Grid3D createGrid(MaterialGridAxisData gridAxis1, MaterialGridAxisData gridAxis2, MaterialGridAxisData gridAxis3)

Helper method that creates the cache grid for the mapping.

This grid allows the collection of material at a the anchor points.


The data of the axes is given in the std::array as {minimum value, maximum value, number of bins}

  • gridAxis1[in] Axis data

  • gridAxis2[in] Axis data

  • gridAxis3[in] Axis data


The grid

Grid2D createGrid2D(const BinUtility &bins, std::function<Acts::Vector2(Acts::Vector3)> &transfoGlobalToLocal)

Create a 2DGrid using a BinUtility.

Also determine the coresponding global to local transform and grid mapping function

  • bins[in] BinUtility of the volume to be mapped

  • transfoGlobalToLocal[in] Global to local transform to be updated.


the 3D grid

Grid3D createGrid3D(const BinUtility &bins, std::function<Acts::Vector3(Acts::Vector3)> &transfoGlobalToLocal)

Create a 3DGrid using a BinUtility.

Also determine the coresponding global to local transform and grid mapping function

  • bins[in] BinUtility of the volume to be mapped

  • transfoGlobalToLocal[in] Global to local transform to be updated.


the 3D grid

std::shared_ptr<Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial> createProtoMaterial(const dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters &params, const std::string &valueTag, const std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, Acts::BinningOption>> &binning, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger())

Helper method to create proto material - to be called from the addProto(…) methods.

  • params – An instance of DD4hep::VariantParameters

  • valueTag – the xml tag for to ActsExtension to be parsed

  • binning – the Binning prescription for the ActsExtension

  • logger – a Logger for output

std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeHelper> cylinderVolumeHelper_dd4hep(Logging::Level loggingLevel = Logging::Level::INFO)

Helper method internally used to create a default Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder.

template<class T, class decorator_t>
void decorateJson([[maybe_unused]] const decorator_t *decorator, [[maybe_unused]] const T &src, [[maybe_unused]] nlohmann::json &dest)
template<class T, class decorator_t>
void decorateJson([[maybe_unused]] const decorator_t *decorator, [[maybe_unused]] const T *src, [[maybe_unused]] nlohmann::json &dest)
float deriveEnergyLossBetheQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Derivative of the Bethe energy loss with respect to q/p.

Compute the mean energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) through a material with the given properties, i.e. it computes

-dE(x) = -dE/dx * x

where -dE/dx is given by the Bethe formula. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float deriveEnergyLossLandauQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Derivative of the most probable ionisation energy loss with respect to q/p.

Compute the mean energy loss due to ionisation and excitation.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) through a material with the given properties, i.e. it computes

-dE(x) = -dE/dx * x

where -dE/dx is given by the Bethe formula. The computations are valid for intermediate particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float deriveEnergyLossMeanQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Derivative of the combined mean energy loss with respect to q/p.

Compute the combined mean energy loss.

This computes the combined mean energy loss -dE(x) including ionisation and radiative effects. The computations are valid over a wide range of particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float deriveEnergyLossModeQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Derivative of the combined most probable energy loss with respect to q/p.

Compute the combined mean energy loss.

This computes the combined mean energy loss -dE(x) including ionisation and radiative effects. The computations are valid over a wide range of particle energies.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

float deriveEnergyLossRadiativeQOverP(const MaterialSlab &slab, int pdg, float m, float qOverP, float q = UnitConstants::e)

Derivative of the mean radiative energy loss with respect to q/p.

Compute the mean energy loss due to radiative effects at high energies.

This computes the mean energy loss -dE(x) using an approximative formula. Bremsstrahlung is always included; direct e+e- pair production and photo-nuclear interactions only for muons.

  • slab – The traversed material and its properties

  • pdg – Particle type PDG identifier

  • m – Particle mass

  • qOverP – Particle charge divided by absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge, only the magnitude is considered

inline constexpr NavigationDirection directionFromIndex(size_t index)

Convert and ndex [0,1] to a navigation direction for sorting in std::array<T,2u>

returns either 0 or 1


index – is the navigation direction at input

inline constexpr NavigationDirection directionFromStepSize(ActsScalar value)

This turns a signed value into a navigation direction.


value – is the signed value


a navigation direciton enum

template<typename container_type, typename container_type_iter = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<container_type>())), typename = decltype(std::end(std::declval<container_type>()))>
constexpr auto enumerate(container_type &&iterable)

Helper utility to allow indexed enumeration with structured binding.


for (auto [ i, value ] = enumerate(container) ) { … };

with ‘container’ any stl-like container

template<typename spacepoint_iterator_t>
std::optional<BoundVector> estimateTrackParamsFromSeed(spacepoint_iterator_t spBegin, spacepoint_iterator_t spEnd)

Estimate the track parameters on the xy plane from at least three space points.

It assumes the trajectory projection on the xy plane is a circle, i.e. the magnetic field is along global z-axis.

The method is based on V. Karimaki NIM A305 (1991) 187-191:

  • no weights are used in Karimaki’s fit; d0 is the distance of the point of closest approach to the origin, 1/R is the curvature, phi is the angle of the direction propagation (counter clockwise as positive) at the point of cloest approach.

Template Parameters

spacepoint_iterator_t – The type of space point iterator

  • spBegin – is the begin iterator for the space points

  • spEnd – is the end iterator for the space points


optional bound track parameters with the estimated d0, phi and 1/R stored with the indices, eBoundLoc0, eBoundPhi and eBoundQOverP, respectively. The bound parameters with other indices are set to zero.

template<typename spacepoint_iterator_t>
std::optional<BoundVector> estimateTrackParamsFromSeed(const GeometryContext &gctx, spacepoint_iterator_t spBegin, spacepoint_iterator_t spEnd, const Surface &surface, const Vector3 &bField, ActsScalar bFieldMin, ActsScalar mass = 139.57018 * UnitConstants::MeV)

Estimate the full track parameters from three space points.

This method is based on the conformal map transformation. It estimates the full bound track parameters, i.e. (loc0, loc1, phi, theta, q/p, t) at the bottom space point. The bottom space is assumed to be the first element in the range defined by the iterators. It must lie on the surface provided for the representation of the bound track parameters. The magnetic field (which might be along any direction) is also necessary for the momentum estimation.

It resembles the method used in ATLAS for the track parameters estimated from seed, i.e. the function InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk::getAtaPlane here:

Template Parameters

spacepoint_iterator_t – The type of space point iterator

  • gctx – is the geometry context

  • spBegin – is the begin iterator for the space points

  • spEnd – is the end iterator for the space points

  • surface – is the surface of the bottom space point. The estimated bound track parameters will be represented also at this surface

  • bField – is the magnetic field vector

  • bFieldMin – is the minimum magnetic field required to trigger the estimation of q/pt

  • mass – is the estimated particle mass


optional bound parameters

Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap<Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::Vector2, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis>> fieldMapRZ(const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ)> &localToGlobalBin, std::vector<double> rPos, std::vector<double> zPos, std::vector<Acts::Vector2> bField, double lengthUnit = UnitConstants::mm, double BFieldUnit = UnitConstants::T, bool firstQuadrant = false)

Method to setup the FieldMap.

e.g.: we have small grid with the values: r={2,3}, z ={4,5}, the corresponding indices are i (belonging to r) and j (belonging to z), the globalIndex is M (belonging to the value of the magnetic field B(r,z)) and the field map is:































In this case the function would look like:
[](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
   return ( * +;


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The function localToGlobalBin determines how the magnetic field was stored in the vector in respect to the grid values


If firstQuadrant is true will create a field that is symmetric for all quadrants. e.g. we have the grid values r={0,1} with BFieldValues={2,3} on the r axis. If the flag is set to true the r-axis grid values will be set to {-1,0,1} and the BFieldValues will be set to {3,2,3}.

  • localToGlobalBin – Function mapping the local bins of r,z to the global bin of the map magnetic field value

  • rPos[in] Values of the grid points in r

  • zPos[in] Values of the grid points in z

  • bField[in] The magnetic field values inr r and z for all given grid points stored in a vector

  • lengthUnit[in] The unit of the grid points

  • BFieldUnit[in] The unit of the magnetic field

  • firstQuadrant[in] Flag if set to true indicating that only the first quadrant of the grid points and the BField values has been given.


A field map instance for use in interpolation.

Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap<Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::Vector3, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis>> fieldMapXYZ(const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ)> &localToGlobalBin, std::vector<double> xPos, std::vector<double> yPos, std::vector<double> zPos, std::vector<Acts::Vector3> bField, double lengthUnit = UnitConstants::mm, double BFieldUnit = UnitConstants::T, bool firstOctant = false)

Method to setup the FieldMap.

e.g.: we have small grid with the values: x={2,3}, y={3,4}, z ={4,5}, the corresponding indices are i (belonging to x), j (belonging to y) and k (belonging to z), the globalIndex is M (belonging to the value of the magnetic field B(x,y,z)) and the field map is:









































































In this case the function would look like:
[](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
  return ( * ( *
       + *


The grid point values xPos, yPos and zPos do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The function localToGlobalBin determines how the magnetic field was stored in the vector in respect to the grid values


If firstOctant is true, the function will assume a symmetrical field for all quadrants. e.g. we have the grid values z={0,1} with BFieldValues={2,3} on the r axis. If the flag is set to true the z-axis grid values will be set to {-1,0,1} and the BFieldValues will be set to {3,2,3}.

  • localToGlobalBin – Function mapping the local bins of x,y,z to the global bin of the map magnetic field value

  • xPos[in] Values of the grid points in x

  • yPos[in] Values of the grid points in y

  • zPos[in] Values of the grid points in z

  • bField[in] The magnetic field values inr r and z for all given grid points stored in a vector

  • lengthUnit[in] The unit of the grid points

  • BFieldUnit[in] The unit of the magnetic field

  • firstOctant[in] Flag if set to true indicating that only the first octant of the grid points and the BField values has been given.


A field map instance for use in interpolation.

void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, Transform3 &t)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, Extent &e)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, ProtoVolume &pv)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, BinningData &bd)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, ProtoDetector &pd)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, Material &t)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, BinUtility &bu)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, MaterialSlab &t)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, MaterialSlabMatrix &t)
template<typename Type>
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, Range1D<Type> &r)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, volumeMaterialPointer &material)
void from_json(const nlohmann::json &j, surfaceMaterialPointer &material)
inline std::unique_ptr<GenericCuboidVolumeBounds> genericVolumeBoundsFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)
std::unique_ptr<const Logger> getDefaultLogger(const std::string &name, const Logging::Level &lvl, std::ostream *log_stream = &std::cout)

get default debug output logger

This function returns a pointer to a Logger instance with the following decorations enabled:

  • time stamps

  • name of logging instance

  • debug level

  • name[in] name of the logger instance

  • lvl[in] debug threshold level

  • log_stream[in] output stream used for printing debug messages


pointer to logging instance

const Logger &getDummyLogger()
template<typename T>
T getParam(const std::string &key, dd4hep::DetElement &elt)

Helper function to extract a parameter value from a dd4hep detector element from VariantParameters.

Template Parameters

T – The value type

  • key – The key of the value to extract

  • elt – The detector element instance


A copy of the value contained in the params instance

template<typename T>
T getParamOr(const std::string &key, const dd4hep::DetElement &elt, T alternative)

Get a parameter value or an alternative value if either the VariantParameters extension isn’t set, or it doesn’t contain the demanded key.

Template Parameters

T – The value type

  • key – The key of the value to extract

  • elt – The detector element instance

  • alternative – The value to return if no params are set of the key doesn’t exist


The value behind key, or alternative

inline dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters &getParams(dd4hep::DetElement &elt)

Helper function to extract a VariantParameters instance.


elt – The detector element instance


The VariantParameters instance

inline const dd4hep::rec::VariantParameters &getParams(const dd4hep::DetElement &elt)

Helper function to extract a VariantParameters instance, const version.


elt – The detector element instance


The VariantParameters instance

std::function<double(Acts::Vector3)> globalToLocalFromBin(Acts::BinningValue &type)

return a function that return the coordinate corresponding to type of bin


type[in] Type of bin


a coordinate transform function

constexpr HashedString hashString(std::string_view s)
inline bool hasParam(const std::string &key, dd4hep::DetElement &elt)

Check if a detector element has a key set in its VariantParameters.

  • key – The key to check existance for

  • elt – The detector element instance


True if the element has VariantParameters and the key exists, false if either of these is not true

inline bool hasParams(dd4hep::DetElement &elt)

Check if a detector element has VariantParameters set.


elt – The detector element instance


True if the VariantParameters exist, false if not

inline constexpr size_t indexFromDirection(NavigationDirection nDir)

Convert navigation dir to index [0,1] which allows to store direction dependent objects in std::array<T,2u>

returns either 0 or 1


nDir – is the navigation direction at input

template<typename T, size_t N, class Point1, class Point2 = Point1, class Point3 = Point2, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::can_interpolate<Point1, Point2, Point3, T>::value>>
inline T interpolate(const Point1 &position, const Point2 &lowerCorner, const Point3 &upperCorner, const std::array<T, N> &values)

performs linear interpolation inside a hyper box


  • Given U and V of value type T as well as two double a and b, then the following must be a valid expression a * U + b * V yielding an object which is (implicitly) convertible to T.

  • All Point types must represent d-dimensional positions and support coordinate access using operator[] which should return a double (or a value which is implicitly convertible). Coordinate indices must start at 0.

  • N is the number of hyper box corners which is \(2^d\) where \(d\) is the dimensionality of the hyper box. The dimensionality must be consistent with the provided Point types.

  • Definition of the canonical order for sorting the field values: The hyper box corners are numbered according to the following scheme. Each corner is defined by the set of lower/upper boundary limits in each dimension i. This can be represented by a binary code (from left to right) where a 0 stands for a lower bound along this axis and a 1

    stand for the upper bound along this axis. The left most bit corresponds to the first dimension and the bits to the left correspond to the 2nd, 3rd… dimension. The binary code can be interpreted as integer which gives the number of the corresponding hyper box corner. The field values are ordered according to ascending hyper box corner numbers.

    As an example assume we have a 3D box with

    lowerCorner = (1,2,3) and upperCorner = (4,5,6). The eight corners with their bit patterns and corner numbers are:
    • (1,2,3): 000 = 0

    • (1,2,6): 001 = 1

    • (1,5,3): 010 = 2

    • (1,5,6): 011 = 3

    • (4,2,3): 100 = 4

    • (4,2,6): 101 = 5

    • (4,5,3): 110 = 6

    • (4,5,6): 111 = 7

Template Parameters
  • T – type of values to be interpolated

  • N – number of hyper box corners

  • Point1 – type specifying geometric positions

  • Point2 – type specifying geometric positions

  • Point3 – type specifying geometric positions

  • position[in] position to which to interpolate

  • lowerCorner[in] generalized lower-left corner of hyper box (containing the minima of the hyper box along each dimension)

  • upperCorner[in] generalized upper-right corner of hyper box (containing the maxima of the hyper box along each dimension)

  • values[in] field values at the hyper box corners sorted in the canonical order defined below.


interpolated value at given position


position must describe a position inside the given hyper box, that is \(\text{lowerCorner}[i] \le \text{position}[i] \le \text{upperCorner}[i] \quad \forall i=0, \dots, d-1\).

inline constexpr NavigationDirection invertDirection(NavigationDirection nDir)

Invert a navigation direction enum.

return an opposite navigation direction


nDir – is the navigation direction at input

std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::MagneticFieldError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::SurfaceError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(EigenStepperError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::PropagatorError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::CombinatorialKalmanFilterError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::MultiStepperError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::KalmanFitterError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(Acts::VertexingError e)
template<typename box_t>
box_t *make_octree(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<box_t>> &store, const std::vector<box_t*> &prims, size_t max_depth = 1, typename box_t::value_type envelope1 = 0)

Build an octree from a list of bounding boxes.


store and prims do not need to contain the same objects. store is only used to pass ownership back to the caller while preserving memory location.

Template Parameters

box_t – Works will all box types.

  • store – Owns the created boxes by means of std::unique_ptr.

  • prims – Boxes to store. This is a read only vector.

  • max_depth – No subdivisions beyond this level.

  • envelope1 – Envelope to add/subtract to dimensions in all directions.


Pointer to the top most bounding box, containing the entire octree

inline constexpr PdgParticle makeAbsolutePdgParticle(PdgParticle pdg)

Convert an anti-particle to its particle and leave particles as-is.

template<typename InputVector>
inline auto makeCurvilinearUnitU(const Eigen::MatrixBase<InputVector> &direction)

Construct the first curvilinear unit vector U for the given direction.

The special case of the direction vector pointing along the z-axis is handled by forcing the unit vector to along the x-axis.


direction – is the input direction vector


a normalized vector in the x-y plane orthogonal to the direction.

template<typename InputVector>
inline auto makeCurvilinearUnitVectors(const Eigen::MatrixBase<InputVector> &direction)

Construct the curvilinear unit vectors U and V for the given direction.

With T the normalized input direction, the three vectors U, V, and T form an orthonormal basis set, i.e. they satisfy

U x V = T
V x T = U
T x U = V

with the additional condition that U is located in the global x-y plane.


direction – is the input direction vector


normalized unit vectors U and V orthogonal to the direction.

template<typename T>
inline Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> makeDirectionUnitFromPhiEta(T phi, T eta)

Construct a normalized direction vector from phi angle and pseudorapidity.


The input arguments intentionally use the same template type so that a compile error occurs if inconsistent input types are used. Avoids unexpected implicit type conversions and forces the user to explicitely cast mismatched input types.

  • phi – is the direction angle in the x-y plane.

  • eta – is the pseudorapidity towards the z-axis.

template<typename T>
inline Eigen::Matrix<T, 3, 1> makeDirectionUnitFromPhiTheta(T phi, T theta)

Construct a normalized direction vector from phi and theta angle.


The input arguments intentionally use the same template type so that a compile error occurs if inconsistent input types are used. Avoids unexpected implicit type conversions and forces the user to explicitely cast mismatched input types.

  • phi – is the direction angle in radian in the x-y plane.

  • theta – is the polar angle in radian towards the z-axis.

template<typename parameters_t, typename covariance_t, typename indices_t, typename ...tail_indices_t>
auto makeMeasurement(SourceLink source, const Eigen::MatrixBase<parameters_t> &params, const Eigen::MatrixBase<covariance_t> &cov, indices_t index0, tail_indices_t... tailIndices) -> Measurement<indices_t, 1u + sizeof...(tail_indices_t)>

Construct a fixed-size measurement for the given indices.

This helper function can be used to create a fixed-size measurement using an explicit set of indices, e.g.

auto m = makeMeasurement(s, p, c, eBoundLoc0, eBoundTime);

for a 2d measurement w/ one position and time.


The indices must be ordered and must be consistent with the content of parameters and covariance.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Input parameters vector type

  • covariance_t – Input covariance matrix type

  • indices_t – Parameter index type, determines the full parameter space

  • tail_indices_t – Helper types required to support variadic arguments; all types must be convertibale to indices_t.

  • source – The link that connects to the underlying detector readout

  • params – Measured parameters values

  • cov – Measured parameters covariance

  • index0 – Required parameter index, measurement must be at least 1d

  • tailIndices – Additional parameter indices for larger measurements


Fixed-size measurement w/ the correct type and given inputs

MaterialGrid2D mapMaterialPoints(Grid2D &grid)

Average the material collected in a 2D grid and use it to create a 2D material grid.


grid[in] The material collecting grid coordinate


The average material grid decomposed into classification numbers

MaterialGrid3D mapMaterialPoints(Grid3D &grid)

Average the material collected in a 3D grid and use it to create a 3D material grid.


grid[in] The material collecting grid coordinate


The average material grid decomposed into classification numbers

MaterialMapper<detail::Grid<Material::ParametersVector, detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis>> materialMapperRZ(const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ)> &materialVectorToGridMapper, std::vector<double> rPos, std::vector<double> zPos, const std::vector<Acts::Material> &material, double lengthUnit = UnitConstants::mm)

Method to setup the MaterialMapper.

e.g.: we have small grid with the values: r={2,3}, z ={4,5}, the corresponding indices are i (belonging to r) and j (belonging to z), the globalIndex is M (belonging to the values of the Material) and the map is:


























In this case the function would look like:
[](std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ, std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ) {
   return ( * +;


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The function localToGlobalBin determines how the material was stored in the vector in respect to the grid values

  • materialVectorToGridMapper[in] Function mapping the vector of material to the map of material values

  • rPos[in] Values of the grid points in r

  • zPos[in] Values of the grid points in z

  • material[in] The material classification values in r and z for all given grid points stored in a vector

  • lengthUnit[in] The unit of the grid points

MaterialMapper<detail::Grid<Material::ParametersVector, detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis>> materialMapperXYZ(const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ)> &materialVectorToGridMapper, std::vector<double> xPos, std::vector<double> yPos, std::vector<double> zPos, const std::vector<Material> &material, double lengthUnit = UnitConstants::mm)

Method to setup the MaterialMapper.

e.g.: we have small grid with the values: x={2,3}, y={3,4}, z ={4,5}, the corresponding indices are i (belonging to x), j (belonging to y) and k (belonging to z), the globalIndex is M (belonging to the values of the Material) and the map is:
































































In this case the function would look like:
[](std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ, std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ) {
  return ( * ( *
       + *


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The values do not need to be sorted or unique (this will be done inside the function)


The function localToGlobalBin determines how the material was stored in the vector in respect to the grid values

  • materialVectorToGridMapper[in] Function mapping the vector of material to the map of material values

  • xPos[in] Values of the grid points in x

  • yPos[in] Values of the grid points in y

  • zPos[in] Values of the grid points in z

  • material[in] The material classification values in x, y and z for all given grid points stored in a vector

  • lengthUnit[in] The unit of the grid points

template<typename Derived>
auto matrixToBitset(const Eigen::PlainObjectBase<Derived> &m)

Convert an integer matrix to a bitset.


How the bits are ordered depends on the storage type of the matrix being converted (row-major or col-major)

Template Parameters

Derived – Eigen base concrete type


m – Matrix that is converted


The converted bitset.

inline bool operator!=(const SurfaceBounds &lhs, const SurfaceBounds &rhs)
inline constexpr auto operator*(NavigationDirection dir, int value)
inline constexpr auto operator*(NavigationDirection dir, float value)
inline constexpr auto operator*(NavigationDirection dir, double value)
inline Acts::Vector3 operator*(NavigationDirection dir, const Acts::Vector3 &value)
inline constexpr auto operator*(int value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline constexpr auto operator*(float value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline constexpr auto operator*(double value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline Acts::Vector3 operator*(const Acts::Vector3 &value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline constexpr auto operator*=(int &value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline constexpr auto operator*=(float &value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline constexpr auto operator*=(double &value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline Acts::Vector3 &operator*=(Acts::Vector3 &value, NavigationDirection dir)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, IntersectionStatus status)

Ostream-operator for the IntersectionStatus enum.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, TrackStatePropMask mask)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PdgParticle pdg)

Print PDG particle numbers with a descriptive name.


This is a bit hacky since it modifies the namespace of another library (ActsCore). Since the core library does not need to contain the full particle data table, it can only be defined here. It also only extends the output and should not have any side effects. We are probably fine.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, BoundarySurfaceFace &face)
template<typename T, size_t D>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Ray<T, D> &ray)

Overload of the outstream operator.

  • os – The out stream

  • ray – The ray to write to os


The outstream given in os

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sl, const GlueVolumesDescriptor &gvd)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const MaterialSlab &materialSlab)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, NavigationDirection navDir)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const SurfaceBounds &sb)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const IVisualization3D &hlp)

Overload of the << operator to facilitate writing to streams.

  • os – The output stream

  • hlp – The helper instance

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Material &material)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sl, const Volume &vol)

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, GeometryIdentifier id)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sl, const VolumeBounds &vb)

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, MaterialUpdateStage matUpdate)
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const ConstrainedStep &step)
template<typename indices_t>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const VariantMeasurement<indices_t> &vm)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sl, const Extent &rhs)

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &sl, const BinUtility &bgen)

Overload of << operator for std::ostream for debug output.

template<typename T, typename U, size_t V>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const AxisAlignedBoundingBox<T, U, V> &box)

Overload of the << operator for bounding boxes.

Template Parameters
  • T – entity type

  • U – value type

  • V – dimension

  • os – The output stream

  • box – The bounding box


The given output stream.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::tuple<const Surface&, const GeometryContext&> &tup)

Print surface information to the provided stream.

Internally invokes the surface.toStream(...)-method. This can be easily used e.g. like std::cout << std::tie(surface, geometryContext);

inline bool operator==(const SurfaceBounds &lhs, const SurfaceBounds &rhs)
inline bool operator==(const VolumeBounds &lhs, const VolumeBounds &rhs)
Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap<Acts::detail::Grid<Acts::Vector2, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis, Acts::detail::EquidistantAxis>> solenoidFieldMap(std::pair<double, double> rlim, std::pair<double, double> zlim, std::pair<size_t, size_t> nbins, const SolenoidBField &field)

Function which takes an existing SolenoidBField instance and creates a field mapper by sampling grid points from the analytical solenoid field.

  • rlim – pair of r bounds

  • zlim – pair of z bounds

  • nbins – pair of bin counts

  • field – the solenoid field instance


A field map instance for use in interpolation.

inline void sortDetElementsByID(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> &det)

Sort function which sorts dd4hep::DetElement by their ID.


det[inout] the dd4hep::DetElements to be sorted

template<typename bounds_t>
std::shared_ptr<const bounds_t> surfaceBoundsFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)

Converstion to surfaceBounds from json.

The type is given as a template argument in order to be able to construct the correct fitting types for surfaces.


j – the read-in json object


a shared_ptr to a surface object for type polymorphism

std::shared_ptr<Surface> surfaceFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)

Converstion to Surface from jsonn.


j – the read-in json object


a shared_ptr to a surface object for type polymorphism

template<typename surface_t, typename bounds_t>
std::shared_ptr<surface_t> surfaceFromJsonT(const nlohmann::json &j)

Converstion to Surface from json in correct type.

The type is given as a template argument in order to be able to construct the correct fitting types for surfaces.


j – the read-in json object


a shared_ptr to a typed surface object for type polymorphism

template<template<size_t> class Callable, size_t N, size_t NMAX, typename ...Args>
auto template_switch(size_t v, Args&&... args)

Dispatch a call based on a runtime value on a function taking the value at compile time.

This function allows to write a templated functor, which accepts a size_t like paramater at compile time. It is then possible to make a call to the corresponding instance of the functor based on a runtime value. To achieve this, the function essentially created a if cascade between N and NMAX, attempting to find the right instance. Because the cascade is visible to the compiler entirely, it should be able to optimize.


Callable is expected to have a static member function invoke that is callable with Args

Template Parameters
  • Callable – Type which takes a size_t as a compile time param

  • N – Value from which to start the dispatch chain, i.e. 0 in most cases

  • NMAX – Maximum value up to which to attempt a dispatch

  • v – The runtime value to dispatch on

  • args – Additional arguments passed to Callable::invoke().

template<size_t N, size_t NMAX, typename Lambda, typename ...Args>
auto template_switch_lambda(size_t v, Lambda &&func, Args&&... args)

Alternative version of template_switch which accepts a generic lambda and communicates the dimension via an integral constant type.

Template Parameters
  • N – Value from which to start the dispatch chain, i.e. 0 in most cases

  • NMAX – Maximum value up to which to attempt a dispatch

  • v – The runtime value to dispatch on

  • func – The lambda to invoke

  • args – Additional arguments passed to func

void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Transform3 &t)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Extent &e)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const ProtoVolume &pv)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const BinningData &bd)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const ProtoDetector &pd)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Material &t)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const BinUtility &bu)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const VolumeBounds &bounds)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const GenericCuboidVolumeBounds &bounds)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const SurfaceBounds &bounds)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const TrackingVolumeAndMaterial &volume)

Conversion of a pair of tracking volume and material used for the material mapping.

void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const MaterialSlab &t)
template<typename Type>
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Range1D<Type> &r)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const TrackingVolumePointer &volume)

Conversion of a const pointer on a tracking volume used to write the geometry.

Conversion of a tracking volume.

void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const SurfaceAndMaterialWithContext &surface)

Conversion of a pair of surface and material used for the material mapping.

void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const volumeMaterialPointer &material)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Surface &surface)

Non-contextual conversion of a surface.


it will take the default context

void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const surfaceMaterialPointer &material)
void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const std::shared_ptr<const Surface> &surface)

Non-contextual conversion of a surface.


it will take the default context

void toJson(nlohmann::json &j, const Surface &surface, const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx)

Contextual conversion of a surface.

  • j – the json to be filled

  • surface – the surface to be converted

  • gctx – the geometry context for this

void toJson(nlohmann::json &j, const std::shared_ptr<const Surface> &surface, const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx)

Contextual conversion of a surface.

  • j – the json to be filled

  • surface – the surface to be converted

  • gctx – the geometry context for this

template<typename derived_t>
inline std::string toString(const Eigen::MatrixBase<derived_t> &matrix, int precision = 4, const std::string &offset = "")

Print out a matrix in a structured way.

Template Parameters

derived_t – Type of the matrix

  • matrix – The matrix to print

  • precision – Numeric output precision

  • offset – Offset in front of matrix lines


The printed string

inline std::string toString(const Acts::Translation3 &translation, int precision = 4)

Print out a translation in a structured way.

  • translation – The translation to print

  • precision – Numeric output precision


The printed string

inline std::string toString(const Acts::Transform3 &transform, int precision = 4, const std::string &offset = "")

Print out a transform in a structured way.

  • transform – The transform to print

  • precision – Numeric output precision

  • offset – Offset in front of matrix lines


The printed string

template<typename track_container_t, typename traj_t>
TrackContainer(track_container_t &container, traj_t &traj) -> TrackContainer<track_container_t, traj_t, detail_tc::RefHolder>
template<typename track_container_t, typename traj_t>
TrackContainer(track_container_t &&container, traj_t &&traj) -> TrackContainer<track_container_t, traj_t, detail_tc::ValueHolder>
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
LinCircle transformCoordinates(InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &sp, InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &spM, bool bottom)

Transform two spacepoints to a u-v space circle.

This function is a non-vectorized version of transformCoordinates.

Template Parameters

external_spacepoint_t – The external spacepoint type.

  • sp[in] The first spacepoint to use, either a bottom or top.

  • spM[in] The middle spacepoint to use.

  • bottom[in] Should be true if sp is a bottom SP.

template<typename external_spacepoint_t, typename callable_t>
LinCircle transformCoordinates(external_spacepoint_t &sp, external_spacepoint_t &spM, bool bottom, callable_t &&extractFunction)
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
std::vector<std::size_t> transformCoordinates(std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> &vec, const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &spM, bool bottom, std::vector<LinCircle> &linCircleVec)

Transform a vector of spacepoints to u-v space circles with respect to a given middle spacepoint.

Template Parameters

external_spacepoint_t – The external spacepoint type.

  • vec[in] The list of bottom or top spacepoints

  • spM[in] The middle spacepoint.

  • bottom[in] Should be true if vec are bottom spacepoints.

  • linCircleVec[out] The output vector to write to.


Vector of sorted indexes for the vectors (vec and linCircleVec)

template<typename external_spacepoint_t, typename callable_t>
std::vector<std::size_t> transformCoordinates(std::vector<external_spacepoint_t*> &vec, const external_spacepoint_t &spM, bool bottom, std::vector<LinCircle> &linCircleVec, callable_t &&extractFunction)
std::tuple<VariantCovariance, VariantTransportJacobian> transportCovarianceToBound(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Surface &surface, const FreeVector &parameters, CovarianceCache &cCache)

Transport the covariance to a new (surface) bound definition.

  • gctx – [in] The current geometry context

  • surface – [in] The surface of the bound representation

  • parameters – [in] The free parametrisation on the surface

  • cCache – [in,out] the covariance cache (to be modified)


a variant transport jacobian

std::tuple<VariantCovariance, VariantTransportJacobian> transportCovarianceToCurvilinear(const Vector3 &direction, CovarianceCache &cCache)

Transport the covariance to a new (curvilinear) bound definition.

  • direction – [in] The track direction at the new curvilinear definition

  • cCache – [in,out] the covariance cache (to be modified)

std::tuple<VariantCovariance, VariantTransportJacobian> transportCovarianceToFree(CovarianceCache &cCache)

Transport the covariance to a new free definition.


cCache – [in,out] the covariance cache (to be modified)

template<typename T>
std::vector<const T*> unpack_shared_const_vector(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> &items)

Helper function to unpack a vector of shared_ptr into a vector of raw pointers.

Template Parameters

T – the stored type


items – The vector of shared_ptr


The unpacked vector

template<typename T>
std::vector<T*> unpack_shared_vector(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<T>> &items)

Helper function to unpack a vector of shared_ptr into a vector of raw pointers.

Template Parameters

T – the stored type


items – The vector of shared_ptr


The unpacked vector

template<typename T>
std::vector<const T*> unpack_shared_vector(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const T>> &items)

Helper function to unpack a vector of shared_ptr into a vector of raw pointers (const version)

Template Parameters

T – the stored type


items – The vector of shared_ptr


The unpacked vector

std::unique_ptr<VolumeBounds> unqiueVolumeBoundsFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)

Conversion to surfaceBounds from json.


j – the read-in json object


a shared_ptr to a surface object for type polymorphism

template<typename L, typename A, typename B>
auto visit_measurement(A &&param, B &&cov, size_t dim, L &&lambda)

Dispatch a lambda call on an overallocated parameter vector and covariance matrix, based on a runtime dimension value.

Inside the lambda call, the vector and matrix will have fixed dimensions, but will still point back to the originally given overallocated values.


No requirements on A and B are made, to enable a single overload for both const and non-const matrices/vectors.

Template Parameters
  • L – The lambda type

  • A – The parameter vector type

  • B – The covariance matrix type

  • param – The parameter vector

  • cov – The covariance matrix

  • dim – The actual dimension as a runtime value

  • lambda – The lambda to call with the statically sized subsets

template<typename L>
auto visit_measurement(size_t dim, L &&lambda)

Dispatch a generic lambda on a measurement dimension.

This overload doesn’t assume anything about what is needed inside the lambda, it communicates the dimension via an integral constant type

Template Parameters

L – The generic lambda type to call

  • dim – The runtime dimension of the measurement

  • lambda – The generic lambda instance to call


Returns the lambda return value

template<typename bounds_t>
std::unique_ptr<bounds_t> volumeBoundsFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)

Conversion to surfaceBounds from json.

The type is given as a template argument in order to be able to construct the correct fitting types for surfaces.


j – the read-in json object


a shared_ptr to a surface object for type polymorphism

std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeBuilder> volumeBuilder_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement subDetector, Logging::Level loggingLevel = Logging::Level::INFO, BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant, BinningType bTypeR = equidistant, BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant, double layerEnvelopeR = UnitConstants::mm, double layerEnvelopeZ = UnitConstants::mm, double defaultLayerThickness = UnitConstants::fm, const Logger &logger = Acts::getDummyLogger())

Method internally used to create an Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder.

This method creates an Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder from a sub detector (= ‘compound’ DetElement or DetElements which are declared as ‘isBarrel’ or ‘isBeampipe’ by their extension.


The default thickness should be set thin enough that no touching or overlapping with the next layer can happen.


Possible binningtypes:

  • arbitrary - of the sizes if the surfaces and the distance inbetween vary. This mode finds out the bin boundaries by scanning through the surfaces.

  • equidistant - if the sensitive surfaces are placed equidistantly


equidistant binningtype is recommended because it is faster not only while building the geometry but also for look up during the extrapolation


Layers containing surfaces per default are not allowed to be attached to each other (navigation will fail at this point). However, to allow material layers (not containing surfaces) to be attached to each other, this default thickness is needed. In this way, the layer will be thin (with space to the next layer), but the material will have the’real’ thickness.

  • subDetector[in] the DD4hep DetElement of the subdetector

  • loggingLevel[in] is the debug logging level of the conversion and geometry building

  • bTypePhi[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in phi direction.

  • bTypeR[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in r direction

  • bTypeZ[in] is how the sensitive surfaces (modules) should be binned in a layer in z direction

  • layerEnvelopeR[in] the tolerance added to the geometrical extension in r of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around

  • layerEnvelopeZ[in] the tolerance added to the geometrical extension in z of the layers contained to build the volume envelope around

  • defaultLayerThickness[in] In case no surfaces (to be contained by the layer) are handed over, the layer thickness will be set to this value

  • logger[in] A logger instance


std::shared_ptr the Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder which can be used to build the full tracking geometry

template<typename external_spacepoint_t, typename sp_range_t>
bool xyzCoordinateCheck(const Acts::SeedFinderConfig<external_spacepoint_t> &config, sp_range_t sp, const double *spacepointPosition, double *outputCoordinates)

Check the compatibility of spacepoint coordinates in xyz assuming the Bottom-Middle direction with the strip meassument details.

Template Parameters
  • external_spacepoint_t – The external spacepoint type.

  • sp_range_t – Container type for the space point collections.

  • config[in] SeedFinder config containing the delegates to the strip measurement details.

  • sp[in] Input space point used in the check.

  • spacepointPosition[in] Spacepoint coordinates in xyz plane.

  • outputCoordinates[out] The output vector to write to.


Boolean that says if spacepoint is compatible with being inside the detector element.

template<typename RA, typename RB>
auto zip(RA &ra, RB &rb)

Function that allows to zip two ranges to be used in a range-based for loop.

This is a very basic implementation for two ranges, but could relatively easily be extended with variadic templates.


the behaviour is undefined if the ranges do not have equal range

Template Parameters
  • RA – The first range type

  • RB – The second range type

  • ra – The first range

  • rb – The second range


static std::vector<std::string> boundTypes = {"ConeBounds", "CylinderBounds", "DiamondBounds", "RadialBounds", "EllipseBounds", "LineBounds", "RectangleBounds", "TrapezoidBounds", "TriangleBounds", "DiscTrapezoidBounds", "ConvexPolygonBounds", "AnnulusBounds", "OtherBounds"}
template<typename fitter>
constexpr bool LinearizerConcept = Acts::Concepts::Linearizer::LinearizerConcept<fitter>::value
constexpr int PolygonDynamic = -1

Tag to trigger specialization of a dynamic polygon.

static const std::vector<BinningValue> s_binningValues = {binX, binY, binZ, binR, binPhi, binRPhi, binH, binEta, binMag}

static list of all binning values

static constexpr ActsScalar s_curvilinearProjTolerance = 0.999995

Tolerance for not being within curvilinear projection this allows using the same curvilinear frame to eta = 6, validity tested with IntegrationTests/PropagationTest.

static constexpr ActsScalar s_epsilon = 3 * std::numeric_limits<ActsScalar>::epsilon()

Tolerance for being numerical equal for geometry building.

static const InfiniteBounds s_noBounds = {}
static constexpr ActsScalar s_onSurfaceTolerance = 1e-4

Tolerance for being on Surface.


This is intentionally given w/o an explicit unit to avoid having to include the units header unneccessarily. With the native length unit of mm this corresponds to 0.1um.

static const Transform3 s_planeXY = Transform3::Identity()
static const Transform3 s_planeYZ = AngleAxis3(0.5 * M_PI, Vector3::UnitY()) * AngleAxis3(0.5 * M_PI, Vector3::UnitZ()) * Transform3::Identity()
static const Transform3 s_planeZX = AngleAxis3(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3::UnitX()) * AngleAxis3(-0.5 * M_PI, Vector3::UnitZ()) * Transform3::Identity()
static ViewConfig s_viewFiltered = ViewConfig({255, 255, 0})
static ViewConfig s_viewGrid = ViewConfig({220, 0, 0})
static ViewConfig s_viewLine = ViewConfig({0, 0, 220})
static ViewConfig s_viewMeasurement = ViewConfig({255, 102, 0})
static ViewConfig s_viewParameter = ViewConfig({0, 0, 255})
static ViewConfig s_viewPassive = ViewConfig({240, 280, 0})
static ViewConfig s_viewPredicted = ViewConfig({51, 204, 51})
static ViewConfig s_viewSensitive = ViewConfig({0, 180, 240})
static ViewConfig s_viewSmoothed = ViewConfig({0, 102, 255})
static ViewConfig s_viewVolume = ViewConfig({220, 220, 0})
template<typename accessor>
constexpr bool SourceLinkAccessorConcept = Acts::Concepts::SourceLinkAccessor::SourceLinkAccessorConcept<accessor>::value
template<typename stepper, typename state = typename stepper::State>
constexpr bool StepperConcept = Acts::Concepts::Stepper::SingleStepperConcept<stepper, state>::value || Acts::Concepts::Stepper::MultiStepperConcept<stepper, state>::value
template<typename stepper>
constexpr bool StepperStateConcept = Acts::Concepts::Stepper::StepperStateConcept<stepper> || Acts::Concepts::Stepper::MultiStepperStateConcept<stepper>
static std::vector<std::string> surfaceTypes = {"ConeSurface", "CylinderSurface", "DiscSurface", "PerigeeSurface", "PlaneSurface", "StrawSurface", "CurvilinearSurface"}
template<typename finder>
constexpr bool VertexFinderConcept = Acts::Concepts::VertexFinder::VertexFinderConcept<finder>::value
template<typename fitter>
constexpr bool VertexFitterConcept = Acts::Concepts::VertexFitter::VertexFitterConcept<fitter>::value
static const std::vector<std::string> volumeBoundTypes = {"Cone", "Cuboid", "CutoutCylinder", "Cylinder", "GenericCuboid", "Trapezoid"}
constexpr Envelope zeroEnvelope = {0., 0}
constexpr ExtentEnvelope zeroEnvelopes = {zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope, zeroEnvelope}
class AbstractVolume : public Acts::Volume
#include <Acts/Geometry/AbstractVolume.hpp>

AbstractVolume description inside the tracking realm.

This is the purely geometrical object volume.

The Acts::AbstractVolume is constructed by giving a pointer to a Transform3 and a pointer to Acts::VolumeBounds, this implies that the ownership of the objects pointed to is passed as well. For memory optimisation, the AbstractVolume can also be constructed with shared_ptr objects.

A Acts::AbstractVolume is at first a collection class of Acts::BoundarySurface, the vector of Acts::BoundarySurface is returned by the Acts::VolumeBounds that carry a decompose method.

Boundary surfaces can be shared between AbstractVolumes to enhance automatic navigation between AbstractVolumes, therefor they are reference counted by a std::shared_ptr holder class.

Public Functions

AbstractVolume(const Transform3 &transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volbounds)

Constructor with shared Transform3*, VolumeBounds*.

  • transform – is the gobal 3d transformation into the volume frame

  • volbounds – is the boundary definition

AbstractVolume(const AbstractVolume &vol) = default
AbstractVolume() = delete
~AbstractVolume() override = default
const std::vector<BoundarySurfacePtr> &boundarySurfaces() const

Method to return the BoundarySurfaces.


the vector of boundary surfaces

AbstractVolume &operator=(const AbstractVolume &vol) = delete
class AccumulatedMaterialSlab
#include <Acts/Material/AccumulatedMaterialSlab.hpp>

Accumulate material properties from multiple hits/track and multiple tracks.

This is a helper class for the SurfaceMaterialMapper to handle material accumulation and averaging for one surface bin. The accumulation procedure is done in two steps:

  1. The per-track store accumulates material steps from one track/particle. Multiple material steps can be assigned to the same bin time by one particle, e.g. if the simulation has created more than one step in the material or if several components are compressed into one description. Multiple steps are treated as if they are passed one after the other.

  2. The total store averages the accumulated material properties over all tracks. Each track contributes equally.

Public Functions

void accumulate(MaterialSlab slabAlongTrack, float pathCorrection = 1)

Add the material to the current per-track store.

The recoded material slab is assumed to be defined along the track direction. The track can have non-perpendicular incidence on the surface and the recorded slab has to be projected along the surface normal. The path correction gives the scaling factor from normal incidence to the recorded incidence as provided by the Surface interface.

Vacuum steps with a non-zero thickness can be added to account for holes in material structures.

  • slabAlongTrack – Recorded equivalent material slab for this step

  • pathCorrection – Correction factor due to non-perpendicular incident

std::pair<MaterialSlab, unsigned int> totalAverage() const

Return the average material properties from all accumulated tracks.

Only contains the information up to the last .trackAverage(...) call. If there have been additional calls to .accumulate(...) afterwards, the information is not part of the total average. The thickness corresponds to the average thickness seen by the tracks.


Average material properties and the number of contributing tracks

std::pair<float, unsigned int> totalVariance() const

Return the material variance from all accumulated tracks.

Only contains the information up to the last .trackVariance(...) call. If there have been additional calls to .accumulate(...) afterwards, the information is not part of the total average. The number of tracks is only opdated on the call of .trackAverage(...)


Average material properties and the number of contributing tracks

void trackAverage(bool useEmptyTrack = false)

Add the accumulated material for the current track to the total average.

This finishes the material accumulation for the current track and resets the per-track store. Subsequent calls to .accumulate(...) will start accumulating material for a new track.

Each track contributes equally to the total average regardless of its measured path within the material. An empty per-track store, i.e. vanishing per-track material thickness, does not contribute to the total unless explicitely requested.


useEmptyTrack – indicate whether to consider an empty track store

void trackVariance(MaterialSlab slabReference, bool useEmptyTrack = false)

Use the accumulated material to update the material variance.

The material variance can be used to optimised the mapping process as it should be inversly proportionnal to the map quality

  • slabReference – reference slab (from the map) used to compute the variance

  • useEmptyTrack – indicate whether to consider an empty track store

class AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial.hpp>

This class is used by the SurfaceMaterialMapper in order to accumulate/collect material information during the mapping process.

It performs event- and run-average when called, and returns a new SurfaceMaterial object as a unique_ptr after finalisation

Public Types

using AccumulatedMatrix = std::vector<AccumulatedVector>
using AccumulatedVector = std::vector<AccumulatedMaterialSlab>

Public Functions

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial(double splitFactor = 0.)

Default Constructor - for homogeneous material.


splitFactor – is the pre/post splitting directive

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial(const BinUtility &binUtility, double splitFactor = 0.)

Explicit constructor with only full MaterialSlab, for one-dimensional binning.

The split factors:

  • 1. : oppositePre

  • 0. : alongPre ===> 1 Dimensional array

  • binUtility – defines the binning structure on the surface

  • splitFactor – is the pre/post splitting directive

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial(const AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &asma) = default

Copy Constructor.


asma – is the source object to be copied

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial(AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &&asma) = default

Copy Move Constructor.


asma – is the source object to be copied

~AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial() = default


std::array<size_t, 3> accumulate(const Vector2 &lp, const MaterialSlab &mp, double pathCorrection = 1.)

Assign a material properites object.

  • lp – local position for the bin assignment

  • mp – material properties to be assigned

  • pathCorrection – Correction factor for the effective path length


the bin triple to which the material was assigned

std::array<size_t, 3> accumulate(const Vector3 &gp, const MaterialSlab &mp, double pathCorrection = 1.)

Assign a material properites object.

  • gp – global position for the bin assignment

  • mp – material properties to be assigned

  • pathCorrection – Correction factor for the effective path length


the bin triple to which the material was assigned

inline const AccumulatedMatrix &accumulatedMaterial() const

Access to the accumulated material.

inline const BinUtility &binUtility() const

Return the BinUtility.

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &operator=(AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &&asma) = default

Assignment Move operator.


asma – is the source object to be copied

AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &operator=(const AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial &asma) = default

Assignment operator.


asma – is the source object to be copied

inline double splitFactor() const

Access to the split factor.

std::unique_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> totalAverage()

Total average creates SurfaceMaterial.

void trackAverage(const std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> &trackBins = {}, bool emptyHit = false)

Average the information accumulated from one mapped track.

  • trackBins – The bins that were touched by this event

  • emptyHit – indicator if this is an empty assignment If none is given, the average runs over all bins in the surface map

void trackAverage(const Vector3 &gp, bool emptyHit = false)

Average the information accumulated from one mapped track.

  • gp – global position for the bin assignment

  • emptyHit – indicator if this is an empty assignment

void trackVariance(const std::vector<std::array<size_t, 3>> &trackBins, MaterialSlab slabReference, bool emptyHit = false)

Use the accumulated material to update the material variance.

  • trackBins – The bins that were touched by this event

  • emptyHit – indicator if this is an empty assignment

  • slabReference – reference slab (from the map) used to compute the variance If none is given, the average runs over all bins in the surface map

void trackVariance(const Vector3 &gp, MaterialSlab slabReference, bool emptyHit = false)

Use the accumulated material to update the material variance.

  • gp – global position for the bin assignment

  • emptyHit – indicator if this is an empty assignment

  • slabReference – indicator if this is an empty assignment

class AccumulatedVolumeMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/AccumulatedVolumeMaterial.hpp>

Accumulate and average volume-based material properties.

This class is intended to be used during the mapping process.

Public Functions

void accumulate(const MaterialSlab &mat)

Add one entry with the given material properties.

inline const Material &average()

Compute the average material collected so far.


Vacuum properties if no matter has been accumulated yet.

template<int trkGridSize = 15, typename vfitter_t = DummyVertexFitter<>>
class AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

Vertex finder that makes use of a track density grid.

Each single track is modelled as a 2-dim Gaussian distribution grid in the d0-z0 plane, but only the overlap with the z-axis (i.e. a 1-dim density vector) needs to be calculated. All track contributions along the beam axis (main density vector) are superimposed and the z-value of the bin with the highest track density is returned as a vertex candidate. Unlike the GridDensityVertexFinder, this seeder implements an adaptive version where the density grid grows bigger with added tracks.

Template Parameters

trkGridSize – The 2-dim grid size of a single track, i.e. a single track is modelled as a (trkGridSize x trkGridSize) grid in the d0-z0 plane. Note: trkGridSize has to be an odd value.

Public Types

using TrackGridVector = typename GridDensity::TrackGridVector

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg)

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.


cfg – Configuration object

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder()

Default constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

inline AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

inline AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder(const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters with default Config object.


func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &trackVector, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Function that finds single vertex candidate.

  • trackVector – Input track collection

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – The state object to cache the density grid and density contributions of each track, to be used if cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval == true


Vector of vertices, filled with a single vertex (for consistent interfaces)

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

The Config struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(float binSize = 0.1)

binSize – Bin size of grid in mm

inline Config(const GridDensity &gDensity)

gDensity – The grid density

Public Members

bool cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval = true
double d0SignificanceCut = maxD0TrackSignificance * maxD0TrackSignificance
bool estimateSeedWidth = false
GridDensity gridDensity
double maxD0TrackSignificance = 3.5
double maxZ0TrackSignificance = 12.
double z0SignificanceCut = maxZ0TrackSignificance * maxZ0TrackSignificance
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveGridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

The State struct.

Only needed if cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval == true

Public Members

std::map<const InputTrack_t*, std::pair<int, TrackGridVector>> binAndTrackGridMap
bool isInitialized = false
std::vector<float> mainGridDensity
std::vector<int> mainGridZValues
std::map<const InputTrack_t*, bool> trackSelectionMap
std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> tracksToRemove
template<int trkGridSize = 15>
class AdaptiveGridTrackDensity
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveGridTrackDensity.hpp>

Implements a 1-dim density grid to be filled with track Gaussian distributions.

Each single track is modelled as a 2-dim Gaussian distribution grid in the d0-z0 plane, but only the overlap with the z-axis (i.e. a 1-dim density vector) needs to be calculated. The position of the highest track density (of either a single bin or the sum of a certain region) can be determined. Single tracks can be cached and removed from the overall density. Unlike the GaussianGridTrackDensity, the overall density vector grows adaptively with the tracks densities being added to the grid.

Template Parameters

trkGridSize – The 2-dim grid size of a single track, i.e. a single track is modelled as a (trkGridSize x trkGridSize) grid in the d0-z0 plane. Note: trkGridSize has to be an odd value.

Public Types

using TrackGridVector = Eigen::Matrix<float, trkGridSize, 1>

Public Functions

inline AdaptiveGridTrackDensity(const Config &cfg)
std::pair<int, TrackGridVector> addTrack(const BoundTrackParameters &trk, std::vector<float> &mainGridDensity, std::vector<int> &mainGridZValues) const

Adds a single track to the overall grid density.

  • trk – The track to be added

  • mainGridDensity – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

  • mainGridZValues – The corresponding z-bin values of the track densities along the z-axis


A pair storing information about the z-bin position the track was added (int) and the 1-dim density contribution of the track itself

Result<float> getMaxZPosition(std::vector<float> &mainGridDensity, const std::vector<int> &mainGridZValues) const

Returns the z position of maximum track density.

  • mainGridDensity – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

  • mainGridZValues – The corresponding z-bin values of the track densities along the z-axis


The z position of maximum track density

Result<std::pair<float, float>> getMaxZPositionAndWidth(std::vector<float> &mainGridDensity, const std::vector<int> &mainGridZValues) const

Returns the z position of maximum track density and the estimated width.

  • mainGridDensity – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

  • mainGridZValues – The corresponding z-bin values of the track densities along the z-axis


The z position of maximum track density and width

void removeTrackGridFromMainGrid(int zBin, const TrackGridVector &trkGrid, std::vector<float> &mainGridDensity, const std::vector<int> &mainGridZValues) const

Removes a track from the overall grid density.

  • zBin – The center z-bin position the track needs to be removed from

  • trkGrid – The 1-dim density contribution of the track

  • mainGridDensity – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

  • mainGridZValues – The corresponding z-bin values of the track densities along the z-axis

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveGridTrackDensity.hpp>

The configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(float binSize_ = 0.1)

binSize_ – The binSize in mm

Public Members

float binSize
float maxRelativeDensityDev = 0.01
bool useHighestSumZPosition = false
template<typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
class AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp>

Implements an iterative vertex finder.

Brief description of the algorithm implemented: TODO

Template Parameters
  • vfitter_t – Vertex fitter type

  • sfinder_t – Seed finder type

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder(Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • logger – The logging instance

inline AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder(Config &cfg, std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> func, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type != BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

  • logger – The logging instance

AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder(AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder&&) = default
Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &allTracks, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Function that performs the adaptive multi-vertex finding.

  • allTracks – Input track collection

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – State for fulfilling interfaces


Vector of all reconstructed vertices

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp>

Configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(vfitter_t fitter, const sfinder_t &sfinder, const ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> &ipEst, Linearizer_t lin, std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bIn)

Config constructor.

  • fitter – The vertex fitter

  • sfinder – The seed finder

  • ipEst – ImpactPointEstimator

  • lin – Track linearizer

  • bIn – Input magnetic field

Public Members

bool addSingleTrackVertices = false
std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField
std::pair<double, double> defaultConstrFitQuality = {0., -3.}
bool do3dSplitting = false
bool doRealMultiVertex = true
ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> ipEstimator
Linearizer_t linearizer
double looseConstrValue = 1e+8
double maximumVertexContamination = 0.5
int maxIterations = 100
double maxMergeVertexSignificance = 3.
double maxVertexChi2 = 18.42
double minWeight = 0.0001
sfinder_t seedFinder
double tracksMaxSignificance = 5.
double tracksMaxZinterval = 3. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool useBeamSpotConstraint = true
bool useFastCompatibility = true
bool useSeedConstraint = true
bool useVertexCovForIPEstimation = false
vfitter_t vertexFitter
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFinder.hpp>

State struct for fulfilling interface.

template<typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
class AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp>

Implements an adaptive multi-vertex fitter as described in detail in Section 5.3.5 in: Ref.

(1): CERN-THESIS-2010-027, Author: Piacquadio, Giacinto: Identification of b-jets and investigation of the discovery potential of a Higgs boson in the WH−−>lvbb¯ channel with the ATLAS experiment

Template Parameters
  • input_track_t – Track object type

  • linearizer_t – Track linearizer type

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = input_track_t
using Linearizer_t = linearizer_t
using Propagator_t = typename linearizer_t::Propagator_t

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter(Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter", Logging::INFO))

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • logger – The logging instance

inline AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter(Config &cfg, std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> func, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter", Logging::INFO))

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type != BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

  • logger – The logging instance

Result<void> addVtxToFit(State &state, Vertex<InputTrack_t> &newVertex, const Linearizer_t &linearizer, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions) const

Adds new vertex to an existing multi-vertex fit and fits everything together (by invoking the fit_impl method):

  1. The new vertex is added to the fit: all associated tracks get initialized, i.e. ParamsAtIP3d are created (from ImpactPointEstimator) to be later able to estimate in a fast way the compatibility of the tracks to their respective vertices.

  2. All tracks belonging to the new vertex are scanned and all the vertices which share tracks with the new vertex to be fit are also added to the fit.

  3. The multivertex fit is performed with all involved vertices.

This has the advantage that only vertices that are affected by adding the new vertex are refitted.

Note: newVertex has to be properly initialized (seed vertex, constraint vertex, list of MAV)

  • state – The state object

  • newVertex – New vertex to be added to fit

  • linearizer – The track linearizer

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options


Result<void> object

Result<void> fit(State &state, const std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*> &verticesToFit, const Linearizer_t &linearizer, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions) const

The actual fit function, performs a simultaneous fit of all vertices in verticesToFit by invoking fitImpl

  • state – The state object

  • verticesToFit – Vector containing all vertices to be fitted

  • linearizer – The track linearizer

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options


Result<void> object

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Config(const IPEstimator &est)

Config constructor.


est – ImpactPointEstimator

Public Members

AnnealingUtility annealingTool

Annealing tool used for a thermodynamic annealing scheme for the track weight factors in such a way that with high temperature values (at the beginning) only a slight preference is given to tracks compatible with the estimated vertex position.

With lower temperatures the weighting get stricter such that all incompatible tracks will be dropped at the end while keeping all compatible tracks with a weight=1. Ref. (1): CERN-THESIS-2010-027, Author: Piacquadio, Giacinto: Identification of b-jets and investigation of the discovery potential of a Higgs boson in the WH−−>lvbb¯ channel with the ATLAS experiment

bool doSmoothing = {false}
IPEstimator ipEst
double maxDistToLinPoint = {0.5}
unsigned int maxIterations = {30}
double maxRelativeShift = {0.01}
double minWeight = {0.0001}
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter.hpp>

The fitter state.

Public Functions

inline State(const MagneticFieldProvider &field, const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magContext)
State() = default

Default State constructor.

inline void addVertexToMultiMap(Vertex<InputTrack_t> &vtx)
inline void removeVertexFromMultiMap(Vertex<InputTrack_t> &vtx)

Public Members

AnnealingUtility::State annealingState
IPEstimator::State ipState
Linearizer_t::State linearizerState
std::map<std::pair<const InputTrack_t*, Vertex<InputTrack_t>*>, TrackAtVertex<InputTrack_t>> tracksAtVerticesMap
std::multimap<const InputTrack_t*, Vertex<InputTrack_t>*> trackToVerticesMultiMap
std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*> vertexCollection
std::map<Vertex<InputTrack_t>*, VertexInfo<InputTrack_t>> vtxInfoMap
class AnnealingUtility
#include <Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp>

Implements a deterministic thermodynamic annealing scheme Ref.

(1): CERN-THESIS-2010-027

Public Functions

inline AnnealingUtility(const Config &cfg = Config())


void anneal(State &state) const

Does the actual annealing step.

double getWeight(State &state, double chi2, const std::vector<double> &allChi2) const

Weight access.

  • state – The state object

  • chi2 – Chi^2 for e.g. current track, i.e. compatibility of track to current vertex candidate

  • allChi2 – Vector of all chi^2 values, i.e. e.g. compatibilities of current track to all vertices it is currently attached to


Calculated weight according to Eq.(5.46) in Ref.(1)

double getWeight(State &state, double chi2) const

Weight access.

  • state – The state object

  • chi2 – Chi^2


Calculated weight

struct Config
#include <Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp>

The configuration struct.

Public Functions


Public Members

double cutOff = {9.}
std::vector<double> setOfTemperatures = {64., 16., 4., 2., 1.5, 1.}
struct State
#include <Acts/Utilities/AnnealingUtility.hpp>

The annealing state Resetting the state is done by just creating a new instance.

Public Members

unsigned int currentTemperatureIndex = {0}
bool equilibriumReached = {false}
class AnnulusBounds : public Acts::DiscBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/AnnulusBounds.hpp>

Class that implements a (potentially asymmetric) bounds with difference between surface bound center and surface coordinate center.

These bounds combine two different systems:

  • module system : radial bounds centred on the moduleOrigin

  • strip system : phi bounds centred on the stripOrigin

The measurement will be done in the strip system, with r/phi local coordinates.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eMinR
enumerator eMaxR
enumerator eMinPhiRel
enumerator eMaxPhiRel
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eOriginX
enumerator eOriginY
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

AnnulusBounds() = delete
inline AnnulusBounds(double minR, double maxR, double minPhiRel, double maxPhiRel, const Vector2 &moduleOrigin = {0, 0}, double avgPhi = 0) noexcept(false)

Default constructor from parameters.


For morigin you need to actually calculate the cartesian offset

  • minR – inner radius, in module system

  • maxR – outer radius, in module system

  • minPhiRel – right angular edge, in strip system, rel to avgPhi

  • maxPhiRel – left angular edge, in strip system, rel to avgPhi

  • moduleOrigin – The origin offset between the two systems.

  • avgPhi – (Optional) internal rotation of this bounds object’s local frame

AnnulusBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from parameters array.


values – The parameter array

AnnulusBounds(const AnnulusBounds &source) = default
inline virtual double binningValuePhi() const final

Return a reference radius for binning.

inline virtual double binningValueR() const final

Return a reference radius for binning.

std::vector<Vector2> corners() const

This method returns the four corners of the bounds in polar coordinates Starting from the upper right (max R, pos locX) and proceding clock-wise i.e.

(max R; pos locX), (min R; pos locX), (min R; neg loc X), (max R: neg locX)

inline virtual bool coversFullAzimuth() const final

Returns true for full phi coverage.

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

inline virtual bool insideRadialBounds(double R, double tolerance = 0.) const final

Checks if this is inside the radial coverage given the a tolerance.

Vector2 moduleOrigin() const

Returns moduleOrigin, but rotated out, so averagePhi is already considered.

The module origin needs to consider the rotation introduced by averagePhi


The origin of the local frame

inline double phiMax() const

Returns the left angular edge of the module.


The left side angle

inline double phiMin() const

Returns the right angular edge of the module.


The right side angle

inline virtual double rMax() const final

This method returns outer radius.

inline virtual double rMin() const final

This method returns inner radius.

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Outstream operator.


sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

inline virtual SurfaceBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg) const override

This method returns the xy coordinates of the four corners of the bounds in module coorindates (in x/y) Starting from the upper right (max R, pos locX) and proceding clock-wise i.e.

(max R; pos locX), (min R; pos locX), (min R; neg loc X), (max R: neg locX)


that that if lseg > 0, the extrema points are given, which may slightly alter the number of segments returned


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

template<size_t SIZE>
class AnyBase : public Acts::AnyBaseAll
#include <Acts/Utilities/Any.hpp>

Small opaque cache type which uses small buffer optimization.

Public Functions

template<typename T, typename ...Args>
inline explicit AnyBase(std::in_place_type_t<T>, Args&&... args)
AnyBase() = default
template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, AnyBase<SIZE>>>>
inline explicit AnyBase(T &&value)
inline AnyBase(const AnyBase &other)
inline AnyBase(AnyBase &&other)
inline ~AnyBase()
template<typename T>
inline T &as()
template<typename T>
inline const T &as() const
inline operator bool() const
inline AnyBase &operator=(const AnyBase &other)
inline AnyBase &operator=(AnyBase &&other)
class AnyBaseAll
#include <Acts/Utilities/Any.hpp>

Subclassed by Acts::AnyBase< SIZE >, Acts::AnyBase< 16 >

class AnyCharge
#include <Acts/EventData/Charge.hpp>

Charge and momentum interpretation for arbitrarily charged particles.

Only a charge magnitude identical to zero is interpreted as representing a neutral particle. This avoids ambiguities that might arise from using an approximate comparison with an arbitrary epsilon.

Public Functions

AnyCharge() = delete

Delete default constructor to ensure charge is always explicitely given.

template<typename T>
inline constexpr AnyCharge(T absQ) noexcept

Construct with the magnitude of the input charge.

template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractCharge(T qOverP) const noexcept
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractMomentum(T qOverP) const noexcept
class ApproachDescriptor
#include <Acts/Geometry/ApproachDescriptor.hpp>

Virtual base class to decide and return which approaching surface to be taken, the surfaces are std::shared_ptr, as they can be the boundary surfaces of the representingVolume of the Layer.

Subclassed by Acts::GenericApproachDescriptor

Public Functions

ApproachDescriptor() = default
virtual ~ApproachDescriptor() = default
virtual ObjectIntersection<Surface> approachSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const = 0

Get the surface on approach.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the position from start of the search

  • direction – is the direction at the start of the search

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive


is a surface intersection

virtual const std::vector<const Surface*> &containedSurfaces() const = 0

Get all the contained surfaces.


all contained surfaces of this approach descriptor

virtual std::vector<const Surface*> &containedSurfaces() = 0

Non-const version.

virtual void registerLayer(const Layer &lay) = 0

Register Layer Links the layer to the approach surfaces.


lay – is the layer to be assigned

class AssertionFailureException : public std::exception
#include <Acts/Utilities/ThrowAssert.hpp>

Exception type for assertion failures This class captures the information available to the throw_assert macro.

Public Functions

inline AssertionFailureException(const std::string &expression, const std::string &file, int line, const std::string &msg)

Construct an assertion failure exception, captures macro info.

  • expression – The expression being asserted

  • file – The current file

  • line – The current line

  • msg – The message to print if assertion fails

inline const char *what() const override

The assertion message.

class StreamFormatter
#include <Acts/Utilities/ThrowAssert.hpp>

Class which allows to use the << operator to assemble a string.

Public Functions

template<typename T>
inline StreamFormatter &operator<<(const T &value)

Stream operator which takes everything and forwards it to the stringstream.

Template Parameters

T – type of anything


value – const ref to anything

class AtlasStepper
#include <Acts/Propagator/AtlasStepper.hpp>

the AtlasStepper implementation for the

Public Types

using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix
using CurvilinearState = std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Jacobian = BoundMatrix

Public Functions

inline AtlasStepper(std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField)
inline Result<BoundState> boundState(State &state, const Surface &surface, bool transportCov = true, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Create and return the bound state at the current position.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as BoundState

  • surface[in] The surface to which we bind the state

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound


A bound state:

  • the parameters at the surface

  • the stepwise jacobian towards it

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline double charge(const State &state) const

Charge access.

inline CurvilinearState curvilinearState(State &state, bool transportCov = true) const

Create and return a curvilinear state at the current position.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as CurvilinearState

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport


A curvilinear state:

  • the curvilinear parameters at given position

  • the stepweise jacobian towards it

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline Vector3 direction(const State &state) const
inline Result<Vector3> getField(State &state, const Vector3 &pos) const

Get the field for the stepping It checks first if the access is still within the Cell, and updates the cell if necessary, then it takes the field from the cell.

  • state[inout] is the stepper state associated with the track the magnetic field cell is used (and potentially updated)

  • pos[in] is the field position

inline double getStepSize(const State &state, ConstrainedStep::Type stype) const

Get the step size.

  • state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be returned

template<typename charge_t>
inline State makeState(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx, std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const
inline double momentum(const State &state) const
inline std::string outputStepSize(const State &state) const

Output the Step Size - single component.


state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline double overstepLimit(const State&) const

Overstep limit.

inline Vector3 position(const State &state) const
inline void releaseStepSize(State &state) const

Release the Step size.


state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void resetState(State &state, const BoundVector &boundParams, const BoundSymMatrix &cov, const Surface &surface, const NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward, const double stepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const

Resets the state.

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • boundParams[in] Parameters in bound parametrisation

  • cov[in] Covariance matrix

  • surface[in] Reset state will be on this surface

  • navDir[in] Navigation direction

  • stepSize[in] Step size

inline void setIdentityJacobian(State &state) const

Method that reset the Jacobian to the Identity for when no bound state are available.


state[inout] State of the stepper

inline void setStepSize(State &state, double stepSize, ConstrainedStep::Type stype = ConstrainedStep::actor, bool release = true) const

Set Step size - explicitely with a double.

  • state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stepSize[in] The step size value

  • stype[in] The step size type to be set

  • release – [in] Do we release the step size?

template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline Result<double> step(propagator_state_t &state) const

Perform the actual step on the state.


state – is the provided stepper state (caller keeps thread locality)

inline double time(const State &state) const

Time access.

inline void transportCovarianceToBound(State &state, const Surface &surface, const FreeToBoundCorrection& = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • surface[in] is the surface to which the covariance is forwarded to

inline void transportCovarianceToCurvilinear(State &state) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.


state[inout] State of the stepper

inline void update(State &state, const FreeVector &parameters, const BoundVector &boundParams, const Covariance &covariance, const Surface &surface) const

The state update method.

  • state[inout] The stepper state for

  • parameters[in] The new free track parameters at start

  • boundParams[in] Corresponding bound parameters

  • covariance[in] The updated covariance matrix

  • surface[in] The surface used to update the pVector

inline void update(State &state, const Vector3 &uposition, const Vector3 &udirection, double up, double time) const

Method to update momentum, direction and p.

  • state – The state object

  • uposition – the updated position

  • udirection – the updated direction

  • up – the updated momentum value

  • time – the update time

template<typename object_intersection_t>
inline void updateStepSize(State &state, const object_intersection_t &oIntersection, bool release = true) const

Update step size.

It checks the status to the reference surface & updates the step size accordingly

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • oIntersection – [in] The ObjectIntersection to layer, boundary, etc

  • release – [in] boolean to trigger step size release

inline Intersection3D::Status updateSurfaceStatus(State &state, const Surface &surface, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Update surface status.

This method intersect the provided surface and update the navigation step estimation accordingly (hence it changes the state). It also returns the status of the intersection to trigger onSurface in case the surface is reached.

  • state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • surface[in] The surface provided

  • bcheck[in] The boundary check for this status update

  • logger[in] Logger instance to use

struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/AtlasStepper.hpp>

Nested State struct for the local caching.

Public Functions

State() = delete

Default constructor - deleted.

template<typename Parameters>
inline State(const GeometryContext &gctx, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCacheIn, const Parameters &pars, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance)


Template Parameters

Type – of TrackParameters

  • gctx[in] The geometry contex tof this call

  • fieldCacheIn[in] The magnetic field cache for this call

  • pars[in] Input parameters

  • ndir[in] The navigation direction w.r.t. parameters

  • ssize[in] the steps size limitation

  • stolerance[in] is the stepping tolerance

Public Members

Covariance cov = Covariance::Zero()
const Covariance *covariance = nullptr
bool covTransport = false
bool debug = false

Debug output the string where debug messages are stored (optionally)

size_t debugMsgWidth = 50
size_t debugPfxWidth = 30

buffer & formatting for consistent output

std::string debugString = ""
Vector3 field
MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCache

It caches the current magnetic field cell and stays (and interpolates) within as long as this is valid.

See step() code for details.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Cache the geometry context.

double jacobian[eBoundSize * eBoundSize] = {}
double maxPathLength = 0
bool mcondition = false
NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward
bool needgradient = false
bool newfield = true
double parameters[eBoundSize] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}

Storage pattern of pVector /dL0 /dL1 /dPhi /dThe /dCM /dT X ->P[0] dX / P[ 8] P[16] P[24] P[32] P[40] P[48] Y ->P[1] dY / P[ 9] P[17] P[25] P[33] P[41] P[49] Z ->P[2] dZ / P[10] P[18] P[26] P[34] P[42] P[50] T ->P[3] dT/ P[11] P[19] P[27] P[35] P[43] P[51] Ax ->P[4] dAx/ P[12] P[20] P[28] P[36] P[44] P[52] Ay ->P[5] dAy/ P[13] P[21] P[29] P[37] P[45] P[53] Az ->P[6] dAz/ P[14] P[22] P[30] P[38] P[46] P[54] CM ->P[7] dCM/ P[15] P[23] P[31] P[39] P[47] P[55] Cache: P[56] - P[59].

double pathAccumulated = 0.
double previousStepSize = 0.
std::array<double, 60> pVector = {}
bool state_ready = false
double step = 0
ConstrainedStep stepSize
double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

The tolerance for the stepping.

bool useJacobian = false
template<template<typename> typename basic_extension_t>
struct AutodiffExtensionWrapper
#include </home/docs/checkouts/>

Default RKN4 evaluator for autodiff.

Public Types

using AutodiffFreeMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<AutodiffScalar, eFreeSize, eFreeSize>
using AutodiffFreeVector = Eigen::Matrix<AutodiffScalar, eFreeSize, 1>
using AutodiffScalar = autodiff::dual
using AutodiffVector3 = Eigen::Matrix<AutodiffScalar, 3, 1>

Public Functions

AutodiffExtensionWrapper() = default

Default constructor.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline int bid(const propagator_state_t &ps, const stepper_t &st) const
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool finalize(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const double h) const
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool finalize(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const double h, FreeMatrix &D) const
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP, const int i = 0, const double h = 0., const Vector3 &kprev = Vector3::Zero())

Public Members

basic_extension_t<double> m_doubleExtension
template<typename entity_t, typename value_t, size_t DIM>
class AxisAlignedBoundingBox
#include <Acts/Utilities/BoundingBox.hpp>

Implementation of an Axis Aligned Bounding Box.

This type is compatible with 2D and 3D boxes

Public Types

using entity_type = entity_t

Type of stored entity.

using Size = NamedType<VertexType, struct SizeParameter>

Strong type to select the correct constructor.

using transform_type = Eigen::Transform<value_type, DIM, Eigen::Affine>

The transform type based on the value_type

using value_type = value_t

The value type used by this class.

using vertex_array_type = Eigen::Array<value_t, DIM, 1>

Associated array value to VertexType

using VertexType = Eigen::Matrix<value_t, DIM, 1>

Re-export vertex type based on value type given.

Public Functions

AxisAlignedBoundingBox(const self_t &other) = default

Copy constructor from other bounding box.


other – The other AABB

AxisAlignedBoundingBox(const entity_t *entity, const VertexType &vmin, const VertexType &vmax)

Constructor from an entity pointer, and the min and max vertices.

  • entity – The entity to store

  • vmin – The minimum vertex.

  • vmax – The maximum vertex.

AxisAlignedBoundingBox(const entity_t *entity, const VertexType &center, const Size &size)

Constructor from a center position, and a width and height.


The special type size is required to disambiguate this constructor from the other one above. It is a wrapper around a simple Vector3.

  • entity – The entity to store

  • center – The center position

  • size – The size (width and height) of the box.

AxisAlignedBoundingBox(const std::vector<self_t*> &boxes, vertex_array_type envelope = vertex_array_type::Zero())

Constructor from a list of child boxes.

This box will wrap around all boxes contained in boxes, and additional envelope can be given.

  • boxes – Vector of child boxes to store in this bounding box.

  • envelope – Envelope that will be added/subtracted to the dimension.

const VertexType &center() const

Get the center position of this bounding box.


The center position

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 3, int> = 0>
void draw(IVisualization3D &helper, std::array<int, 3> color = {120, 120, 120}, const transform_type &trf = transform_type::Identity()) const

Draw this bounding box using the given visualization helper.

This method is only available for the 3D case.

Template Parameters

D – (used for SFINAE)

  • helper – The visualization helper to write to

  • color – The color to use for drawing

  • trf – An optional transform to apply first.

const entity_t *entity() const

Return the entity associated with this box.

This might be nullptr if there is no entity attached.


The entity pointer, might be nullptr

const self_t *getLeftChild() const

Get the left child (i.e.

the first of the children that are inside this bounding box).


The lest most child.

const self_t *getSkip() const

Get the skip node for this box.


The skip node pointer

bool hasEntity() const

Check whether this node as an associated entity.

If it does not have one, this is a purely abstract container box.


Whether the box has an entity attached.

bool intersect(const VertexType &point) const

Calculate whether a point is inside this box.


point – The point to test.


Whether the point is inside or not.

bool intersect(const Ray<value_type, DIM> &ray) const

Implements the slab method for Ray/AABB intersections.

See,, The original algorithms is described in “Graphics Gems (1990)” 1


This implementation may treat parallel rays on any of the slabs as outside due to how NaNs are handled by Eigen. See


ray – The ray to intersect with


Whether the ray intersects this AABB

template<size_t sides>
bool intersect(const Frustum<value_type, DIM, sides> &fr) const

Check if a frustum intersects with this bounding box.

This method implements an algorithm similar to the one described in “Optimized View Frustum Culling Algorithms for Bounding Boxes (2012)” 2, but drops some of the more sophisticated optimization.


fr – The frustum


Whether the frustum intersects this AABB

const VertexType &max() const

Get the maximum vertex.


The maximum vertex

const VertexType &min() const

Get the minimum vertex.


The minimum vertex

AxisAlignedBoundingBox &operator=(const self_t &other) = default

Copy assignment operator from other bounding box.


other – The other AABB

void setEntity(const entity_t *entity)

Set the entity associated with with this box.


entity – The entity

void setSkip(self_t *skip)

Set the skip node (bounding box)


skip – The target skip node pointer

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 2, int> = 0>
std::ostream &svg(std::ostream &os, value_type w, value_type h, value_type unit = 10, const std::string &label = "", const std::string &fillcolor = "grey") const

Draw this bounding box as SVG.

This method is only available for the 2D case.

Template Parameters

D – (used for SFINAE)

  • os – The output stream to write to

  • w – The width of the output SVG.

  • h – The height of the output SVG.

  • unit – A scale factor to apply before drawing

  • label – A label to put next to the box.

  • fillcolor – Color to fill the box with.


The outstream given in os.

std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const

Write information about this bounding box to a stream.


os – The output stream.


The stream given as an argument.

void transform(const transform_type &trf)

Transforms this bounding box using the given transform.

This method modifies the box it is called on.


trf – The transform

self_t transformed(const transform_type &trf) const

Transforms this bounding box using the given transfom.

This method returns a copy of this box, with the transformation applied, and leaves this instance unchanged.


trf – The transform


The transformed bounding box

Public Static Functions

static std::pair<VertexType, VertexType> wrap(const std::vector<const self_t*> &boxes, vertex_array_type envelope = vertex_array_type::Zero())

Helper function to calculate the size of a bounding box enclosing boxes.

  • boxes – The boxes to wrap (const pointers)

  • envelope – Optional envelop to add/subtract to dimension.


Pair of vertixes: min and max.

static std::pair<VertexType, VertexType> wrap(const std::vector<self_t*> &boxes, vertex_array_type envelope = vertex_array_type::Zero())

Helper function to calculate the size of a bounding box enclosing boxes.

Overload which accepts non-const boxes in boxes.

  • boxes – The boxes to wrap (non-const pointers)

  • envelope – Optional envelop to add/subtract to dimension.


Pair of vertixes: min and max.

static std::pair<VertexType, VertexType> wrap(const std::vector<self_t> &boxes, vertex_array_type envelope = vertex_array_type::Zero())

Helper function to calculate the size of a bounding box enclosing boxes.

Overload which accepts a vector in boxes which owns the instances

  • boxes – The boxes to wrap (by-value vector)

  • envelope – Optional envelop to add/subtract to dimension.


Pair of vertixes: min and max.

Public Static Attributes

static const size_t dim = DIM

Re-export dimension from template parameter.

template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class BinFinder
#include <Acts/Seeding/BinFinder.hpp>

The BinFinder is used by the ISPGroupSelector.

It can be used to find both bins that could be bottom bins as well as bins that could be top bins, which are assumed to be the same bins. Does not take interaction region into account to limit z-bins.

Public Functions



BinFinder(std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> zBinNeighbors, int numPhiNeighbors)
boost::container::small_vector<size_t, 10> findBins(size_t phiBin, size_t zBin, const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *binnedSP) const

Return all bins that could contain space points that can be used with the space points in the bin with the provided indices to create seeds.

  • phiBin – phi index of bin with middle space points

  • zBin – z index of bin with middle space points

  • binnedSP – phi-z grid containing all bins

template<class T>
class BinnedArray
#include <Acts/Utilities/BinnedArray.hpp>

Pure virtual base class for Binned Array to avoid map searches.

  • there is only one restriction: T must be of pointer type in order to be initialized withh nullptr and to allow for nullptr return type

  • the BinnedArray is designed for 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D binning

Subclassed by Acts::BinnedArrayXD< T >

Public Functions

BinnedArray() = default

Default Constructor - needed for inherited classes.

virtual ~BinnedArray() = default

Virtual Destructor.

virtual const std::vector<T> &arrayObjects() const = 0

Return all unqiue object.


this is the accessor to the


the vector of all array objects

virtual const BinUtility *binUtility() const = 0

Return the BinUtility.

  • if returned 0 it is a 0D array


plain pointer to the bin utility

virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition, std::array<size_t, 3> &bins) const = 0

Returns the object in the associated bin according the local position.

  • lposition – is the local position for the object retrieval

  • bins – is the bin triple to filled


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition) const

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


lposition – is the local position for finding the obect


the object according to the estimated bin

virtual T object(const Vector3 &position, std::array<size_t, 3> &bin) const = 0

Returns the object in the associated bin according the local position.

  • position – is the global position for the object retrieval

  • bin – is the bin triple filled


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector3 &position) const

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


position – is the global position for the object finding


the object according to the estimated bin

virtual const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> &objectGrid() const = 0

Return the object grid multiple entries are allowed.


the object grid

template<class T>
class BinnedArrayXD : public Acts::BinnedArray<T>
#include <Acts/Utilities/BinnedArrayXD.hpp>

Avoiding a map search, the templated BinnedArray class can help ordereing geometrical objects by providing a dedicated BinUtility.

This can be 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D in regular binning

the type of Binning is given defined through the BinUtility

Public Functions

inline BinnedArrayXD(T object)

Constructor for single object.

Template Parameters

object – is the single object

inline BinnedArrayXD(const std::vector<TAP> &tapvector, std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> bu)

Constructor with std::vector and a BinUtility.

  • fills the internal data structur

  • tapvector – is a vector of object and binning position

  • bu – is the unique bin utility for this binned array

inline BinnedArrayXD(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> &grid, std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> bu)

Constructor with a grid and a BinUtility.

  • grid – is the prepared object grid

  • bu – is the unique bin utility for this binned array

BinnedArrayXD(const BinnedArrayXD<T> &barr) = delete

Copy constructor.

  • not allowed, use the same array

~BinnedArrayXD() override = default


inline virtual const std::vector<T> &arrayObjects() const final

Return all unqiue object.


vector of unique array objects

inline virtual const BinUtility *binUtility() const final

Return the BinUtility.


plain pointer to the bin utility of this array

inline virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition, std::array<size_t, 3> &bins) const final

Returns the object in the array from a local position.

  • lposition – is the local position for the bin search

  • bins – is the bin triple filled during this access


is the object in that bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition) const override

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


lposition – is the local position for finding the obect


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector3 &position, std::array<size_t, 3> &bins) const final

Returns the object in the array from a global position.

  • position – is the global position for the bin search

  • bins – is the bins triple filled during access


is the object in that bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector3 &position) const override

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


position – is the global position for the object finding


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> &objectGrid() const final

Return the object grid multiple entries are allowed and wanted.


internal object grid

BinnedArrayXD &operator=(const BinnedArrayXD<T> &barr) = delete

Assignment operator.

  • not allowed, use the same array

template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class BinnedSPGroup
#include <Acts/Seeding/BinnedSPGroup.hpp>

BinnedSPGroup Provides access to begin and end BinnedSPGroupIterator for given BinFinders and SpacePointGrid.

Fulfills the range_expression interface.

Public Types

using GlobalPositionFunctor = std::function<std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector2>(const external_spacepoint_t&, float, float, float)>

Public Functions

BinnedSPGroup() = delete
template<typename spacepoint_iterator_t>
BinnedSPGroup(spacepoint_iterator_t spBegin, spacepoint_iterator_t spEnd, GlobalPositionFunctor toGlobal, std::shared_ptr<Acts::BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t>> botBinFinder, std::shared_ptr<Acts::BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t>> tBinFinder, std::unique_ptr<SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t>> grid, Acts::Extent rRangeSPExtent, const SeedFinderConfig<external_spacepoint_t> &_config, const SeedFinderOptions &_options)
inline BinnedSPGroupIterator<external_spacepoint_t> begin()
inline BinnedSPGroupIterator<external_spacepoint_t> end()
inline size_t size()
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class BinnedSPGroupIterator
#include <Acts/Seeding/BinnedSPGroup.hpp>

BinnedSPGroupIterator Allows to iterate over all groups of bins a provided BinFinder can generate for each bin of a provided SPGrid

Public Functions

inline BinnedSPGroupIterator(const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid, BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t> *botBinFinder, BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t> *tBinFinder, std::vector<size_t> bins = {})
inline BinnedSPGroupIterator(const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid, BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t> *botBinFinder, BinFinder<external_spacepoint_t> *tBinFinder, size_t phiInd, size_t zInd, std::vector<size_t> bins = {})
inline Neighborhood<external_spacepoint_t> bottom()
inline Neighborhood<external_spacepoint_t> middle()
inline bool operator!=(const BinnedSPGroupIterator &otherState)
inline BinnedSPGroupIterator &operator++()
inline bool operator==(const BinnedSPGroupIterator &otherState)
inline Neighborhood<external_spacepoint_t> top()
class BinnedSurfaceMaterial : public Acts::ISurfaceMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/BinnedSurfaceMaterial.hpp>

It extends the ISurfaceMaterial base class and is an array pf MaterialSlab.

This is not memory optimised as every bin holds one material property object.

Public Functions

BinnedSurfaceMaterial() = delete

Default Constructor - deleted.

BinnedSurfaceMaterial(const BinUtility &binUtility, MaterialSlabVector fullProperties, double splitFactor = 0., MappingType mappingType = MappingType::Default)

Explicit constructor with only full MaterialSlab, for one-dimensional binning.

The split factors:

  • 1. : oppositePre

  • 0. : alongPre ===> 1 Dimensional array

  • binUtility – defines the binning structure on the surface (copied)

  • fullProperties – is the vector of properties as recorded (moved)

  • splitFactor – is the pre/post splitting directive

  • mappingType – is the type of surface mapping associated to the surface

BinnedSurfaceMaterial(const BinUtility &binUtility, MaterialSlabMatrix fullProperties, double splitFactor = 0., MappingType mappingType = MappingType::Default)

Explicit constructor with only full MaterialSlab, for two-dimensional binning.

The split factors:

  • 1. : oppositePre

  • 0. : alongPre ===> 1 Dimensional array

  • binUtility – defines the binning structure on the surface (copied)

  • fullProperties – is the vector of properties as recorded (moved)

  • splitFactor – is the pre/post splitting directive

  • mappingType – is the type of surface mapping associated to the surface

BinnedSurfaceMaterial(BinnedSurfaceMaterial &&bsm) = default

Copy Move Constructor.


bsm – is the source object to be copied

BinnedSurfaceMaterial(const BinnedSurfaceMaterial &bsm) = default

Copy Constructor.


bsm – is the source object to be copied

~BinnedSurfaceMaterial() override = default


inline const BinUtility &binUtility() const

Return the BinUtility.

inline const MaterialSlabMatrix &fullMaterial() const

Retrieve the entire material slab matrix.

virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector2 &lp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from local coordinate on the surface


lp – is the local position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector3 &gp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from the global coordinates


gp – is the global position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(size_t bin0, size_t bin1) const final

Direct access via bins to the MaterialSlab.

  • bin0 – is the material bin in dimension 0

  • bin1 – is the material bin in dimension 1

virtual BinnedSurfaceMaterial &operator*=(double scale) final

Scale operator.


scale – is the scale factor for the full material

BinnedSurfaceMaterial &operator=(BinnedSurfaceMaterial &&bsm) = default

Assignment Move operator.

BinnedSurfaceMaterial &operator=(const BinnedSurfaceMaterial &bsm) = default

Assignment operator.

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.

class BinningData
#include <Acts/Utilities/BinningData.hpp>

This class holds all the data necessary for the bin calculation.

phi has a very particular behaviour:

  • there’s the change around +/- PI

  • it can be multiplicative or additive multiplicative : each major bin has the same sub structure i.e. first binnning

structure is equidistant additive : sub structure replaces one bin (and one bin only)

Public Functions

inline BinningData(BinningValue bValue, float bMin, float bMax)

Constructor for 0D binning.

  • bValue – is the binning value: binX, binY, etc.

  • bMin – is the minum value

  • bMax – is the maxmimum value

inline BinningData(BinningOption bOption, BinningValue bValue, size_t bBins, float bMin, float bMax, std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> sBinData = nullptr, bool sBinAdditive = false)

Constructor for equidistant binning and optional sub structure can be mulitplicative or additive.

  • bOption – is the binning option : open, closed

  • bValue – is the binning value: binX, binY, etc.

  • bBins – is number of equidistant bins

  • bMin – is the minum value

  • bMax – is the maxmimum value

  • sBinData – is (optional) sub structure

  • sBinAdditive – is the prescription for the sub structure

inline BinningData(BinningOption bOption, BinningValue bValue, const std::vector<float> &bBoundaries, std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> sBinData = nullptr)

Constructor for non-equidistant binning.

  • bOption – is the binning option : open / closed

  • bValue – is the binning value : binX, binY, etc.

  • bBoundaries – are the bin boundaries

  • sBinData – is (optional) sub structure

inline BinningData(const BinningData &bdata)

Copy constructor.


bdata – is the source object

BinningData() = default
~BinningData() = default
inline size_t bins() const

Return the number of bins - including sub bins.

inline const std::vector<float> &boundaries() const

Return the boundaries - including sub boundaries.


vector of floats indicating the boundary values

inline float center(size_t bin) const

Get the center value of a bin.


bin – is the bin for which the center value is requested


float value according to the bin center

inline float centerValue(size_t bin) const

access to the center value this uses the bin boundary vector, it also works with sub structure


bin – is the bin for which the value is requested, if bin > nbins it is set to max


the center value of the bin is given

inline bool inside(const Vector3 &position) const

Check if bin is inside from Vector3.


position – is the search position in global coordinated


boolen if this is inside() method is true

inline bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition) const

Check if bin is inside from Vector2.


lposition – is the search position in global coordinated


boolen if this is inside() method is true

inline int nextDirection(const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &dir) const

Layer next direction is needed.

  • position – is the start search position

  • dir – is the direction


integer that indicates which direction to move

inline BinningData &operator=(const BinningData &bdata)

Assignment operator.


bdata – is the source object

inline bool operator==(const BinningData &bData) const

Equality operator.


bData – is the binning data to be checked against


a boolean indicating if they are the same

inline size_t search(float value) const

Generic search - forwards to correct function pointer.


value – is the searchvalue as float


bin according tot this

inline size_t searchGlobal(const Vector3 &position) const

Generic search from a 3D position &#8212; corresponds to global coordinate schema.


position – is the search position in global coordinated


bin according tot this

inline size_t searchLocal(const Vector2 &lposition) const

Generic search from a 2D position &#8212; corresponds to local coordinate schema.


lposition – is the search position in local coordinated


bin according tot this

inline size_t searchWithSubStructure(float value) const

Generic search with sub structure.

  • forwards to correct function pointer


value – is the searchvalue as float


bin according tot this

inline std::string toString(const std::string &indent) const

String screen output methd.


indent – the current indentation


a string containing the screen information

inline float value(const Vector2 &lposition) const

Take the right float value.


lposition – assumes the correct local position expression


float value according to the binning setup

inline float value(const Vector3 &position) const

Take the right float value.


position – is the global position


float value according to the binning setup

inline float width(size_t bin) const

Get the width of a bin.


bin – is the bin for which the width is requested


float value of width

Public Members

BinningValue binvalue = {}

binning value: binX, binY, binZ, binR …

float max = {}

maximum value

float min = {}

minimum value

BinningOption option = {}

binning option: open, closed

float step = {}

binning step

bool subBinningAdditive = {}

sub structure: additive or multipicative

std::unique_ptr<const BinningData> subBinningData

sub structure: describe some sub binning

BinningType type = {}

binning type: equidistant, arbitrary

bool zdim = {}

zero dimensional binning : direct access

class BinUtility
#include <Acts/Utilities/BinUtility.hpp>

The BinUtility class that translated global and local position into a bins of a BinnedArray, most performant is equidistant binning without a transform, however, optionally a transform can be provided, e.g.

for binning on shifted object, the transform is usually shared with the geometric object the Array is defined on, for performance reasons, also the inverse transform is stored.

Public Functions

inline BinUtility()

Constructor for equidistant.

inline BinUtility(const Transform3 &tForm)

Constructor with only a Transform3.


tForm – is the local to global transform

inline BinUtility(const BinningData &bData, const Transform3 &tForm = Transform3::Identity())

Constructor from BinningData directly.

  • bData – is the provided binning data

  • tForm – is the (optional) transform

inline BinUtility(size_t bins, float min, float max, BinningOption opt = open, BinningValue value = binX, const Transform3 &tForm = Transform3::Identity())

Constructor for equidistant.

  • bins – is the number of bins

  • min – in the minimal value

  • max – is the maximal value

  • opt – is the binning option : open, closed

  • value – is the binninb value : binX, binY, binZ, etc.

  • tForm – is the (optional) transform

inline BinUtility(std::vector<float> &bValues, BinningOption opt = open, BinningValue value = binPhi, const Transform3 &tForm = Transform3::Identity())

Constructor for arbitrary.

  • bValues – is the boundary values of the binning

  • opt – is the binning option : open, closed

  • value – is the binninb value : binX, binY, binZ, etc.

  • tForm – is the (optional) transform

BinUtility(const BinUtility &sbu) = default

Copy constructor.


sbu – is the source bin utility

BinUtility(BinUtility &&sbu) = default
~BinUtility() = default

Virtual Destructor.

inline size_t bin(const Vector3 &position, size_t ba = 0) const

Bin from a 3D vector (already in binning frame)

  • position – is the 3D position to be evaluated

  • ba – is the bin dimension


is the bin value

inline size_t bin(const Vector2 &lposition, size_t ba = 0) const

Bin from a 2D vector (following local parameters defintitions)

  • no optional transform applied


You need to make sure that the local position is actually in the binning frame of the BinUtility

  • lposition – is the local position to be set

  • ba – is the bin dimension


bin calculated from local

inline const std::vector<BinningData> &binningData() const

Return the binning data vector.

inline BinningValue binningValue(size_t ba = 0) const

The type/value of the binning.


ba – is the binaccessor


the binning value of the accessor entry

inline size_t bins() const

Return the total number of bins.

inline size_t bins(size_t ba) const

Number of bins.


ba – is the binaccessor


size_t is the bins of the accessor entry

inline std::array<size_t, 3> binTriple(const Vector3 &position) const

Bin-triple fast access.

  • calculate the bin triple with one transform


position – is the 3D position to be evaluated


is the bin value in 3D

inline size_t dimensions() const

First bin maximal value.


the dimenstion of the binning data

inline bool inside(const Vector3 &position) const

Check if bin is inside from Vector2 - optional transform applied.


position – is the global position to be evaluated


is a boolean check

inline bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition) const

Check if bin is inside from Vector2 - no optional transform applied.


lposition – is the local position to be evaluated


is a boolean check

inline size_t max(size_t ba = 0) const

First bin maximal value.


ba – is the binaccessor


size_t is the maximal bin of the accessor entry

inline int nextDirection(const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, size_t ba = 0) const

Return the oder direction for fast interlinking.

  • position – is the global position for the next search

  • direction – is the global position for the next search

  • ba – is the bin accessor


the next bin

inline BinUtility &operator+=(const BinUtility &gbu)

Operator+= to make multidimensional BinUtility.


gbu – is the additional BinUtility to be chosen

inline BinUtility &operator=(const BinUtility &sbu)

Assignment operator.


sbu – is the source bin utility

BinUtility &operator=(BinUtility&&) = default
inline bool operator==(const BinUtility &other) const

Equality operator.

inline size_t serialize(const std::array<size_t, 3> &bin) const

Serialize the bin triple.

  • this creates a simple size_t from a triple object


bin – is the bin to be serialized

inline std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl, const std::string &indent = "") const

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.

  • sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

  • indent – the current indentation


the input stream

inline std::string toString(const std::string &indent = "") const

Output into a string.


indent – the current indentation


a string with the stream information

inline const Transform3 &transform() const

Transform applied to global positions before lookup.


Shared pointer to transform

class BoundaryCheck
#include <Acts/Surfaces/BoundaryCheck.hpp>

The BoundaryCheck class provides boundary checks and distance calculations for aligned box-like and polygonal boundaries on local surfaces.

Different types of boundary checks are supported and are transparently selected when calling the isInside(...) and distance(...) methods:

  • Hard checks w/o any tolerances

  • Tolerance-based checks in one or in both local coordinates

  • Chi2-based checks based on a covariance matrix. Non-vanishing correlations are correctly taken into account.

With a defined covariance matrix, the closest point and the distance are not defined along the usual Euclidean metric, but by the Mahalanobis distance induced by the covariance.

Public Types

enum Type


enumerator eNone

disable boundary check

enumerator eAbsolute

absolute cut

enumerator eChi2

chi2-based cut with full correlations

Public Functions

inline BoundaryCheck(bool check)

Construct either hard cut in both dimensions or no cut at all.

inline BoundaryCheck(bool checkLocal0, bool checkLocal1, double tolerance0 = 0, double tolerance1 = 0)

Construct a tolerance based check.

  • checkLocal0 – Boolean directive to check coordinate 0

  • checkLocal1 – Boolean directive to check coordinate 1

  • tolerance0 – Tolerance along coordinate 0

  • tolerance1 – Tolerance along coordinate 1

inline BoundaryCheck(const SymMatrix2 &localCovariance, double sigmaMax = 1)

Construct a chi2-based check.

  • localCovariance – Coverance matrix in local coordinates

  • sigmaMax – Significance for the compatibility test

template<typename Vector2Container>
inline Acts::Vector2 computeClosestPointOnPolygon(const Acts::Vector2 &point, const Vector2Container &vertices) const
inline SymMatrix2 covariance() const
template<typename Vector2Container>
inline double distance(const Vector2 &point, const Vector2Container &vertices) const

Calculate the signed, weighted, closest distance to a polygonal boundary.

If a covariance is defined, the distance is the corresponding Mahalanobis distance. Otherwise, it is the Eucleadian distance.

  • point – Test point

  • vertices – Forward iterable container of convex polygon vertices. Calling std::begin/ std::end on the container must return an iterator where *it must be convertible to an Acts::Vector2.


Negative value if inside, positive if outside

inline double distance(const Vector2 &point, const Vector2 &lowerLeft, const Vector2 &upperRight) const

Calculate the signed, weighted, closest distance to an aligned box.

If a covariance is defined, the distance is the corresponding Mahalanobis distance. Otherwise, it is the Eucleadian distance.

  • point – Test point

  • lowerLeft – Minimal vertex of the box

  • upperRight – Maximal vertex of the box


Negative value if inside, positive if outside

template<typename Vector2Container>
inline bool isInside(const Vector2 &point, const Vector2Container &vertices) const

Check if the point is inside a polygon.

The check takes into account whether tolerances or covariances are defined for the boundary check.

  • point – Test point

  • vertices – Forward iterable container of convex polygon vertices. Calling std::begin/ std::end on the container must return an iterator where *it must be convertible to an Acts::Vector2.

inline bool isInside(const Vector2 &point, const Vector2 &lowerLeft, const Vector2 &upperRight) const

Check if the point is inside a box aligned with the local axes.

The check takes into account whether tolerances or covariances are defined for the boundary check.

  • point – Test point

  • lowerLeft – Minimal vertex of the box

  • upperRight – Maximal vertex of the box

inline operator bool() const
inline bool operator!() const
inline const Vector2 &tolerance() const
inline Type type() const

Broadcast the type.

template<class volume_t>
class BoundarySurfaceT
#include <Acts/Geometry/BoundarySurfaceT.hpp>

The boundary surface class combines a Surface with the information of a volume. It’s templated in the type of volume in order to allow for a return type tat is usable in the navigation stream.


along/oppose definitions are given with respect to the normal vector of the boundary surface.

Template Parameters

volume_t – the type of volume.

Public Functions

inline BoundarySurfaceT()
inline BoundarySurfaceT(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const volume_t *inside, const volume_t *outside)

Constructor for a Boundary with exact two Volumes attached to it.

  • usually used in a volume constructor

  • surface – The unqiue surface the boundary represents

  • inside – The inside volume the bounday surface points to

  • outside – The outside volume the boundary surface points to

inline BoundarySurfaceT(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, VolumePtr inside, VolumePtr outside)

Constructor for a Boundary with exact two Volumes attached to it.

  • usually used in a volume constructor

  • surface – The unqiue surface the boundary represents

  • inside – The inside volume the bounday surface points to

  • outside – The outside volume the boundary surface points to

inline BoundarySurfaceT(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, std::shared_ptr<const VolumeArray> insideArray, std::shared_ptr<const VolumeArray> outsideArray)

Constructor for a Boundary with exact multiple Volumes attached to it.

  • usually used in a volume constructor

  • surface – The unqiue surface the boundary represents

  • insideArray – The inside volume array the bounday surface points to

  • outsideArray – The outside volume array the boundary surface points to

virtual ~BoundarySurfaceT() = default
virtual const volume_t *attachedVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &mom, NavigationDirection navDir) const

Get the next Volume depending on GlobalPosition, GlobalMomentum, dir on the TrackParameters and the requested direction.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • pos – The global position on surface

  • mom – The direction on the surface

  • navDir – is an aditional direction corrective


The attached volume at that position

void attachVolume(const volume_t *volume, NavigationDirection navDir)

Helper method: attach a Volume to this BoundarySurfaceT this is done during the geometry construction.

  • volume – The volume to be attached

  • navDir – The navigation direction for attaching

void attachVolumeArray(std::shared_ptr<const VolumeArray> volumes, NavigationDirection navDir)

Helper method: attach a Volume to this BoundarySurfaceT this is done during the geometry construction.

  • volumes – The volume array to be attached

  • navDir – The navigation direction for attaching

template<class parameters_t>
inline bool onBoundary(const GeometryContext &gctx, const parameters_t &pars) const

templated onBoundary method

Template Parameters

parameters_t – are the parameters to be checked

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • pars – The parameters used for this call

inline virtual const Surface &surfaceRepresentation() const

The Surface Representation of this.

template<typename external_space_point_t>
class CandidatesForMiddleSp
#include <Acts/Seeding/CandidatesForMiddleSp.hpp>

The CandidatesForMiddleSp collects the triplet candidates given a fixed middle spacepoint.

It internally stores the triplet candidates keeping only those with the higher quality.

Template Parameters

external_space_point_t – The external spacepoint type.

Public Types

using value_type = TripletCandidate<external_space_point_t>

Public Functions

CandidatesForMiddleSp() = default


~CandidatesForMiddleSp() = default


void clear()

Clear the internal storage.

bool push(external_space_point_t &SpB, external_space_point_t &SpM, external_space_point_t &SpT, float weight, float zOrigin, bool isQuality)

Adding a new triplet candidate to the collection, should it satisfy the selection criteria.

  • SpB – Bottom space point

  • SpM – Medium space point

  • SpT – Top space point

  • weight – The quality of the triplet candidate

  • zOrigin – The z-coordinate of the origin

  • isQuality – Whether the triplet candidate is high or low quality


whether the triplet candidate has been added or not to the collection

void setMaxElements(std::size_t n_low, std::size_t n_high)

Setting maximum number of candidates to keep.

  • n_low – Maximum number of candidates in the low-quality collection

  • n_high – Maximum number of candidates in the high-quality collection

std::vector<value_type> storage()

Retrieve the triplet candidates, the resulting vector is already sorted, elements with higher quality first.


Vector of triplet candidates

Public Static Functions

static bool ascendingByQuality(const value_type &i1, const value_type &i2)

A function for sorting the triplet candidates from lower to higher quality.

  • i1 – First triplet candidate

  • i2 – Second triplet candidate


The comparison result

static bool descendingByQuality(const value_type &i1, const value_type &i2)

A function for sorting the triplet candidates from higher to lower quality.

  • i1 – First triplet candidate

  • i2 – Second triplet candidate


The comparison result

class CartesianSegmentation : public Acts::Segmentation
#include <Acts/Digitization/CartesianSegmentation.hpp>

Segmentation Base class.

Segementation class for generic pixel, strixels and strip segmentations in a cartesian frame, this uses a cartesian X/Y local surface definition

The calculation can be done in full 3D, i.e. the segments of the path through the planar module are calculated in a 3D model - or in 2D, when the entire calculation is done on the projective surface. When the 2D option is used, segmentation surfaces are not created. The 2D calculation is faster and uses less memory, however, effects witin the sensor volume can not be easily integrated


  • 3D positions are within the 3D frame of the module

  • 2D positions are corrected to the readout surface they need to be corrected by the lorentzShift for the parameter surface in the center of the surface)

Public Functions

CartesianSegmentation(const std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> &mBounds, size_t numCellsX, size_t numCellsY = 1)

Constructor for all same-size pixels or strips (in cas numCellsY is set to 1)

  • mBounds – are the rectangle bounds of the sensitive volume

  • numCellsX – is the number of cells in X

  • numCellsY – is the number of cells in Y

CartesianSegmentation(std::shared_ptr<const BinUtility> bUtility, std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> mBounds = nullptr)


if both RectangleBounds and BinUtility are provided, no check is done for consitency

  • bUtility – is the bin Utility,

  • mBounds – are the rectangle bounds if provided for memory optimisation

~CartesianSegmentation() override

Virtual Destructor.

inline virtual const BinUtility &binUtility() const final

return the bin utility that defines the readout segmentation

inline virtual DigitizationCell cell(const Vector3 &position) const final

Get the digitization cell fropm a 3D position.

  • ignores the shift, i.e. assumenes in to be in cell frame


position – is the position for which the cell is requested


is a cell with cell ids

inline virtual DigitizationCell cell(const Vector2 &position) const final

Get the digitization cell fropm a 3D position.

  • ignores the shift, i.e. assumenes in to be in cell frame


position – is the position for which the cell is requested


is a cell with cell ids

virtual Vector2 cellPosition(const DigitizationCell &dCell) const final

Calculate the cell Position from the Id.


dCell – the digitization cell


the center position of the associated cell

virtual void createSegmentationSurfaces(SurfacePtrVector &boundarySurfaces, SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesX, SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesY, double halfThickness, int readoutDirection = 1., double lorentzAngle = 0.) const final

Create the segmentation surfaces in X.

This method is only used if the full 3D digitization is done

Create the segmentation surfaces in X and Y for rectangular shapes These are needed for a full three dimensional module

  • boundarySurfaces – vector to be filled

  • segmentationSurfacesX – are the segmetation boundaries in X

  • segmentationSurfacesY – are the segmetation boundaries in Y

  • halfThickness – is the half thickness in z of the module

  • readoutDirection – is the direction w.r.t normal vector where the readout is given : -1, 0, 1 possible

  • lorentzAngle – is the lorentz angle measured from the local z towards x axis

virtual DigitizationStep digitizationStep(const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, double halfThickness, int readoutDirection = 1, double lorentzAngle = 0.) const final

Fill the associated digitization cell from this start and end position correct for lorentz effect if needed.

Fill the associated digitization cell from the start and end position in 3D correct for lorentz effect if needed.

  • start – is the start position of the step

  • end – is the end position of the step

  • halfThickness – is the half thickness in z

  • readoutDirection – is the readout direction with respect to local z

  • lorentzAngle – is the lorentz angle measured from local z towards x


is a fully calculated digitzation step

inline virtual const PlanarBounds &moduleBounds() const final

return the surface bounds by reference specialization for Rectangle Bounds

inline std::pair<double, double> pitch() const

return the pitch sizes as a pair

template<typename propagator_t, typename traj_t>
class CombinatorialKalmanFilter
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp>

Combinatorial Kalman filter to find tracks.

The CombinatorialKalmanFilter contains an Actor and a Sequencer sub-class. The Sequencer has to be part of the Navigator of the Propagator in order to initialize and provide the measurement surfaces.

The Actor is part of the Propagation call and does the Kalman update and eventually the smoothing. Updater, Smoother and Calibrator are given to the Actor for further use:

  • The Updater is the implemented kalman updater formalism, it runs via a visitor pattern through the measurements.

  • The Smoother is called at the end of the filtering (track finding) by the Actor.

Measurements are not required to be ordered for the CombinatorialKalmanFilter, measurement ordering needs to be figured out by the navigation of the propagator.

The void components are provided mainly for unit testing.

Template Parameters

propagator_t – Type of the propagator

Public Functions

CombinatorialKalmanFilter() = delete

Default constructor is deleted.

inline CombinatorialKalmanFilter(propagator_t pPropagator, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("CKF", Logging::INFO))

Constructor from arguments.

Combinatorial Kalman Filter implementation, calls the Kalman filter and smoother.


The input measurements are given in the form of SourceLinks. It’s calibrator_t's job to turn them into calibrated measurements used in the track finding.

Template Parameters
  • source_link_iterator_t – Type of the source link iterator

  • start_parameters_container_t – Type of the initial parameters container

  • calibrator_t – Type of the source link calibrator

  • measurement_selector_t – Type of the measurement selector

  • track_container_t – Type of the track container backend

  • holder_t – Type defining track container backend ownership

  • parameters_t – Type of parameters used for local parameters

  • initialParameters – The initial track parameters

  • tfOptions – CombinatorialKalmanFilterOptions steering the track finding

  • trackContainer – Input track container to use


a container of track finding result for all the initial track parameters

template<typename traj_t>
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp>

Extension struct which holds the delegates to customize the CKF behavior.

Public Types

using BranchStopper = Delegate<bool(const CombinatorialKalmanFilterTipState&)>
using candidate_container_t = typename std::vector<typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy>
using MeasurementSelector = Delegate<Result<std::pair<typename candidate_container_t::iterator, typename candidate_container_t::iterator>>(candidate_container_t &trackStates, bool&, const Logger&)>

Public Functions

inline CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions()

Default constructor which connects the default void components.

Public Members

BranchStopper branchStopper
KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t>::Calibrator calibrator

The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g.

sagging for wires, module deformations, etc.

MeasurementSelector measurementSelector

The measurement selector is called during the filtering by the Actor.

KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t>::Smoother smoother

The smoother back-propagates measurement information along the track.

KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t>::Updater updater

The updater incorporates measurement information into the track parameters.

template<typename source_link_iterator_t, typename traj_t>
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterOptions
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp>

Combined options for the combinatorial Kalman filter.

Template Parameters

source_link_accessor_t – Source link accessor type, should be semiregular.

Public Types

using SourceLinkAccessor = SourceLinkAccessorDelegate<source_link_iterator_t>
using SourceLinkIterator = source_link_iterator_t

Public Functions

inline CombinatorialKalmanFilterOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx, SourceLinkAccessor accessor_, CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions<traj_t> extensions_, const PropagatorPlainOptions &pOptions, const Surface *rSurface = nullptr, bool mScattering = true, bool eLoss = true, bool rSmoothing = true)

PropagatorOptions with context.

  • gctx – The geometry context for this track finding/fitting

  • mctx – The magnetic context for this track finding/fitting

  • cctx – The calibration context for this track finding/fitting

  • accessor_ – The source link accessor

  • extensions_ – The extension struct

  • pOptions – The plain propagator options

  • rSurface – The reference surface for the eventual track fitting to be expressed at

  • mScattering – Whether to include multiple scattering

  • eLoss – Whether to include energy loss

  • rSmoothing – Whether to run smoothing to get fitted parameter

CombinatorialKalmanFilterOptions() = delete

Contexts are required and the options must not be default-constructible.

Public Members

std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext

context object for the calibration

bool energyLoss = true

Whether to consider energy loss.

CombinatorialKalmanFilterExtensions<traj_t> extensions

The filter extensions.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Context object for the magnetic field.

bool multipleScattering = true

Whether to consider multiple scattering.

PropagatorPlainOptions propagatorPlainOptions

The trivial propagator options.

const Surface *referenceSurface = nullptr

The reference Surface.

bool smoothing = true

Whether to run smoothing to get fitted parameter.

SourceLinkAccessor sourcelinkAccessor

The source link accessor.

template<typename traj_t>
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterResult
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp>

Public Members

AbortList<PathLimitReached, EndOfWorldReached, ParticleStopped> abortList
std::vector<std::pair<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, CombinatorialKalmanFilterTipState>> activeTips
bool filtered = false
bool finished = false
std::unordered_map<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, BoundTrackParameters> fittedParameters
traj_t *fittedStates = {nullptr}
MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType iSmoothed = 0
std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastMeasurementIndices
std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastTrackIndices
Result<void> result = {Result<void>::success()}
bool smoothed = false
std::unordered_map<const Surface*, std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t>> sourcelinkTips
std::shared_ptr<traj_t> stateBuffer
std::vector<typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy> trackStateCandidates
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterTipState
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/CombinatorialKalmanFilter.hpp>

Track quality summary for one trajectory.

This could be used to decide if a track is to be recorded when the filtering is done or to be terminated due to its bad quality

Public Members

size_t nHoles = 0
size_t nMeasurements = 0
size_t nOutliers = 0
size_t nSensitiveSurfaces = 0
size_t nStates = 0
class ConeBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConeBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a conical surface, the opening angle is stored in \( \tan(\alpha) \) and always positively defined.

The cone can open to both sides, steered by \( z_min \) and \( z_max \).


Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eAlpha
enumerator eMinZ
enumerator eMaxZ
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

ConeBounds() = delete
ConeBounds(double alpha, bool symm, double halfphi = M_PI, double avphi = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor - open cone with alpha, by default a full cone but optionally can make a conical section.

  • alpha – is the opening angle of the cone

  • symm – is the boolean indicating if the cone is symmetric in +/- z

  • halfphi – is the half opening angle (default is pi)

  • avphi – is the phi value around which the bounds are opened (default=0)

ConeBounds(double alpha, double minz, double maxz, double halfphi = M_PI, double avphi = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor - open cone with alpha, minz and maxz, by default a full cone but can optionally make it a conical section.

  • alpha – is the opening angle of the cone

  • minz – cone expanding from minimal z

  • maxz – cone expanding to maximal z

  • halfphi – is the half opening angle (default is pi)

  • avphi – is the phi value around which the bounds are opened (default=0)

ConeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from parameters array.


values – The parameter array

~ConeBounds() override = default
inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const final

inside method for local position

  • lposition – is the local position to be checked

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive


is a boolean indicating if the position is inside

inline double r(double z) const

Return the radius at a specific z values.


z – is the z value for which r is requested


is the r value associated with z

inline double tanAlpha() const

Return tangent of alpha (pre-computed)

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostrea into which the dump is done


is the input obect

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class ConeLayer : public virtual Acts::ConeSurface, public Acts::Layer
#include <Acts/Geometry/ConeLayer.hpp>

Class to describe a conical detector layer for tracking, it inhertis from both, Layer base class and ConeSurface class.

Public Functions

ConeLayer() = delete
ConeLayer(const ConeLayer &cla) = delete
~ConeLayer() override = default
ConeLayer &operator=(const ConeLayer&) = delete
virtual const ConeSurface &surfaceRepresentation() const override

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation for extrapolation.

virtual ConeSurface &surfaceRepresentation() override

Public Static Functions

static inline MutableLayerPtr create(const Transform3 &transform, std::shared_ptr<const ConeBounds> cbounds, std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArray, double thickness = 0., std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr, LayerType laytyp = Acts::active)

Factory for shared layer.

  • transform – is the 3D transform that poisitions the layer in 3D frame

  • cbounds – is the conical bound description

  • surfaceArray – is the array of sensitive surfaces

  • thickness – is the layer thickness along the normal axis

  • ad – is the approach descriptor for navigation towards the layer

  • laytyp – is the layer type


is a shared pointer to a layer

class ConeSurface : public Acts::Surface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConeSurface.hpp>

Class for a conical surface in the Tracking geometry.

It inherits from Surface.

The ConeSurface is special since no corresponding Track parameters exist since they’re numerical instable at the tip of the cone. Propagations to a cone surface will be returned in curvilinear coordinates.

Subclassed by Acts::ConeLayer

Public Functions

ConeSurface() = delete
~ConeSurface() override = default
virtual AlignmentToPathMatrix alignmentToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const final

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

alignment parameters of the surface (i.e. local frame origin in global 3D Cartesian coordinates and its rotation represented with extrinsic Euler angles)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. the alignment parameters

virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position method - is overloaded for r-type binning.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – defines the type of binning applied in the global frame


The return type is a vector for positioning in the global frame

virtual const ConeBounds &bounds() const final

This method returns the ConeBounds by reference.

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const final

Global to local transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position to be transformed

  • momentum – is the global momentum (ignored in this operation)

  • tolerance – optional tolerance within which a point is considered valid on surface


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Straight line intersection schema from position/direction.

If possible returns both solutions for the cylinder

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position to start from

  • direction – The direction at start

  • bcheck – the Boundary Check


SurfaceIntersection object (contains intersection & surface)

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Local to global transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position to be transformed

  • momentum – is the global momentum (ignored in this operation)


The global position by value

virtual std::string name() const override

Return properly formatted class name for screen output.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const final

Return method for surface normal information.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position at normal vector request


Vector3 normal vector in global frame

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Return method for surface normal information.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position as normal vector base


Vector3 normal vector in global frame

ConeSurface &operator=(const ConeSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – is the source surface for the assignment

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const final

The pathCorrection for derived classes with thickness.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global potion at the correction point

  • direction – is the momentum direction at the correction point


is the path correction due to incident angle

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const override

Return a Polyhedron for the surfaces.


that a surface transform can invalidate the extrema in the transformed space

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, it represents the full 2*M_PI coverange, if lseg is set to 1 only the extrema are given


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual RotationMatrix3 referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Return the measurement frame - this is needed for alignment, in particular for StraightLine and Perigee Surface.

  • the default implementation is the RotationMatrix3 of the transform

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position where the measurement frame is constructed

  • momentum – is the momentum used for the measurement frame construction


matrix that indicates the measurement frame

virtual Vector3 rotSymmetryAxis(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

virtual SurfaceType type() const override

Return the surface type.

class ConeVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/ConeVolumeBounds.hpp>

Volume bound class for describing conical volumes either with cylindrical inlay or outer boundary, it also allows for a sectoral description.

Public Types

enum BoundValues

for readability


enumerator eInnerAlpha
enumerator eInnerOffsetZ
enumerator eOuterAlpha
enumerator eOuterOffsetZ
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

ConeVolumeBounds() = delete
ConeVolumeBounds(double innerAlpha, double innerOffsetZ, double outerAlpha, double outerOffsetZ, double halflengthZ, double averagePhi, double halfPhiSector) noexcept(false)

Constructor - for general cone-cone setups.

  • innerAlpha – The opening angle of the inner cone (0 if no cone)

  • innerOffsetZ – The tip z position in of the inner cone, w.r.t center

  • outerAlpha – The opening angle of the outer cone (0 if no cone)

  • outerOffsetZ – The tip z position in of the outer cone, w.r.t center

  • halflengthZ – The minimum z value of the inner and outer cones

  • averagePhi – The phi orientation of the sector

  • halfPhiSector – The opening angle phi sector

ConeVolumeBounds(double cylinderR, double alpha, double offsetZ, double halflengthZ, double averagePhi, double halfPhiSector) noexcept(false)

Constructor - for general cylidner-cone setups.


depending on cylinderR > coneR it is constructing a cone with cylindrical cutout or a cylinder with conical cutout

  • cylinderR – The inner radius of the cylinder

  • alpha – The opening angle of the cone (0 if no cone)

  • offsetZ – The tip z position in of the cone, w.r.t center

  • halflengthZ – The minimum z value of the inner and outer cones

  • averagePhi – The phi orientation of the sector (defaulted to 0)

  • halfPhiSector – The opening angle phi sector

inline ConeVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from a fixed size array.


values – The bound values

ConeVolumeBounds(const ConeVolumeBounds &cobo) = default
~ConeVolumeBounds() override = default
virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

inline double innerRmax() const
inline double innerRmin() const
inline double innerTanAlpha() const
virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &pos, double tol = 0.) const final

This method checks if position in the 3D volume frame is inside the cylinder.

  • pos – is the position in volume frame to be checked

  • tol – is the absolute tolerance to be applied

ConeVolumeBounds &operator=(const ConeVolumeBounds &cobo) = default
virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const final

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

inline double outerRmax() const
inline double outerRmin() const
inline double outerTanAlpha() const
virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is ostream operator to be dumped into

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class ConstantBField : public Acts::MagneticFieldProvider
#include <Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp>

This class implements a simple constant magnetic field.

The magnetic field value has to be set at creation time, but can be updated later on.

Public Functions

inline explicit ConstantBField(Vector3 B)

Construct constant magnetic field from field vector.


B[in] magnetic field vector in global coordinate system

inline Vector3 getField() const

Get the B field at a position.

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value at a given location.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


The position is ignored and only kept as argument to provide a consistent interface with other magnetic field services.

  • position[in] global 3D position for the lookup

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector at given position

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getFieldGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<3, 3> &derivative, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value its its gradient.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


The position is ignored and only kept as argument to provide a consistent interface with other magnetic field services.


currently the derivative is not calculated

  • position[in] global 3D position

  • derivative[out] gradient of magnetic field vector as (3x3) matrix

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector

inline bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


position[in] global 3D position


Always true for constant magnetic field

inline virtual Acts::MagneticFieldProvider::Cache makeCache(const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const override

Make an opaque cache for the magnetic field.

Instructs the specific implementation to generate a Cache instance for magnetic field lookup.


mctx – The magnetic field context to generate cache for


Cache The opaque cache object

inline void setField(const Vector3 &B)

update magnetic field vector


B[in] magnetic field vector in global coordinate system

struct Cache
#include <Acts/MagneticField/ConstantBField.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Cache(const MagneticFieldContext&)

constructor with context

class ConstrainedStep
#include <Acts/Propagator/ConstrainedStep.hpp>

A constrained step class for the steppers.

As simple as this class looks it hides a few very important details:

  • Overstepping handling. The step size sign will flip if we happened to pass our target.

  • Convergence handling. Smaller and smaller step sizes have to be used in order to converge on a target.

Because of the points mentioned above, the update function will always prefer step sizes that point opposite the nagivation direction. A side effect of this is that we will propagate in the opposite direction if the target is “behind us”.

The hierarchy is:

  • Overstepping resolution / backpropagation

  • Convergence

  • Step into the void with std::numeric_limits<Scalar>max()

Public Types

using Scalar = ActsScalar
enum Type

the types of constraints from accuracy - this can vary up and down given a good step estimator from actor - this would be a typical navigation step from aborter - this would be a target condition from user - this is user given for what reason ever


enumerator accuracy
enumerator actor
enumerator aborter
enumerator user

Public Functions

constexpr ConstrainedStep() = default
inline explicit constexpr ConstrainedStep(Scalar value)

constructor from Scalar navigation direction is inferred by the sign of the step size


value – is the user given initial value

inline constexpr Type currentType() const

Access the currently leading type.

inline constexpr void release(Type type)

release a certain constraint value


type – is the constraint type to be released

inline constexpr void scale(Scalar factor)
inline constexpr void setValue(Scalar value)

set accuracy by one Scalar

this will set only the accuracy, as this is the most exposed to the Propagator


value – is the new accuracy value

inline std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const
inline std::string toString() const
inline constexpr void update(Scalar value, Type type, bool releaseStep = false)

Update the step size of a certain type.

Only navigation and target abortion step size updates may change the sign due to overstepping

  • value – is the new value to be updated

  • type – is the constraint type

  • releaseStep – Allow step size to increase again

inline constexpr Scalar value() const

returns the min step size

inline constexpr Scalar value(Type type) const

Access a specific value.


type – is the requested parameter type

Public Members

size_t nStepTrials = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()

Number of iterations needed by the stepsize finder (e.g.

Runge-Kutta) of the stepper.

class ConstVectorMultiTrajectory : public Acts::detail_vmt::VectorMultiTrajectoryBase, public Acts::MultiTrajectory<ConstVectorMultiTrajectory>
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorMultiTrajectory.hpp>

Public Functions

ConstVectorMultiTrajectory() = default
inline ConstVectorMultiTrajectory(const ConstVectorMultiTrajectory &other)
inline ConstVectorMultiTrajectory(const VectorMultiTrajectory &other)
inline ConstVectorMultiTrajectory(VectorMultiTrajectory &&other)
ConstVectorMultiTrajectory(ConstVectorMultiTrajectory&&) = default
inline Statistics statistics() const
class ConstVectorTrackContainer : public Acts::detail_vtc::VectorTrackContainerBase
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorTrackContainer.hpp>

Public Functions

inline ConstVectorTrackContainer()
ConstVectorTrackContainer(const ConstVectorTrackContainer &other) = default
inline ConstVectorTrackContainer(const VectorTrackContainer &other)
ConstVectorTrackContainer(ConstVectorTrackContainer&&) = default
inline ConstVectorTrackContainer(VectorTrackContainer &&other)
inline std::any component_impl(HashedString key, IndexType itrack) const
inline ConstParameters parameters(IndexType itrack) const
template<int N>
class ConvexPolygonBounds : public Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

This is the actual implementation of the bounds.

It is templated on the number of vertices, but there is a specialization for dynamic number of vertices, where the underlying storage is then a vector.

Template Parameters

N – Number of vertices

Public Types

using value_array = std::array<double, eSize>

Type that’s used to store the vertices, in this case a fixed size array.

using vertex_array = std::array<Vector2, num_vertices>

Type that’s used to store the vertices, in this case a fixed size array.

Public Functions

ConvexPolygonBounds() = delete
ConvexPolygonBounds(const std::vector<Vector2> &vertices) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a vector of vertices, to facilitate construction.

This will throw if the vector size does not match num_vertices. This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The list of vertices.

ConvexPolygonBounds(const vertex_array &vertices) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a fixed size array of vertices.

This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The vertices

ConvexPolygonBounds(const value_array &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a fixed size array of parameters This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


values – The values to build up the vertices

~ConvexPolygonBounds() override = default
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Return a rectangle bounds object that encloses this polygon.


The rectangular bounds

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Return whether a local 2D point lies inside of the bounds defined by this object.

  • lposition – The local position to check

  • bcheck – The BoundaryCheck object handling tolerances.


Whether the points is inside

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t eSize = 2 * N

Expose number of parameters as a template parameter.

static constexpr size_t num_vertices = N

Expose number of vertices given as template parameter.

class ConvexPolygonBounds<PolygonDynamic> : public Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

This is the specialization handling a polygon with a dynamic number of points.

It can accept any number of points.

Public Functions

ConvexPolygonBounds() = delete

Default constructor, deleted.

ConvexPolygonBounds(const std::vector<Vector2> &vertices)

Constructor from a vector of vertices, to facilitate construction.

This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The list of vertices.

~ConvexPolygonBounds() override = default

Defaulted destructor.

virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Return a rectangle bounds object that encloses this polygon.


The rectangular bounds

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Return whether a local 2D point lies inside of the bounds defined by this object.

  • lposition – The local position to check

  • bcheck – The BoundaryCheck object handling tolerances.


Whether the points is inside

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type of this bounds object.


The bounds type

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

class ConvexPolygonBoundsBase : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

base class for convex polygon bounds

This class serves as a base class for the actual bounds class. The only deriving type is the templated ConvexPolygonBounds.

Subclassed by Acts::ConvexPolygonBounds< N >, Acts::ConvexPolygonBounds< PolygonDynamic >

Public Functions

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream to be written into

virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

struct CovarianceCache
#include <Acts/Propagator/CovarianceTransport.hpp>

Helper struct holding the necessary cache for the Covariance transport in various parametrisations.

Public Functions

CovarianceCache() = default

Defaulted constructor, gives invalid cache.

CovarianceCache(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Surface &surface, const Vector3 &position, const BoundVector &boundParameters, const BoundSymMatrix &boundCovariance)

Constructor from bound & surface.

This constructor will set the variant covariance type to a bound matrix, remember the surface & establish the jacobian between bound and free parametrisation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context

  • surface – The surface of the bound representation

  • position – The position of the representaiton

  • boundParameters – The bound parameters at the surface

  • boundCovariance – The bound covariance to be propagated

CovarianceCache(const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundSymMatrix &boundCovariance)

Constructor from curvilinear.

This constructor will set the variant covariance type to a bound matrix, remember the surface & establish the jacobian between bound and free parametrisation.

  • position – The position of the representation

  • direction – The direction of at the representation

  • boundCovariance – The bound covariance to be propagated

CovarianceCache(const FreeVector &freeParameters, const FreeSymMatrix &freeCovariance)

Construction from free.

  • freeParameters – The free parameters

  • freeCovariance – The free covariance to be propagated

Public Members

std::optional<ActsMatrix<8, 7>> anglesToDirectionJacobian = std::nullopt

Options for starting from free.

bool applyTransport = false

Internal cache state, indicates correct setup.

Vector3 atPosition = Vector3::Zero()

Internal cache state, at position.

const Surface *atSurface = nullptr

Internal cache state, at surface indication.

std::optional<BoundToFreeMatrix> boundToFreeJacobian = std::nullopt

Optional for starting from bound or curvilinear.

VariantCovariance covariance

Variant: the currently held covariance.

std::optional<ActsMatrix<7, 8>> directionToAnglesJacobian = std::nullopt
FreeVector freeToPathDerivatives = FreeVector::Zero()

Non-variant: the free derivatives.

FreeMatrix freeTransportJacobian = FreeMatrix::Identity()

Non-variant: the free transport jacobian.

class CuboidVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a cubical Volume, the orientedSurfaces(…) method creates a vector of 6 surfaces:

BoundarySurfaceFace [index]:

  • negativeFaceXY [0] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( xy \) plane at negative \( z \)

  • positiveFaceXY [1] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( xy \) plane at positive \( z \)

  • negativeFaceXY [2] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, attached to \( yz \) plane at negative \( x \)

  • positiveFaceXY [3] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, attached to \( yz \) plane at negative \( x \)

  • negativeFaceXY [4] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( zx \) plane at negative \( y \)

  • positiveFaceXY [5] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( zx \) plane at positive \( y \)

Public Types

enum BoundValues

for streaming and access


enumerator eHalfLengthX
enumerator eHalfLengthY
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

CuboidVolumeBounds() = delete
CuboidVolumeBounds(double halex, double haley, double halez) noexcept(false)

Constructor - the box boundaries.

  • halex – is the half length of the cube in x

  • haley – is the half length of the cube in y

  • halez – is the half length of the cube in z

inline CuboidVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from a fixed size array.


values – iw the bound values

CuboidVolumeBounds(const CuboidVolumeBounds &bobo)

Copy Constructor.


bobo – is the source volume bounds to be copied

~CuboidVolumeBounds() override = default
virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

inline virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &pos, double tol = 0.) const override

This method checks if position in the 3D volume frame is inside the cylinder.

  • pos – is the position in volume frame to be checked

  • tol – is the absolute tolerance to be applied

CuboidVolumeBounds &operator=(const CuboidVolumeBounds &bobo)

Assignment operator.


bobo – is the source volume bounds to be assigned

virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const override

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is ostream operator to be dumped into

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class CuboidVolumeBuilder : public Acts::ITrackingVolumeBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This class builds a box detector with a configurable amount of surfaces in it.

The idea is to allow a quick configuration of a detector for mostly unit test applications. Therefore this class does not demand to be a universal construction factory but a raw first draft of the idea of factory that may be extended in the future.

Public Functions

CuboidVolumeBuilder() = default

Default constructor without a configuration.

inline CuboidVolumeBuilder(Config &cfg)

Constructor that sets the config.


cfg[in] Configuration of the detector

std::pair<double, double> binningRange(const GeometryContext &gctx, const VolumeConfig &cfg) const

This function evaluates the minimum and maximum of the binning as given by the configurations of the surfaces and layers.

The ordering depends on the binning value specified in the configuration of the volume.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • cfg[in] Container with the given surfaces and layers


Pair containing the minimum and maximum along the binning direction

std::shared_ptr<const Layer> buildLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, LayerConfig &cfg) const

This function creates a layer with a surface encaspulated with a given configuration.

The surface gets a detector element attached if the template parameter is non-void.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • cfg[inout] Configuration of the layer and the surface


Pointer to the created layer

std::shared_ptr<const Surface> buildSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const SurfaceConfig &cfg) const

This function creates a surface with a given configuration.

A detector element is attached if the template parameter is non-void.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • cfg[in] Configuration of the surface


Pointer to the created surface

std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume> buildVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, VolumeConfig &cfg) const

This function creates a TrackingVolume with a configurable number of layers and surfaces.

Each surface gets a detector element attached if the template parameter is non-void.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • cfg[inout] Configuration of the TrackingVolume


Pointer to the created TrackingVolume

inline void setConfig(Config &cfg)

Setter of the config.


cfg[in] Configuration that is set

void sortVolumes(std::vector<std::pair<TrackingVolumePtr, Vector3>> &tapVec, BinningValue bValue) const
std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume> trackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolume>, std::shared_ptr<const VolumeBounds>) const override

This function builds a world TrackingVolume based on a given configuration.


gctx[in] the geometry context for this building


Pointer to the created TrackingGeometry

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This struct stores the configuration of the tracking geometry.

Public Members

Vector3 length = Vector3(0., 0., 0.)
Vector3 position = Vector3(0., 0., 0.)
std::vector<VolumeConfig> volumeCfg = {}
struct LayerConfig
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This struct stores the data for the construction of a PlaneLayer.

Public Members

bool active = false
size_t binsY = 1
size_t binsZ = 1
std::array<ActsScalar, 2u> envelopeX = {0, 0}
std::array<ActsScalar, 2u> envelopeY = {0, 0}
std::array<ActsScalar, 2u> envelopeZ = {0, 0}
std::optional<RotationMatrix3> rotation = {std::nullopt}
std::vector<SurfaceConfig> surfaceCfg
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces
struct SurfaceConfig
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This struct stores the data for the construction of a single PlaneSurface.

Public Members

std::function<DetectorElementBase*(const Transform3&, std::shared_ptr<const RectangleBounds>, double)> detElementConstructor
Vector3 position
std::shared_ptr<const RectangleBounds> rBounds = nullptr
RotationMatrix3 rotation = RotationMatrix3::Identity()
std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> surMat = nullptr
double thickness = 0.
struct VolumeConfig
#include <Acts/Geometry/CuboidVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This struct stores the data for the construction of a cuboid TrackingVolume with a given number of PlaneLayers.

Public Members

std::vector<LayerConfig> layerCfg
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Layer>> layers
Vector3 length
std::string name = "Volume"
Vector3 position
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume>> trackingVolumes
std::vector<VolumeConfig> volumeCfg
std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial = nullptr
class CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds.hpp>

Class which implements a cutout cylinder.

This shape is bascially a cylinder, with another, smaller cylinder subtracted from the center. ——————&#8212; rmax | | | |——&#8212;| | rmed | | | | —&#8212; —&#8212; rmin &#8212; hlZc &#8212; ——&#8212; hlZ —-&#8212;

Public Types

enum BoundValues

for streaming and access


enumerator eMinR
enumerator eMedR
enumerator eMaxR
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eHalfLengthZcutout
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds() = delete
inline CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds(double rmin, double rmed, double rmax, double hlZ, double hlZc) noexcept(false)

Constructor from defining parameters.

  • rmin – Minimum radius at the “choke points”

  • rmed – The medium radius (outer radius of the cutout)

  • rmax – The outer radius of the overall shape

  • hlZ – The longer halflength of the shape

  • hlZc – The cutout halflength of the shape

inline CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from a fixed size array.


values – The bound values

~CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds() override = default
virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &gpos, double tol = 0) const override

Inside method to test whether a point is inside the shape.

  • gpos – The point to test

  • tol – The tolerance to test with


Whether the point is inside or not.

virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const override

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

Write information about this instance to an outstream.


sl – The outstream


The outstream

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class CylinderBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/CylinderBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a cylindrical Surface.

These bounds may be used for a CylinderSurface In case of bounds for a StraightLineSurface the radius determines the radius within a localPosition is regarded as inside bounds.

CylinderBounds also enhance the possibility of a cylinder segment with an opening angle \( 2\cdot\phi_{half}\) around an average \( \phi \) angle \( \phi_{ave} \).

CylinderBounds also supports beveled sides defined by an angle. Different angles can be defined on both sides of the cylinder. A postive angle is defined as “extruding” from the defined Zlength, while a negative angle is “intruding” on the Zlength.

  • - - +

    \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / |/______________|/ 2 * ZhalfLength

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eR
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eBevelMinZ
enumerator eBevelMaxZ
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

CylinderBounds() = delete
inline CylinderBounds(double r, double halfZ, double halfPhi = M_PI, double avgPhi = 0., double bevelMinZ = 0., double bevelMaxZ = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor - full cylinder.

  • r – The radius of the cylinder

  • halfZ – The half length in z

  • halfPhi – The half opening angle

  • avgPhi – (optional) The phi value from which the opening angle spans

  • bevelMinZ – (optional) The bevel on the negative z side

  • bevelMaxZ – (optional) The bevel on the positive z sid The bevel on the positive z side

inline CylinderBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array.


values – The parameter values

~CylinderBounds() override = default
inline bool coversFullAzimuth() const

Returns true for full phi coverage.

std::vector<Vector3> createCircles(const Transform3 trans, size_t lseg) const

Create the bows/circles on either side of the cylinder.

  • trans – is the global transform

  • lseg – are the numbero if phi segments

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

bool inside3D(const Vector3 &position, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const

Specialized method for CylinderBounds that checks if a global position is within the cylinder cover.

  • position – is the position in the cylinder frame

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive


boolean indicator for operation success

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class CylinderLayer : public Acts::CylinderSurface, public Acts::Layer
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderLayer.hpp>

Class to describe a cylindrical detector layer for tracking, it inhertis from both, Layer base class and CylinderSurface class.

Public Functions

CylinderLayer(const CylinderLayer &cla) = delete
CylinderLayer() = delete
~CylinderLayer() override = default
CylinderLayer &operator=(const CylinderLayer&) = delete
virtual const CylinderSurface &surfaceRepresentation() const override

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation This is for positioning and extrapolation.

virtual CylinderSurface &surfaceRepresentation() override

Public Static Functions

static inline std::shared_ptr<CylinderLayer> create(const Transform3 &transform, const std::shared_ptr<const CylinderBounds> &cbounds, std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArray = nullptr, double thickness = 0., std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr, LayerType laytyp = passive)

Factory for shared Layer pointer create a shared, fully deployed CylinderLayer.

  • transform – is the 3D transform that places the layer in 3D space

  • cbounds – are the cylindrical bounds of the layer

  • surfaceArray – is the Binned Array that holds the sensitive surfaces

  • thickness – is the layer thickness (along the normal)

  • ad – is the approach descriptor for approaching the layer

  • laytyp – is the layer type


The return object is a shared poiter to the layer.

class CylinderSurface : public Acts::Surface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/CylinderSurface.hpp>

Class for a CylinderSurface in the TrackingGeometry.

It inherits from Surface.

The cylinder surface has a special role in the TrackingGeometry, since it builds the surfaces of all TrackingVolumes at container level for a cylindrical tracking geometry.


Subclassed by Acts::CylinderLayer

Public Functions

CylinderSurface() = delete
~CylinderSurface() override = default
virtual AlignmentToPathMatrix alignmentToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const final

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

alignment parameters of the surface (i.e. local frame origin in global 3D Cartesian coordinates and its rotation represented with extrinsic Euler angles)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. the alignment parameters

virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position method - is overloaded for r-type binning.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the type of global binning to be done


is the global position to be used for binning

virtual const CylinderBounds &bounds() const final

This method returns the CylinderBounds by reference.

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const final

Global to local transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position to be transformed

  • momentum – is the global momentum (ignored in this operation)

  • tolerance – optional tolerance within which a point is considered valid on surface


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Straight line intersection schema from position/direction.

If possible returns both solutions for the cylinder

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position to start from

  • direction – The direction at start

  • bcheck – the Boundary Check


SurfaceIntersection object (contains intersection & surface)

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Local to global transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position to be transformed

  • momentum – is the global momentum (ignored in this operation)


The global position by value

virtual std::string name() const override

Return method for properly formatted output string.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const final

Return method for surface normal information.


for a Cylinder a local position is always required for the normal vector

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local postion for which the normal vector is requested


normal vector at the local position by value

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Return method for surface normal information.


for a Cylinder a local position is always required for the normal vector

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global postion for which the normal vector is requested


normal vector at the global position by value

CylinderSurface &operator=(const CylinderSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – is the source cylinder for the copy

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const final

Path correction due to incident of the track.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position as a starting point

  • direction – is the global momentum at the starting point


is the correction factor due to incident

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const override

Return a Polyhedron for a cylinder.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, it represents the full 2*M_PI coverange, if lseg is set to 1 only the extrema are given


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual RotationMatrix3 referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Return the measurement frame - this is needed for alignment, in particular The measurement frame of a cylinder is the tangential plane at a given position.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the position where the measurement frame is defined

  • momentum – is the momentum vector (ignored)


rotation matrix that defines the measurement frame

virtual Vector3 rotSymmetryAxis(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

Return method for the rotational symmetry axis.


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment


the z-Axis of transform

virtual SurfaceType type() const override

Return the surface type.

class CylinderVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBounds.hpp>

[0] and [1] at positive \( \phi \)

Bounds for a cylindrical Volume, the orientedSurfaces(..) method creates a vector of up to 6 surfaces:

case A) 3 Surfaces (full cylindrical tube): BoundarySurfaceFace [index]:

  • negativeFaceXY [0] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}=0 \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at negative \( z\)

  • positiveFaceXY [1] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}=0 \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at positive \( z\)

  • cylinderCover [2] : Acts::CylinderSurface confining the Acts::Volume

case B) 4 Surfaces (tube with inner and outer radius): BoundarySurfaceFace [index]:

  • negativeFaceXY [0] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}>0 \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at negative \( z\)

  • positiveFaceXY [1] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}>0 \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at positive \( z\)

  • tubeOuterCover [2] : Acts::CylinderSurface with \( r = r_{outer} \)

  • tubeInnerCover [3] : Acts::CylinderSurface with \( r = r_{inner} \)

case C) 6 Surfaces (sectoral tube with inner and outer radius): BoundarySurfaceFace [index]:

  • negativeFaceXY [0] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}>0\) and \( \phi < \pi \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at negative \(z\)

  • positiveFaceXY [1] : Acts::DiscSurface with \( r_{inner}>0 \) and \( \phi < \pi \), parallel to \( xy \) plane at positive \(z\)

  • tubeSectorOuterCover [2] : Acts::CylinderSurface with \( r = r_{outer}\)

  • tubeSectorInnerCover [3] : Acts::CylinderSurface with \( r = r_{inner} \)

  • tubeSectorNegativePhi [4] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface attached to [0] and [1] at negative \( \phi \)

    • tubeSectorNegativePhi [5] :

Public Types

enum BoundValues

for streaming and access


enumerator eMinR
enumerator eMaxR
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eBevelMinZ
enumerator eBevelMaxZ
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

CylinderVolumeBounds() = delete
inline CylinderVolumeBounds(double rmin, double rmax, double halfz, double halfphi = M_PI, double avgphi = 0., double bevelMinZ = 0., double bevelMaxZ = 0.) noexcept(false)


  • rmin – The inner radius of the cylinder

  • rmax – The outer radius of the cylinder

  • halfz – The half length in z

  • halfphi – The half lopening angle

  • avgphi – The average phi value

  • bevelMinZ – The bevel angle, in radians, for the negative side

  • bevelMaxZ – The bevel angle, in radians, for the positive side

inline CylinderVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from a fixed size array.


values – The bound values

CylinderVolumeBounds(const CylinderBounds &cBounds, double thickness) noexcept(false)

Constructor - extruded from cylinder bounds and thickness.

  • cBounds – the cylinder bounds

  • thickness – of the extrusion

CylinderVolumeBounds(const RadialBounds &rBounds, double thickness) noexcept(false)

Constructor - extruded from radial bounds and thickness.

  • rBounds – the Radial bounds

  • thickness

CylinderVolumeBounds(const CylinderVolumeBounds &cylbo) = default

Copy Constructor.


cylbo – is the source cylinder volume bounds for the copy

~CylinderVolumeBounds() override = default
inline virtual double binningBorder(BinningValue bValue) const override

Binning borders in double.


bValue – is the type used for the binning

inline virtual Vector3 binningOffset(BinningValue bValue) const override

Binning offset - overloaded for some R-binning types.


bValue – is the type used for the binning

virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

inline virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &pos, double tol = 0.) const override

This method checks if position in the 3D volume frame is inside the cylinder.

  • pos – is a global position to be checked

  • tol – is the tolerance for the check

CylinderVolumeBounds &operator=(const CylinderVolumeBounds &cylbo) = default
virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const override

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

Output Method for std::ostream.

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class CylinderVolumeBuilder : public Acts::ITrackingVolumeBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBuilder.hpp>

A volume builder to be used for building a concentrical cylindrical volumes.

  • a) configured volume

  • b) wrapping around a cylindrical/disk layer config

All are optionally wrapped around a given volume which has to by a cylinder volume and which has to be center at z == 0

To receive the tracking volume it is possible to also hand over a triple of layers, which is a C++ tuple of three pointers to layer vectors (defined in the ITrackingVolumeBuilder). This functionality is needed for a possible translation of an geometry existing in another format. The first entry represents the layers of the negative endcap, the second the layers of the barrel and the third the layers of the positive endcap. If the one of these pointers is a nullptr no layers will be created for this volume

For the endcap region it is possible to check for a ring layout, in which case an attempt to split into individual ring volumes is done

Public Functions

CylinderVolumeBuilder(const Config &cvbConfig, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("CylinderVolumeBuilder", Logging::INFO))


  • cvbConfig[in] is the configuraiton struct to steer the builder

  • logger[in] logging instance

~CylinderVolumeBuilder() override


VolumeConfig analyzeContent(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &lVector, const MutableTrackingVolumeVector &mtvVector) const

Analyze the config to gather needed dimension.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • lVector[in] is the vector of layers that are parsed

  • mtvVector[in] Vector of mutable tracking volumes to analyze


a VolumeConfig representing this layer

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get configuration method.

Return the configuration object.


a copy of the config object

void setConfiguration(const Config &cvbConfig)

Set configuration method.


cvbConfig[in] is the new configuration to be set

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

set logging instance


newLogger[in] is the logging istance to be set

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr trackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, TrackingVolumePtr existingVolume = nullptr, VolumeBoundsPtr externalBounds = nullptr) const override

CylinderVolumeBuilder main call method.

  • gctx[in] geometry context for which this cylinder volume is built

  • existingVolume[in] is an (optional) volume to be included

  • externalBounds[in] are (optional) external confinement constraints


a mutable pointer to a new TrackingVolume which includes the optionally provided exisitingVolume consistently for further processing

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBuilder.hpp>

Nested configuration struct for this CylinderVolumeBuilder.

Public Members

std::array<std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>, 6> boundaryMaterial{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}

—————–&#8212; MB (outer [1]) ————&#8212; | MB [2] NEC MB [3] | B | MB [4] PEC MB [5] | —————–&#8212; MB (inner [0]) ————&#8212;

bool buildToRadiusZero = false

Build the volume to the beam line.

bool checkRingLayout = false

Check for endcap ring layout.

std::shared_ptr<const IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder> ctVolumeBuilder = nullptr

Builder to construct confined volumes within the volume.

std::shared_ptr<const ILayerBuilder> layerBuilder = nullptr

Builder to construct layers within the volume.

std::pair<double, double> layerEnvelopeR = {1. * UnitConstants::mm, 1. * UnitConstants::mm}

Additional envelope in R to create rMin, rMax.

double layerEnvelopeZ = 1. * UnitConstants::mm

the additional envelope in Z to create zMin, zMax

double ringTolerance = 0 * UnitConstants::mm

Tolerance for endcap ring association.

std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeHelper> trackingVolumeHelper = nullptr

The trackign volume helper for construction.

std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial = nullptr

The world material.

std::string volumeName = ""

The string based indenfication.

int volumeSignature = -1

Volume signature.

class CylinderVolumeHelper : public Acts::ITrackingVolumeHelper
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeHelper.hpp>

The concrete implementation for cylindrical TrackingVolume objects of the ITrackingVolumeCreator interface.

Public Functions

CylinderVolumeHelper(const Config &cvhConfig, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("CylinderVolumeHelper", Logging::INFO))


  • cvhConfig – is the configuration struct for this builder

  • logger – logging instance

~CylinderVolumeHelper() override = default
virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createContainerTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const TrackingVolumeVector &volumes) const override

Create a container volumes from sub volumes, input volumes are ordered in R or Z by convention.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • volumes – the volumes to be contained


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createGapTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, MutableTrackingVolumeVector &mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double rMin, double rMax, double zMin, double zMax, unsigned int materialLayers, bool cylinder = true, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume") const override

Create a gap volume from dimensions and.


this TrackingVolume is restricted to Translation only

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • volumeMaterial – dense material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • rMin – minimum radius

  • rMax – maximum radius

  • zMin – minimum z

  • zMax – maximum z

  • materialLayers – number of material layers (aequidistant binning)

  • cylinder – type of layers

  • volumeName – volume name to be given


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createGapTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, MutableTrackingVolumeVector &mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double rMin, double rMax, double zMin, double zMax, const std::vector<double> &layerPositions, bool cylinder = true, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType bType = arbitrary) const override

Create a gap volume from dimensions and.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • volumeMaterial – dense material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • rMin – minimum radius

  • rMax – maximum radius

  • zMin – minimum z

  • zMax – maximum z

  • layerPositions – custom layer positions

  • cylinder – type of layers

  • volumeName – : volume name to be given

  • bType – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layers, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, VolumeBoundsPtr volumeBounds, MutableTrackingVolumeVector mtvVector = {}, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType bType = arbitrary) const override

Create a TrackingVolume* from a set of layers and (optional) parameters.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • layers – vector of static layers confined by the TrackingVolume if no bounds or HepTransform is given, they define the size together with the volume enevlope parameters

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • volumeBounds – confinement of this TrackingVolume

  • mtvVector – (optiona) Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • transform – (optional) placement of this TrackingVolume

  • volumeName – volume name to be given

  • bType – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layers, MutableTrackingVolumeVector mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double rMin, double rMax, double zMin, double zMax, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType bType = arbitrary) const override

Create a TrackingVolume* from a set of layers and (optional) parameters.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • layers – vector of static layers confined by the TrackingVolume if no bounds or HepTransform is given, they define the size together with the volume enevlope parameters

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • rMin – minimum radius

  • rMax – maximum radius

  • zMin – minimum z

  • zMax – maximum z

  • volumeName – volume name to be given

  • bType – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get configuration method.

void setConfiguration(const Config &cvhConfig)

Set configuration method.


cvhConfig – is the configurtion struct assigned

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

Set logging instance.


newLogger – is the logger isntance to be set

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeHelper.hpp>

Nested configuration struct for this CylinderVolumeHelper.

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<const ILayerArrayCreator> layerArrayCreator = nullptr

a tool for coherent LayerArray creation

int passiveLayerPhiBins = 1

bins in phi for the passive layer

int passiveLayerRzBins = 100

bins in r/z for the passive layer

double passiveLayerThickness = 1

thickness of passive layers

std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator> trackingVolumeArrayCreator = nullptr

Helper Tool to create TrackingVolume.

class DD4hepDetectorElement : public Acts::TGeoDetectorElement
#include <Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepDetectorElement.hpp>

DetectorElement class implementation for DD4hep geometry.

DetectorElement plugin for DD4hep detector elements. DD4hep is based on TGeo shapes, therefore the DD4hepDetectorElement inherits from TGeoDetectorElement. The full geometrical information is provided by the TGeoDetectorElement. The DD4hepDetectorElement extends the TGeoDetectorElement by containing a segmentation for the readout.

Public Types

using ContextType = GeometryContext

Broadcast the context type.

Public Functions

DD4hepDetectorElement(const dd4hep::DetElement detElement, const std::string &axes = "XYZ", double scalor = 1., bool isDisc = false, std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> material = nullptr, const std::shared_ptr<const DigitizationModule> &digitizationModule = nullptr)


Example options are:

  • ”XYZ” -> identical frame definition (default value)

  • ”YZX” -> node y axis is tracking x axis, etc.

  • ”XzY” -> negative node z axis is tracking y axis, etc.


In the translation from a 3D geometry (TGeo) which only knows tubes to a 2D geometry (Tracking geometry) a distinction if the module should be described as a cylinder or a disc surface needs to be done. Since this information can not be taken just from the geometry description (both can be described as TGeoTubeSeg), one needs to set the flag ‘isDisc’ in case a volume with shape TGeoTubeSeg should be translated to a disc surface. Per default it will be translated into a cylindrical surface.

  • scalor – is the scale factor for unit conversion if needed

  • isDisc – in case the sensitive detector module should be translated as disc (e.g. for endcaps) this flag should be set to true

  • digitizationModule – Optional digitization configuration for the element

  • material – Optional material of detector element

  • detElement – The DD4hep DetElement which should be linked to a surface

  • axes – is the axis orientation with respect to the tracking frame it is a string of the three characters x, y and z (standing for the three axes) There is a distinction between capital and lower case characters :

    • capital -> positive orientation of the axis

    • lower case -> negative oriantation of the axis

~DD4hepDetectorElement() override = default
class DD4hepLayerBuilder : public Acts::ILayerBuilder
#include <Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepLayerBuilder.hpp>

build layers of one cylinder-endcap setup from DD4hep input

This class is an implementation of the Acts::ILayerBuilder, creating the central (layers of barrel), the negative and positive layers (layers of endcaps) of one hierarchy (e.g. PixelDetector, StripDetector,…) with input from DD4hep.

Public Functions

DD4hepLayerBuilder(const Acts::DD4hepLayerBuilder::Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)


  • config – is the configuration struct

  • logger – is the logging instance

~DD4hepLayerBuilder() override


virtual const LayerVector centralLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call


the layers at the central sector

inline Config getConfiguration() const

get the configuration object

inline virtual const std::string &identification() const final

Name identification.


the string based identification of this configuration

virtual const LayerVector negativeLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call


the layers at negative side

virtual const LayerVector positiveLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call


the layers at positive side

void setConfiguration(const Config &config)

set the configuration object


config – is the configuration struct

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

set logging instance

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepLayerBuilder.hpp>

nested configuration struct for steering of the layer builder

Public Members

BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant

the binning type of the contained surfaces in phi (equidistant/arbitrary)

BinningType bTypeR = equidistant

the binning type of the contained surfaces in r (equidistant/arbitrary)

BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant

the binning type of the contained surfaces in z (equidistant/arbitrary)

std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> centralLayers

the DD4hep::DetElements of the layers of the central volume (barrel)


if the current volume has no layers this parameter will not be set

std::string configurationName = "undefined"

string based identification

double defaultThickness = UnitConstants::fm

In case no surfaces (to be contained by the layer) are handed over, the layer thickness will be set to this value.


The default thickness should be set thin enough that no touching or overlapping with the next layer can happen.


Layers containing surfaces per default are not allowed to be attached to each other (navigation will bail at this point). However, to allow material layers (not containing surfaces) to be attached to each other, this default thickness is needed. In this way, the layer will be thin (with space to the next layer), but the material will have the’real’ thickness.

std::shared_ptr<const LayerCreator> layerCreator = nullptr

layer creator which is internally used to build layers

std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> negativeLayers

the DD4hep::DetElements of the layers of the negative volume (negative endcap)


if the current volume has no endcaps or no layers this parameter will not be set

std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> positiveLayers

the DD4hep::DetElements of the layers of the positive volume (positive endcap)


if the current volume has no endcaps or no layers this parameter will not be set

class DD4hepVolumeBuilder : public Acts::IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder
#include <Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepVolumeBuilder.hpp>

build confined TrackingVolumes of one cylinder setup from DD4hep input.

This class is an implementation of the Acts::IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder, creating the central (volumes of barrel), the negative and positive volumes (volumes of endcaps) of one hierarchy (e.g. ECal, HCal…) with input from DD4hep.

Public Functions

DD4hepVolumeBuilder(const Acts::DD4hepVolumeBuilder::Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)


  • config[in] is the configuration struct

  • logger[in] is the logging instance

~DD4hepVolumeBuilder() override


virtual MutableTrackingVolumeVector centralVolumes() const final

Builder method for cylindrical, confined volume.


The vector of TrackingVolumes at the central sector

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get the configuration object.


The used configuration struct

inline virtual const std::string &identification() const final

Name identification.


The string based identification of this configuration

void setConfiguration(const Config &config)

Set the configuration object.


config[in] is the configuration struct

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

Set logging instance.


logger[in] Logger in use

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/DD4hep/DD4hepVolumeBuilder.hpp>

Nested configuration struct for steering of the volume builder.

Public Members

std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> centralVolumes

Vector of central confined volumes.

std::string configurationName = "undefined"

string based identification

template<typename, typename H = void, DelegateType = DelegateType::NonOwning>
class Delegate
#include <Acts/Utilities/Delegate.hpp>
template<typename R, typename H, DelegateType O, typename ...Args>
class Delegate<R(Args...), H, O>
#include <Acts/Utilities/Delegate.hpp>

Delegate type that allows type erasure of a callable without allocation and with a single level of indirection.

This type can support:

  • a free function pointer

  • a pointer to a member function alongside an instance pointer


Delegate by default does not assume ownership of the instance. In that case You need to ensure that the lifetime of the callable instance is longer than that of the Delegate. If you set O to DelegateType::Owning, it will assume ownership.


Currently Delegate only supports callables that are const

Template Parameters
  • R – Return type of the function signature

  • H – Holder type that is used to store an instance

  • O – Ownership type of the delegate: Owning or NonOwning

  • Args – Types of the arguments of the function signatures

Public Functions

Delegate() = default
Delegate(Delegate&&) = default
Delegate(const Delegate&) = default
inline Delegate(function_type callable)

Constructor with an explicit runtime callable.


The function signature requires the first argument of the callable is const void*. i.e. if the signature of the delegate is void(int), the callable’s signature has to be void(const void*, int).


callable – The runtime value of the callable

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
inline Delegate(Callable &callable)

Constructor with a possibly stateful function object.


Delegate does not assume owner ship over callable. You need to ensure it’s lifetime is longer than that of Delegate.

Template Parameters

Callable – Type of the callable


callable – The callable (function object or lambda)

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
Delegate(Callable&&) = delete

Constructor from rvalue reference is deleted, should catch construction with temporary objects and thus invalid pointers.

template<auto Callable>
inline void connect()

Connect a free function pointer.


The function pointer must be constexpr for Delegate to accept it

Template Parameters

Callable – The compile-time free function pointer

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
inline void connect(Callable &callable)

Assignment operator with possibly stateful function object.


Delegate does not assume owner ship over callable. You need to ensure it’s lifetime is longer than that of Delegate.

Template Parameters

Callable – Type of the callable


callable – The callable (function object or lambda)

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
void connect(Callable&&) = delete

Connection with rvalue reference is deleted, should catch assignment from temporary objects and thus invalid pointers.

inline void connect(function_type callable)

Connect anything that is assignable to the function pointer.


The function signature requires the first argument of the callable is const void*. i.e. if the signature of the delegate is void(int), the callable’s signature has to be void(const void*, int).


callable – The runtime value of the callable

template<auto Callable, typename Type, DelegateType T = kOwnership, typename = std::enable_if_t<T == DelegateType::NonOwning>>
inline void connect(const Type *instance)

Connect a member function to be called on an instance.


Delegate does not assume owner ship over instance. You need to ensure it’s lifetime is longer than that of Delegate.

Template Parameters
  • Callable – The compile-time member function pointer

  • Type – The type of the instance the member function should be called on


instance – The instance on which the member function pointer should be called on

template<auto Callable, typename Type>
inline void connect(std::unique_ptr<const Type> instance)

Connect a member function to be called on an instance.


Delegate assumes owner ship over instance.

Template Parameters
  • Callable – The compile-time member function pointer

  • Type – The type of the instance the member function should be called on


instance – The instance on which the member function pointer should be called on

inline bool connected() const

Return whether this delegate is currently connected.


True if this delegate is connected

inline void disconnect()

Disconnect this delegate, meaning it cannot be called anymore.

template<typename holder_t = holder_type, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<holder_t, void>>>
inline const holder_type *instance() const
inline operator bool() const

Return whether this delegate is currently connected.


True if this delegate is connected

inline return_type operator()(Args... args) const

The call operator that exposes the functionality of the Delegate type.


args – The arguments to call the contained function with


Return value of the contained function

Delegate &operator=(Delegate&&) = default
Delegate &operator=(const Delegate&) = default
inline void operator=(function_type callable)

Assignment operator with an explicit runtime callable.


The function signature requires the first argument of the callable is const void*. i.e. if the signature of the delegate is void(int), the callable’s signature has to be void(const void*, int).


callable – The runtime value of the callable

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
inline void operator=(Callable &callable)

Assignment operator with possibly stateful function object.


Delegate does not assume owner ship over callable. You need to ensure it’s lifetime is longer than that of Delegate.

Template Parameters

Callable – Type of the callable


callable – The callable (function object or lambda)

template<typename Callable, typename = isNoFunPtr<Callable>>
void operator=(Callable&&) = delete

Assignment operator from rvalue reference is deleted, should catch assignment from temporary objects and thus invalid pointers.

template<typename action_list_t = ActionList<>, typename aborter_list_t = AbortList<>>
struct DenseStepperPropagatorOptions : public Acts::PropagatorOptions<action_list_t, aborter_list_t>
#include <Acts/Propagator/DenseEnvironmentExtension.hpp>

Public Functions

DenseStepperPropagatorOptions(const DenseStepperPropagatorOptions<action_list_t, aborter_list_t> &dspo) = default

Copy Constructor.

inline DenseStepperPropagatorOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)

Constructor with GeometryContext.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • mctx – The current magnetic fielc context object

template<typename extended_aborter_list_t>
inline DenseStepperPropagatorOptions<action_list_t, extended_aborter_list_t> extend(extended_aborter_list_t aborters) const

Expand the Options with extended aborters.

Template Parameters

extended_aborter_list_t – Type of the new aborter list


aborters – The new aborter list to be used (internally)

Public Members

bool includeGgradient = true

Boolean flag for inclusion of d(dEds)d(q/p) into energy loss.

bool meanEnergyLoss = true

Toggle between mean and mode evaluation of energy loss.

double momentumCutOff = 0.

Cut-off value for the momentum in SI units.

class DiamondBounds : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/DiamondBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a double trapezoidal (“diamond”), planar Surface.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eHalfLengthXnegY
enumerator eHalfLengthXzeroY
enumerator eHalfLengthXposY
enumerator eHalfLengthYneg
enumerator eHalfLengthYpos
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

DiamondBounds() = delete
inline DiamondBounds(double halfXnegY, double halfXzeroY, double halfXposY, double halfYneg, double halfYpos) noexcept(false)

Constructor for convex hexagon symmetric about the y axis.

  • halfXnegY – is the halflength in x at minimal y

  • halfXzeroY – is the halflength in x at y = 0

  • halfXposY – is the halflength in x at maximal y

  • halfYneg – is the halflength into y < 0

  • halfYpos – is the halflength into y > 0

inline DiamondBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array.


values – The parameter values

~DiamondBounds() override = default
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Bounding box parameters.


rectangle bounds for a bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream in which it is dumped

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements is ignored for this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

struct DigitizationCell
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationCell.hpp>

pair of ints for definition of a cell

Public Functions

inline DigitizationCell(size_t ch0, size_t ch1, float d = 0.)
DigitizationCell(const DigitizationCell &dc) = default
inline void addCell(const DigitizationCell &dc, bool analogueReadout)

To merge cells in case they are at the same position.


this function is needed because possible derived classes may calculate the energy deposit differently. Furthermore this allows to apply an energy cut, because the energy deposit can also be stored for digital readout.

  • dc – the cell to be added to the current cell

  • analogueReadout – flag indicating if we have analgue readout

inline double depositedEnergy() const

the deposited energy


this function is needed because possible derived classes may calculate the energy deposit differently. Furthermore this allows to apply an energy cut, because the energy deposit can also be stored for digital readout.

Public Members

size_t channel0 = 0
size_t channel1 = 1
float data = 0.
class DigitizationModule
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationModule.hpp>

Class that holds the surfaces for a planar digitization detector module.

It needs a descriptor to design different pixel/strixels/strip setups (with a segmentation class) in order to define the readout segmentation

The digitizaiton is done in the local frame of the surface.

The lorentz angle is assumed to be only in x-direction and constant for the module, it is measured from the local z-direction towards the local x-direction.

The readout direction defines the charge drift either: a) towards the surface at -halfThickness if readout is defined at -1 b) towards the surface at +halfThickness if readout is defined at +1


  • 3D positions are within the 3D frame of the module

  • 2D positions are corrected to parameter surface at the center of the module (and not the readout surface)

The lorenzShift is the correction from the readout surface to the parameter surface

Public Functions

DigitizationModule(std::shared_ptr<const Segmentation> moduleSegmentation, double halfThickness, int readoutDirection, double lorentzAngle, double energyThreshold = 0., bool analogue = false)

Constructor from a Segmentation descriptor.

  • moduleSegmentation – is the segmentation descriptions

  • halfThickness – is the half thickness of the module

  • readoutDirection – is the readout drift direction

  • lorentzAngle – is the lorentz drift angle

  • energyThreshold – Optional energy threshold for digitization

  • analogue – Run analogue digitization (defaults to false)

virtual ~DigitizationModule() = default

Virtual Destructor.

inline bool analogue() const

Indicates if the readout of the module is analogue, default is digital.

inline const SurfacePtrVector &boundarySurfaces() const

Return the bounding surfaces inlcuding top and bottom.

const DigitizationCell cell(const Vector2 &position) const

Get the digitization cell from a position.


position – The position to query


inline DigitizationStep digitizationStep(const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end) const

Fill the associated digitization cell from this start and end position, correct for lorentz effect if needed.

  • start – is the start position of the step

  • end – is the end position of the step


the digitization step

inline double energyThreshold() const

Return the energy threshold per cell of the module.

inline double halfThickness() const

Return the module thickness.

inline double lorentzAngle() const

Return the lorentz Angle.

inline int readoutDirection() const

Return the readout direction.

inline const Segmentation &segmentation() const

return the segmenation

const SurfacePtrVector segmentationSurfaces(const DigitizationCell &entryCids, const DigitizationCell &exitCids) const

Return the internal test segmentation surfaces to test between entry and exit given by their cell id’s - the boundaries are not given.

  • entryCids – are the entry digitisation cell ids

  • exitCids – are the exit digitisation cell ids


object is a vector of shared surfaces

inline const SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesX() const

Return all surfaces in X - excluding the boundaries.

inline const SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesY() const

Return all surfaces in Y - excluding the boundaries.

SurfacePtrVector stepSurfaces(const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end) const

Return the test surfaces between these points.

  • start – is the start position of the step

  • end – is the end position of the step


stepSurfaces are the surfaces to test

class DigitizationSourceLink
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationSourceLink.hpp>

Source link to connect digitization clusters back to truth information.

Public Functions

inline DigitizationSourceLink(GeometryIdentifier gid, std::vector<std::size_t> indices = {})

Constructor from geometry identifier and truth indices.

  • gid – is the geometry identifier

  • indices – are the truth indices

DigitizationSourceLink() = default

Construct and invalid source link.

Must be default constructible to satisfy SourceLinkConcept.

inline GeometryIdentifier geometryId() const
inline const std::vector<std::size_t> &indices() const

Access all associated truth indices.

struct DigitizationStep
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationCell.hpp>

DigitizationStep for further handling.

Public Functions

inline DigitizationStep()

this is the cell position

Standard constructor

inline DigitizationStep(double sl, double dl, const DigitizationCell &dc, const Vector3 &entryP, const Vector3 &exitP, const Vector2 &projectedPosition, const Vector2 &cellPosition)

Constructor with arguments.

  • sl – step length of this step

  • dl – drift length of this step

  • dc – is the digitization zell (with indices)

  • entryP – is the entry position into the cell

  • exitP – is the exit position from the cell

  • projectedPosition – is the position on the readout surface

  • cellPosition – is the nominal position of the cell

Public Members

double driftLength = {0.}

this is the path length within the cell

DigitizationCell stepCell

this is the path length of the setp center to the readout surface

Vector2 stepCellCenter

this is the projected position at the readout surface

Vector3 stepEntry

this is the cell identifier of the segment

Vector3 stepExit

this is the Entry point into the segment

double stepLength = {0.}
Vector2 stepReadoutProjected

this is the Exit point from the segment

class DirectNavigator
#include <Acts/Propagator/DirectNavigator.hpp>

DirectNavigator class.

This is a fully guided navigator that progresses through a pre-given sequence of surfaces.

This can either be used as a validation tool, for truth tracking, or track refitting

Public Types

using SurfaceIter = std::vector<const Surface*>::iterator
using SurfaceSequence = std::vector<const Surface*>

The sequentially crossed surfaces.

Public Functions

inline DirectNavigator(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("DirectNavigator", Logging::INFO))
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void status(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper) const

Navigator status call.

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagatgor state

  • stepper_t – is the used type of the Stepper by the Propagator

  • state[inout] is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper in use

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void target(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper) const

Navigator target call.

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagatgor state

  • stepper_t – is the used type of the Stepper by the Propagator

  • state[inout] is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper in use

Public Members

double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

The tolerance used to define “surface reached”.

struct Initializer
#include <Acts/Propagator/DirectNavigator.hpp>

Nested Actor struct, called Initializer.

This is needed for the initialization of the surface sequence

Public Types

using result_type = this_result

Public Functions

Initializer() = default

Defaulting the constructor.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t&, result_type &r, const Logger&) const

Actor operator call.

Template Parameters
  • statet – Type of the full propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state – the entire propagator state

  • r – the result of this Actor

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t&, const stepper_t&, const Logger&) const

Actor operator call - resultless, unused.

Public Members

SurfaceSequence navSurfaces = {}

The Surface sequence.

struct this_result
#include <Acts/Propagator/DirectNavigator.hpp>

Actor result / state.

Public Members

bool initialized = false
struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/DirectNavigator.hpp>

Nested State struct.

It acts as an internal state which is created for every propagation/extrapolation step and keep thread-local navigation information

Public Functions

inline void reset(const GeometryContext&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, NavigationDirection, const Surface *ssurface, const Surface *tsurface)

Reset state.

  • ssurface – is the new starting surface

  • tsurface – is the target surface

Public Members

const Surface *currentSurface = nullptr

Navigation state - external interface: the current surface.

const TrackingVolume *currentVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the current volume.

bool navigationBreak = false

Navigation state - external interface: a break has been detected.

SurfaceIter navSurfaceIter = navSurfaces.begin()

Iterator the next surface.

SurfaceSequence navSurfaces = {}

Externally provided surfaces - expected to be ordered along the path.

const Layer *startLayer = nullptr

Navigation state - starting layer.

const Surface *startSurface = nullptr

Navigation state - external interface: the start surface.

const TrackingVolume *startVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the start volume.

const Layer *targetLayer = nullptr

Navigation state - target layer.

bool targetReached = false

Navigation state - external interface: target is reached.

const Surface *targetSurface = nullptr

Navigation state - external interface: the target surface.

const TrackingVolume *targetVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the target volume.

class DiscBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/DiscBounds.hpp>

common base class for all bounds that are in a r/phi frame

  • simply introduced to avoid wrong bound assigments to surfaces

Subclassed by Acts::AnnulusBounds, Acts::DiscTrapezoidBounds, Acts::RadialBounds

Public Functions

virtual double binningValuePhi() const = 0

Returns a refererance phi for binning.

virtual double binningValueR() const = 0

Returns a reference radius for binning.

virtual bool coversFullAzimuth() const = 0

Returns true for full phi coverage.

virtual bool insideRadialBounds(double R, double tolerance = 0.) const = 0

Checks if it’s inside the radius.

virtual double rMax() const = 0

Return method for outer Radius.

virtual double rMin() const = 0

Return method for inner Radius.

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg) const = 0

Return the vertices.


that the extremas are given, which may slightly alter the number of segments returned


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line, the number referrs to full 2*PI


vector for vertices in 2D

class DiscLayer : public virtual Acts::DiscSurface, public Acts::Layer
#include <Acts/Geometry/DiscLayer.hpp>

Class to describe a disc-like detector layer for tracking, it inhertis from both, Layer base class and DiscSurface class.

Public Functions

DiscLayer() = delete
DiscLayer(const DiscLayer &cla) = delete
~DiscLayer() override = default
DiscLayer &operator=(const DiscLayer&) = delete
virtual const DiscSurface &surfaceRepresentation() const override

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation for extrapolation.


This method returns a surface reference

virtual DiscSurface &surfaceRepresentation() override

Public Static Functions

static inline std::shared_ptr<DiscLayer> create(const Transform3 &transform, const std::shared_ptr<const DiscBounds> &dbounds, std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArray = nullptr, double thickness = 0., std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr, LayerType laytyp = Acts::passive)

Factory constructor with DiscSurface components.

  • transform – is the transform to place the layer in the 3D frame

  • dbounds – are the disc bounds that describe the layer dimensions

  • surfaceArray – is the array of sensitive surfaces

  • thickness – is the layer thickness (along the normal vector)

  • ad – is the approach descriptor that provides the approach surface

  • laytyp – is the layer type


a sharted pointer to the new layer

class DiscSurface : public Acts::Surface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/DiscSurface.hpp>

Class for a DiscSurface in the, it inherits from Surface.

The DiscSurface has a polar local coordinate system, with (r,phi) describing the coordinates.

The surface transform positions the disc such, that the origin is at r=0, independent of the provided DiscBounds. The z-axis The normal vector of the Disc, being perpendicular to the radial direction.

The disc surface The only surface type for which the covariance matrix is NOT given in the reference frame. A conversion from polar to cartesian coordinates needs to happen to transfer the local coordinates onto the cartesian reference frame coordinates.


Subclassed by Acts::DiscLayer

Public Functions

DiscSurface() = delete
~DiscSurface() override = default
virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position The position calcualted for a certain binning type.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – The binning type to be used


position that can beused for this binning

virtual double binningPositionValue(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

Implement the binningValue.


This calls the parent method except for binR

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the dobule in which you want to bin


float to be used for the binning schema

virtual const SurfaceBounds &bounds() const final

This method returns the bounds by reference.

virtual BoundToFreeMatrix boundToFreeJacobian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const BoundVector &boundParams) const final

Calculate the jacobian from local to global which the surface knows best, hence the calculation is done here.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • boundParams – is the bound parameters vector


Jacobian from local to global

virtual FreeToBoundMatrix freeToBoundJacobian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const final

Calculate the jacobian from global to local which the surface knows best, hence the calculation is done here.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Jacobian from global to local

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const final

Global to local transformation.


the momentum is ignored for Disc surfaces in this calculateion

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)

  • tolerance – optional tolerance within which a point is considered valid on surface


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

Vector2 globalToLocalCartesian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, double tol = 0.) const

Special method for DiscSurface : global<->local from cartesian coordinates.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is a global cartesian 3D position

  • tol – The absoltue tolerance parameter


value is a local polar

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = false) const final

Straight line intersection schema.

mathematical motivation:

the equation of the plane is given by: \( \vec n \cdot \vec x = \vec n \cdot \vec p,\) where \( \vec n = (n_{x}, n_{y}, n_{z})\) denotes the normal vector of the plane, \( \vec p = (p_{x}, p_{y}, p_{z})\) one specific point on the plane and \( \vec x = (x,y,z) \)

all possible points on the plane.

Given a line with:

\( \vec l(u) = \vec l_{1} + u \cdot \vec v \)


the solution for

\( u \) can be written: \( u = \frac{\vec n (\vec p - \vec l_{1})}{\vec n \vec v}\) If the denominator is 0 then the line lies:
  • either in the plane

  • perpendicular to the normal of the plane


expected to be normalized (no checking)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The global position as a starting point

  • direction – The global direction at the starting point

  • bcheck – The boundary check prescription


The SurfaceIntersection object

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

Vector3 localCartesianToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const

Special method for DiscSurface : local<->global transformation when provided cartesian coordinates.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is local 2D position in cartesian coordinates


value is a global cartesian 3D position

Vector2 localCartesianToPolar(const Vector2 &lcart) const

Special method for Disc surface : local<->local transformations polar <-> cartesian.


lcart – is local 2D position in cartesian coordinates


value is a local position in polar coordinates

Vector2 localPolarToCartesian(const Vector2 &lpolar) const

Special method for DiscSurface : local<->local transformations polar <-> cartesian.


lpolar – is a local position in polar coordinates


values is local 2D position in cartesian coordinates

Vector2 localPolarToLocalCartesian(const Vector2 &locpol) const

Special method for DiscSurface : local<->local transformations polar <-> cartesian.


locpol – is a local position in polar coordinates


values is local 2D position in cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Local to global transformation For planar surfaces the momentum is ignroed in the local to global transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – local 2D position in specialized surface frame

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)


global position by value

virtual std::string name() const override

Return properly formatted class name for screen output.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const final

Normal vector return.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – The local position is ignored


a Vector3 by value

DiscSurface &operator=(const DiscSurface &other)

Assignement operator.


other – The source sourface for the assignment

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const final

Path correction due to incident of the track.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The global position as a starting point

  • direction – The global momentum at the starting point


The correction factor due to incident

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const override

Return a Polyhedron for the surfaces.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, it represents the full 2*M_PI coverange, if lseg is set to 1 only the extrema are given


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual SurfaceType type() const override

Return the surface type.

class DiscTrapezoidBounds : public Acts::DiscBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/DiscTrapezoidBounds.hpp>

Class to describe the bounds for a planar DiscSurface.

By providing an argument for hphisec, the bounds can be restricted to a phi-range around the center position.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eHalfLengthXminR
enumerator eHalfLengthXmaxR
enumerator eMinR
enumerator eMaxR
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eStereo
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

DiscTrapezoidBounds() = delete
DiscTrapezoidBounds(double halfXminR, double halfXmaxR, double minR, double maxR, double avgPhi = M_PI_2, double stereo = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor for a symmetric Trapezoid giving min X length, max X length, Rmin and R max.

  • halfXminR – half length in X at min radius

  • halfXmaxR – half length in X at maximum radius

  • minR – inner radius

  • maxR – outer radius

  • avgPhi – average phi value

  • stereo – optional stero angle applied

inline DiscTrapezoidBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array.


values – The parameter values

~DiscTrapezoidBounds() override = default
inline virtual double binningValuePhi() const final

Return a reference phi for binning.

inline virtual double binningValueR() const final

Return a reference radius for binning.

inline virtual bool coversFullAzimuth() const final

Returns true for full phi coverage - obviously false here.

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

inline double halfLengthY() const

This method returns the half length in Y (this is Rmax -Rmin)

inline double halfPhiSector() const

This method returns the halfPhiSector which is covered by the disc.

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const final

This method cheks if the radius given in the LocalPosition is inside [rMin,rMax] if only tol0 is given and additional in the phi sector is tol1 is given.

  • lposition – is the local position to be checked (in polar coordinates)

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive

inline virtual bool insideRadialBounds(double R, double tolerance = 0.) const final

Checks if this is inside the radial coverage given the a tolerance.

inline double rCenter() const

This method returns the center radius.

inline virtual double rMax() const final

This method returns outer radius.

inline virtual double rMin() const final

This method returns inner radius.

inline double stereo() const

This method returns the stereo angle.

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.

virtual SurfaceBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg) const final

This method returns the xy coordinates of the four corners of the bounds in module coorindates (in xy)


that the number of segments are ignored for this surface


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

template<class T>
class DistanceSorterT
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryObjectSorter.hpp>

This will check on absolute distance.

Public Functions

inline DistanceSorterT(BinningValue bValue, Vector3 reference)

Constructor from a binning value.

  • bValue – is the value in which the binning is done

  • reference – is the reference point

inline bool operator()(T one, T two) const

Comparison operator.

Template Parameters
  • one – first object

  • two – second object


boolen indicator

template<typename input_track_t = BoundTrackParameters, typename linearizer_t = DummyTrackLinearizer>
class DummyVertexFitter
#include <Acts/Vertexing/DummyVertexFitter.hpp>

Dummy vertex fitter class, only to be used for ensuring interfaces where a vertex fitter type is required but no fitter is actually needed.

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = input_track_t
using Linearizer_t = linearizer_t
using Propagator_t = void

Public Functions

DummyVertexFitter() = delete
Result<Vertex<input_track_t>> fit(const std::vector<input_track_t>&, const linearizer_t&, const VertexingOptions<input_track_t>&) const

Dummy fit method.

template<typename extensionlist_t = StepperExtensionList<DefaultExtension>, typename auctioneer_t = detail::VoidAuctioneer>
class EigenStepper
#include <Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp>

Runge-Kutta-Nystroem stepper based on Eigen implementation for the following ODE:

r = (x,y,z) … global position T = (Ax,Ay,Az) … momentum direction (normalized)

dr/ds = T dT/ds = q/p * (T x B)

with s being the arc length of the track, q the charge of the particle, p the momentum magnitude and B the magnetic field

Subclassed by Acts::MultiEigenStepperLoop< extensionlist_t, component_reducer_t, auctioneer_t >

Public Types

using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix
using CurvilinearState = std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Jacobian = BoundMatrix

Jacobian, Covariance and State defintions.

Public Functions

EigenStepper(std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField)

Constructor requires knowledge of the detector’s magnetic field.

Result<BoundState> boundState(State &state, const Surface &surface, bool transportCov = true, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Create and return the bound state at the current position.

This transports (if necessary) the covariance to the surface and creates a bound state. It does not check if the transported state is at the surface, this needs to be guaranteed by the propagator

  • state[in] State that will be presented as BoundState

  • surface[in] The surface to which we bind the state

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound


A bound state:

  • the parameters at the surface

  • the stepwise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline double charge(const State &state) const

Charge access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

CurvilinearState curvilinearState(State &state, bool transportCov = true) const

Create and return a curvilinear state at the current position.

This transports (if necessary) the covariance to the current position and creates a curvilinear state.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as CurvilinearState

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport


A curvilinear state:

  • the curvilinear parameters at given position

  • the stepweise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline Vector3 direction(const State &state) const

Momentum direction accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline Result<Vector3> getField(State &state, const Vector3 &pos) const

Get the field for the stepping, it checks first if the access is still within the Cell, and updates the cell if necessary.

  • state[inout] is the propagation state associated with the track the magnetic field cell is used (and potentially updated)

  • pos[in] is the field position

inline double getStepSize(const State &state, ConstrainedStep::Type stype) const

Get the step size.

  • state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be returned

template<typename charge_t>
State makeState(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx, std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const
inline double momentum(const State &state) const

Absolute momentum accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline std::string outputStepSize(const State &state) const

Output the Step Size - single component.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline double overstepLimit(const State&) const

Overstep limit.

inline Vector3 position(const State &state) const

Global particle position accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void releaseStepSize(State &state) const

Release the Step size.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

void resetState(State &state, const BoundVector &boundParams, const BoundSymMatrix &cov, const Surface &surface, const NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward, const double stepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const

Resets the state.

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • boundParams[in] Parameters in bound parametrisation

  • cov[in] Covariance matrix

  • surface[in] The reference surface of the bound parameters

  • navDir[in] Navigation direction

  • stepSize[in] Step size

void setIdentityJacobian(State &state) const

Method that reset the Jacobian to the Identity for when no bound state are available.


state[inout] State of the stepper

inline void setStepSize(State &state, double stepSize, ConstrainedStep::Type stype = ConstrainedStep::actor, bool release = true) const

Set Step size - explicitely with a double.

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stepSize – [in] The step size value

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be set

  • release – [in] Do we release the step size?

template<typename propagator_state_t>
Result<double> step(propagator_state_t &state) const

Perform a Runge-Kutta track parameter propagation step.


The state contains the desired step size. It can be negative during backwards track propagation, and since we’re using an adaptive algorithm, it can be modified by the stepper class during propagation.


state[inout] is the propagation

inline double time(const State &state) const

Time access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

void transportCovarianceToBound(State &state, const Surface &surface, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.


no check is done if the position is actually on the surface

Template Parameters

surface_t – the Surface type

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • surface[in] is the surface to which the covariance is forwarded to

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound

void transportCovarianceToCurvilinear(State &state) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.


state[inout] State of the stepper

void update(State &state, const FreeVector &freeParams, const BoundVector &boundParams, const Covariance &covariance, const Surface &surface) const

Method to update a stepper state to the some parameters.

  • state[inout] State object that will be updated

  • freeParams[in] Free parameters that will be written into state

  • boundParams[in] Corresponding bound parameters used to update jacToGlobal in state

  • covariance[in] The covariance that will be written into state

  • surface[in] The surface used to update the jacToGlobal

void update(State &state, const Vector3 &uposition, const Vector3 &udirection, double up, double time) const

Method to update momentum, direction and p.

  • state[inout] State object that will be updated

  • uposition[in] the updated position

  • udirection[in] the updated direction

  • up[in] the updated momentum value

  • time[in] the updated time value

template<typename object_intersection_t>
inline void updateStepSize(State &state, const object_intersection_t &oIntersection, bool release = true) const

Update step size.

This method intersects the provided surface and update the navigation step estimation accordingly (hence it changes the state). It also returns the status of the intersection to trigger onSurface in case the surface is reached.

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • oIntersection – [in] The ObjectIntersection to layer, boundary, etc

  • release – [in] boolean to trigger step size release

inline Intersection3D::Status updateSurfaceStatus(State &state, const Surface &surface, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Update surface status.

It checks the status to the reference surface & updates the step size accordingly

  • state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • surface[in] The surface provided

  • bcheck[in] The boundary check for this status update

  • logger[in] A Logger instance

struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/EigenStepper.hpp>

State for track parameter propagation.

It contains the stepping information and is provided thread local by the propagator

Public Functions

State() = delete
template<typename charge_t>
inline explicit State(const GeometryContext &gctx, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCacheIn, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance)

Constructor from the initial bound track parameters.


the covariance matrix is copied when needed

Template Parameters

charge_t – Type of the bound parameter charge

  • gctx[in] is the context object for the geometry

  • fieldCacheIn[in] is the cache object for the magnetic field

  • par[in] The track parameters at start

  • ndir[in] The navigation direction w.r.t momentum

  • ssize[in] is the maximum step size

  • stolerance[in] is the stepping tolerance

Public Members

auctioneer_t auctioneer

Auctioneer for choosing the extension.

Vector3 B_first

Magnetic field evaulations.

Vector3 B_last
Vector3 B_middle
Covariance cov = Covariance::Zero()
bool covTransport = false

Covariance matrix (and indicator) associated with the initial error on track parameters.

FreeVector derivative = FreeVector::Zero()

The propagation derivative.

extensionlist_t extension

List of algorithmic extensions.

MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCache

This caches the current magnetic field cell and stays (and interpolates) within it as long as this is valid.

See step() code for details.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

The geometry context.

Jacobian jacobian = Jacobian::Identity()

The full jacobian of the transport entire transport.

BoundToFreeMatrix jacToGlobal = BoundToFreeMatrix::Zero()

Jacobian from local to the global frame.

FreeMatrix jacTransport = FreeMatrix::Identity()

Pure transport jacobian part from runge kutta integration.

Vector3 k1

k_i of the RKN4 algorithm

Vector3 k2
Vector3 k3
Vector3 k4
std::array<double, 4> kQoP = {}

k_i elements of the momenta

NavigationDirection navDir

Navigation direction, this is needed for searching.

FreeVector pars = FreeVector::Zero()

Internal free vector parameters.

double pathAccumulated = 0.

Accummulated path length state.

double previousStepSize = 0.

Last performed step (for overstep limit calculation)

double q = 1.

The charge as the free vector can be 1/p or q/p.

struct Acts::EigenStepper::State::[anonymous] stepData

Storage of magnetic field and the sub steps during a RKN4 step.

ConstrainedStep stepSize

Adaptive step size of the runge-kutta integration.

double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

The tolerance for the stepping.

class ElementFraction
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialComposition.hpp>

Memory-efficient storage of the relative fraction of an element.

This can be used to define materials that are compounds of multiple elements with varying fractions. The element is identified by its atomic number stored as a single byte (allows up to 256 elements; more than we need). Its fraction is also stored as a single byte with values between 0 and

  1. This gives an accuracy of 1/256 ~ 0.5 %.

The element fraction allows you to store element composition in merged materials with a large number of bins. Depending on the detector and the description granularity this can be a lot of information and thus requires the reduced memory footprint. This is really only needed for nuclear interaction in the fast simulation where the reduced fractional accuracy is not a problem. The fractional accuracy should be much better than the parametrization uncertainty for hadronic interactions.

Public Functions

inline constexpr ElementFraction(unsigned int e, float f)

Construct from atomic number and relative fraction.

  • e – is the atomic number of the element

  • f – is the relative fraction and must be a value in [0,1]

inline explicit constexpr ElementFraction(unsigned int e, unsigned int w)

Construct from atomic number and integer weight.

  • e – is the atomic number of the element

  • w – is the integer weight and must be a value in [0,256)

ElementFraction() = delete

Must always be created with valid data.

ElementFraction(ElementFraction&&) = default
ElementFraction(const ElementFraction&) = default
~ElementFraction() = default
inline constexpr uint8_t element() const

The element atomic number.

inline constexpr float fraction() const

The relative fraction of this element.

ElementFraction &operator=(ElementFraction&&) = default
ElementFraction &operator=(const ElementFraction&) = default
class EllipseBounds : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/EllipseBounds.hpp>

Class to describe the bounds for a planar ellispoid surface.

By providing an argument for hphisec, the bounds can be restricted to a phi-range around the center position.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eInnerRx
enumerator eInnerRy
enumerator eOuterRx
enumerator eOuterRy
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

EllipseBounds() = delete
inline EllipseBounds(double innerRx, double innerRy, double outerRx, double outerRy, double halfPhi = M_PI, double averagePhi = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor for full of an ellipsoid ring.

  • innerRx – The inner ellipse radius in x

  • innerRy – The inner ellipse radius in y

  • outerRx – The outer ellipse radius in x

  • outerRy – The outer ellipse radius in y

  • halfPhi – spanning phi sector (is set to pi as default)

  • averagePhi – average phi (is set to 0. as default)

inline EllipseBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array.


values – The parameter values

~EllipseBounds() override = default
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Bounding box parameters.


rectangle bounds for a bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

This method checks if the point given in the local coordinates is between two ellipsoids if only tol0 is given and additional in the phi sector is tol1 is given.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements to may be altered by also providing the extremas in all direction


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line, here it refers to the full 2PI Ellipse


vector for vertices in 2D

struct EndOfWorldReached
#include <Acts/Propagator/StandardAborters.hpp>

This is the condition that the end of World has been reached it then triggers an propagation abort.

Public Functions

EndOfWorldReached() = default
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t&, const Logger&) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters

propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state


state[inout] The propagation state object

struct EventDataView3D
#include <Acts/Visualization/EventDataView3D.hpp>

Public Static Functions

static inline std::vector<Vector3> createEllipse(double lambda0, double lambda1, double theta, size_t lseg, double offset, const Vector2 &lposition = Vector2(0., 0.), const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity())

Helper mehod to draw the ellipse points.

  • lambda0 – The Eigenvalue in 0

  • lambda1 – The Eigenvalue in 1

  • theta – The angle between the x/y frame and EV frame

  • lseg – The number of segments

  • offset – The out of plane offset for visibility

  • lposition – The local anker point of the ellipse

  • transform – The transform to global

static inline std::array<double, 3> decomposeCovariance(const ActsSymMatrix<2> &covariance)

Helper to find the egen values and corr angle.


covariance – The covariance matrix

template<typename parameters_t>
static inline void drawBoundTrackParameters(IVisualization3D &helper, const parameters_t &parameters, const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext(), double momentumScale = 1., double locErrorScale = 1., double angularErrorScale = 1., const ViewConfig &parConfig = s_viewParameter, const ViewConfig &covConfig = s_viewParameter, const ViewConfig &surfConfig = s_viewSensitive)

Helper method to draw bound parameters object.

  • helper – [in, out] The visualization helper

  • parameters – The bound parameters to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • momentumScale – The scale of the momentum

  • locErrorScale – The scale of the local error

  • angularErrorScale – The sclae of the angular error

  • parConfig – The visualization options for the parameter

  • covConfig – The visualization option for the covariance

  • surfConfig – The visualization option for the surface

static void drawCovarianceAngular(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const ActsSymMatrix<2> &covariance, double directionScale = 1, double angularErrorScale = 1, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewParameter)

Helper method to draw error cone of a direction.

  • helper – [in, out] The visualization helper

  • position – Where the cone originates from

  • direction – The direction parameters

  • covariance – The 2x2 covariance matrix for phi/theta

  • directionScale – The direction arror length

  • angularErrorScale – The local Error scale

  • viewConfig – The visualization parameters

static void drawCovarianceCartesian(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector2 &lposition, const SymMatrix2 &covariance, const Transform3 &transform, double locErrorScale = 1, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewParameter)

Helper method to draw error ellipse.

  • helper – [in, out] The visualization helper

  • lposition – The local position

  • covariance – The covariance matrix

  • transform – The reference Frame transform

  • locErrorScale – The local Error scale

  • viewConfig – The visualization parameters

template<typename D>
static inline void drawMultiTrajectory(IVisualization3D &helper, const Acts::MultiTrajectory<D> &multiTraj, const size_t &entryIndex, const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext(), double momentumScale = 1., double locErrorScale = 1., double angularErrorScale = 1., const ViewConfig &surfaceConfig = s_viewSensitive, const ViewConfig &measurementConfig = s_viewMeasurement, const ViewConfig &predictedConfig = s_viewPredicted, const ViewConfig &filteredConfig = s_viewFiltered, const ViewConfig &smoothedConfig = s_viewSmoothed)

Helper method to draw one trajectory stored in a MultiTrajectory object.

  • helper – [in, out] The visualization helper

  • multiTraj – The MultiTrajectory storing the trajectory to be drawn

  • entryIndex – The trajectory entry index

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • momentumScale – The scale of the momentum

  • locErrorScale – The scale of the local error

  • angularErrorScale – The sclae of the angular error

  • surfaceConfig – The visualization options for the surface

  • measurementConfig – The visualization options for the measurement

  • predictedConfig – The visualization options for the predicted measurement

  • filteredConfig – The visualization options for the filtered parameters

  • smoothedConfig – The visualization options for the smoothed parameters

struct ExaTrkXTime
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTiming.hpp>

Collection of timing information of the Exa.TrkX algorithm.

Public Functions

inline void summary(const Logger &logger) const

Public Members

float building = 0.0
float embedding = 0.0
float filtering = 0.0
float gnn = 0.0
float labeling = 0.0
float total = 0.0
class ExaTrkXTimer
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTiming.hpp>

A timer to allow easy timing.

Public Functions

inline ExaTrkXTimer(bool disabled = false)
inline double elapsed()
inline double elapsedSeconds()
inline void start()
inline void stop()
inline double stopAndGetElapsedTime()
class ExaTrkXTrackFinding
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFinding.hpp>

Class implementing the Exa.TrkX track finding algorithm.

It holds the required ONNX objects.

Public Functions

ExaTrkXTrackFinding(const Config &config)

Constructor of the track finding module.


config – is the config struct to configure the module

virtual ~ExaTrkXTrackFinding() = default
inline const Config &config() const

Return the configuration object of the track finding module.

void getTracks(std::vector<float> &input_values, std::vector<uint32_t> &spacepointIDs, std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> &trackCandidates) const

Do the track finding.


The input values are not const, because the underlying ONNX API takes only non-const pointers.

  • input_values[in] Packed spacepoints in the form [ r1, phi1, z1, r2, phi2, z2, … ]

  • spacepointIDs[in] corresponding spacepoint IDs to the input_values.

  • trackCandidates[out] nested vector containing the spacepoint ids of the found tracks

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFinding.hpp>

Configuration struct for the track finding.

Public Members

int embeddingDim = 8
float filterCut = 0.21
std::string inputMLModuleDir
int knnVal = 500
float rVal = 1.6
int64_t spacepointFeatures = 3
class ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase.hpp>

Base class for all implementations of the Exa.TrkX pipeline.

Subclassed by Acts::ExaTrkXTrackFindingOnnx, Acts::ExaTrkXTrackFindingTorch

Public Functions

inline ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase(const std::string &name)



name – An identifier available e.g. for debug output

ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase() = delete
ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase(const ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase&) = delete
inline virtual ~ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase()


virtual std::optional<ExaTrkXTime> getTracks(std::vector<float> &inputValues, std::vector<int> &spacepointIDs, std::vector<std::vector<int>> &trackCandidates, const Acts::Logger &logger = Acts::getDummyLogger(), bool recordTiming = false) const = 0

Run the inference.


The input values are not const, because the ONNX API takes only non-const pointers.

  • inputValues – Spacepoint data as a flattened NxD array, where D is the dimensionality of a spacepoint (usually 3, but additional information like cell information can be provided).

  • spacepointIDs – The corresponding spacepoint IDs

  • trackCandidates – This vector is filled with the tracks as vectors of spacepoint IDs

  • logger – If provided, logging is enabled

  • recordTiming – If enabled, returns a ExaTrkXTime object with measured timings

inline const std::string &name() const

Returns the name of the algorithm.

ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase &operator=(const ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase&) = delete
class ExaTrkXTrackFindingOnnx : public Acts::ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFindingOnnx.hpp>

Implementation of the Exa.TrkX track finding algorithm based on ONNX.

Uses cugraph as graph library.

Public Functions

ExaTrkXTrackFindingOnnx(const Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = Acts::getDefaultLogger("ETXTrkFnd", Logging::INFO))

Constructor of the track finding module.

  • config – is the config struct to configure the module

  • _logger – A logger instance



inline const Config &config() const

Return the configuration object of the track finding module.

virtual std::optional<ExaTrkXTime> getTracks(std::vector<float> &inputValues, std::vector<int> &spacepointIDs, std::vector<std::vector<int>> &trackCandidates, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger(), bool recordTiming = false) const override

Run the inference.


The input values are not const, because the ONNX API takes only non-const pointers.

  • inputValues – Spacepoint data as a flattened NxD array, where D is the dimensionality of a spacepoint (usually 3, but additional information like cell information can be provided).

  • spacepointIDs – The corresponding spacepoint IDs

  • trackCandidates – This vector is filled with the tracks as vectors of spacepoint IDs

  • logger – If provided, logging is enabled

  • recordTiming – If enabled, returns a ExaTrkXTime object with measured timings

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFindingOnnx.hpp>

Configuration struct for the track finding.

Public Members

int embeddingDim = 8
float filterCut = 0.21
int knnVal = 500
std::string modelDir
float rVal = 1.6
int64_t spacepointFeatures = 3
class ExaTrkXTrackFindingTorch : public Acts::ExaTrkXTrackFindingBase
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFindingTorch.hpp>

Class implementing the Exa.TrkX track finding algorithm based on libtorch.

Uses Boost.Graph for as graph library

Public Functions

ExaTrkXTrackFindingTorch(const Config &config)

Constructor of the track finding module.


config – is the config struct to configure the module



inline const Config &config() const

Access the config struct.

virtual std::optional<ExaTrkXTime> getTracks(std::vector<float> &inputValues, std::vector<int> &spacepointIDs, std::vector<std::vector<int>> &trackCandidates, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger(), bool recordTiming = false) const override

Run the inference.


The input values are not const, because the ONNX API takes only non-const pointers.

  • inputValues – Spacepoint data as a flattened NxD array, where D is the dimensionality of a spacepoint (usually 3, but additional information like cell information can be provided).

  • spacepointIDs – The corresponding spacepoint IDs

  • trackCandidates – This vector is filled with the tracks as vectors of spacepoint IDs

  • logger – If provided, logging is enabled

  • recordTiming – If enabled, returns a ExaTrkXTime object with measured timings

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/ExaTrkX/ExaTrkXTrackFindingTorch.hpp>

Configuration struct for the track finding.

Public Members

float edgeCut = 0.5
int embeddingDim = 8
float filterCut = 0.21
int knnVal = 500
std::string modelDir
int n_chunks = 5
float rVal = 1.6
int64_t spacepointFeatures = 3
class Extent
#include <Acts/Geometry/Extent.hpp>

A class representing the geometric extent of an object in its possbile dimensions, these can be all dimensions that are described as BinningValues.

The extent object can have an optional envelope in all of those values


that the consistency of the different envelopes is not checked

Public Functions

Extent(const ExtentEnvelope &envelope = zeroEnvelopes)

Constructor with (optional)



void addConstrain(const Extent &rhs, const ExtentEnvelope &envelope = zeroEnvelopes)

Constrain an extent by another one, this is.

  • values that are already constrained are not touched

  • values not constrained by

  • values that are constrained by the external one, but not by the current one, are touched

  • rhs – are not touched

  • envelope – an envelope applied to the constrained value

bool constrains(BinningValue bValue = binValues) const

Constraints check.


bValue – is the binning value, if all the check on all is done

bool contains(const Extent &rhs, BinningValue bValue = binValues) const

Contains check.

  • rhs – the extent that is check if it is contained

  • bValue – is the binning value, if set to binValues the check on all is done


true if the rhs is contained

inline ExtentEnvelope &envelope()

Return the envelope - non-const access.

inline const ExtentEnvelope &envelope() const

Return the envelope - const access.

void extend(const Vector3 &vtx, const std::vector<BinningValue> &bValues = s_binningValues, bool applyEnv = true, bool fillHistograms = false)

Extend with a position vertex.

  • vtx – the vertex to be used for extending

  • bValues – the binning values

  • applyEnv – boolean to steer if envelope should be applied

  • fillHistograms – is a boolean flag to steer whether the values to fill this extent should be stored

template<typename vector_iterator_t>
inline void extend(const vector_iterator_t &start, const vector_iterator_t &end, const std::vector<BinningValue> &bValues = s_binningValues, bool applyEnv = true, bool fillHistograms = false)

Extend with a set of vectors by iterators.

  • start – the start iterator of the loop

  • end – the end iterator of the loop

  • bValues – the binning values

  • applyEnv – boolean to steer if envelope should be applied

  • fillHistograms – is a boolean flag to steer whether the values to fill this extent should be stored

void extend(const Extent &rhs, const std::vector<BinningValue> &bValues = s_binningValues, bool applyEnv = true)

Extend with another geometric extent, usually pushes the current range to the boundaries of the rhs extent, unless the current extent is already bigger.


the extent can also simply set an envelope which then is applied to the current one


that the histogram values can not be filled in this call

  • rhs – is the other source Extent

  • bValues – the binning values

  • applyEnv – boolean to steer if envelope should be applied on the constraint values, if only an envelope is given but the value not constraint, then it is always applied

bool intersects(const Extent &rhs, BinningValue bValue = binValues) const

Intersection checks.

  • rhs – the extent that is check for intersection

  • bValue – is the binning value, if set to binValues the check on all is done


true if the rhs intersects

inline ActsScalar max(BinningValue bValue) const

Access the maximum parameter.


bValue – the binning identification

inline ActsScalar medium(BinningValue bValue) const

Access the maximum parameter.


bValue – the binning identification

inline ActsScalar min(BinningValue bValue) const

Access the minimum parameter.


bValue – the binning identification

inline bool operator!=(const Extent &e) const

Define a comparison operator.

bool operator==(const Extent &e) const

Define a comparison operator.

inline Range1D<ActsScalar> &range(BinningValue bValue)

Return the individual 1-dimensional range.


bValue – is the binning value to be returned


a one dimensional arrange

inline const Range1D<ActsScalar> &range(BinningValue bValue) const

Return the individual 1-dimensional range.


bValue – is the binning value to be returned


a one dimensional arrange

inline const RangeXD<binValues, ActsScalar> range() const

Return the N-dimension range.

template<unsigned int kSUBDIM>
inline RangeXD<kSUBDIM, ActsScalar> range(const std::array<BinningValue, kSUBDIM> &binValues) const

Return an D-dimensional sub range according to the the given.



void set(BinningValue bValue, ActsScalar min, ActsScalar max)

Set a range for a dedicated binning value.

  • bValue – the binning identification

  • min – the minimum parameter

  • max – the maximum parameter

void setEnvelope(const ExtentEnvelope &envelope = zeroEnvelopes)

(re-)Set the envelope


envelope – new envelope to be set

std::string toString(const std::string &indent = "") const

Convert to output stream for screen output.


indent – indentation for the screen display

inline const std::array<std::vector<ActsScalar>, binValues> &valueHistograms() const

Return the histogram store.

The histogram stroe can be used for automated binning detection

template<typename Derived, typename ...States>
class FiniteStateMachine
#include <Acts/Utilities/FiniteStateMachine.hpp>

Implementation of a finite state machine engine.

Allows setting up a system of states and transitions between them. States are definedd as empty structs (footprint: 1 byte). Tranitions call functions using overload resolution. This works by subclassing this class, providing the deriving type as the first template argument (CRTP) and providing methods like

event_return on_event(const S&, const E&);

The arguments are the state S and the triggered event E. Their values can be discarded (you can attach values to events of course, if you like) The return type of these functions is effectively std::optional<State>, so you can either return std::nullopt to remain in the same state, or an instance of another state. That state will then become active.

You can also define a method template, which will serve as a catch-all handler (due to the fact that it will match any state/event combination):

template <typename State, typename Event>
  event_return on_event(const State&, const Event&) const {
  return Terminated{};

If for a given state and event no suitable overload of on_event (and you also haven’t defined a catch-all as described above), a transition to Terminated will be triggered. This is essentially equivalent to the method template above.

If this triggers, it will switch to the Terminated state (which is always included in the FSM).

Additionally, the FSM will attempt to call functions like

void on_enter(const State&);
void on_exit(const State&);
when entering/exiting a state. This can be used to perform actions regardless of the source or destination state in a transition to a given state. This is also fired in case a transition to Terminated occurs.

The base class also calls

void on_process(const Event&);
void on_process(const State&, const Event&);
void on_process(const State1& const Event&, const State2&);
during event processing, and allow for things like event and transition logging.

The on_event, on_enter, on_exit and on_process methods need to be implemented exhaustively, i.e. for all state/event combinations. This might require you to add catch-all no-op functions like

template <typename...Args>
event_return on_event(Args&&...args) {} // noop
and so on.

The public interface for the user of the FSM are the

template <typename... Args>
void setState(StateVariant state, Args&&... args);

template <typename Event, typename... Args>
void dispatch(Event&& event, Args&&... args) {

setState triggers a transition to a given state, dispatch triggers processing on an event from the given state. Both will call the appropriate on_exit and on_enter overloads. Both also accept an arbitrary number of additional arguments that are passed to the on_event, on_exit and on_enter overloads.

Template Parameters
  • Derived – Class deriving from the FSM

  • States – Argument pack with the state types that the FSM can be handled.

Public Types

using StateVariant = std::variant<Terminated, States...>

Variant type allowing tagged type erased storage of the current state of the FSM.

Public Functions

inline FiniteStateMachine()

Default constructor.

The default state is taken to be the first in the States template arguments

inline FiniteStateMachine(StateVariant state)

Constructor from an explicit state.

The FSM is initialized to this state.


state – Initial state for the FSM.

template<typename Event, typename ...Args>
inline void dispatch(Event &&event, Args&&... args)

Public interface to handle an event.

Will call the appropriate event handlers and perform any required transitions.

Template Parameters
  • Event – Type of the event being triggered

  • Args – Additional arguments being passed to overload handlers.

  • event – Instance of the event being triggere

  • args – Additional arguments

inline const StateVariant &getState() const noexcept

Get the current state of the FSM (as a variant).


StateVariant The current state of the FSM.

template<typename S>
inline bool is(const S &state) const noexcept

Returns whether the FSM is in the specified state.

Template Parameters

State – type to check against


state – State instance to check against


Whether the FSM is in the given state.

template<typename S>
inline bool is() const noexcept

Returns whether the FSM is in the specified state.

Alternative version directly taking only the template argument.

Template Parameters

State – type to check against


Whether the FSM is in the given state.

template<typename State, typename ...Args>
inline void setState(State state, Args&&... args)

Sets the state to a given one.

Triggers on_exit and on_enter for the given states.

Template Parameters
  • State – Type of the target state

  • Args – Additional arguments passed through callback overloads.

  • state – Instance of the target state

  • args – The additional arguments

inline bool terminated() const noexcept

Returns whether the FSM is in the terminated state.


Whether the FSM is in the terminated state.

struct Terminated
#include <Acts/Utilities/FiniteStateMachine.hpp>

Contractual termination state.

Is transitioned to if State+Event do not have a transition defined.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::string_view name = "Terminated"

Name of this state (useful for logging)

class FpeMonitor
#include <Acts/Utilities/FpeMonitor.hpp>

Public Functions

explicit FpeMonitor(int excepts)

Public Static Functions

static void disable(int excepts)
static void enable(int excepts)
template<typename value_t, size_t DIM, size_t SIDES>
class Frustum
#include <Acts/Utilities/Frustum.hpp>

Class representing a frustum shape.

The frustum is defined using an origin, a direction and an opening angle. These parameters are then used to calculate a number of side planes, each having a position and a normal vector. The “near plane” is assumed to coincide with the origin point, and the normal with the “direction” of the frustum. No far plane is defined.

Template Parameters
  • value_t – The floating point value to use

  • DIM – The number of dimensions of ambient space

  • SIDES – The number of sides (= side planes) the frustum has (exactly 2 in 2D, minimum 3 in 3D)

Public Types

using transform_type = Eigen::Transform<value_t, DIM, Eigen::Affine>

Associated transform type.

using value_type = value_t

Re expose the value type.

using vertex_array_type = Eigen::Array<value_t, DIM, 1>

Vertex array type corresponding to the vertex type.

using VertexType = Eigen::Matrix<value_t, DIM, 1>

Vertex type based on the value type and dimension.

Public Functions

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 2, int> = 0>
Frustum(const VertexType &origin, const VertexType &dir, value_type opening_angle)

Constructor for the 2D case.


The opening_angle is defined as the angle between opposing side planes. The opening angle needs to be < pi.

  • origin – The origin of the frustum

  • dir – The direction of the frustum

  • opening_angle – The opening angle

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 3, int> = 0>
Frustum(const VertexType &origin, const VertexType &dir, value_type opening_angle)

Constructor for the 3D case.


The opening_angle is defined as the angle between opposing side planes. The opening angle needs to be < pi.

  • origin – The origin of the frustum

  • dir – The direction of the frustum

  • opening_angle – The opening angle

inline const VertexType &dir() const

Getter for the direction of the frustum.


The direction of the frustum

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 3, int> = 0>
void draw(IVisualization3D &helper, value_type far_distance = 10) const

Draw a representation of this frustum using a visualization helper.


This is only available for the 3D case.

  • helper – The visualization helper

  • far_distance – The distance to the virtual “far plane” at which point the side planes terminate visually.

inline const std::array<VertexType, SIDES + 1> &normals() const

Getter for the normal vectors of the planes defining this frustum.


The size of the array that is returned is fixed to number of sides + 1


Array containing the normal vectors for all planes.

inline const VertexType &origin() const

Getter for the oriogin of the frustum.


The origin of the frustum

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 2, int> = 0>
std::ostream &svg(std::ostream &os, value_type w, value_type h, value_type far_distance = 1, value_type unit = 20.) const

Draw a representation of this frustum as an SVG string to an outstream.


This is only available for the 2D case.

  • os – The out stream to write to

  • w – The width of the output SVG

  • h – The height of the output SVG

  • far_distance – The distance to the virtual “far line” at which point the side lines terminate visually.

  • unit – Multiplicative factor to apply to internal distances

Frustum<value_t, DIM, SIDES> transformed(const transform_type &trf) const

Transforms this frustum using a given transform and returns a new instance.


trf – The transform to apply


A copy of this frustum with the transform trf applied.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t dim = DIM

Re expose the number of dimensions.

static constexpr size_t sides = SIDES

Re expose the number of sides.

class FsmwMode1dFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/FsmwMode1dFinder.hpp>

Calculates the mode of a unidimenensional distribution using the Fraction of Sample Mode with Weights algorithm For reference, see: On a Fast, Robust Estimator of the Mode: Comparisons to Other Robust Estimators with Applications, David R.

Bickel, Rudolf Fruehwirth, arXiv:math/0505419 It’s like an iterative “Half Sample Mode”, but the fraction you take at each step can be configured by the user. Configuration possibilities: (1) fraction (default is 50 %) (2) firstFraction (default is 50 %)

Public Functions

FsmwMode1dFinder() = default

Default constructor.

FsmwMode1dFinder(double firstFraction, double fraction)

Overload constructor.

  • firstFraction – first fraction in FSMW algorithm

  • fraction – all other fractions in FSMW algorithm

Result<double> getMode(std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> inputVector) const

Function to calculate mode with FSMW algorithm.


inputVector – Input collection to calculate mode from


mode value

template<typename input_track_t, typename linearizer_t>
class FullBilloirVertexFitter
#include <Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp>

Vertex fitter class implementing the Billoir vertex fitter.

This class implements the Billoir vertex fitter:

Fast vertex fitting with a local parametrization of tracks Author(s) Billoir, P ; Qian, S In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 311 (1992) 139-150 DOI 10.1016/0168-9002(92)90859-3

Template Parameters
  • input_track_t – Track object type

  • linearizer_t – Track linearizer type

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = input_track_t
using Linearizer_t = linearizer_t
using Propagator_t = typename linearizer_t::Propagator_t

Public Functions

template<typename T = input_track_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline FullBilloirVertexFitter(const Config &cfg)

Constructor used if input_track_t type == BoundTrackParameters.


cfg – Configuration object

inline FullBilloirVertexFitter(const Config &cfg, std::function<BoundTrackParameters(input_track_t)> func)

Constructor for user-defined input_track_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from input_track_t object

Result<Vertex<input_track_t>> fit(const std::vector<const input_track_t*> &paramVector, const linearizer_t &linearizer, const VertexingOptions<input_track_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Fit method, fitting vertex for provided tracks with constraint.

  • paramVector – Vector of track objects to fit vertex to

  • linearizer – The track linearizer

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – The state object


Fitted vertex

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp>

Public Members

int maxIterations = 5

Maximum number of interations in fitter.

struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/FullBilloirVertexFitter.hpp>

Public Functions

inline State(MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCache)

The state constructor.


fieldCache – The magnetic field cache

Public Members

Linearizer_t::State linearizerState

The linearizer state.

class GainMatrixSmoother
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GainMatrixSmoother.hpp>

Kalman trajectory smoother based on gain matrix formalism.

This implements not a single smoothing step, but the full backwards smoothing procedure for a filtered, forward trajectory using the stored linearization.

Public Types

using GetCovariance = Acts::Delegate<TrackStateTraits<MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax, false>::Covariance(void*)>
using GetParameters = Acts::Delegate<TrackStateTraits<MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax, false>::Parameters(void*)>

Public Functions

Result<void> calculate(void *ts, void *prev_ts, const GetParameters &filtered, const GetCovariance &filteredCovariance, const GetParameters &smoothed, const GetParameters &predicted, const GetCovariance &predictedCovariance, const GetCovariance &smoothedCovariance, const GetCovariance &jacobian, const Logger &logger) const
template<typename D>
inline Result<void> operator()(const GeometryContext &gctx, MultiTrajectory<D> &trajectory, size_t entryIndex, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Run the Kalman smoothing for one trajectory.

  • gctx[in] The geometry context for the smoothing

  • trajectory[inout] The trajectory to be smoothed

  • entryIndex[in] The index of state to start the smoothing

  • logger[in] Where to write logging information to

class GainMatrixUpdater
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GainMatrixUpdater.hpp>

Kalman update step using the gain matrix formalism.

Public Functions

template<typename traj_t>
inline Result<void> operator()(const GeometryContext &gctx, typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy trackState, NavigationDirection direction = NavigationDirection::Forward, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Run the Kalman update step for a single trajectory state.

Template Parameters


  • gctx[in] The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • trackState[inout] The track state

  • direction[in] The navigation direction

  • logger[in] Where to write logging information to

template<int mainGridSize = 2000, int trkGridSize = 15>
class GaussianGridTrackDensity
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianGridTrackDensity.hpp>

Implements a 1-dim density grid to be filled with track Gaussian distributions.

Each single track is modelled as a 2(!)-dim Gaussian distribution grid in the d0-z0 plane, but only the overlap with the z-axis (i.e. a 1-dim density vector) needs to be calculated. The position of the highest track density (of either a single bin or the sum of a certain region) can be determined. Single tracks can be cached and removed from the overall density.

Template Parameters
  • mainGridSize – The size of the z-axis 1-dim main density grid

  • trkGridSize – The 2(!)-dim grid size of a single track, i.e. a single track is modelled as a (trkGridSize x trkGridSize) grid in the d0-z0 plane. Note: trkGridSize has to be an odd value.

Public Types

using MainGridVector = Eigen::Matrix<float, mainGridSize, 1>
using TrackGridVector = Eigen::Matrix<float, trkGridSize, 1>

Public Functions

inline GaussianGridTrackDensity(const Config &cfg)
std::pair<int, TrackGridVector> addTrack(const BoundTrackParameters &trk, MainGridVector &mainGrid) const

Adds a single track to the overall grid density.

  • trk – The track to be added

  • mainGrid – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis


A pair storing information about the z-bin position the track was added (int) and the 1-dim density contribution of the track itself

Result<float> getMaxZPosition(MainGridVector &mainGrid) const

Returns the z position of maximum track density.


mainGrid – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis


The z position of maximum track density

Result<std::pair<float, float>> getMaxZPositionAndWidth(MainGridVector &mainGrid) const

Returns the z position of maximum track density and the estimated width.


mainGrid – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis


The z position of maximum track density and width

void removeTrackGridFromMainGrid(int zBin, const TrackGridVector &trkGrid, MainGridVector &mainGrid) const

Removes a track from the overall grid density.

  • zBin – The center z-bin position the track needs to be removed from

  • trkGrid – The 1-dim density contribution of the track

  • mainGrid – The main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianGridTrackDensity.hpp>

The configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(float zMinMax_ = 100)


The value of zMinMax_ together with mainGridSize determines the overall bin size to be used as seen below


zMinMax_ – The minimum and maximum z-values (in mm) that should be covered by the main 1-dim density grid along the z-axis

Public Members

float binSize
float maxRelativeDensityDev = 0.01
bool useHighestSumZPosition = false
float zMinMax
template<typename input_track_t>
class GaussianTrackDensity
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianTrackDensity.hpp>

Class to model tracks as 2D density functions based on their d0 and z0 perigee parameters (mean value) and covariance matrices (determining the width of the function)

Public Functions

GaussianTrackDensity() = default

Default constructor.

inline GaussianTrackDensity(const Config &cfg)

Constructor with config.

double globalMaximum(State &state, const std::vector<const input_track_t*> &trackList, const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(input_track_t)> &extractParameters) const

Calculates the z position of the global maximum.

  • state – The track density state

  • trackList – All input tracks

  • extractParameters – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack


z position of the global maximum

std::pair<double, double> globalMaximumWithWidth(State &state, const std::vector<const input_track_t*> &trackList, const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(input_track_t)> &extractParameters) const

Calculates z position of global maximum with Gaussian width for density function.

Strategy: The global maximum must be somewhere near a track. Since we can calculate the first and second derivatives, at each point we can determine a) whether the function is curved up (minimum) or down (maximum) b) the distance to nearest maximum, assuming either Newton (parabolic) or Gaussian local behavior. For each track where the second derivative is negative, find step to nearest maximum, take that step and then do one final refinement. The largest density encountered in this procedure (after checking all tracks) is considered the maximum.

  • state – The track density state

  • trackList – All input tracks

  • extractParameters – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack


Pair of position of global maximum and Gaussian width

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianTrackDensity.hpp>

The Config struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(double d0Sig = 3.5, double z0Sig = 12.)

Public Members

double d0MaxSignificance
double d0SignificanceCut
bool isGaussianShaped = true
double z0MaxSignificance
double z0SignificanceCut
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianTrackDensity.hpp>

The State struct.

Public Functions

inline State(unsigned int nTracks)

Public Members

std::vector<TrackEntry> trackEntries
struct TrackEntry
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GaussianTrackDensity.hpp>

Struct to store information for a single track.

Public Functions

TrackEntry() = default

Default constructor.

inline TrackEntry(double z_, double c0_, double c1_, double c2_, double lowerBound_, double upperBound_)

Constructor initializing all members.

  • z_ – Trial z position

  • c0_ – z-independent term in exponent

  • c1_ – Linear coefficient in exponent

  • c2_ – Quadratic coefficient in exponent

  • lowerBound_ – The lower bound

  • upperBound_ – The upper bound

Public Members

double c0 = 0
double c1 = 0
double c2 = 0
double lowerBound = 0
double upperBound = 0
double z = 0
class GenericApproachDescriptor : public Acts::ApproachDescriptor
#include <Acts/Geometry/GenericApproachDescriptor.hpp>

Class to decide and return which approaching surface to be taken, it’s a generic descriptor for n surfaces.

It is templated in order to allow for BoundarySurfaces from representing volumes of layers to be re-used

Public Functions

inline GenericApproachDescriptor(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> aSurfaces)

A generic approach descriptor for new Acts::Surface objects passing ownership.


aSurfaces – are the approach surfaces

~GenericApproachDescriptor() override = default

A generic approach descriptor with n surfaces to test.

virtual ObjectIntersection<Surface> approachSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const override

Get the aproach surface to the layer.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The global position to start the approach from

  • direction – The momentum vector

  • bcheck – The boundary check prescription


: a SurfaceIntersection

virtual const std::vector<const Surface*> &containedSurfaces() const override

return all contained surfaces of this approach descriptor

virtual std::vector<const Surface*> &containedSurfaces() override

Non-const version.

virtual void registerLayer(const Layer &lay) override

Register the Layer to the surfaces.


lay – is the layer to be registerd

class GenericCuboidVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/GenericCuboidVolumeBounds.hpp>

Public Functions

GenericCuboidVolumeBounds() = delete
GenericCuboidVolumeBounds(const std::array<Acts::Vector3, 8> &vertices) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a set of vertices.

The ordering is considered to be:

  • the first 4 vertices are the “top” face

  • the second 4 vertices are the “bottom” face

  • both faces are given in counter clock wise order


vertices – The set of input vertices

GenericCuboidVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a fixed size array.


values – The input values

~GenericCuboidVolumeBounds() override = default
virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

void draw(IVisualization3D &helper, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

Draw this shape using a visualization helper.

  • helper – The visualizatin helper

  • transform – Optional transformation matrix

virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &gpos, double tol = 0.) const override

Checking if position given in volume frame is inside.

  • gpos – is the global position to be checked

  • tol – is the tolerance applied for the inside check


boolean indicating if the position is inside

virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const override

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

sl – is the output stream to be written into

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t eSize = 24
template<typename value_t>
class GeometryHierarchyMap
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryHierarchyMap.hpp>

Store values mapped into the geometry hierarchy.

The core functionality is to find an equivalent element, i.e. an identifier-value pair, for a given geometry identifier via

auto it = container.find(GeometryIdentifier(...));
if (it != container.end()) {

Trailing zero levels of stored geometry identifiers are used as broadcast values to refer to higher-level objects within the geometry, e.g. a geometry identifier with vanishing approach and sensitive index identifies a layer. An entry will all geometry identifier levels set to zero acts as the global default value.

The container also supports range-based iteration over all stored elements

for (const auto& element : container) {

and index-based access to stored elements and associated geometry identifiers

GeometryIdentifier id3 = container.idAt(3);
const auto& element4 = container.valueAt(4);

Adding elements is potentially expensive as the internal lookup structure must be updated. In addition, modifying an element in-place could change its identifier which would also break the lookup. Thus, the container can not be modified after construction to prevent misuse.


No guarantees are given for the element order when using range-based or index-based access. Any apparent ordering must be considered an implementation detail and might change.

Template Parameters

value_t – stored value type

Public Types

using InputElement = typename std::pair<GeometryIdentifier, value_t>

Combined geometry identifier and value element. Only used for input.

using Iterator = typename std::vector<value_t>::const_iterator
using Size = typename std::vector<value_t>::size_type
using Value = value_t

Public Functions

inline GeometryHierarchyMap(std::vector<InputElement> elements)

Construct the container from the given elements.


elements – input elements (must be unique with respect to identifier)

inline GeometryHierarchyMap(std::initializer_list<InputElement> elements)

Construct the container from an initializer list.


elements – input initializer list

GeometryHierarchyMap() = default
GeometryHierarchyMap(const GeometryHierarchyMap&) = default
GeometryHierarchyMap(GeometryHierarchyMap&&) = default
~GeometryHierarchyMap() = default
inline Iterator begin() const

Return an iterator pointing to the beginning of the stored values.

inline bool empty() const

Check if any elements are stored.

inline Iterator end() const

Return an iterator pointing to the end of the stored values.

inline Iterator find(GeometryIdentifier id) const

Find the most specific value for a given geometry identifier.

This can be either from the element matching exactly to the given geometry id, if it exists, or from the element for the next available higher level within the geometry hierachy.


id – geometry identifier for which information is requested

Return values
  • iterator – to an existing value

  • <tt>.end()</tt> – iterator if no matching element exists

inline GeometryIdentifier idAt(Size index) const

Access the geometry identifier for the i-th element with bounds check.


std::out_of_range – for invalid indices

GeometryHierarchyMap &operator=(const GeometryHierarchyMap&) = default
GeometryHierarchyMap &operator=(GeometryHierarchyMap&&) = default
inline Size size() const

Return the number of stored elements.

inline const Value &valueAt(Size index) const

Access the value of the i-th element in the container with bounds check.


std::out_of_range – for invalid indices

template<typename value_t, class decorator_t = void>
class GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter.hpp>

Convert a geometry hierarchy map to/from Json.

The value type is expected to be directly convertible to/from a Json object. It has to be either a fundamental type or appropriate to_json(json&, const value_t&) and from_json(const json&, value_t&) functions must be available. See the relevant nlohmann::json documentation for further information.

A user-defined identifier is stored in the encoded Json object that is used to identify which value type is stored in the file. The identifier is checked for consistency when decoding the Json object.

Template Parameters

value_t – value type stored in the geometry hierarchy map

Public Types

using Container = GeometryHierarchyMap<value_t>
using Value = value_t

Public Functions

inline GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter(std::string valueIdentifier)

Construct the converter.


valueIdentifier – user-defined identifier for the stored value

Container fromJson(const nlohmann::json &encoded) const

Decode a Json object into a geometry hierarchy map.


encoded – Json object that should be decoded


std::invalid_argument – in case of format errors


Decoded geometry hierarchy map

nlohmann::json toJson(const Container &container, const decorator_t *decorator) const

Encode the geometry hierarchy map into a Json object.

  • container – Geometry hierarchy map that should be encoded

  • decorator – nullptr or a decorator to add extra values to the json output


Encoded Json object

class GeometryIdentifier
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryIdentifier.hpp>

Identifier for geometry nodes within the geometry hierarchy.

An identifier can be split into the following components. They define a hierarchy of objects starting from the high-level volumes:

  • Volume

  • Boundary surfaces (for a volume)

  • Layers (confined within a volume)

  • Approach surfaces (for a layer)

  • Sensitive surfaces (confined to a layer, also called modules)

Public Types

using Value = uint64_t

Public Functions

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier(Value encoded)

Construct from an already encoded value.

GeometryIdentifier() = default

Construct default GeometryIdentifier with all values set to zero.

GeometryIdentifier(GeometryIdentifier&&) = default
GeometryIdentifier(const GeometryIdentifier&) = default
~GeometryIdentifier() = default
inline constexpr Value approach() const

Return the approach identifier.

inline constexpr Value boundary() const

Return the boundary identifier.

inline constexpr Value extra() const

Return the extra identifier Usage can be experiment-specific, like tagging which kind of detector a surface object corresponds to, or which subsystem it belongs to.

inline constexpr Value layer() const

Return the layer identifier.

GeometryIdentifier &operator=(GeometryIdentifier&&) = default
GeometryIdentifier &operator=(const GeometryIdentifier&) = default
inline constexpr Value sensitive() const

Return the sensitive identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setApproach(Value approach)

Set the approach identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setBoundary(Value boundary)

Set the boundary identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setExtra(Value extra)

Set the extra identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setLayer(Value layer)

Set the layer identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setSensitive(Value sensitive)

Set the sensitive identifier.

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier &setVolume(Value volume)

Set the volume identifier.

inline constexpr Value value() const

Return the encoded value.

inline constexpr Value volume() const

Return the volume identifier.

struct GeometryIdentifierHook
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryIdentifier.hpp>

Base class for hooks that can be used to modify the Geometry Identifier during construction.

Most common use case is setting the extra bit fields.

Public Functions

virtual ~GeometryIdentifierHook() = default
virtual Acts::GeometryIdentifier decorateIdentifier(Acts::GeometryIdentifier identifier, const Acts::Surface &surface) const
class GeometryObject
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryObject.hpp>

Base class to provide GeometryIdentifier interface:

  • simple set and get

It also provides the binningPosition method for Geometry geometrical object to be binned in BinnedArrays

Subclassed by Acts::Layer, Acts::Surface, Acts::Volume

Public Functions

GeometryObject() = default

Defaulted construrctor.

GeometryObject(const GeometryObject&) = default

Defaulted copy constructor.

inline GeometryObject(const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId)

Constructor from a value.


geometryId – the geometry identifier of the object

inline void assignGeometryId(const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId)

Set the value.


geometryId – the geometry identifier to be assigned

virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const = 0

Force a binning position method.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the value in which you want to bin


vector 3D used for the binning schema

inline virtual double binningPositionValue(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const

Implement the binningValue.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the dobule in which you want to bin


float to be used for the binning schema

inline const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId() const

the geometry id by reference

inline GeometryObject &operator=(const GeometryObject &geometryId)

Assignment operator.


geometryId – the source geometryId

template<class T>
class GeometryObjectSorterT
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryObjectSorter.hpp>

Public Functions

inline GeometryObjectSorterT(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue, std::shared_ptr<const Transform3> transform = nullptr)

Constructor from a binning value.

  • gctx – The geometry context to use

  • bValue – is the value in which the binning is done

  • transform – is an optional transform to be performed

inline bool operator()(T one, T two) const

Comparison operator.

Template Parameters
  • one – first object

  • two – second object


boolen indicator

struct GeometryView3D
#include <Acts/Visualization/GeometryView3D.hpp>

Public Static Functions

static void drawArrowBackward(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, double arrowLength, double arrowWidth, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewLine)

Convenience function : arrow pointing back.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • start – The start point

  • end – The end point

  • arrowLength – wrt thickness

  • arrowWidth – wrt thickness

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for this segment

static void drawArrowForward(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, double arrowLength, double arrowWidth, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewLine)

Convenience function : arrow pointing forwad.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • start – The start point

  • end – The end point

  • arrowLength – wrt thickness

  • arrowWidth – wrt thickness

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for this segment

static void drawArrowsBoth(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, double arrowLength, double arrowWidth, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewLine)

Convenience function : arrow pointing both directions.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • start – The start point

  • end – The end point

  • arrowLength – wrt thickness

  • arrowWidth – wrt thickness

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for this segment

static void drawDetectorVolume(IVisualization3D &helper, const Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume &volume, const GeometryContext &gctx, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const ViewConfig &connected = ViewConfig({0, 255, 0}), const ViewConfig &unconnected = ViewConfig({255, 0, 0}))

Helper method to draw DetectorVolume objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • volume – The DetectorVolume to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • transform – An option additional transform

  • connected – The config for connected portals

  • unconnected – The config for unconnected portals

static void drawLayer(IVisualization3D &helper, const Layer &layer, const GeometryContext &gctx, const ViewConfig &layerConfig = s_viewPassive, const ViewConfig &sensitiveConfig = s_viewSensitive, const ViewConfig &gridConfig = s_viewGrid, const std::string &outputDir = ".")

Helper method to draw AbstractVolume objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • layer – The tracking layer to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • layerConfig – The drawing configuration for passive surfaces

  • sensitiveConfig – The drawing configuration for sensitive surfaces

  • gridConfig – The drawing configuraiton for grid display

  • outputDir – Directory to write to

static void drawPolyhedron(IVisualization3D &helper, const Polyhedron &polyhedron, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewVolume)

Helper method to draw Polyhedron objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • polyhedron – The surface to be drawn

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration

static void drawPortal(IVisualization3D &helper, const Experimental::Portal &portal, const GeometryContext &gctx, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const ViewConfig &connected = ViewConfig({0, 255, 0}), const ViewConfig &disconnected = ViewConfig({255, 0, 0}))

Helper method to draw portals objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • portal – The portal to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • transform – An option additional transform

  • connected – The config for connected portals

  • disconnected – The config for disconnected portals

static void drawSegment(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewLine)

Convenience function : line.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • start – The start point

  • end – The end point

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for this segment

static void drawSegmentBase(IVisualization3D &helper, const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, int arrows = 0, double arrowLength = 0., double arrowWidth = 0., const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewLine)

Helper method to draw lines - base for all lines.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • start – The start point

  • end – The end point

  • arrows – [ -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 ] = [ start | none | end | both ]

  • arrowLength – wrt halflength

  • arrowWidth – wrt thickness

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for this segment

static void drawSurface(IVisualization3D &helper, const Surface &surface, const GeometryContext &gctx, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const ViewConfig &ViewConfig = s_viewSensitive)

Helper method to draw Surface objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • surface – The surface to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • transform – An option additional transform

  • ViewConfig – The drawing configuration

static void drawSurfaceArray(IVisualization3D &helper, const SurfaceArray &surfaceArray, const GeometryContext &gctx, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const ViewConfig &sensitiveConfig = s_viewSensitive, const ViewConfig &passiveConfig = s_viewPassive, const ViewConfig &gridConfig = s_viewGrid, const std::string &outputDir = ".")

Helper method to draw SurfaceArray objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • surfaceArray – The surface to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • transform – An option additional transform

  • sensitiveConfig – The drawing configuration for sensitive surfaces

  • passiveConfig – The drawing configuration for passive surfaces

  • gridConfig – The drawing configuraiton for grid

  • outputDir – Directory to write to

static void drawTrackingVolume(IVisualization3D &helper, const TrackingVolume &tVolume, const GeometryContext &gctx, const ViewConfig &containerView = s_viewVolume, const ViewConfig &volumeView = s_viewVolume, const ViewConfig &layerView = s_viewPassive, const ViewConfig &sensitiveView = s_viewSensitive, const ViewConfig &gridView = s_viewGrid, bool writeIt = true, const std::string &tag = "", const std::string &outputDir = ".")

Helper method to draw AbstractVolume objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • tVolume – The tracking volume to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • containerView – The drawing configuration for a container volume

  • volumeView – The drawing configuration for the navigation level volume

  • layerView – The drawing configuration for passive surfaces

  • sensitiveView – The drawing configuration for sensitive surfaces

  • gridView – The drawing configuraiton for grid display

  • writeIt – The prescription to write it or not

  • tag – The (optional) additional output tag

  • outputDir – Directory to write to

static void drawVolume(IVisualization3D &helper, const AbstractVolume &volume, const GeometryContext &gctx, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const ViewConfig &viewConfig = s_viewVolume)

Helper method to draw AbstractVolume objects.

  • helper[inout] The visualization helper

  • volume – The volume to be drawn

  • gctx – The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • transform – An option additional transform

  • viewConfig – The drawing configuration for boundary surfaces

class GlueVolumesDescriptor
#include <Acts/Geometry/GlueVolumesDescriptor.hpp>

Descriptor class to hold GlueVolumes of a TrackingGeometry object.

Should ease the wrapping of a TrackingGeometry object describing one Detector by another one.

Public Functions

GlueVolumesDescriptor() = default


GlueVolumesDescriptor(const std::map<BoundarySurfaceFace, std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray>> &gvs)

Constructor - with arguments.


gvs – are the glue volume arrays mapped to the volume faces

~GlueVolumesDescriptor() = default


inline const std::vector<BoundarySurfaceFace> &glueFaces() const

Retrieve the available Glue Faces.


the list of faces for which glue information is there

std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> glueVolumes(BoundarySurfaceFace bsf) const

Retrieve the glue volumes.


bsf – is the boundary surface face for which you want to get the array


the shared pointer to the TrackingVolume array

void registerGlueVolumes(Acts::BoundarySurfaceFace bsf, std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> gvs)

Register the volumes.

  • bsf – is the boundary surface face where the volume array is attached

  • gvs – is the array of volumes to be attached

std::string screenOutput() const

Dump it to the screen.

template<int mainGridSize = 2000, int trkGridSize = 15, typename vfitter_t = DummyVertexFitter<>>
class GridDensityVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

Vertex finder that makes use of a track density grid.

Each single track is modelled as a 2(!)-dim Gaussian distribution grid in the d0-z0 plane, but only the overlap with the z-axis (i.e. a 1-dim density vector) needs to be calculated. All track contributions along the beam axis (main density grid) a superimposed and the z-value of the bin with the highest track density is returned as a vertex candidate.

Template Parameters
  • mainGridSize – The size of the z-axis 1-dim main density grid

  • trkGridSize – The 2(!)-dim grid size of a single track, i.e. a single track is modelled as a (trkGridSize x trkGridSize) grid in the d0-z0 plane. Note: trkGridSize has to be an odd value.

Public Types

using MainGridVector = typename GridDensity::MainGridVector
using TrackGridVector = typename GridDensity::TrackGridVector

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline GridDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg)

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.


cfg – Configuration object

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline GridDensityVertexFinder()

Default constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

inline GridDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

inline GridDensityVertexFinder(const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters with default Config object.


func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &trackVector, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Function that finds single vertex candidate.

  • trackVector – Input track collection

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – The state object to cache the density grid and density contributions of each track, to be used if cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval == true


Vector of vertices, filled with a single vertex (for consistent interfaces)

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

The Config struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(float zMinMax = 100)

zMinMax – min and max z value of big z-axis grid

inline Config(const GridDensity &gDensity)

gDensity – The grid density

Public Members

bool cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval = true
double d0SignificanceCut = maxD0TrackSignificance * maxD0TrackSignificance
bool estimateSeedWidth = false
GridDensity gridDensity
double maxD0TrackSignificance = 3.5
double maxZ0TrackSignificance = 12.
double z0SignificanceCut = maxZ0TrackSignificance * maxZ0TrackSignificance
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/GridDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

The State struct.

Only needed if cacheGridStateForTrackRemoval == true

Public Members

std::map<const InputTrack_t*, std::pair<int, TrackGridVector>> binAndTrackGridMap
bool isInitialized = false
MainGridVector mainGrid = MainGridVector::Zero()
std::map<const InputTrack_t*, bool> trackSelectionMap
std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> tracksToRemove
template<typename propagator_t, typename propagator_options_t = PropagatorOptions<>>
class HelicalTrackLinearizer
#include <Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp>

Linearizes the measurement equation (dependance of track parameters on the vertex position and track momentum at vertex) at the vicinity of the user-provided linearization point.

The measurement equation is linearized in the following way:

q_k= A_k (x_k - x_0k) + B_k (p_k - p_0k) + c_k

where q_k are the parameters at perigee nearest to the lin point, x_k is the position of the vertex, p_k the track momentum at the vertex, and c_k is the constant term of expansion. A_k and B_k are matrices of derivatives, denoted hereafter as “positionJacobian” and “momentumJacobian” respectively.

Ref.(1) - CERN-THESIS-2010-027, Giacinto Piacquadio (Freiburg U.)

Template Parameters
  • propagator_t – Propagator type

  • propagator_options_t – Propagator options type

Public Types

using Propagator_t = propagator_t

Public Functions

inline HelicalTrackLinearizer(const Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("HelTrkLinProp", Logging::INFO))


  • config – Configuration object

  • _logger – a logger instance

Result<LinearizedTrack> linearizeTrack(const BoundTrackParameters &params, const Vector4 &linPoint, const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx, const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &mctx, State &state) const

Function that linearizes BoundTrackParameters at given linearization point.

  • params – Parameters to linearize

  • linPoint – Linearization point

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • mctx – The magnetic field context

  • state – The state object


Linearized track

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp>

Configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bIn, std::shared_ptr<const Propagator_t> prop)

@ Config constructor if magnetic field is present

  • bIn – The magnetic field

  • prop – The propagator

inline Config(std::shared_ptr<const Propagator_t> prop)

Config constructor without B field -> uses NullBField.


prop – The propagator

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField
double maxRho = 1e+15
double minQoP = 1e-15
std::shared_ptr<const Propagator_t> propagator
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/HelicalTrackLinearizer.hpp>

State struct.

Public Functions

inline State(MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCacheIn)

The state constructor.


fieldCacheIn – The magnetic field cache

Public Members

MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCache

Magnetic field cache.

class HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial : public Acts::ISurfaceMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial.hpp>

It extends the ISurfaceMaterial virutal base class to describe a simple homogeneous material on a surface.

Public Functions

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial() = default

Default Constructor - defaulted.

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(const MaterialSlab &full, double splitFactor = 1., MappingType mappingType = MappingType::Default)

Explicit constructor.

  • full – are the full material properties

  • splitFactor – is the split for pre/post update

  • mappingType – is the type of surface mapping associated to the surface

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(const HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &hsm) = default

Copy Constructor.


hsm – is the source material

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &&hsm) = default

Copy Move Constructor.


hsm – is the source material

~HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial() override = default


inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector2 &lp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from local coordinate on the surface


the input parameter is ignored


lp – is the local position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector3 &gp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from the global coordinates


the input parameter is ignored


gp – is the global position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(size_t bin0, size_t bin1) const final

Direct access via bins to the MaterialSlab.


the input parameters are ignored

  • bin0 – is the material bin in dimension 0

  • bin1 – is the material bin in dimension 1

virtual HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &operator*=(double scale) final

Scale operator.

  • it is effectively a thickness scaling


scale – is the scale factor

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &operator=(const HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &hsm) = default

Assignment operator.


hsm – is the source material

HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &operator=(HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &&hsm) = default

Assignment Move operator.


hsm – is the source material

inline bool operator==(const HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial &hsm) const

Equality operator.


hsm – is the source material

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – The outoput stream

class HomogeneousVolumeMaterial : public Acts::IVolumeMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/HomogeneousVolumeMaterial.hpp>

It extends the IVolumeMaterial base class to describe a simple homogeneous material in a volume.

Public Functions

HomogeneousVolumeMaterial(const Material &material)

Explicit constructor.


material – is the material held by this

HomogeneousVolumeMaterial(const HomogeneousVolumeMaterial &hvm) = default

Copy Constructor.


hvm – is the source material

HomogeneousVolumeMaterial(HomogeneousVolumeMaterial &&hvm) = default

Copy Move Constructor.


hvm – is the source material

~HomogeneousVolumeMaterial() override = default


inline virtual const Material material(const Vector3 &position) const final

Access to actual material.


position is ignored


position – is the request position for the material call

HomogeneousVolumeMaterial &operator=(const HomogeneousVolumeMaterial &hvm) = default

Assignment operator.


hvm – is the source material

inline bool operator==(const HomogeneousVolumeMaterial &hvm) const

Equality operator.


hvm – is the source material

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – The outoput stream

class IAxis
#include <Acts/Utilities/IAxis.hpp>

Common base class for all Axis instance.

This allows generice handling such as for inspection.

Public Functions

virtual std::vector<ActsScalar> getBinEdges() const = 0

Return a vector of bin edges.


Vector which contains the bin edges

virtual detail::AxisBoundaryType getBoundaryType() const = 0

returns the boundary type set in the template param


AxisBoundaryType of this axis

virtual ActsScalar getMax() const = 0

get maximum of binning range


maximum of binning range

virtual ActsScalar getMin() const = 0

get minimum of binning range


minimum of binning range

virtual size_t getNBins() const = 0

get total number of bins


total number of bins (excluding under-/overflow bins)

virtual bool isEquidistant() const = 0

returns whether the axis is equidistant


bool is equidistant

virtual bool isVariable() const = 0

returns whether the axis is variable


bool is variable

class IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder.hpp>

This is an interface class for constructing TrackingVolumes whose are confined in a mother-TrackingVolume.

Subclassed by Acts::DD4hepVolumeBuilder

Public Functions

virtual ~IConfinedTrackingVolumeBuilder() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual MutableTrackingVolumeVector centralVolumes() const = 0

Interface for constructing a vector of confined TrackingVolumes.

virtual const std::string &identification() const = 0

Interface for retreiving the identification string of the confined volumes.

class IdentifiedDetectorElement : public DetectorElementBase
#include <Acts/Plugins/Identification/IdentifiedDetectorElement.hpp>

The identified detector element.

It adds the Identifier defnition and a forward declaration of the DigitizationModule to the detector elements

The identifier can be overwritten with by the use of the ACTS_CORE_IDENTIFIER_PLUGIN

Subclassed by Acts::TGeoDetectorElement

Public Functions

virtual const std::shared_ptr<const DigitizationModule> digitizationModule() const = 0

Retrieve the DigitizationModule.

virtual Identifier identifier() const = 0

Retrieve the Identifier.

struct Identity
#include <Acts/Utilities/Identity.hpp>

Function object which maps a value to itself by perfect forwarding This is a backport of C++20’s std::identity.

Public Functions

template<typename T>
inline constexpr auto operator()(T &&v) const
template<typename SpacePoint>
class IExperimentCuts
#include <Acts/Seeding/IExperimentCuts.hpp>

IExperimentCuts can be used to increase or decrease seed weights based on the space points used in a seed.

Seed weights are also influenced by the SeedFilter default implementation. This tool is also used to decide if a seed passes a seed weight cut. As the weight is stored in seeds, there are two distinct methods.

Public Functions

virtual ~IExperimentCuts() = default
virtual std::vector<typename CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint>>::value_type> cutPerMiddleSP(std::vector<typename CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint>>::value_type> seedCandidates) const = 0

seedCandidates – contains collection of seed candidates created for one middle space point in a std::tuple format


vector of seed candidates that pass the cut

virtual float seedWeight(const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &bottom, const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &middle, const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &top) const = 0

Returns seed weight bonus/malus depending on detector considerations.

  • bottom – bottom space point of the current seed

  • middle – middle space point of the current seed

  • top – top space point of the current seed


seed weight to be added to the seed’s weight

virtual bool singleSeedCut(float weight, const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &bottom, const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &middle, const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &top) const = 0
  • weight – the current seed weight

  • bottom – bottom space point of the current seed

  • middle – middle space point of the current seed

  • top – top space point of the current seed


true if the seed should be kept, false if the seed should be discarded

class ILayerArrayCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/ILayerArrayCreator.hpp>

Interface class ILayerArrayCreators, it inherits from IAlgTool.

It receives the LayerVector and creaets an array with NaivgationLayer objects filled in between.

Subclassed by Acts::LayerArrayCreator

Public Functions

virtual ~ILayerArrayCreator() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual std::unique_ptr<const LayerArray> layerArray(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layers, double min, double max, BinningType btype = arbitrary, BinningValue bvalue = binX) const = 0

LayerArrayCreator interface method.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • layers – are the layers to be moved into an array

  • min – is the minimul value for binning

  • max – is the maximum value for binning

  • btype – is the binning type

  • bvalue – is the value in which the binning should be done


unqiue pointer to a new LayerArray

class ILayerBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/ILayerBuilder.hpp>

Interface class for ILayerBuilders in a typical | EC- | Central | EC+ | detector setup.

Subclassed by Acts::DD4hepLayerBuilder, Acts::PassiveLayerBuilder, Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder

Public Functions

virtual ~ILayerBuilder() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual const LayerVector centralLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const = 0

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at the central sector

virtual const std::string &identification() const = 0

Name identification.


the string based identification

virtual const LayerVector negativeLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const = 0

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at negative side

virtual const LayerVector positiveLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const = 0

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at positive side

class IMaterialDecorator
#include <Acts/Material/IMaterialDecorator.hpp>

Virtual base class for decorators that allow to load material onto a TrackingGeometry.

The geometry allows material to be assigned either to surfaces or to volumes, hence there are two decorate interface methots.

Subclassed by Acts::JsonMaterialDecorator

Public Functions

virtual ~IMaterialDecorator() = default

Virtual Destructor.

virtual void decorate(Surface &surface) const = 0

Decorate a surface.


surface – the non-cost surface that is decorated

virtual void decorate(TrackingVolume &volume) const = 0

Decorate a TrackingVolume.


volume – the non-cost volume that is decorated

struct ImpactParametersAndSigma
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPointEstimator.hpp>

Public Members

double IPd0 = 0.
double IPz0 = 0.
double IPz0SinTheta = 0.
double PVsigmad0 = 0.
double PVsigmaz0 = 0.
double PVsigmaz0SinTheta = 0.
double sigmad0 = 0.
double sigmaz0 = 0.
double sigmaz0SinTheta = 0.
template<typename input_track_t, typename propagator_t, typename propagator_options_t = PropagatorOptions<>>
class ImpactPointEstimator
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPointEstimator.hpp>

Estimator for impact point calculations.

Public Functions

inline ImpactPointEstimator(const Config &cfg)



cfg – Configuration object

Result<double> calculate3dDistance(const GeometryContext &gctx, const BoundTrackParameters &trkParams, const Vector3 &vtxPos, State &state) const

Calculates 3D distance between a track and a 3D point.

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • trkParams – Track parameters

  • vtxPos – Position to calculate distance to

  • state – The state object



Result<BoundTrackParameters> estimate3DImpactParameters(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const BoundTrackParameters &trkParams, const Vector3 &vtxPos, State &state) const

Creates track parameters bound to plane at point of closest approach in 3d to given reference position.

The parameters and errors are defined on the plane intersecting the track at point of closest approach, with track orthogonal to the plane and center of the plane defined as the given reference point (vertex).

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • mctx – The magnetic field context

  • trkParams – Track parameters

  • vtxPos – Reference position (vertex)

  • state – The state object


New track params

Result<ImpactParametersAndSigma> estimateImpactParameters(const BoundTrackParameters &track, const Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const

Estimates the impact parameters and their errors of a given track w.r.t.

a vertex by propagating the trajectory state towards the vertex position.

  • track – Track to estimate IP from

  • vtx – Vertex the track belongs to

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • mctx – The magnetic field context

Result<double> get3DLifetimeSignOfTrack(const BoundTrackParameters &track, const Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, const Acts::Vector3 &direction, const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const

Estimates the sign of the 3D lifetime of a given track w.r.t.

a vertex and a direction (e.g. a jet direction)

  • track – Track to estimate the IP from

  • vtx – Vertex the track belongs to

  • direction – The direction

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • mctx – The magnetic field context


The value of the 3D lifetime

Result<double> get3dVertexCompatibility(const GeometryContext &gctx, const BoundTrackParameters *trkParams, const Vector3 &vertexPos) const

Estimates the compatibility of a track to a vertex position based on the 3d distance between the track and the vertex.

  • gctx – The Geometry context

  • trkParams – Track parameters at point of closest approach in 3d as retrieved by estimate3DImpactParameters

  • vertexPos – The vertex position


The compatibility value

Result<std::pair<double, double>> getLifetimesSignOfTrack(const BoundTrackParameters &track, const Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, const Acts::Vector3 &direction, const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const

Estimates the sign of the 2D and Z lifetime of a given track w.r.t.

a vertex and a direction (e.g. a jet direction) by propagating the trajectory state towards the vertex position and computing the scalar product with the direction vector

  • track – Track to estimate the IP from

  • vtx – Vertex the track belongs to

  • direction – The direction

  • gctx – The geometry context

  • mctx – The magnetic field context


A pair holding the sign for the 2D an Z lifetimes

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPointEstimator.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Config(std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bIn, std::shared_ptr<const propagator_t> prop)

Config constructor if magnetic field is present.

  • bIn – The magnetic field

  • prop – The propagator

inline Config(std::shared_ptr<propagator_t> prop)

Config constructor without B field -> uses NullBField provided)


prop – The propagator

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField

Magnetic field.

int maxIterations = 20

Max. number of iterations in Newton method.

double maxRho = 1e+15

Maximum curvature value.

double minQoP = 1e-15

Minimum q/p value.

double precision = 1.e-10

Desired precision in deltaPhi in Newton method.

std::shared_ptr<const propagator_t> propagator


struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ImpactPointEstimator.hpp>

State struct.

Public Functions

inline State(MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCacheIn)

The state constructor.


fieldCacheIn – The magnetic field cache

Public Members

MagneticFieldProvider::Cache fieldCache

Magnetic field cache.

class InfiniteBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/InfiniteBounds.hpp>

templated boundless extension to forward the interface Returns all inside checks to true and can templated for all bounds

Public Functions

InfiniteBounds() = default
~InfiniteBounds() override = default
inline virtual bool inside(const Vector2&, const BoundaryCheck&) const final

Method inside() returns true for any case.

ignores input parameters


always true

inline virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.

inline virtual SurfaceBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Access method for bound values, this is a dynamically sized vector containing the parameters needed to describe these bounds.


of the stored values for this SurfaceBounds object

template<typename SpacePoint>
class InternalSeed
#include <Acts/Seeding/InternalSeed.hpp>

Public Functions

InternalSeed(InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &s0, InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &s1, InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &s2, float z, bool qualitySeed = false)
InternalSeed &operator=(const InternalSeed &seed)
inline bool qualitySeed() const
inline float z() const

Public Members

const std::array<InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint>*, 3> sp
template<typename SpacePoint>
class InternalSpacePoint
#include <Acts/Seeding/InternalSpacePoint.hpp>

Public Functions

InternalSpacePoint() = delete
inline InternalSpacePoint(const SpacePoint &sp, const Acts::Vector3 &globalPos, const Acts::Vector2 &offsetXY, const Acts::Vector2 &variance)
inline InternalSpacePoint(const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &sp)
~InternalSpacePoint() = default
inline const float &cotTheta() const
inline const float &deltaR() const
InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint> &operator=(const InternalSpacePoint<SpacePoint>&) = delete
inline float phi() const
inline const float &quality() const
inline const float &radius() const
inline void setCotTheta(float cotTheta)
inline void setDeltaR(float deltaR)
inline void setQuality(float quality)
inline const SpacePoint &sp() const
inline const float &varianceR() const
inline const float &varianceZ() const
inline const float &x() const
inline const float &y() const
inline const float &z() const
template<typename grid_t>
class InterpolatedBFieldMap : public Acts::InterpolatedMagneticField
#include <Acts/MagneticField/InterpolatedBFieldMap.hpp>

interpolate magnetic field value from field values on a given grid

This class implements a magnetic field service which is initialized by a field map defined by:

  • a list of field values on a regular grid in some n-Dimensional space,

  • a transformation of global 3D coordinates onto this n-Dimensional space.

  • a transformation of local n-Dimensional magnetic field coordinates into global (cartesian) 3D coordinates

The magnetic field value for a given global position is then determined by:

  • mapping the position onto the grid,

  • looking up the magnetic field values on the closest grid points,

  • doing a linear interpolation of these magnetic field values.

Template Parameters

grid_t – The Grid type which provides the field storage and interpolation

Public Types

using FieldType = typename Grid::value_type
using Grid = grid_t

Public Functions

inline InterpolatedBFieldMap(Config cfg)

default constructor

inline Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position) const

retrieve field at given position


position[in] global 3D position


magnetic field value at the given position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying magnetic field map.

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const final

Retrieve magnetic field value at a given location.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().

  • position[in] global 3D position for the lookup

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector at given position

inline Result<FieldCell> getFieldCell(const Vector3 &position) const

retrieve field cell for given position


position[in] global 3D position


field cell containing the given global position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying magnetic field map.

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getFieldGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<3, 3> &derivative, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const final

Retrieve magnetic field value its its gradient.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


currently the derivative is not calculated


Cache is not used currently

  • position[in] global 3D position

  • derivative[out] gradient of magnetic field vector as (3x3) matrix

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector

inline virtual Vector3 getFieldUnchecked(const Vector3 &position) const final

Get a field value without checking if the lookup position is within the interpolation domain.


position – The lookup position in 3D


The field value at position

inline const Grid &getGrid() const

Get a const reference on the underlying grid structure.


grid reference

inline virtual std::vector<double> getMax() const final

get the maximum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the maxima of all field map axes

inline virtual std::vector<double> getMin() const final

get the minimum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the minima of all field map axes

inline virtual std::vector<size_t> getNBins() const final

get the number of bins for all axes of the field map


vector returning number of bins for all field map axes

inline virtual bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const final

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


position[in] global 3D position


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

inline bool isInsideLocal(const ActsVector<DIM_POS> &gridPosition) const

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


gridPosition[in] local N-D position


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

inline virtual MagneticFieldProvider::Cache makeCache(const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const final

Make an opaque cache for the magnetic field.

Instructs the specific implementation to generate a Cache instance for magnetic field lookup.


mctx – The magnetic field context to generate cache for


Cache The opaque cache object

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t DIM_POS = Grid::DIM
struct Cache
#include <Acts/MagneticField/InterpolatedBFieldMap.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Cache(const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)

Constructor with magnetic field context.


mctx – the magnetic field context

Public Members

std::optional<FieldCell> fieldCell
bool initialized = false
struct Config
#include <Acts/MagneticField/InterpolatedBFieldMap.hpp>

Config structure for the interpolated B field map.

Public Members

Grid grid

grid storing magnetic field values

double scale = 1.

global B-field scaling factor


Negative values for scale are accepted and will invert the direction of the magnetic field.

std::function<Vector3(const FieldType&, const Vector3&)> transformBField

calculating the global 3D coordinates (cartesian) of the magnetic field with the local n dimensional field and the global 3D position as input

std::function< ActsVector< DIM_POS >const Vector3 &)> transformPos

mapping of global 3D coordinates (cartesian) onto grid space

struct FieldCell
#include <Acts/MagneticField/InterpolatedBFieldMap.hpp>

struct representing smallest grid unit in magnetic field grid

This type encapsulate all required information to perform linear interpolation of magnetic field values within a confined 3D volume.

Public Functions

inline FieldCell(std::array<double, DIM_POS> lowerLeft, std::array<double, DIM_POS> upperRight, std::array<Vector3, N> fieldValues)

default constructor

  • lowerLeft[in] generalized lower-left corner of hyper box (containing the minima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • upperRight[in] generalized upper-right corner of hyper box (containing the maxima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • fieldValues[in] field values at the hyper box corners sorted in the canonical order defined in Acts::interpolate

inline Vector3 getField(const ActsVector<DIM_POS> &position) const

retrieve field at given position


position[in] global 3D position


magnetic field value at the given position


The given position must lie within the current field cell.

inline bool isInside(const ActsVector<DIM_POS> &position) const

check whether given 3D position is inside this field cell


position[in] global 3D position


true if position is inside the current field cell, otherwise false

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N = 1 << DIM_POS

number of corner points defining the confining hyper-box

class InterpolatedMagneticField : public Acts::MagneticFieldProvider
#include <Acts/MagneticField/InterpolatedBFieldMap.hpp>

Subclassed by Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap< grid_t >

Public Functions

virtual Vector3 getFieldUnchecked(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Get a field value without checking if the lookup position is within the interpolation domain.


position – The lookup position in 3D


The field value at position

virtual std::vector<double> getMax() const = 0

get the maximum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the maxima of all field map axes

virtual std::vector<double> getMin() const = 0

get the minimum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the minima of all field map axes

virtual std::vector<size_t> getNBins() const = 0

get the number of bins for all axes of the field map


vector returning number of bins for all field map axes

virtual bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


position[in] global 3D position


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

template<typename Mapper_t>
class InterpolatedMaterialMap : public Acts::IVolumeMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/InterpolatedMaterialMap.hpp>

Interpolate material classification values from material values on a given grid.

This class implements a material service which is initialized by a material map defined by:

  • a list of material values on a regular grid in some n-Dimensional space,

  • a transformation of global 3D coordinates onto this n-Dimensional space.

  • a transformation of local n-Dimensional material coordinates into global (cartesian) 3D coordinates

The material value for a given global position is then determined by:

  • mapping the position onto the grid,

  • looking up the material classification values on the closest grid points,

  • doing a linear interpolation of these values.


Each classification number of the material is interpolated independently and thus does not consider any correlations that exists between these values. This might work out since the used material is already a mean of the materials in a certain bin and can therewith be treated as a collection of numbers.

Template Parameters

G – Type of the grid

Public Functions

inline InterpolatedMaterialMap(Mapper_t &&mapper)

Create interpolated map.


mapper[in] Material map

inline InterpolatedMaterialMap(Mapper_t &&mapper, BinUtility bu)

Create interpolated map.

  • mapper[in] Material map

  • bu[in] BinUtility for build from

inline const BinUtility &binUtility() const

Return the BinUtility.

inline const Mapper_t &getMapper() const

Convenience method to access underlying material mapper.


The material mapper

inline Material getMaterial(const Vector3 &position) const

Retrieve the interpolated material.


position[in] Global 3D position


material at given position

inline Material getMaterial(const Vector3 &position, Cache &cache) const

Retrieve material.

  • position[in] Global 3D position

  • cache[inout] Cache object. Contains material cell used for interpolation


material at given position

inline Material getMaterialGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<5, 5> &derivative) const

Retrieve material value & its “gradient”.


Currently the derivative is not calculated

  • position[in] Global 3D position

  • derivative[out] “Gradient” of material as (5x5) matrix



inline Material getMaterialGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<5, 5> &derivative, Cache &cache) const

Retrieve material value & its “gradient”.


Currently the derivative is not calculated


Cache is not used currently

  • position[in] Global 3D position

  • derivative[out] “Gradient” of material as (5x5) matrix

  • cache[inout] Cache object. Contains cell used for



inline bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

Check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain.


position[in] Global 3D position


true if position is inside the defined map, otherwise false

inline virtual const Material material(const Vector3 &position) const override

Retrieve the binned material.


position[in] Global 3D position


Material at given position

inline virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – The outoput stream

struct Cache
#include <Acts/Material/InterpolatedMaterialMap.hpp>

Temporary storage of a certain cell to improve material access.

Public Members

bool initialized = false

Boolean statement if the cell is initialized.

std::optional<typename Mapper_t::MaterialCell> matCell

Stored material cell.

template<unsigned int DIM>
struct Intersection
#include <Acts/Utilities/Intersection.hpp>

Intersection struct used for position.

Public Types

using Status = IntersectionStatus

Status enum.

Public Functions

inline Intersection(const ActsVector<DIM> &sinter, double slength, Status sstatus)

Constructor with arguments.

  • sinter – is the position of the intersection

  • slength – is the path length to the intersection

  • sstatus – is an enum indicating the status of the intersection

Intersection() = default

Default constructor.

inline explicit operator bool() const

Bool() operator for validity checking.

inline bool operator<(const Intersection<DIM> &si) const

Smaller operator for sorting,.

  • it respects the validity of the intersection


si – is the intersection for testing

inline bool operator>(const Intersection<DIM> &si) const

Greater operator for sorting,.

  • it respects the validity of the intersection


si – is the intersection for testing

Public Members

ActsVector<DIM>::Scalar pathLength{std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()}

Signed path length to the intersection (if valid)

ActsVector<DIM> position = ActsVector<DIM>::Zero()

Position of the intersection.

Status status = {Status::unreachable}

The Status of the intersection.

template<typename T>
struct IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory
#include <Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectory.hpp>
struct IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<ConstVectorMultiTrajectory> : public true_type
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorMultiTrajectory.hpp>
struct IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<VectorMultiTrajectory> : public false_type
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorMultiTrajectory.hpp>
template<typename T>
struct IsReadOnlyTrackContainer
#include <Acts/EventData/Track.hpp>
struct IsReadOnlyTrackContainer<ConstVectorTrackContainer> : public true_type
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorTrackContainer.hpp>
struct IsReadOnlyTrackContainer<VectorTrackContainer> : public false_type
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorTrackContainer.hpp>
class ISurfaceMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/ISurfaceMaterial.hpp>

Virtual base class of surface based material description.

MaterialSlab that are associated to a surface, extended by certain special representations (binned, homogenous)

Subclassed by Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial, Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial, Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial

Public Functions

ISurfaceMaterial() = default


inline ISurfaceMaterial(double splitFactor)



splitFactor – is the splitting ratio between pre/post update

inline ISurfaceMaterial(double splitFactor, Acts::MappingType mappingType)


  • splitFactor – is the splitting ratio between pre/post update

  • mappingType – is the type of surface mapping associated to the surface

virtual ~ISurfaceMaterial() = default


inline double factor(NavigationDirection pDir, MaterialUpdateStage mStage) const

Update pre factor.

  • pDir – is the navigation direction through the surface

  • mStage – is the material update directive (onapproach, full, onleave)

inline MappingType mappingType() const

Return the type of surface material mapping.

virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector2 &lp) const = 0

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from local coordinate on the surface


lp – is the local position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector3 &gp) const = 0

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from the global coordinates


gp – is the global position used for the (eventual) lookup


const MaterialSlab

virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(size_t bin0, size_t bin1) const = 0

Direct access via bins to the MaterialSlab.

  • bin0 – is the material bin in dimension 0

  • bin1 – is the material bin in dimension 1

inline MaterialSlab materialSlab(const Vector2 &lp, NavigationDirection pDir, MaterialUpdateStage mStage) const

Return method for fully scaled material description of the Surface.

  • from local coordinate on the surface

  • lp – is the local position used for the (eventual) lookup

  • pDir – is the navigation direction through the surface

  • mStage – is the material update directive (onapproach, full, onleave)



inline MaterialSlab materialSlab(const Vector3 &gp, NavigationDirection pDir, MaterialUpdateStage mStage) const

Return method for full material description of the Surface.

  • from the global coordinates

  • gp – is the global position used for the (eventual) lookup

  • pDir – is the navigation direction through the surface

  • mStage – is the material update directive (onapproach, full, onleave)



virtual ISurfaceMaterial &operator*=(double scale) = 0

Scale operator.


scale – is the scale factor applied

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const = 0

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ISurfaceMaterial &sm)

output stream operator

Prints information about this object to the output stream using the virtual ISurfaceMaterial::toStream method


modified output stream object

template<typename vfitter_t, typename sfinder_t>
class IterativeVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp>

Implements an iterative vertex finder.

Brief description of the algorithm implemented: Iterative vertex finder which iteratively finds and fits vertices:

  1. A list of seed tracks (seedTracks, which is the same as the input track list to the finder at the very first iteration) is used to retrieve a single vertex seed using the ZScanVertexFinder.

  2. All tracks compatible with the current vertex seed are kept and used for fitting the single vertex. 3.1 If the vertex is a ‘good’ vertex (i.e. meets requirements) and no track reassignment after first fit is required, go to step 4. If vertex is not a good vertex, remove all tracks in perigeesToFit from seedTracks. 3.2 If vertex meets requirements and track reassignment after first fit is required, iterate over all previously found vertices (“old vertex”) and over all their tracksAtVertex. Compare compatibility of each track with old vertex and current vertex. If track is more compatible with current vertex, remove track from old vertex, put track back to perigeesToFit and refit current vertex with additional track.

  3. If good vertex, removeUsedCompatibleTracks method is called, which removes all used tracks that are compatible with the fitted vertex from perigeesToFit and seedTracks. It also removes outliers tracks from tracksAtVertex if not compatible.

  4. Add vertex to vertexCollection

  5. Repeat until no seedTracks are left or max. number of vertices found

Template Parameters
  • vfitter_t – Vertex fitter type

  • sfinder_t – Seed finder type

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = typename vfitter_t::InputTrack_t
using IPEstimator = ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t>

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline IterativeVertexFinder(Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("IterativeVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • logger – The logging instance

inline IterativeVertexFinder(Config &cfg, std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> func, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("IterativeVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

  • logger – The logging instance

Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &trackVector, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Finds vertices corresponding to input trackVector.

  • trackVector – Input tracks

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – State for fulfilling interfaces


Collection of vertices found by finder

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp>

Configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(const vfitter_t &fitter, Linearizer_t lin, sfinder_t sfinder, const IPEstimator &est)

Config constructor.

  • fitter – Vertex fitter

  • lin – Track linearizer

  • sfinder – The seed finder

  • est – ImpactPointEstimator

Public Members

bool createSplitVertices = false
double cutOffTrackWeight = 0.01
bool doMaxTracksCut = false
IPEstimator ipEst


Linearizer_t linearizer

Linearized track factory.

double maximumChi2cutForSeeding = 36.
int maxTracks = 5000
int maxVertices = 50
bool reassignTracksAfterFirstFit = false
sfinder_t seedFinder

Vertex seed finder.

double significanceCutSeeding = 10
int splitVerticesTrkInvFraction = 2
bool useBeamConstraint = false

Vertex finder configuration variables.

vfitter_t vertexFitter

Vertex fitter.

struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/IterativeVertexFinder.hpp>

State struct.

Public Functions

inline State(const MagneticFieldProvider &field, const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magContext)

Public Members

vfitter_t::State fitterState

The fitter state.

IPEstimator::State ipState

The IP estimator state.

Linearizer_t::State linearizerState

The inearizer state.

class ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter.hpp>


Interface class that allows to define splitting of TGeoElements into sub-elements

Subclassed by Acts::TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter

Public Functions

virtual ~ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter() = default
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>> split(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement> tgde) const = 0

Take a geometry context and TGeoElement and split it into sub elements.


If no split is performed the unsplit detector element is returned

  • gctx – is a geometry context object

  • tgde – is a TGeoDetectorElement that is eventually split


a vector of TGeoDetectorElement objects

class ITGeoIdentifierProvider
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/ITGeoIdentifierProvider.hpp>


Interface class that provides an Indentifier from a TGeoNode

Public Functions

virtual Identifier identify(const GeometryContext &gctx, const TGeoNode &tgnode) const = 0

Take a geometry context and a TGeoNode and provide an identifier.

  • gctx – is a geometry context object

  • tgnode – is a TGeoNode that is translated

class ITrackingGeometryBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/ITrackingGeometryBuilder.hpp>

Interface class for the TrackingGeometry building, this is used by the TrackingGeometrySvc to build the geoemtry.

The TrackingGeometry is written to the detector store and thus not created as a std::shared_ptr.

The TrackingGeometry is returned as a non-const object in order to recreate from conditions callback if necessary.

Subclassed by Acts::KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder, Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder

Public Functions

virtual ~ITrackingGeometryBuilder() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry(const GeometryContext &gctx) const = 0

TrackingGeometry Interface methode.


gctx – ist the geometry context for witch the geometry is built


unique pointer to a newly created TrackingGeometry

class ITrackingGeometryJsonDecorator
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/ITrackingGeometryJsonDecorator.hpp>

helper class to add extra informtion to surface or volume json objects

Public Functions

virtual ~ITrackingGeometryJsonDecorator() = default
virtual void decorate(const Acts::Surface &surface, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given surface.

  • surface – the surface which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced

virtual void decorate(const Acts::TrackingVolume &volume, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given volume.

  • volume – the volume which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced

class ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator.hpp>

Interface class ITrackingVolumeArrayCreators It inherits from IAlgTool.

It is designed to centralize the code to create Arrays of Tracking Volumes for both:

  • confinement in another TrackingVolume

  • navigation and glueing

Arrays for glueing and confinement are often the same, therefore the newly created TrackingVolumeArray is done by a shared_ptr

Subclassed by Acts::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator

Public Functions

virtual ~ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> trackingVolumeArray(const GeometryContext &gctx, const TrackingVolumeVector &vols, BinningValue bVal) const = 0

TrackingVolumeArrayCreator interface method - creates array depending on the binning type.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • vols – are the TrackingVolumes ordered in a tracker

  • bVal – is the binning value for the volume binning


sahred pointer to a new TrackingVolumeArray

class ITrackingVolumeBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/ITrackingVolumeBuilder.hpp>

Interface class ITrackingVolumeBuilders.

this returns the sub-detector tracking volume that is wrapped by the next outer one in the TrackingGeometry building process

If an innerVolume is given, this is wrapped If a VolumeBounds object is given this defines the maximum extent.

Subclassed by Acts::CuboidVolumeBuilder, Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder

Public Functions

virtual ~ITrackingVolumeBuilder() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr trackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, TrackingVolumePtr oppositeVolume = nullptr, VolumeBoundsPtr outsideBounds = nullptr) const = 0

ITrackingVolumeBuilder interface method.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • oppositeVolume – is an (optional) volume to be wrapped

  • outsideBounds – is an (optional) outside confinement


shared pointer to a newly created TrackingVolume

class ITrackingVolumeHelper
#include <Acts/Geometry/ITrackingVolumeHelper.hpp>

Interface class ITrackingVolumeHelper tools, it inherits from IAlgTool.

The ITrackingVolumeHelper is a tool to pack a set of layers into a volume, or - to wrap several volumes into a container volume.

TrackingVolumes only exist as std::shared_ptr

Subclassed by Acts::CylinderVolumeHelper

Public Functions

virtual ~ITrackingVolumeHelper() = default

Virtual destructor.

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createContainerTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const TrackingVolumeVector &volumes) const = 0

Create a one level higher TrackingVolue.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • volumes – the volumes to be contained


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createGapTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, MutableTrackingVolumeVector &mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double loc0Min, double loc0Max, double loc1Min, double loc1Max, unsigned int materialLayers, bool cylinder = true, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume") const = 0

Create a gap volume from dimensions and.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • loc0Min, loc0Max, loc1Min, loc1Max – : local position in space, this TrackingVolume is restricted to Translation only

  • materialLayers – number of material layers (aequidistant binning)

  • cylinder – type of layers

  • volumeName – volume name to be given


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createGapTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, MutableTrackingVolumeVector &mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double loc0Min, double loc0Max, double loc1Min, double loc1Max, const std::vector<double> &layerPositions, bool cylinder = true, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType btype = arbitrary) const = 0

Create a gap volume from dimensions and.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • loc0Min, loc0Max, loc1Min, loc1Max – local position in space,

  • layerPositions – custom layer positions

  • cylinder – type of layers

  • volumeName – : volume name to be given

  • btype – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layers, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, VolumeBoundsPtr volumeBounds, MutableTrackingVolumeVector mtvVector = {}, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType btype = arbitrary) const = 0

Create a TrackingVolume* from a set of layers and (optional) parameters.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • layers – vector of static layers confined by the TrackingVolume if no bounds or HepTransform is given, they define the size together with the volume enevlope parameters

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • volumeBounds – confinement of this TrackingVolume

  • mtvVector – (optional) Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • transform – (optional) placement of this TrackingVolume

  • volumeName – volume name to be given

  • btype – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

virtual MutableTrackingVolumePtr createTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layers, MutableTrackingVolumeVector mtvVector, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, double loc0Min, double loc0Max, double loc1Min, double loc1Max, const std::string &volumeName = "UndefinedVolume", BinningType btype = arbitrary) const = 0

Create a TrackingVolume* from a set of layers and (optional) parameters.

  • gctx – is the geometry context for witch the volume is built

  • layers – vector of static layers confined by the TrackingVolume if no bounds or HepTransform is given, they define the size together with the volume enevlope parameters

  • volumeMaterial – material properties for this TrackingVolume

  • mtvVector – Vector of confined TrackingVolumes

  • loc0Min, loc0Max, loc1Min, loc1Max – : local position in space, this TrackingVolume is restricted to Translation only

  • volumeName – volume name to be given

  • btype – (optional) BinningType - arbitrary(default) or equidistant


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

class IVisualization3D
#include <Acts/Visualization/IVisualization3D.hpp>

Partially abstract base class which provides an interface to visualization helper classes.

It provides a number of methods that all the helpers need to conform to.

Subclassed by Acts::ObjVisualization3D< T >, Acts::PlyVisualization3D< T >

Public Types

using FaceType = std::vector<size_t>

Public Functions

virtual void clear() = 0

Remove all contents of this helper.

virtual void face(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) = 0

Draw a face that connects a list of vertices.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the face

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void faces(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, const std::vector<FaceType> &faces, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) = 0

Draw a faces that connects a list of vertices - expert only.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the faceS

  • faces – The face presectiotions (i.e. connecting vertices)

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void line(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) = 0

Draw a line from a vertex to another.

  • a – The start vertex

  • b – The end vertex

  • color – The color of the line

virtual void vertex(const Vector3 &vtx, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) = 0

Draw a vertex at a given location and a color.

  • vtx – The vertex position

  • color – The color

virtual void write(std::ostream &os) const = 0

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


os – The output stream for file

virtual void write(const std::string &path) const = 0

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


wil change to std::filesystem::path once gcc9 is standard


path – is the file system path for writing the file

class IVolumeMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/IVolumeMaterial.hpp>

Material associated with a Volume (homogenous, binned, interpolated)

Virtual base class of volume material description.

Subclassed by Acts::HomogeneousVolumeMaterial, Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap< Mapper_t >, Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial

Public Functions

virtual ~IVolumeMaterial() = default

Virtual Destructor.

virtual const Material material(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Access to actual material.


position – is the request position for the material call

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const = 0

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const IVolumeMaterial &vm)

output stream operator

Prints information about this object to the output stream using the virtual IVolumeeMaterial::toStream method


modified output stream object

class IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator.hpp>

helper class to add extra informtion to surface or volume json objects

Public Functions

virtual ~IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator() = default
virtual void decorate(const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial &material, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given surface material.

  • material – the surface material which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced

virtual void decorate(const Acts::IVolumeMaterial &material, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given volume material.

  • material – the volume material which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced

struct jsonKey
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/GeometryJsonKeys.hpp>

store in a single place the different key used for the material mapping

Public Members

std::string binkey = "binUtility"

The bin key.

std::string datakey = "data"

The data key.

std::string mapkey = "mapMaterial"

The mapping key, add surface to mapping procedure if true.

std::string maptype = "mappingType"

The mapping type key, used to select the type od material mapping for the surface.

std::string materialkey = "material"

The material key.

std::string namekey = "NAME"

The name identification.

std::string transfokeys = "transformation"

The local to global transformation key.

std::string typekey = "type"

The type key -> proto, else.

class JsonMaterialDecorator : public Acts::IMaterialDecorator
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/JsonMaterialDecorator.hpp>

Material decorator from Json format.

This reads in material maps for surfaces and volumes from a json file

Public Types

using SurfaceMaterialMap = std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>>
using VolumeMaterialMap = std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial>>

Public Functions

inline JsonMaterialDecorator(const MaterialMapJsonConverter::Config &rConfig, const std::string &jFileName, Acts::Logging::Level level, bool clearSurfaceMaterial = true, bool clearVolumeMaterial = true)
inline virtual void decorate(Surface &surface) const final

Decorate a surface.


surface – the non-cost surface that is decorated

inline virtual void decorate(TrackingVolume &volume) const final

Decorate a TrackingVolume.


volume – the non-cost volume that is decorated

template<typename propagator_t, typename traj_t>
class KalmanFitter
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp>

Kalman fitter implementation.

The Kalman filter contains an Actor and a Sequencer sub-class. The Sequencer has to be part of the Navigator of the Propagator in order to initialize and provide the measurement surfaces.

The Actor is part of the Propagation call and does the Kalman update and eventually the smoothing. Updater, Smoother and Calibrator are given to the Actor for further use:

  • The Updater is the implemented kalman updater formalism, it runs via a visitor pattern through the measurements.

  • The Smoother is called at the end of the filtering by the Actor.

Measurements are not required to be ordered for the KalmanFilter, measurement ordering needs to be figured out by the navigation of the propagator.

The void components are provided mainly for unit testing.

Template Parameters

propagator_t – Type of the propagation class

Public Functions

inline KalmanFitter(propagator_t pPropagator, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("KalmanFitter", Logging::INFO))

Fit implementation of the foward filter, calls the the filter and smoother/reversed filter.


The input measurements are given in the form of SourceLink s. It’s the calibrators job to turn them into calibrated measurements used in the fit.

Template Parameters
  • source_link_iterator_t – Iterator type used to pass source links

  • start_parameters_t – Type of the initial parameters

  • parameters_t – Type of parameters used for local parameters

  • track_container_t – Type of the track container backend

  • holder_t – Type defining track container backend ownership

  • it – Begin iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • end – End iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • sParameters – The initial track parameters

  • kfOptions – KalmanOptions steering the fit

  • trackContainer – Input track container storage to append into


the output as an output track

Fit implementation of the foward filter, calls the the filter and smoother/reversed filter.


The input measurements are given in the form of SourceLinks. It’s calibrator_t's job to turn them into calibrated measurements used in the fit.

Template Parameters
  • source_link_iterator_t – Iterator type used to pass source links

  • start_parameters_t – Type of the initial parameters

  • parameters_t – Type of parameters used for local parameters

  • track_container_t – Type of the track container backend

  • holder_t – Type defining track container backend ownership

  • it – Begin iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • end – End iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • sParameters – The initial track parameters

  • kfOptions – KalmanOptions steering the fit

  • sSequence – surface sequence used to initialize a DirectNavigator

  • trackContainer – Input track container storage to append into


the output as an output track

template<typename traj_t>
struct KalmanFitterExtensions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp>

Extension struct which holeds delegates to customize the KF behavior.

Public Types

using Calibrator = Delegate<void(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy)>
using ConstTrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::ConstTrackStateProxy
using OutlierFinder = Delegate<bool(ConstTrackStateProxy)>
using Parameters = typename TrackStateProxy::Parameters
using ReverseFilteringLogic = Delegate<bool(ConstTrackStateProxy)>
using Smoother = Delegate<Result<void>(const GeometryContext&, MultiTrajectory<traj_t>&, size_t, const Logger&)>
using TrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy
using Updater = Delegate<Result<void>(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy, NavigationDirection, const Logger&)>

Public Functions

inline KalmanFitterExtensions()

Default constructor which connects the default void components.

Public Members

Calibrator calibrator

The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g.

sagging for wires, module deformations, etc.

OutlierFinder outlierFinder

Determines whether a measurement is supposed to be considered as an outlier.

ReverseFilteringLogic reverseFilteringLogic

Decides whether the smoothing stage uses linearized transport or full reverse propagation.

Smoother smoother

The smoother back-propagates measurement information along the track.

Updater updater

The updater incorporates measurement information into the track parameters.

template<typename traj_t>
struct KalmanFitterOptions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp>

Combined options for the Kalman fitter.

Template Parameters

traj_t – The trajectory type

Public Functions

inline KalmanFitterOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx, KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t> extensions_, const PropagatorPlainOptions &pOptions, const Surface *rSurface = nullptr, bool mScattering = true, bool eLoss = true, bool rFiltering = false, double rfScaling = 1.0, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection_ = FreeToBoundCorrection(false))

PropagatorOptions with context.

  • gctx – The goemetry context for this fit

  • mctx – The magnetic context for this fit

  • cctx – The calibration context for this fit

  • extensions_ – The KF extensions

  • pOptions – The plain propagator options

  • rSurface – The reference surface for the fit to be expressed at

  • mScattering – Whether to include multiple scattering

  • eLoss – Whether to include energy loss

  • rFiltering – Whether to run filtering in reversed direction as smoothing

  • rfScaling – Scale factor for the covariance matrix before the backward filtering

  • freeToBoundCorrection_ – Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound

KalmanFitterOptions() = delete

Contexts are required and the options must not be default-constructible.

Public Members

std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext

context object for the calibration

bool energyLoss = true

Whether to consider energy loss.

KalmanFitterExtensions<traj_t> extensions
FreeToBoundCorrection freeToBoundCorrection

Whether to include non-linear correction during global to local transformation.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Context object for the magnetic field.

bool multipleScattering = true

Whether to consider multiple scattering.

PropagatorPlainOptions propagatorPlainOptions

The trivial propagator options.

const Surface *referenceSurface = nullptr

The reference Surface.

bool reversedFiltering = false

Whether to run filtering in reversed direction overwrite the ReverseFilteringLogic.

double reversedFilteringCovarianceScaling = 1.0

Factor by which the covariance of the input of the reversed filtering is scaled.

This is only used in the backwardfiltering (if reversedFiltering is true or if the ReverseFilteringLogic return true for the track of interest)

template<typename traj_t>
struct KalmanFitterResult
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/KalmanFitter.hpp>

Public Members

bool finished = false
std::optional<BoundTrackParameters> fittedParameters
traj_t *fittedStates = {nullptr}
size_t lastMeasurementIndex = SIZE_MAX
size_t lastTrackIndex = SIZE_MAX
size_t measurementHoles = 0
size_t measurementStates = 0
std::vector<const Surface*> missedActiveSurfaces
std::vector<const Surface*> passedAgainSurfaces
size_t processedStates = 0
Result<void> result = {Result<void>::success()}
bool reversed = false
bool smoothed = false
template<std::size_t Dims, typename Type, typename Scalar = double, template<typename, std::size_t> typename Vector = std::array, std::size_t LeafSize = 4>
class KDTree
#include <Acts/Utilities/KDTree.hpp>

A general k-d tree with fast range search.

This is a generalized k-d tree, with a configurable number of dimension, scalar type, content type, index type, vector type, and leaf size. This class is purposefully generalized to support a wide range of use cases.

A k-d tree is, in essence, a k-dimensional binary search tree. Each interal node splits the content of the tree in half, with the pivot point being an orthogonal hyperplane in one of the k dimensions. This allows us to efficiently look up points within certain k-dimensional ranges.

This particular class is mostly a wrapper class around an underlying node class which does all the actual work.


This type is completely immutable after construction.

Template Parameters
  • Dims – The number of dimensions.

  • Type – The type of value contained in the tree.

  • Scalar – The scalar type used to construct position vectors.

  • Vector – The general vector type used to construct coordinates.

  • LeafSize – The maximum number of elements stored in a leaf node.

Public Types

using const_iterator_t = typename vector_t::const_iterator
using coordinate_t = Vector<Scalar, Dims>

The type of coordinates for points.

using iterator_t = typename vector_t::iterator

The type of iterators in our vectors.

using pair_t = std::pair<coordinate_t, Type>

The type of coordinate-value pairs.

using range_t = RangeXD<Dims, Scalar, Vector>

The type describing a multi-dimensional orthogonal range.

using value_t = Type

The type of value contained in this k-d tree.

using vector_t = std::vector<pair_t>

The type of a vector of coordinate-value pairs.

Public Functions

KDTree() = delete
inline KDTree(vector_t &&d)

Construct a k-d tree from a vector of position-value pairs.

This constructor takes an r-value reference to a vector of position-value pairs and constructs a k-d tree from those pairs.


d – The vector of position-value pairs to construct the k-d tree from.

inline const_iterator_t begin(void) const
inline const_iterator_t end(void) const
inline std::vector<Type> rangeSearch(const range_t &r) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree.

A range search operation is one that takes a k-d tree and an orthogonal range, and returns all values associated with coordinates in the k-d tree that lie within the orthogonal range. k-d trees can do this operation quickly.


r – The range to search for.


The vector of all values that lie within the given range.

inline void rangeSearch(const range_t &r, std::vector<Type> &v) const

Perform an in-place orthogonal range search within the k-d tree.

This range search module operates in place, writing its results to the given output vector.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • v – The vector to write the output to.

template<typename OutputIt>
inline void rangeSearchInserter(const range_t &r, OutputIt i) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, writing the resulting values to an output iterator.

This method allows the user more control in where the result is written to.

Template Parameters

OutputIt – The type of the output iterator.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • i – The iterator to write the output to.

template<typename OutputIt>
inline void rangeSearchInserterWithKey(const range_t &r, OutputIt i) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, writing the resulting values to an output iterator, including the keys.

Performs the same operation as the keyless version, but includes the key in the output.

Template Parameters

OutputIt – The type of the output iterator.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • i – The iterator to write the output to.

template<typename Result>
inline std::vector<Result> rangeSearchMap(const range_t &r, std::function<Result(const coordinate_t&, const Type&)> f) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, applying a mapping function to the values found.

In some cases, we may wish to transform the values in some way. This method allows the user to provide a mapping function which takes a set of coordinates and a value and transforms them to a new value, which is returned.


Your compiler may not be able to deduce the result type automatically, in which case you will need to specify it manually.

Template Parameters

Result – The return type of the map operation.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • f – The mapping function to apply to key-value pairs.


A vector of elements matching the range after the application of the mapping function.

template<typename Callable>
inline void rangeSearchMapDiscard(const range_t &r, Callable &&f) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, applying a a void-returning function with side-effects to each key-value pair.

This is the most general version of range search in this class, and every other operation can be reduced to this operation as long as we allow arbitrary side-effects.

Functional programmers will know this method as mapM_.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • f – The mapping function to apply to key-value pairs.

template<typename Result, typename OutputIt>
inline void rangeSearchMapInserter(const range_t &r, std::function<Result(const coordinate_t&, const Type&)> f, OutputIt i) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, applying a mapping function to the values found, and inserting them into an inserter.

Performs the same operation as the interter-less version, but allows the user additional control over the insertion process.


Your compiler may not be able to deduce the result type automatically, in which case you will need to specify it manually.

Template Parameters
  • Result – The return type of the map operation.

  • OutputIt – The type of the output iterator.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • f – The mapping function to apply to key-value pairs.

  • i – The inserter to insert the results into.

inline std::vector<pair_t> rangeSearchWithKey(const range_t &r) const

Perform an orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, returning keys as well as values.

Performs the same logic as the keyless version, but includes a copy of the key with each element.


r – The range to search for.


The vector of all key-value pairs that lie within the given range.

inline void rangeSearchWithKey(const range_t &r, std::vector<pair_t> &v) const

Perform an in-place orthogonal range search within the k-d tree, including keys in the result.

Performs the same operation as the keyless version, but includes the keys in the results.

  • r – The range to search for.

  • v – The vector to write the output to.

inline std::size_t size(void) const

Return the number of elements in the k-d tree.

We simply defer this method to the root node of the k-d tree.


The number of elements in the k-d tree.

class KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder : public Acts::ITrackingGeometryBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder.hpp>

A Tracking Geometry builder restricted to cylindrical geometries.

It takes some helper tools and a vector of surface objects, together with a ProtoDetector description that is used to query a KDTree for contained surfaces in structures defined by the proto volume.

Public Types

using SurfaceKDT = KDTree<2u, std::shared_ptr<Surface>, ActsScalar, std::array, 100>

Public Functions

KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder(const Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder", Logging::INFO))


  • cfg[in] is the configuration struct for this builder

  • logger[in] logging instance

virtual std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

TrackingGeometry Interface method.


gctx – geometry context of that building call


a unique pointer to a TrackingGeometry

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/KDTreeTrackingGeometryBuilder.hpp>

Nested Configuration for this TrackingGeometryBuilder.

Public Members

GeometryIdentifierHook geometryIdentifierHook

Optional geometry identfier hook to be used during closure.


Will be copied when calling the geometry building

std::string hierarchyIndent = "  "

For screen output.

std::shared_ptr<const LayerCreator> layerCreator = nullptr

The layer crator - for sensitives.

ProtoDetector protoDetector

The proto tracking geometry description.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> surfaces = {}

The created surfaces.

std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeHelper> trackingVolumeHelper = nullptr

The tracking volume helper for detector construction.

class Layer : public virtual Acts::GeometryObject
#include <Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp>

Base Class for a Detector Layer in the Tracking Geometry.

An actual implemented Detector Layer inheriting from this base class has to inherit from a specific type of Surface as well. In addition, a Layer can carry:

A SurfaceArray of Surfaces holding the actual detector elements or subSurfaces. A pointer to the TrackingVolume (can only be set by such) An active/passive code : 0 - activ 1 - passive [….] - other

The search type for compatible surfaces on a layer is [ the higher the number, the faster ]: ——&#8212; Layer internal ———————————————&#8212; -1 - provide all intersection tested without boundary check 0 - provide all intersection tested with boundary check 1 - provide overlap descriptor based without boundary check 2 - provide overlap descriptor based with boundary check

A layer can have substructure regarding:

  • m_ssRepresentingSurface -> always exists (1), can have material (2)

  • m_ssSensitiveSurfaces -> can or not exist (0,1), can have material (2)

  • m_ssApproachSurfaces -> can or not exist (0,1) cam have material (2)

Subclassed by Acts::ConeLayer, Acts::CylinderLayer, Acts::DiscLayer, Acts::NavigationLayer, Acts::PlaneLayer

Public Functions

Layer() = delete

Default Constructor - deleted.

Layer(const Layer&) = delete

Copy Constructor - deleted.

virtual ~Layer() = default


const ApproachDescriptor *approachDescriptor() const

Return method for the approach descriptor, can be nullptr.

ApproachDescriptor *approachDescriptor()

Non-const version of the approach descriptor.

boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceIntersection, 10> compatibleSurfaces(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const NavigationOptions<Surface> &options) const

Decompose Layer into (compatible) surfaces.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – Position parameter for searching

  • direction – Direction of the parameters for searching

  • options – The navigation options


list of intersection of surfaces on the layer

virtual bool isOnLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const

geometrical isOnLayer() method


using isOnSurface() with Layer specific tolerance

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the gobal position to be checked

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive


boolean that indicates success of the operation

LayerType layerType() const

return the LayerType

const Layer *nextLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const

Fast navigation to next layer.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the start position for the search

  • direction – is the direction for the search


the pointer to the next layer

Layer &operator=(const Layer &layer) = delete

Assignment operator - forbidden, layer assignment must not be ambiguous.


layer – is the source layer for assignment

const AbstractVolume *representingVolume() const

Return the abstract volume that represents the layer.


the representing volume of the layer

template<typename options_t>
inline bool resolve(const options_t &options) const

Accept layer according to the following collection directives.

Template Parameters

options_t – Type of the options for navigation


a boolean whether the layer is accepted for processing

virtual bool resolve(bool resolveSensitive, bool resolveMaterial, bool resolvePassive) const

Accept layer according to the following collection directives.

  • resolveSensitive – is the prescription to find the sensitive surfaces

  • resolveMaterial – is the precription to find material surfaces

  • resolvePassive – is the prescription to find all passive surfaces


a boolean whether the layer is accepted for processing

const SurfaceArray *surfaceArray() const

Return the entire SurfaceArray, returns a nullptr if no SurfaceArray.

SurfaceArray *surfaceArray()

Non-const version.

SurfaceIntersection surfaceOnApproach(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const NavigationOptions<Layer> &options) const

Surface seen on approach for layers without sub structure, this is the surfaceRepresentation for layers with sub structure, this is the approachSurface.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – Position for searching

  • direction – Direction for searching

  • options – The navigation options


the Surface intersection of the approach surface

virtual const Surface &surfaceRepresentation() const = 0

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation for extrapolation.


the layer can be hosting many surfaces, but this is the global one to which one can extrapolate

virtual Surface &surfaceRepresentation() = 0
double thickness() const

Return the Thickness of the Layer this is by definition along the normal vector of the surfaceRepresentation.

const TrackingVolume *trackingVolume() const

Get the confining TrackingVolume.


the pointer to the enclosing volume

class LayerArrayCreator : public Acts::ILayerArrayCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/LayerArrayCreator.hpp>

The LayerArrayCreator is a simple Tool that helps to construct LayerArrays from std::vector of Acts::CylinderLayer, Acts::DiscLayer, Acts::PlaneLayer.

It fills the gaps automatically with Acts::NavigationLayer to be processed easily in the Navigation of the Extrapolation process.

Public Functions

inline LayerArrayCreator(const Config&, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("LayerArrayCreator", Logging::INFO))



logger – logging instance

~LayerArrayCreator() override = default


virtual std::unique_ptr<const LayerArray> layerArray(const GeometryContext &gctx, const LayerVector &layersInput, double min, double max, BinningType bType = arbitrary, BinningValue bValue = binX) const override

LayerArrayCreator interface method.

  • gctx – ist the geometry context for witch the array is built

  • layersInput – are the layers to be moved into an array

  • min – is the minimum value for binning

  • max – is the maximum value for binning

  • bType – is the binning type

  • bValue – is the value in which the binning should be done


unique pointer to a newly created LayerArray

inline void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

set logging instance

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/LayerArrayCreator.hpp>

This struct stores the configuration of the tracking geometry.

class LayerCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/LayerCreator.hpp>

The LayerCreator is able to build cylinde,r disc layers or plane layers from detector elements.

Public Functions

LayerCreator(const Config &lcConfig, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("LayerCreator", Logging::INFO))


  • lcConfig – is the configuration object

  • logger – logging instance

~LayerCreator() = default


void associateSurfacesToLayer(Layer &layer) const
MutableLayerPtr cylinderLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsPhi, size_t binsZ, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr) const

returning a cylindrical layer

  • gctx – ist the geometry context with which the geometry is built

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces represented by this layer

  • binsPhi – is number of bins the sensitive surfaces are ordered in phi

  • binsZ – is number of bins the sensitive surfaces are ordered in Z

  • _protoLayer – (optional) proto layer specifying the dimensions and envelopes

  • transform – is the (optional) transform of the layer

  • ad – possibility to hand over a specific ApproachDescriptor, which is needed for material mapping. Otherwise the default ApproachDescriptor will be taken used for this layer


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


shared pointer to a newly created layer

MutableLayerPtr cylinderLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypePhi, BinningType bTypeZ, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr) const

returning a cylindrical layer

  • gctx – ist the geometry context with which the geometry is built

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces represented by this layer

  • bTypePhi – binning type in phi (equidistant/arbitrary)

  • bTypeZ – binning type in z (equidistant/arbitrary)

  • _protoLayer – (optional) proto layer specifying the dimensions and envelopes

  • transform – is the (optional) transform of the layer

  • ad – possibility to hand over a specific ApproachDescriptor, which is needed for material mapping. Otherwise the default ApproachDescriptor will be taken used for this layer


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


shared pointer to a newly created layer

MutableLayerPtr discLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsR, size_t binsPhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr) const

returning a disc layer

  • gctx – ist the geometry context with which the geometry is built

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces represented by this layer

  • binsR – is number of bins the sensitive surfaces are ordered in R

  • binsPhi – is number of bins the sensitive surfaces are ordered in Phi

  • transform – is the (optional) transform of the layer

  • _protoLayer – (optional) proto layer specifying the dimensions and envelopes

  • ad – possibility to hand over a specific ApproachDescriptor, which is needed for material mapping. Otherwise the default ApproachDescriptor will be taken used for this layer


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


shared pointer to a newly created layer

MutableLayerPtr discLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypeR, BinningType bTypePhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr) const

returning a disc layer

  • gctx – ist the geometry context with which the geometry is built

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces represented by this layer

  • bTypeR – binning type in r (equidistant/arbitrary)

  • bTypePhi – binning type in phi (equidistant/arbitrary)

  • transform – is the (optional) transform of the layer

  • _protoLayer – (optional) proto layer specifying the dimensions and envelopes

  • ad – possibility to hand over a specific ApproachDescriptor, which is needed for material mapping. Otherwise the default ApproachDescriptor will be taken used for this layer


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


shared pointer to a newly created layer

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Access th configuration object.

MutableLayerPtr planeLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t bins1, size_t bins2, BinningValue bValue, std::optional<ProtoLayer> _protoLayer = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity(), std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr) const

returning a plane layer

  • gctx – ist the geometry context with which the geometry is built

  • surfaces[in] is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces represented by this layer

  • bins1[in] is the number of bins in the orthogonal direction to bValue

  • bins2[in] is the number of bins in the orthogonal direction to bValue

  • bValue[in] Direction of the aligned surfaces

  • transform[in] is the (optional) transform of the layer

  • _protoLayer[in] (optional) proto layer specifying the dimensions and envelopes

  • ad[in] possibility to hand over a specific ApproachDescriptor, which is needed for material mapping. Otherwise the default ApproachDescriptor will be taken used for this layer


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


shared pointer to a newly created layer

void setConfiguration(const Config &lcConfig)

Set the configuration object.


lcConfig – is the configuration struct

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

set logging instance


newLogger – the logger instance

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/LayerCreator.hpp>

Configuration for the LayerCreator This is the nexted configuration struct for the LayerCreator class.

Public Functions

Config() = default

standard constructor

Public Members

double cylinderPhiTolerance = {0.1}

cylinder module phi tolerance : it counts at same phi, if …

double cylinderZtolerance = {10.}

cylinder module z tolerance : it counts at same z, if …

std::shared_ptr<const SurfaceArrayCreator> surfaceArrayCreator = nullptr

surface array helper

struct LinCircle
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinderUtils.hpp>

A partial description of a circle in u-v space.

Public Members

float cotTheta
float Er
float iDeltaR
float r
float U
float V
float x
float y
float z
float Zo
class LinearizedTrack
#include <Acts/Vertexing/LinearizedTrack.hpp>

Class for linear expansion of track parameters in vicinity of vertex.

The measurement equation is linearized in the following way:

F_k= D_k (x_k - x_0k) + E_k (p_k - p_0k) + F^0_k

where F_k are the parameters at perigee nearest to the linearization point, x_k is the position of the vertex, p_k the track momentum at the vertex, and F^0_k is the constant term of expansion. D_k and E_k are matrices of derivatives, denoted hereafter as “positionJacobian” and “momentumJacobian” respectively.

Public Functions

LinearizedTrack() = default
inline LinearizedTrack(const BoundVector &paramsAtPCA, const BoundSymMatrix &parCovarianceAtPCA, const BoundSymMatrix &parWeightAtPCA, const Vector4 &linPoint, const ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 4> &posJacobian, const ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 3> &momJacobian, const Vector4 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, const BoundVector &constTerm)

Constructor taking perigee parameters and covariance matrix of track propagated to closest approach (PCA) of linearization point, position and momentum Jacobian and const term.

  • paramsAtPCA – Parameters at point of closest approach

  • parCovarianceAtPCA – Parameter covariance matrix at point of closest approach

  • parWeightAtPCA – The weight at the point of closest approach

  • linPoint – Linearization point

  • posJacobian – Position jacobian

  • momJacobian – Momentum jacobian

  • position – Position at point of closest approach

  • momentum – Momentum at point of closest approach

  • constTerm – Constant term in taylor expansion

Public Members

BoundVector constantTerm = {BoundVector::Zero()}
BoundSymMatrix covarianceAtPCA = {BoundSymMatrix::Zero()}
Vector4 linearizationPoint = {Vector4::Zero()}
Vector3 momentumAtPCA = {Vector3::Zero()}
ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 3> momentumJacobian = {ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 3>::Zero()}
BoundVector parametersAtPCA = {BoundVector::Zero()}
Vector4 positionAtPCA = {Vector4::Zero()}
ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 4> positionJacobian = {ActsMatrix<eBoundSize, 4>::Zero()}
BoundSymMatrix weightAtPCA = {BoundSymMatrix::Zero()}
class LineBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/LineBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a LineSurface.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eR
enumerator eHalfLengthZ
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

LineBounds() = delete
inline LineBounds(double r, double halfZ) noexcept(false)


  • r – is the radius of the cylinder, default = 0.

  • halfZ – is the half length in z, defualt = 0.

inline LineBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array.


values – The parameter values

~LineBounds() override = default
inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

class LineSurface : public Acts::Surface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/LineSurface.hpp>

Base class for a linear surfaces in the TrackingGeometry to describe dirft tube, straw like detectors or the Perigee It inherits from Surface.



It leaves the type() method virtual, so it can not be instantiated

Subclassed by Acts::PerigeeSurface, Acts::StrawSurface

Public Functions

LineSurface() = delete
~LineSurface() override = default
virtual AlignmentToPathMatrix alignmentToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const final

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

alignment parameters of the surface (i.e. local frame origin in global 3D Cartesian coordinates and its rotation represented with extrinsic Euler angles)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. the alignment parameters

virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position is the position calcualted for a certain binning type.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the binning type to be used


position that can beused for this binning

virtual const SurfaceBounds &bounds() const final

This method returns the bounds of the Surface by reference */.

virtual BoundToFreeMatrix boundToFreeJacobian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const BoundVector &boundParams) const final

Calculate the jacobian from local to global which the surface knows best, hence the calculation is done here.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • boundParams – is the bound parameters vector


Jacobian from local to global

virtual FreeToPathMatrix freeToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const final

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

free parameters

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. free parameters

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const final

Specified for LineSurface: global to local method without dynamic memory allocation.

This method is the true global->local transformation.

makes use of globalToLocal and indicates the sign of the Acts::eBoundLoc0 by the given momentum

The calculation of the sign of the radius (or \( d_0 \)

) can be done as follows:


\( \vec d = \vec m - \vec c \) denote the difference between the center of the line and the global position of the measurement/predicted state, then \( \vec d \) lies within the so called measurement plane. The measurement plane is determined by the two orthogonal vectors \( \vec{measY}= \vec{Acts::eBoundLoc1} \) and \( \vec{measX} = \vec{measY} \times \frac{\vec{p}}{|\vec{p}|} \).

The sign of the radius ( \( d_{0} \) ) is then defined by the projection of \( \vec{d} \) onto \( \vec{measX} \):\( sign = -sign(\vec{d} \cdot \vec{measX}) \)


  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)

  • tolerance – (unused)


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = false) const final

Straight line intersection schema.

mathematical motivation: Given two lines in parameteric form:

  • \( \vec l_{a}(\lambda) = \vec m_a + \lambda \cdot \vec e_{a} \)

  • \( \vec l_{b}(\mu) = \vec m_b + \mu \cdot \vec e_{b} \) the vector between any two points on the two lines is given by:

  • \( \vec s(\lambda, \mu) = \vec l_{b} - l_{a} = \vec m_{ab} + \mu \cdot \vec e_{b} - \lambda \cdot \vec e_{a} \)



    \( \vec m_{ab} = \vec m_{b} - \vec m_{a} \).\( \vec s(u, \mu_0) \) denotes the vector between the two closest points \( \vec l_{a,0} = l_{a}(u) \) and \( \vec l_{b,0} = l_{b}(\mu_0) \) and is perpendicular to both, \( \vec e_{a} \) and \( \vec e_{b} \).

This results in a system of two linear equations:

  • (i) \( 0 = \vec s(u, \mu_0) \cdot \vec e_a = \vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_a + \mu_0 \vec e_a \cdot \vec e_b - u \)

  • (ii) \( 0 = \vec s(u, \mu_0) \cdot \vec e_b = \vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_b + \mu_0 - u \vec e_b \cdot \vec e_a \)

Solving (i), (ii) for \( u \) and \( \mu_0 \) yields:

  • \( u = \frac{(\vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_a)-(\vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_b)(\vec e_a \cdot \vec e_b)}{1-(\vec e_a \cdot \vec e_b)^2} \)

  • \( \mu_0 = - \frac{(\vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_b)-(\vec m_ab \cdot \vec e_a)(\vec e_a \cdot \vec e_b)}{1-(\vec e_a \cdot \vec e_b)^2} \)


exptected to be normalized

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The global position as a starting point

  • direction – The global direction at the starting point

  • bcheck – The boundary check directive for the estimate


is the intersection object

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Local to global transformation for line surfaces the momentum is used in order to interpret the drift radius.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position to be transformed

  • momentum – is the global momentum (used to sign the closest approach)


global position by value

virtual std::string name() const override

Return properly formatted class name for screen output */.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const final

Normal vector return.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position is ignored


a Vector3 by value

LineSurface &operator=(const LineSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – is the source surface dor copying

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum) const override

the pathCorrection for derived classes with thickness is by definition 1 for LineSurfaces


input parameters are ignored


there’s no material associated to the line surface

virtual RotationMatrix3 referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum) const final

Return the measurement frame - this is needed for alignment, in particular.

for StraightLine and Perigee Surface

  • the default implementation is the RotationMatrix3 of the transform

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position where the measurement frame is constructed

  • momentum – is the momentum used for the measurement frame construction


is a rotation matrix that indicates the measurement frame

class Logger
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

class for printing debug output

This class provides the user interface for printing debug messages with different levels of severity.

Public Functions

inline Logger(std::unique_ptr<Logging::OutputPrintPolicy> pPrint, std::unique_ptr<Logging::OutputFilterPolicy> pFilter)

construct from output print and filter policy

  • pPrint[in] policy for printing debug messages

  • pFilter[in] policy for filtering debug messages

inline std::unique_ptr<Logger> clone(const std::optional<std::string> &_name = std::nullopt, const std::optional<Logging::Level> &_level = std::nullopt) const

Make a copy of this logger, optionally changing the name or the level.

  • _name – the optional new name

  • _level – the optional new level

inline std::unique_ptr<Logger> clone(Logging::Level _level) const

Make a copy of the logger, with a new level.

Convenience function for if you only want to change the level but not the name.


_level – the new level


the new logger

inline std::unique_ptr<Logger> cloneWithSuffix(const std::string &suffix, std::optional<Logging::Level> _level = std::nullopt) const

Make a copy of the logger, with a suffix added to the end of it’s name.

You can also optionally supply a new level

  • suffix – the suffix to add to the end of the name

  • _level – the optional new level

inline bool doPrint(const Logging::Level &lvl) const

decide whether a message with a given debug level has to be printed


lvl[in] debug level of debug message


true if debug message should be printed, otherwise false

inline const Logging::OutputFilterPolicy &filterPolicy() const

Return the filter policy for this logger.


the filter policy

inline Logging::Level level() const

Return the level of the filter policy of this logger.


the level

inline void log(const Logging::Level &lvl, const std::string &input) const

log a debug message

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

inline const std::string &name() const

Return the name of the print policy of thi logger.


the name

inline const Logger &operator()() const

Helper function so a logger reference can be used as is with the logging macros.

inline const Logging::OutputPrintPolicy &printPolicy() const

Return the print policy for this logger.


the print policy

class MagneticFieldProvider
#include <Acts/MagneticField/MagneticFieldProvider.hpp>

Base class for all magnetic field providers.

Subclassed by Acts::ConstantBField, Acts::InterpolatedMagneticField, Acts::NullBField, Acts::SolenoidBField

Public Types

using Cache = detail::SmallObjectCache

Opaque cache type that can store arbitrary implementation specific cache data.

Examples are an interpolation cell, or an experiment specific conditions data handle.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~MagneticFieldProvider()
virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, Cache &cache) const = 0

Retrieve magnetic field value at a given location.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().

  • position[in] global 3D position for the lookup

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector at given position

virtual Result<Vector3> getFieldGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<3, 3> &derivative, Cache &cache) const = 0

Retrieve magnetic field value its its gradient.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().

  • position[in] global 3D position

  • derivative[out] gradient of magnetic field vector as (3x3) matrix

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector

virtual Cache makeCache(const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const = 0

Make an opaque cache for the magnetic field.

Instructs the specific implementation to generate a Cache instance for magnetic field lookup.


mctx – The magnetic field context to generate cache for


Cache The opaque cache object

class Material
#include <Acts/Material/Material.hpp>

Material description for interactions with matter.

The following parameters are used to specify the material and its interactions with traversing particles:

  • radiation length X0 (native length units)

  • nuclear interaction length L0 (native length units)

  • relative atomic mass Ar (unitless number)

  • nuclear charge number Z (elementary charge e)

  • molar density (native amount-of-substance unit / (native length unit)³)

The parameters can be effective or average parameters e.g. when a mixture of materials is described.


Always use the opaque parameters vector to serialize/deserialize the material information. Since the internal storage might be different from the external accessors, this ensures that always the numerically optimal parameters are stored. Use the ParametersVector type and do not assume any particular size since we might consider to store more parameters in the future.

Public Types

using ParametersVector = Eigen::Matrix<float, 5, 1>

Public Functions

Material() = default

Construct a vacuum representation.

Material(const ParametersVector &parameters)

Construct from an encoded parameters vector.

Material(Material &&mat) = default
Material(const Material &mat) = default
~Material() = default
inline constexpr float Ar() const

Return the relative atomic mass.

inline constexpr float L0() const

Return the nuclear interaction length. Infinity in case of vacuum.

float massDensity() const

Return the mass density.

float meanExcitationEnergy() const

Return the mean electron excitation energy.

inline constexpr float molarDensity() const

Return the molar density.

inline constexpr float molarElectronDensity() const

Return the molar electron density.

inline constexpr operator bool() const

Check if the material is valid, i.e. it is not vacuum.

Material &operator=(Material &&mat) = default
Material &operator=(const Material &mat) = default
ParametersVector parameters() const

Encode the properties into an opaque parameters vector.

inline constexpr float X0() const

Return the radition length. Infinity in case of vacuum.

inline constexpr float Z() const

Return the nuclear charge number.

Public Static Functions

static Material fromMassDensity(float x0, float l0, float ar, float z, float massRho)

Construct from material parameters using the mass density.


Due to the choice of native mass units, using the mass density can lead to numerical problems. Typical mass densities lead to computations with values differing by 20+ orders of magnitude.

  • x0 – is the radiation length

  • l0 – is the nuclear interaction length

  • ar – is the relative atomic mass

  • z – is the nuclear charge number

  • massRho – is the mass density

static Material fromMolarDensity(float x0, float l0, float ar, float z, float molarRho)

Construct from material parameters using the molar density.

  • x0 – is the radiation length

  • l0 – is the nuclear interaction length

  • ar – is the relative atomic mass

  • z – is the nuclear charge number

  • molarRho – is the molar density

struct MaterialCollector
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialCollector.hpp>

A Material Collector struct.

Public Types

using result_type = this_result

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, result_type &result, const Logger &logger) const

Collector action for the ActionList of the Propagator It checks if the state has a current surface, in which case the action is performed:

  • it records the surface given the configuration

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper of the propagation

  • state – is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper – The stepper in use

  • result – is the result object to be filled

  • logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t&) const

Pure observer interface.

  • this does not apply to the surface collector

Public Members

bool detailedCollection = false

In the detailed collection mode the material per surface is collected, otherwise only the total pathlength in X0 or L0 are recorded.

struct this_result
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialCollector.hpp>

Simple result struct to be returned.

Result of the material collection process It collects the overall X0 and L0 path lengths, and optionally a detailed per-material breakdown

Public Members

std::vector<MaterialHit> collected
double materialInL0 = 0.
double materialInX0 = 0.
class MaterialComposition
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialComposition.hpp>

Material composed from multiple elements with varying factions.

See also

ElementFraction for details.

Public Functions

MaterialComposition() = default

Construct an empty composition corresponding to vacuum.

inline MaterialComposition(std::vector<ElementFraction> elements)

Constructor from element fractions.

Rescales the fractions so they all add up to unity within the accuracy.

MaterialComposition(MaterialComposition&&) = default
MaterialComposition(const MaterialComposition&) = default
~MaterialComposition() = default
inline auto begin() const
inline auto end() const
inline operator bool() const

Check if the composed material is valid, i.e. it is not vacuum.

MaterialComposition &operator=(MaterialComposition&&) = default
MaterialComposition &operator=(const MaterialComposition&) = default
inline size_t size() const

Return the number of elements.

struct MaterialHit
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialCollector.hpp>

The information to be writtern out per hit surface.

Public Members

Vector3 direction
Material material
double pathLength
Vector3 position
const Surface *surface = nullptr
struct MaterialInteraction
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialInteraction.hpp>

The Material interaction struct It records the surface and the passed material This is only nessecary recorded when configured.

Public Members

double deltaP = 0.0

The momentum change due to the interaction.

Vector3 direction = Vector3(0., 0., 0)

The particle direction at the interaction.

Vector3 intersection = Vector3(0., 0., 0)

The position where the interaction occured.

GeometryIdentifier intersectionID

The ID where the interaction occured.

MaterialSlab materialSlab

The effective, passed material properties including the path correction.

double pathCorrection = 1.

The path correction factor due to non-zero incidence on the surface.

Vector3 position = Vector3(0., 0., 0)

The particle position at the interaction.

double sigmaPhi2 = 0.0

Expected phi variance due to the interactions.

double sigmaQoP2 = 0.0

Expected q/p variance due to the interactions.

double sigmaTheta2 = 0.0

Expected theta variance due to the interactions.

const Surface *surface = nullptr

The surface where the interaction occured.

double time = 0.0

The particle time at the interaction.

bool updatedVolumeStep = false

Update the volume step to implment the proper step size.

const TrackingVolume *volume = nullptr

The volume where the interaction occured.

struct MaterialInteractor
#include <Acts/Propagator/MaterialInteractor.hpp>

Material interactor propagator action.

Apply material interactions at a surface and update the track state.

Public Types

using result_type = RecordedMaterial

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, result_type &result, const Logger &logger) const

Interaction with detector material for the ActionList of the Propagator.

It checks if the state has a current surface, in which case the action is performed: the covariance is transported to the position, multiple scattering and energy loss is applied according to the configuration.

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagagor state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper of the propagation

  • state – is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper – The stepper in use

  • result – is the mutable result state object

  • logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t&) const

Material interaction has no pure observer.

Public Members

bool energyLoss = true

Whether to consider energy loss.

bool multipleScattering = true

Whether to consider multiple scattering.

bool recordInteractions = false

Whether to record all material interactions.

class MaterialMapJsonConverter
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/MaterialMapJsonConverter.hpp>

read the material from Json

Public Types

using DetectorMaterialMaps = std::pair<SurfaceMaterialMap, VolumeMaterialMap>
using SurfaceMaterialMap = std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>>
using VolumeMaterialMap = std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial>>

Public Functions

MaterialMapJsonConverter(const Config &config, Acts::Logging::Level level)


  • config – configuration struct for the reader

  • level – The log level

~MaterialMapJsonConverter() = default


void convertToHierarchy(std::vector<std::pair<GeometryIdentifier, Acts::TrackingVolumeAndMaterial>> &volumeHierarchy, std::vector<std::pair<GeometryIdentifier, Acts::SurfaceAndMaterialWithContext>> &surfaceHierarchy, const Acts::TrackingVolume *tVolume)

Go through a volume to find subvolume, layers and surfaces.

Store volumes and surfaces in two vector used to initialised the geometry hierachy.

  • volumeHierarchy – is a vector of volume to be filled

  • surfaceHierarchy – is a vector of surfaces to be filled

  • tVolume – is a volume

DetectorMaterialMaps jsonToMaterialMaps(const nlohmann::json &materialmaps)

Convert a json material map to a DetectorMaterialMaps.


materialmaps – The json material

nlohmann::json materialMapsToJson(const DetectorMaterialMaps &maps, const IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator *decorator = nullptr)

Convert a DetectorMaterialMaps to json.

  • maps – The material map collection

  • decorator – nullptr or a decorator to add extra attributes

nlohmann::json trackingGeometryToJson(const TrackingGeometry &tGeometry, const ITrackingGeometryJsonDecorator *decorator = nullptr)

Convert a tracking geometry to json.

Can be used to initialise the material mapping process.

  • tGeometry – is the tracking geometry

  • decorator – nullptr or a decorator to add extra attributes

class Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/MaterialMapJsonConverter.hpp>

Configuration of the Converter.

Public Members

GeometryContext context = GeometryContext()

Default geometry context to extract surface tranforms.

bool processApproaches = true

Steering to handle approach data.

bool processBoundaries = true

Steering to handle boundary data.

bool processDenseVolumes = false

Steering to handle volume data.

bool processNonMaterial = false

Add proto material to all surfaces.

bool processRepresenting = true

Steering to handle representing data.

bool processSensitives = true

Steering to handle sensitive data.

bool processVolumes = true

Steering to handle volume data.

template<typename G>
struct MaterialMapper
#include <Acts/Material/InterpolatedMaterialMap.hpp>

Struct for mapping global 3D positions to material values.

Global 3D positions are transformed into a DIM_POS Dimensional vector which is used to look up the material classification value in the underlying material map.

Public Types

using Grid_t = G

Public Functions

inline MaterialMapper(std::function<ActsVector<DIM_POS>(const Vector3&)> transformPos, Grid_t grid)

Default constructor.

  • transformPos[in] Mapping of global 3D coordinates (cartesian) onto grid space

  • grid[in] Grid storing material classification values

inline const Grid_t &getGrid() const

Get a const reference on the underlying grid structure.


Grid reference

inline Material getMaterial(const Vector3 &position) const

Retrieve interpolated material at given position.


position[in] Global 3D position


Material at the given position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying map.

inline MaterialCell getMaterialCell(const Vector3 &position) const

Retrieve material cell for given position.


position[in] Global 3D position


material cell containing the given global position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying map.

inline std::vector<double> getMax() const

Get the maximum value of all axes of the map.


Vector returning the maxima of all map axes

inline std::vector<double> getMin() const

Get the minimum value of all axes of the map.


Vector returning the minima of all map axes

inline std::vector<size_t> getNBins() const

Get the number of bins for all axes of the map.


Vector returning number of bins for all map axes

inline bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

Check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain.


position[in] Global 3D position


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

inline Material material(const Vector3 &position) const

Retrieve binned material at given position.


position[in] Global 3D position


Material at the given position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying map.

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t DIM_POS = Grid_t::DIM
struct MaterialCell
#include <Acts/Material/InterpolatedMaterialMap.hpp>

Struct representing smallest grid unit in material grid.

This type encapsulate all required information to perform linear interpolation of material classification values within a 3D volume.

Public Functions

inline MaterialCell(std::function<ActsVector<DIM_POS>(const Vector3&)> transformPos, std::array<double, DIM_POS> lowerLeft, std::array<double, DIM_POS> upperRight, std::array<Material::ParametersVector, N> materialValues)

Default constructor.

  • transformPos[in] Mapping of global 3D coordinates onto grid space

  • lowerLeft[in] Generalized lower-left corner of hyper box (containing the minima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • upperRight[in] Generalized upper-right corner of hyper box (containing the maxima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • materialValues[in] Material classification values at the hyper box corners sorted in the canonical order defined in Acts::interpolate

inline Material getMaterial(const Vector3 &position) const

Retrieve material at given position.


position[in] Global 3D position


Material at the given position


The given position must lie within the current cell.

inline bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

Check whether given 3D position is inside this cell.


position[in] Global 3D position


true if position is inside the current cell, otherwise false

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr unsigned int N = 1 << DIM_POS

Number of corner points defining the confining hyper-box.

class MaterialSlab
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialSlab.hpp>

Material description for an object with defined thickness.

This is intended to describe concrete surface materials.

See also

Material for a description of the available parameters.

Public Functions

MaterialSlab() = default

Construct vacuum without thickness.

MaterialSlab(float thickness)

Construct vacuum with thickness.

MaterialSlab(const Material &material, float thickness)

Construct from material description.

  • material – is the material description

  • thickness – is the thickness of the material

MaterialSlab(const std::vector<MaterialSlab> &layers)

Construct by averaging the material properties over multiple layers.

The resulting object has the combined thickness of all layers but just one set of appropriately averaged material constants.


layers – Input layers to average over.

MaterialSlab(MaterialSlab&&) = default
MaterialSlab(const MaterialSlab&) = default
~MaterialSlab() = default
inline constexpr const Material &material() const

Access the (average) material parameters.

inline constexpr operator bool() const

Check if the material is valid, i.e. it is finite and not vacuum.

MaterialSlab &operator=(MaterialSlab&&) = default
MaterialSlab &operator=(const MaterialSlab&) = default
void scaleThickness(float scale)

Scale the material thickness by the given factor.

inline constexpr float thickness() const

Return the thickness.

inline constexpr float thicknessInL0() const

Return the nuclear interaction length fraction.

inline constexpr float thicknessInX0() const

Return the radiation length fraction.

struct MaterialSurface
#include <Acts/Material/SurfaceMaterialMapper.hpp>

selector for finding surface

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const Surface &sf) const
struct MaterialVolume
#include <Acts/Material/SurfaceMaterialMapper.hpp>

selector for finding volume

Public Functions

inline bool operator()(const TrackingVolume &vf) const
struct MaxMomentumReducerLoop
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

Public Static Functions

template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar charge(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline FreeVector cov(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline Vector3 direction(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename component_range_t>
static inline const auto &maxMomenutmIt(const component_range_t &cmps)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar momentum(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline FreeVector pars(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline Vector3 position(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar time(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename indices_t, size_t kSize>
class Measurement
#include <Acts/EventData/Measurement.hpp>

A measurement of a fixed-size subspace of the full parameters.

The measurement intentionally does not store a pointer/reference to the reference object in the geometry hierarchy, i.e. the surface or volume. The reference object can already be identified via the geometry identifier provided by the source link. Since a measurement must be anchored within the geometry hierarchy, all measurement surfaces and volumes must provide valid geometry identifiers. In all use-cases, e.g. Kalman filtering, a pointer/reference to the reference object is available before the measurement is accessed; e.g. the propagator provides the surface pointer during navigation, which is then used to lookup possible measurements.

The pointed-to geometry object would differ depending on the parameter type. This means either, that there needs to be an additional variable type or that a pointer to a base object is stored (requiring a dynamic_cast later on). Both variants add additional complications. Since the geometry object is not required anyways (as discussed above), not storing it removes all these complications altogether.

Template Parameters
  • indices_t – Parameter index type, determines the full parameter space

  • kSize – Size of the parameter subset.

Public Types

using CovarianceMatrix = ActsSymMatrix<kSize>

Matrix type for the measurement covariance.

using ExpansionMatrix = ActsMatrix<kFullSize, kSize>
using FullParametersVector = ActsVector<kFullSize>

Vector type containing all parameters in the same space.

using ParametersVector = ActsVector<kSize>

Vector type containing for measured parameter values.

using ProjectionMatrix = ActsMatrix<kSize, kFullSize>
using Scalar = ActsScalar

Public Functions

template<typename parameters_t, typename covariance_t>
inline Measurement(SourceLink source, const std::array<indices_t, kSize> &indices, const Eigen::MatrixBase<parameters_t> &params, const Eigen::MatrixBase<covariance_t> &cov)

Construct from source link, subset indices, and measured data.


The indices must be ordered and must describe/match the content of parameters and covariance.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Input parameters vector type

  • covariance_t – Input covariance matrix type

  • source – The link that connects to the underlying detector readout

  • indices – Which parameters are measured

  • params – Measured parameters values

  • cov – Measured parameters covariance

Measurement() = delete

A measurement can only be constructed with valid parameters.

Measurement(const Measurement&) = default
Measurement(Measurement&&) = default
~Measurement() = default
inline bool contains(indices_t i) const

Check if a specific parameter is part of this measurement.

inline const CovarianceMatrix &covariance() const

Measured parameters covariance.

inline ExpansionMatrix expander() const

Expansion matrix from the measured subspace into the full space.

This is equivalent to the tranpose of the projection matrix only in the case of a trivial projection matrix. While this is the case here, it is still recommended to use the expansion matrix directly in cases where it is explicitely used.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os) const
Measurement &operator=(const Measurement&) = default
Measurement &operator=(Measurement&&) = default
inline const ParametersVector &parameters() const

Measured parameters values.

inline ProjectionMatrix projector() const

Projection matrix from the full space into the measured subspace.

inline ParametersVector residuals(const FullParametersVector &reference) const

Compute residuals in the measured subspace.

This computes the difference measured - reference taking into account the allowed parameter ranges. Only the reference values in the measured subspace are used for the computation.


reference – Reference parameters in the full space.

inline const SourceLink &sourceLink() const

Source link that connects to the underlying detector readout.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr size_t size()

Number of measured parameters.

class MeasurementSelector
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/MeasurementSelector.hpp>

Measurement selection struct selecting those measurements compatible with the given track parameter against provided criteria on one surface.

The selection criteria could be allowed maximum chi2 and allowed maximum number of measurements on one surface

If there is no compatible measurement, the measurement with the mininum chi2 will be selected and the status will be tagged as an outlier

Public Types

using Config = Acts::GeometryHierarchyMap<MeasurementSelectorCuts>

Geometry-dependent cut configuration.

Different components on the geometry can require different cut settings. The configuration must either contain explicit settings for all geometry components that are used or contain a global default.

Public Functions

MeasurementSelector() = default

Default constructor.

inline MeasurementSelector(Config config)

Constructor with config and (non-owning) logger.


config – a config instance

template<typename traj_t>
inline Result<std::pair<typename std::vector<typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy>::iterator, typename std::vector<typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy>::iterator>> select(std::vector<typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy> &candidates, bool &isOutlier, const Logger &logger) const

Function that select the measurements compatible with the given track parameter on a surface.

  • candidates – The track state candidates which already contain predicted parameters

  • isOutlier – The indicator for outlier or not

  • logger – The logger wrapper


Pair of iterators into candidates marking the range of selected candidates

struct MeasurementSelectorCuts
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/MeasurementSelector.hpp>

Selection cuts for associating measurements with predicted track parameters on a surface.

The default configuration only takes the best matching measurement without a cut on the local chi2.

Public Members

std::vector<double> chi2CutOff = {std::numeric_limits<double>::max()}

Maximum local chi2 contribution.

std::vector<double> etaBins

bins in |eta| to specify variable selections

std::vector<size_t> numMeasurementsCutOff = {1}

Maximum number of associated measurements on a single surface.

template<typename T, class decorator_t>
struct missing_specialization : public false_type
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter.hpp>
class MLTrackClassifier : public Acts::OnnxRuntimeBase
#include </home/docs/checkouts/>

Public Types

enum TrackLabels

The labels for track quality.


enumerator eGood
enumerator eDuplicate
enumerator eFake

Public Functions

bool isDuplicate(std::vector<float> &inputFeatures, double decisionThreshProb) const

Check if the predicted track label is ‘duplicate’.

  • inputFeatures – The vector of input features for the trajectory to be classified

  • decisionThreshProb – The probability threshold used to predict the track label


If the predicted track label is ‘duplicate’

TrackLabels predictTrackLabel(std::vector<float> &inputFeatures, double decisionThreshProb) const

Predict the track label.

  • inputFeatures – The vector of input features for the trajectory to be classified

  • decisionThreshProb – The probability threshold used to predict the track label


The predicted track label of the trajectory

template<typename charge_t>
class MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters
#include <Acts/EventData/MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters.hpp>

This class is only a light wrapper arround a surface and a vector of parameters.

Its main purpose is to provide many constructors for the underlying vector. Most accessors are generated from the SingleBoundTrackParameters equivalent and thus may be expensive


This class holds shared ownership on its reference surface.


The accessors for parameters, covariance, position, etc. are the weighted means of the components.


If all covariances are zero, the accessor for the total covariance does return std::nullopt; TODO Add constructor from range and projector maybe?

Template Parameters

charge_t – Helper type to interpret the particle charge/momentum

Public Types

using CovarianceMatrix = typename SingleParameters::CovarianceMatrix
using ParametersVector = typename SingleParameters::ParametersVector
using Scalar = typename SingleParameters::Scalar

Public Functions

template<typename covariance_t>
inline MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const std::vector<std::tuple<double, BoundVector, covariance_t>> &cmps, ActsScalar q)

Construct from multiple components with charge scalar q.

template<typename covariance_t, typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const std::vector<std::tuple<double, BoundVector, covariance_t>> &cmps)

Construct from multiple components with charge_t.

inline MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const BoundVector &params, ActsScalar q, std::optional<BoundSymMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector on the surface and particle charge.

In principle, only the charge magnitude is needed her to allow unambigous extraction of the absolute momentum. The particle charge is required as an input here to be consistent with the other constructors below that that also take the charge as an input. The charge sign is only used in debug builds to check for consistency with the q/p parameter.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • params – Bound parameters vector

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const BoundVector &params, std::optional<BoundSymMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector on the surface.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge type is default-constructible.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • params – Bound parameters vector

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters() = delete

Parameters are not default constructible due to the charge type.

MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(const MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters&) = default
MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters(MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters&&) = default
~MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters() = default
inline Scalar absoluteMomentum() const

Absolute momentum.

inline Scalar charge() const

Particle electric charge.

inline const auto &components() const

Access the parameters.

inline std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> covariance() const

Optional covariance matrix.

inline Vector4 fourPosition(const GeometryContext &geoCtx) const

Space-time position four-vector.


geoCtx[in] Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

inline Vector3 momentum() const

Momentum three-vector.

MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters &operator=(const MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters&) = default
MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters &operator=(MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters&&) = default
inline std::pair<double, SingleParameters> operator[](std::size_t i) const

Get the weight and a SingleBoundTrackParameters object for one component.

inline ParametersVector parameters() const

Parameters vector.

inline Vector3 position(const GeometryContext &geoCtx) const

Spatial position three-vector.


geoCtx[in] Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

inline const Surface &referenceSurface() const

Reference surface onto which the parameters are bound.

inline Scalar time() const

Time coordinate.

inline Scalar transverseMomentum() const

Transverse momentum.

inline Vector3 unitDirection() const

Unit direction three-vector, i.e.

the normalized momentum three-vector.

template<typename extensionlist_t = StepperExtensionList<DefaultExtension>, typename component_reducer_t = WeightedComponentReducerLoop, typename auctioneer_t = detail::VoidAuctioneer>
class MultiEigenStepperLoop : public Acts::EigenStepper<extensionlist_t, auctioneer_t>
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

Stepper based on the EigenStepper, but handles Multi-Component Tracks (e.g., for the GSF).

Internally, this only manages a vector of EigenStepper::States. This simplifies implementation, but has several drawbacks:

  • There are certain redundancies between the global State and the component states

  • The components do not share a single magnetic-field-cache

Template Parameters
  • extensionlist_t – See EigenStepper for details

  • component_reducer_t – How to map the multi-component state to a single component

  • auctioneer_t – See EigenStepper for details

  • small_vector_size – A size-hint how much memory should be allocated by the small vector

Public Types

using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using ConstComponentProxy = ComponentProxyBase<const typename State::Component>

A proxy struct which allows access to a single component of the multi-component state.

It has the semantics of a const reference, i.e. it requires a const reference of the single-component state it represents

using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix
using CurvilinearState = std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Jacobian = BoundMatrix

Jacobian, Covariance and State defintions.

using Reducer = component_reducer_t

The reducer type.

using SingleState = typename SingleStepper::State

Typedef to the State of the single component Stepper.

using SingleStepper = EigenStepper<extensionlist_t, auctioneer_t>

Typedef to the Single-Component Eigen Stepper.

Public Functions

inline MultiEigenStepperLoop(std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField, FinalReductionMethod finalReductionMethod = FinalReductionMethod::eMean)

Constructor from a magnetic field and a optionally provided Logger.

template<typename charge_t>
inline Result<ComponentProxy> addComponent(State &state, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &pars, double weight) const

Add a component to the Multistepper.


This function makes no garantuees about how new components are initialized, it is up to the caller to ensure that all components are valid in the end.


The returned component-proxy is only garantueed to be valid until the component number is again modified

Result<BoundState> boundState(State &state, const Surface &surface, bool transportCov = true, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Create and return the bound state at the current position.

This transports (if necessary) the covariance to the surface and creates a bound state. It does not check if the transported state is at the surface, this needs to be guaranteed by the propagator.


This is done by combining the gaussian mixture on the specified surface. If the conversion to bound states of some components failes, these components are ignored unless all components fail. In this case an error code is returned.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as BoundState

  • surface[in] The surface to which we bind the state

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Flag steering non-linear correction during global to local correction


A bound state:

  • the parameters at the surface

  • the stepwise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline double charge(const State &state) const

Charge access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void clearComponents(State &state) const

Reset the number of components.

inline auto componentIterable(State &state) const

Creates an iterable which can be plugged into a range-based for-loop to iterate over components.


Use a for-loop with by-value semantics, since the Iterable returns a proxy internally holding a reference

inline auto constComponentIterable(const State &state) const

Creates an constant iterable which can be plugged into a range-based for-loop to iterate over components.


Use a for-loop with by-value semantics, since the Iterable returns a proxy internally holding a reference

CurvilinearState curvilinearState(State &state, bool transportCov = true) const

Create and return a curvilinear state at the current position.

This transports (if necessary) the covariance to the current position and creates a curvilinear state.


This is done as a simple average over the free representation and covariance of the components.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as CurvilinearState

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport


A curvilinear state:

  • the curvilinear parameters at given position

  • the stepweise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline Vector3 direction(const State &state) const

Momentum direction accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline Result<Vector3> getField(State &state, const Vector3 &pos) const

Get the field for the stepping, it checks first if the access is still within the Cell, and updates the cell if necessary.


This uses the cache of the first component stored in the state

  • state[inout] is the propagation state associated with the track the magnetic field cell is used (and potentially updated)

  • pos[in] is the field position

inline double getStepSize(const State &state, ConstrainedStep::Type stype) const

Get the step size.


This returns the smalles step size of all components. It uses std::abs for comparison to handle backward propagation and negative step sizes correctly.

  • state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be returned

template<typename charge_t>
inline State makeState(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx, std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx, const MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const

Construct and initialize a state.

inline double momentum(const State &state) const

Absolute momentum accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline std::size_t numberComponents(const State &state) const

Get the number of components.

inline std::string outputStepSize(const State &state) const

Output the Step Size of all components into one std::string.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline double overstepLimit(const State &state) const

Overstep limit.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline Vector3 position(const State &state) const

Global particle position accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void releaseStepSize(State &state) const

Release the step-size for all components.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void removeMissedComponents(State &state) const

Remove missed components from the component state.

inline void resetState(State &state, const BoundVector &boundParams, const BoundSymMatrix &cov, const Surface &surface, const NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward, const double stepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const

Resets the state.

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • boundParams[in] Parameters in bound parametrisation

  • cov[in] Covariance matrix

  • surface[in] The reference surface of the bound parameters

  • navDir[in] Navigation direction

  • stepSize[in] Step size

inline void setStepSize(State &state, double stepSize, ConstrainedStep::Type stype = ConstrainedStep::actor, bool release = true) const

Set Step size - explicitely with a double.

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stepSize – [in] The step size value

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be set

  • release – [in] Do we release the step size?

template<typename propagator_state_t>
Result<double> step(propagator_state_t &state) const

Perform a Runge-Kutta track parameter propagation step.

The state contains the desired step size. It can be negative during backwards track propagation, and since we’re using an adaptive algorithm, it can be modified by the stepper class during propagation.


state[inout] is the propagation state associated with the track parameters that are being propagated.

inline double time(const State &state) const

Time access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void transportCovarianceToBound(State &state, const Surface &surface, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.


no check is done if the position is actually on the surface

Template Parameters

surface_t – the Surface type

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • surface[in] is the surface to which the covariance is forwarded

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Flag steering non-linear correction during global to local correction to

inline void transportCovarianceToCurvilinear(State &state) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state.


state[inout] State of the stepper

template<typename object_intersection_t>
inline void updateStepSize(State &state, const object_intersection_t &oIntersection, bool release = true) const

Update step size.

This method intersects the provided surface and update the navigation step estimation accordingly (hence it changes the state). It also returns the status of the intersection to trigger onSurface in case the surface is reached.

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • oIntersection – [in] The ObjectIntersection to layer, boundary, etc

  • release – [in] boolean to trigger step size release

inline Intersection3D::Status updateSurfaceStatus(State &state, const Surface &surface, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Update surface status.

It checks the status to the reference surface & updates the step size accordingly

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • surface – [in] The surface provided

  • bcheck – [in] The boundary check for this status update

  • logger – [in] A Loggerinstance

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int maxComponents = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()

How many components can this stepper manage?

struct ComponentProxy : public Acts::MultiEigenStepperLoop<extensionlist_t, component_reducer_t, auctioneer_t>::ComponentProxyBase<State::Component>
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

A proxy struct which allows access to a single component of the multi-component state.

It has the semantics of a mutable reference, i.e. it requires a mutable reference of the single-component state it represents

Public Types

using Base = ComponentProxyBase<typename State::Component>

Public Functions

inline ComponentProxy(typename State::Component &c, const State &s)
inline Result<BoundState> boundState(const Surface &surface, bool transportCov, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection)
inline auto &charge()
inline auto &cov()
inline auto &derivative()
inline auto &jacobian()
inline auto &jacToGlobal()
inline auto &jacTransport()
inline auto &pars()
inline auto &pathAccumulated()
template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline auto singleState(propagator_state_t &state)
inline auto &status()
inline void update(const FreeVector &freeParams, const BoundVector &boundParams, const Covariance &covariance, const Surface &surface)
inline auto &weight()

Public Members

const State &all_state
template<typename component_t>
struct ComponentProxyBase
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

A template class which contains all const member functions, that should be available both in the mutable ComponentProxy and the ConstComponentProxy.

Template Parameters

component_t – Must be a const or mutable State::Component.

Public Functions

inline ComponentProxyBase(component_t &c)
inline auto charge() const
inline const auto &cov() const
inline const auto &derivative() const
inline const auto &jacobian() const
inline const auto &jacToGlobal() const
inline const auto &jacTransport() const
inline const auto &pars() const
inline auto pathAccumulated() const
template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline auto singleState(const propagator_state_t &state) const
inline const auto &singleStepper(const MultiEigenStepperLoop &stepper) const
inline auto status() const
inline auto weight() const

Public Members

component_t &cmp
template<typename stepping_t, typename navigation_t, typename options_t, typename geoctx_t>
struct SinglePropState
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

A helper type for providinig a propagation state which can be used with functions expecting single-component steppers and states.

Public Functions

inline SinglePropState(stepping_t &s, navigation_t &n, options_t &o, geoctx_t &g)

Public Members

geoctx_t &geoContext
navigation_t &navigation
options_t &options
stepping_t &stepping
struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

Public Functions

State() = delete

No default constructor is provided.

template<typename charge_t>
inline explicit State(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> &bfield, const MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &multipars, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance)

Constructor from the initial bound track parameters.


the covariance matrix is copied when needed

Template Parameters

charge_t – Type of the bound parameter charge

  • gctx[in] is the context object for the geometry

  • mctx[in] is the context object for the magnetic field

  • bfield[in] the shared magnetic filed provider

  • multipars[in] The track multi-component track-parameters at start

  • ndir[in] The navigation direction w.r.t momentum

  • ssize[in] is the maximum step size

  • stolerance[in] is the stepping tolerance

Public Members

SmallVector<Component> components

The components of which the state consists.

bool covTransport = false
std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext


std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magContext


NavigationDirection navDir
double pathAccumulated = 0.
std::optional<std::size_t> stepCounterAfterFirstComponentOnSurface

Step-limit counter which limits the number of steps when one component reached a surface.

std::size_t steps = 0
struct Component
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

The struct that stores the individual components.

Public Members

SingleState state
Intersection3D::Status status
ActsScalar weight
template<typename T, std::size_t... BitsPerLevel>
class MultiIndex
#include <Acts/Utilities/MultiIndex.hpp>

A set of (hierachical) indices bitpacked into a single value.

The underlying value is split into blocks of bits with variable size. Each block is a level within the index hierachy and can be set and retrieved separately. The encoded MultiIndex can be ordered and compared for equality. The ordering follows the hiearchy, i.e. indices are first ordered by the highest level, then within the highest level by the second level and so on.

Public Types

enum [anonymous]


enumerator NumLevels
using Value = T

The type of ther underlying storage value.

Public Functions

inline constexpr MultiIndex(Value encoded)

Construct a MultiIndex from an already encoded value.

MultiIndex() = default

Construct a default MultiIndex with undefined values for each level.

MultiIndex(const MultiIndex&) = default
MultiIndex(MultiIndex&) = default
inline constexpr Value level(std::size_t lvl) const

Get the value for the index level.

inline constexpr MultiIndex makeLastDescendant(std::size_t lvl) const

Create index with every level below the selected level maximized.

inline constexpr MultiIndex makeNextSibling(std::size_t lvl) const

Create index with the selected level increased and levels below zeroed.

MultiIndex &operator=(const MultiIndex&) = default
MultiIndex &operator=(MultiIndex&&) = default
inline constexpr MultiIndex &operator=(Value encoded)

Allow setting the MultiIndex from an already encoded value.

inline constexpr MultiIndex &set(std::size_t lvl, Value val)

Set the value of the index level.

inline constexpr Value value() const

Get the encoded value of all index levels.

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr std::size_t bits(std::size_t lvl)

Get the number of bits for the associated level.

template<typename ...Us>
static inline constexpr MultiIndex Encode(Us&&... us)

Construct a MultiIndex from values for multiple level.

This functionality must be implemented as a static, named constructor to avoid confusion with other constructors. If it would be implemented as a regular constructor, constructing a MultiIndex from a single encoded value and encoding only the first level would have the same signature and could not be distinguished.

static inline constexpr MultiIndex Zeros()

Construct a MultiIndex with all levels set to zero.

struct MultiStepperSurfaceReached
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiStepperAborters.hpp>


Public Functions

MultiStepperSurfaceReached() = default
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Logger &logger) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper used for propagation

  • logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Surface &targetSurface, const Logger &logger) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper used for the progation

  • targetSurface[in] The target surface

  • logger – a logger instance

Public Members

bool averageOnSurface = true

If this is set, we are also happy if the mean of the components is on the surface.

How the averaging is performed depends on the stepper implementation

double averageOnSurfaceTolerance = 0.2

A configurable tolerance within which distance to the intersection we consider the surface as reached.

Has no effect if averageOnSurface is false

template<typename derived_t>
class MultiTrajectory
#include <Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectory.hpp>

Store a trajectory of track states with multiple components.

This container supports both simple, sequential trajectories as well as combinatorial or multi-component trajectories. Each point can store a parent point such that the trajectory forms a directed, acyclic graph of sub-trajectories. From a set of endpoints, all possible sub-components can be easily identified. Some functionality is provided to simplify iterating over specific sub-components.

Public Types

using ConstTrackStateProxy = detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, true>
using Derived = derived_t
using IndexType = typename TrackStateProxy::IndexType
using TrackStateProxy = detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, false>

Public Functions

template<typename T, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void addColumn(const std::string &key)

Add a column to the MultiTrajectory.


This takes a string argument rather than a hashed string to maintain compatibility with backends.

Template Parameters

T – Type of the column values to add

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr IndexType addTrackState(TrackStatePropMask mask = TrackStatePropMask::All, IndexType iprevious = kInvalid)

Add a track state without providing explicit information.

Which components of the track state are initialized/allocated can be controlled via mask

  • mask – The bitmask that instructs which components to allocate and which to leave invalid

  • iprevious – index of the previous state, kInvalid if first


Index of the newly added track state

template<typename F, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline void applyBackwards(IndexType iendpoint, F &&callable)

Apply a function to all previous states starting at a given endpoint.


If the trajectory contains multiple components with common points, this can have an impact on the other components.

  • iendpoint – index of the last state

  • callable – modifying functor to be called with each point

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void clear()

Clear the MultiTrajectory. Leaves the underlying storage untouched.

inline auto &&convertToReadOnly() const
inline ConstTrackStateProxy getTrackState(IndexType istate) const

Access a read-only point on the trajectory by index.


istate – The index to access


Read only proxy to the stored track state

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline TrackStateProxy getTrackState(IndexType istate)

Access a writable point on the trajectory by index.


istate – The index to access


Read-write proxy to the stored track state

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(HashedString key) const

Check if a column with a key key exists.


key – Key to check for a column with


True if the column exists, false if not.

inline constexpr IndexType size() const

Returns the number of track states contained.

inline auto trackStateRange(IndexType iendpoint) const

Range for the track states from iendpoint to the trajectory start.


Const version


iendpoint – Trajectory entry point to start from


Iterator pair to iterate over

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto trackStateRange(IndexType iendpoint)

Range for the track states from iendpoint to the trajectory start.


Mutable version


iendpoint – Trajectory entry point to start from


Iterator pair to iterate over

template<typename F>
void visitBackwards(IndexType iendpoint, F &&callable) const

Visit all previous states starting at a given endpoint.

  • iendpoint – index of the last state

  • callable – non-modifying functor to be called with each point

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = TrackStateProxy::kInvalid
static constexpr unsigned int MeasurementSizeMax = MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax
static constexpr bool ReadOnly = IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<Derived>::value


friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, false >
friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, true >
class NavigationLayer : public Acts::Layer
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationLayer.hpp>

Class to be used for gaps in Volumes as a navigational link.

Navigation Layers have a surface representation, but should usually never be propagated to.

Public Functions

NavigationLayer() = delete

Default Constructor - deleted.

NavigationLayer(const NavigationLayer&) = delete

Copy Constructor - deleted.

~NavigationLayer() override


inline virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position method.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the value for which the binning position is requested

    • as default the center is given, but may be overloaded


The return vector can be used for binning in a TrackingVolume

inline virtual bool isOnLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &gp, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const final

Geometric isOnLayer() method using isOnSurface() with Layer specific tolerance.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • gp – is the global position for the check

  • bcheck – is the boundary check directive


boolean that indicates if the position is on surface

NavigationLayer &operator=(const NavigationLayer&) = delete

Assignment operator - deleted.

inline virtual bool resolve(bool resolveSensitive, bool resolveMaterial, bool resolvePassive) const final

Accept layer according to the following colelction directives.


navigation layers are never accepted

  • resolveSensitive – is the prescription to find the sensitive surfaces

  • resolveMaterial – is the precription to find material surfaces

  • resolvePassive – is the prescription to find all passive surfaces


a boolean whether the layer is accepted for processing

inline virtual const Surface &surfaceRepresentation() const final

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation for extrapolation In general, extrapolation to a surface should be avoided.

inline virtual Surface &surfaceRepresentation() final

Public Static Functions

static inline LayerPtr create(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> sRepresentation, double thickness = 0.)

Factory Constructor - the surface representation is given by pointer (ownership passed)

  • sRepresentation – is the representation for extrapolation

  • thickness – is the thickness for the binning

template<typename object_t>
struct NavigationOptions
#include <Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp>

struct for the Navigation options that are forwarded to the geometry

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the object for navigation state

  • object_t – Type of the object for navigation to check against

Public Functions

inline NavigationOptions(NavigationDirection ndir, BoundaryCheck bcheck, bool resolves = true, bool resolvem = true, bool resolvep = false, const object_t *sobject = nullptr, const object_t *eobject = nullptr)


  • ndir – Navigation direction prescription

  • bcheck – Boundary check for the navigation action

  • resolves – Boolean whether to resolve sensitives

  • resolvem – Boolean whether to resolve material

  • resolvep – Boolean whether to resolve passives

  • sobject – Start object to check against

  • eobject – End object to check against

Public Members

BoundaryCheck boundaryCheck = true

The boundary check directive.

const object_t *endObject = nullptr

object to check against: at end

std::vector<GeometryIdentifier> externalSurfaces = {}

External surface identifier for which the boundary check is ignored.

bool forceIntersectBoundaries = false

Force intersection with boundaries.

NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward

The navigation direction.

double overstepLimit = -1 * UnitConstants::um

The overstep tolerance for this navigation step.


must be negative as it describes overstepping

double pathLimit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

The maximum path limit for this navigation step.

bool resolveMaterial = true

Always look for material.

bool resolvePassive = false

always look for passive

bool resolveSensitive = true

Always look for sensitive.

const object_t *startObject = nullptr

object to check against: at start

const Surface *targetSurface = nullptr

Target surface to exclude.

class Navigator
#include <Acts/Propagator/Navigator.hpp>

Navigator class.

This is an Actor to be added to the ActorList in order to navigate through the static tracking geometry setup.

The current navigation stage is cached in the state struct and updated when necessary. If any surface in the extrapolation flow is hit, it is set to the propagation satate, such that other actors can deal wit it. This navigation actor thus always needs to run first! It does two things: it figures out the order of volumes, layers and surfaces. For each propagation step, the operator() runs, which checks if the current surface (or layer/volume boundary) is reached.

The current target surface is the surface pointed to by of the iterators for the surfaces, layers or volume boundaries. If a surface is found, the state.navigation.currentSurface pointer is set. This enables subsequent actors to react. Secondly, this actor uses the ordered iterators to figure out which surface, layer or volume boundary is supposed to be hit next. It then sets the maximum step size to the path length found out by straight line intersection. If the state is not on surface, it also re-computes the step size, to make sure we end up at the desired surface.

Public Types

using ExternalSurfaces = std::multimap<uint64_t, GeometryIdentifier>
using NavigationBoundaries = boost::container::small_vector<BoundaryIntersection, 4>
using NavigationBoundaryIter = NavigationBoundaries::iterator
using NavigationLayerIter = NavigationLayers::iterator
using NavigationLayers = boost::container::small_vector<LayerIntersection, 10>
using NavigationSurfaceIter = NavigationSurfaces::iterator
using NavigationSurfaces = boost::container::small_vector<SurfaceIntersection, 10>
enum Stage

The navigation stage.


enumerator undefined
enumerator surfaceTarget
enumerator layerTarget
enumerator boundaryTarget
using SurfaceIter = std::vector<const Surface*>::iterator
using Surfaces = std::vector<const Surface*>

Public Functions

inline explicit Navigator(Config cfg, std::shared_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("Navigator", Logging::Level::INFO))

Constructor with configuration object.

  • cfg – The navigator configuration

  • _logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void status(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper) const

Navigator status call, will be called in two modes.

(a) It initializes the Navigation stream if start volume is not yet defined:

  • initialize the volume

  • establish the start layer and start volume

  • set the current surface to the start surface

(b) It establishes the currentSurface status during the propagation flow, currentSurface can be

  • surfaces still to be handled within a layer

  • layers still to be handled within a volume

  • boundaries still to be handled to exit a volume

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagatgor state

  • stepper_t – is the used type of the Stepper by the Propagator

  • state[inout] is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper in use

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void target(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper) const

Navigator target call.

Call options (a) there are still surfaces to be resolved: handle those (b) there no surfaces but still layers to be resolved, handle those (c) there are no surfaces nor layers to be resolved, handle boundary

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagatgor state

  • stepper_t – is the used type of the Stepper by the Propagator

  • state[inout] is the mutable propagator state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper in use

struct Config
#include <Acts/Propagator/Navigator.hpp>

Public Members

BoundaryCheck boundaryCheckLayerResolving = true

Wether to perform boundary checks for layer resolving (improves navigation for bended tracks)

bool resolveMaterial = true

stop at every material surface (whether it is passive or not)

bool resolvePassive = false

stop at every surface regardless what it is

bool resolveSensitive = true

Configuration for this Navigator stop at every sensitive surface (whether it has material or not)

double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

The tolerance used to defined “reached”.

std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry = {nullptr}

Tracking Geometry for this Navigator.

struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/Navigator.hpp>

Nested State struct.

It acts as an internal state which is created for every propagation/extrapolation step and keep thread-local navigation information

Public Functions

inline void reset(const GeometryContext &geoContext, const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &dir, NavigationDirection navDir, const Surface *ssurface, const Surface *tsurface)

Reset state.

  • geoContext – is the geometry context

  • pos – is the global position

  • dir – is the momentum direction

  • navDir – is the navigation direction

  • ssurface – is the new starting surface

  • tsurface – is the target surface

Public Members

const Surface *currentSurface = nullptr

Navigation state - external state: the current surface.

const TrackingVolume *currentVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the current volume.

ExternalSurfaces externalSurfaces = {}

Externally provided surfaces - these are tried to be hit.

bool forceIntersectBoundaries = false

Force intersection with boundaries.

bool lastHierarchySurfaceReached = false

Indicator that the last VolumeHierarchy surface was reached skip the next layer targeting to the next boundary/volume.

NavigationBoundaries navBoundaries = {}

the vector of boundary surfaces to work through

NavigationBoundaryIter navBoundaryIter = navBoundaries.end()

the current boundary iterator of the navigation state

bool navigationBreak = false

Navigation state : a break has been detected.

Stage navigationStage = Stage::undefined
NavigationLayerIter navLayerIter = navLayers.end()

the current layer iterator of the navigation state

NavigationLayers navLayers = {}

the vector of navigation layers to work through

NavigationSurfaceIter navSurfaceIter = navSurfaces.end()

the current surface iterator of the navigation state

NavigationSurfaces navSurfaces = {}

the vector of navigation surfaces to work through

const Layer *startLayer = nullptr

Navigation state: the start layer.

bool startLayerResolved = false

Indicator for start layer treatment.

const Surface *startSurface = nullptr

Navigation state: the start surface.

const TrackingVolume *startVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the start volume.

const Layer *targetLayer = nullptr

Navigation state: the target layer.

bool targetReached = false

Indicator if the target is reached.

const Surface *targetSurface = nullptr

Navigation state: the target surface.

const TrackingVolume *targetVolume = nullptr

Navigation state: the target volume.

const TrackingVolume *worldVolume = nullptr

Navigation sate: the world volume.

template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class Neighborhood
#include <Acts/Seeding/BinnedSPGroup.hpp>

Neighborhood Used to access iterators to access a group of bins returned by a BinFinder.

Fulfills the range_expression interface

Public Functions

Neighborhood() = delete
inline Neighborhood(NeighborhoodVector indices, const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid)
inline NeighborhoodIterator<external_spacepoint_t> begin()
inline NeighborhoodIterator<external_spacepoint_t> end()
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class NeighborhoodIterator
#include <Acts/Seeding/BinnedSPGroup.hpp>

Iterates over the elements of all bins given by the indices parameter in the given SpacePointGrid.

Fullfills the forward iterator.

Public Types

using sp_it_t = typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>>>::const_iterator

Public Functions

NeighborhoodIterator() = delete
inline NeighborhoodIterator(NeighborhoodVector indices, const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid)
inline NeighborhoodIterator(NeighborhoodVector indices, const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid, size_t curInd, sp_it_t curIt)
inline NeighborhoodIterator(const NeighborhoodIterator<external_spacepoint_t> &other)
inline bool operator!=(const NeighborhoodIterator<external_spacepoint_t> &other)
inline InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> *operator*()
inline void operator++()

Public Members

sp_it_t m_binEnd
size_t m_curInd
sp_it_t m_curIt
const Acts::SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *m_grid
NeighborhoodVector m_indices

Public Static Functions

static inline NeighborhoodIterator<external_spacepoint_t> begin(NeighborhoodVector indices, const SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t> *spgrid)
struct Neutral
#include <Acts/EventData/Charge.hpp>

Charge and momentum interpretation for neutral particles.

Public Functions

Neutral() = default
template<typename T>
inline constexpr Neutral(T absQ) noexcept

Construct and verify the input charge magnitude (in debug builds).

This constructor is only provided to allow consistent construction.

template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractCharge(T) const noexcept
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractMomentum(T pInv) const noexcept


inline friend constexpr bool operator==(Neutral, Neutral) noexcept

Compare for equality.

This is always true as Neutral has no internal state. Must be available to provide a consistent interface.

class NullBField : public Acts::MagneticFieldProvider
#include <Acts/MagneticField/NullBField.hpp>

Null bfield which returns 0 always.

Public Functions

NullBField() = default

Default constructor.

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value at a given location.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


The position is ignored and only kept as argument to provide a consistent interface with other magnetic field services.

  • position[in] global 3D position for the lookup

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector at given position

inline virtual Result<Vector3> getFieldGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<3, 3> &derivative, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value its its gradient.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


The position is ignored and only kept as argument to provide a consistent interface with other magnetic field services.


currently the derivative is not calculated

  • position[in] global 3D position

  • derivative[out] gradient of magnetic field vector as (3x3) matrix

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector

inline bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


The method will always return true for the null B-Field


position[in] global 3D position


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

inline virtual Acts::MagneticFieldProvider::Cache makeCache(const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const override

Make an opaque cache for the magnetic field.

Instructs the specific implementation to generate a Cache instance for magnetic field lookup.


mctx – The magnetic field context to generate cache for


Cache The opaque cache object

struct Cache
#include <Acts/MagneticField/NullBField.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Cache(const MagneticFieldContext&)

constructor with context

template<typename object_t, typename representation_t = object_t>
class ObjectIntersection
#include <Acts/Utilities/Intersection.hpp>

class extensions to return also the object and a representation

Public Functions

ObjectIntersection() = default

Default constructor.

template<typename T = representation_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, object_t>::value, int> = 0>
inline ObjectIntersection(const Intersection3D &sInter, const object_t *sObject)

Object intersection - symmetric setup.

  • sInter – is the intersection

  • sObject – is the object to be instersected

inline ObjectIntersection(const Intersection3D &sInter, const object_t *sObject, const representation_t *sRepresentation)

Object intersection.

  • sInter – is the intersection

  • sObject – is the object to be instersected

  • sRepresentation – is the object represenatation

inline explicit operator bool() const

Bool() operator for validity checking.

inline bool operator<(const ObjectIntersection<object_t, representation_t> &oi) const

Smaller operator for ordering & sorting.

This operator will ignore the alternative, but simply order the representing intersection


oi – is the source intersection for comparison

inline bool operator>(const ObjectIntersection<object_t, representation_t> &oi) const

Greater operator for ordering & sorting.

This operator will ignore the alternative, but simply order the representing intersection


oi – is the source intersection for comparison

inline void swapSolutions()

Allow swapping the intersection and the alternative.

Public Members

Intersection3D alternative = {}

The alternative intersections.

Intersection3D intersection = {}

The intersection itself.

const object_t *object = {nullptr}

The object that was (tried to be) intersected.

const representation_t *representation = {nullptr}

The representation of this object.

template<class T>
class ObjectSorterT
#include <Acts/Geometry/GeometryObjectSorter.hpp>

Public Functions

inline ObjectSorterT(BinningValue bValue)

Constructor from a binning value.


bValue – is the value in which the binning is done

inline BinningValue binningValue() const
inline bool operator()(T one, T two) const

Comparison operator.

  • one – first object

  • two – second object


boolen indicator

template<typename T = double>
class ObjVisualization3D : public Acts::IVisualization3D
#include <Acts/Visualization/ObjVisualization3D.hpp>

This helper produces output in the OBJ format.

Note that colors are not supported in this implementation.

Public Types

using LineType = std::pair<size_t, size_t>

Type of a line.

using ValueType = T

Stored value type, should be double or float.

using VertexType = Eigen::Matrix<ValueType, 3, 1>

Type of a vertex based on the value type.

Public Functions

inline ObjVisualization3D(unsigned int prec = 4, double scale = 1.)

Constructor that allows to set scalor and precision.

  • prec – The output precission with std::setprecision

  • scale – An (optional) scaling for the writing out

virtual void clear() final

Remove all contents of this helper.

virtual void face(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, ColorRGB color = {0, 0, 0}) final

Draw a face that connects a list of vertices.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the face

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void faces(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, const std::vector<FaceType> &faces, ColorRGB color = {0, 0, 0}) final

Draw a faces that connects a list of vertices - expert only.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the faceS

  • faces – The face presectiotions (i.e. connecting vertices)

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void line(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, ColorRGB color = {0, 0, 0}) final

Draw a line from a vertex to another.

  • a – The start vertex

  • b – The end vertex

  • color – The color of the line

virtual void vertex(const Vector3 &vtx, ColorRGB color = {0, 0, 0}) final

Draw a vertex at a given location and a color.

  • vtx – The vertex position

  • color – The color

virtual void write(const std::string &path) const final

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


wil change to std::filesystem::path once gcc9 is standard


path – is the file system path for writing the file

virtual void write(std::ostream &os) const final

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


os – The output stream for file

void write(std::ostream &os, std::ostream &mos) const

Write the object and the material file.

  • os – the output stream for the object

  • mos – the output stream for the auxiliary material file

class OnnxRuntimeBase
#include </home/docs/checkouts/>

Subclassed by Acts::MLTrackClassifier

Public Functions

OnnxRuntimeBase() = default

Default constructor.

OnnxRuntimeBase(Ort::Env &env, const char *modelPath)

Parametrized constructor.

  • env – the ONNX runtime environment

  • modelPath – the path to the ML model in *.onnx format

~OnnxRuntimeBase() = default

Default destructor.

template<typename, typename H = void>
class OwningDelegate
#include <Acts/Utilities/Delegate.hpp>
template<typename R, typename H, typename ...Args>
class OwningDelegate<R(Args...), H> : public Acts::Delegate<R(Args...), H, DelegateType::Owning>
#include <Acts/Utilities/Delegate.hpp>

Alias for an owning delegate.

struct ParticleStopped
#include <Acts/Propagator/StandardAborters.hpp>

If the particle stopped (p=0) abort the propagation.

Public Functions

ParticleStopped() = default
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Logger&) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] The stepper object

class PassiveLayerBuilder : public Acts::ILayerBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/PassiveLayerBuilder.hpp>

The PassiveLayerBuilder is able to build cylinder & disc layers with given dimensions and material.

The specifications of the layers have to be given by the configuration struct.

Public Functions

PassiveLayerBuilder(const Config &plConfig, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("PassiveLayerBuilder", Logging::INFO))


  • plConfig – is the ocnfiguration struct that steers behavior

  • logger – logging instance

~PassiveLayerBuilder() override = default


virtual const LayerVector centralLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const override

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at the central sector

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get configuration method.

inline virtual const std::string &identification() const override

Name identification.


the string based identification

virtual const LayerVector negativeLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const override

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at negative side

virtual const LayerVector positiveLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const override

LayerBuilder interface method.


gctx – ist the geometry context under which the geometry is built


the layers at positive side

void setConfiguration(const Config &plConfig)

Set configuration method.


plConfig – is a configuration struct it overwrites the current configuration

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

Set logging instance.


newLogger – the logger instance

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/PassiveLayerBuilder.hpp>

Configuration struct for the passive layer builder This nested struct is used to configure the layer building.

Public Members

std::vector<double> centralLayerHalflengthZ

central layer specs

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>> centralLayerMaterial

central layer specs

std::vector<double> centralLayerRadii

central layer specs

std::vector<double> centralLayerThickness

central layer specs

std::string layerIdentification

string based identification

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>> posnegLayerMaterial

p/n layer specs

std::vector<double> posnegLayerPositionZ

p/n layer specs

std::vector<double> posnegLayerRmax

p/n layer specs

std::vector<double> posnegLayerRmin

p/n layer specs

std::vector<double> posnegLayerThickness

p/n layer specs

struct PathLimitReached
#include <Acts/Propagator/StandardAborters.hpp>

This is the condition that the pathLimit has been reached.

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Logger &logger) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper used for propagation

  • logger – a logger instance

Public Members

double internalLimit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

Boolean switch for Loop protection.

class PerigeeSurface : public Acts::LineSurface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/PerigeeSurface.hpp>

Class describing the Line to which the Perigee refers to.

The Surface axis is fixed to be the z-axis of the Tracking frame. It inherits from StraingLineSurface.


Public Functions

PerigeeSurface() = delete

Default Constructor - deleted.

~PerigeeSurface() override = default

Destructor - defaulted.

virtual std::string name() const final

Return properly formatted class name for screen output */.

PerigeeSurface &operator=(const PerigeeSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – is the source surface to be assigned

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const final

Return a Polyhedron for the surfaces.



  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – is ignored for a perigee


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual std::ostream &toStream(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • sl – is the ostream to be dumped into


ostreamn obect which was streamed into

virtual SurfaceType type() const final

Return the surface type.

class PlanarBounds : public Acts::SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/PlanarBounds.hpp>

common base class for all bounds that are in a local x/y cartesian frame

  • simply introduced to avoid wrong bound assigments to surfaces

Subclassed by Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase, Acts::DiamondBounds, Acts::EllipseBounds, Acts::RectangleBounds, Acts::TrapezoidBounds

Public Functions

virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const = 0

Bounding box parameters.


rectangle bounds for a bounding box

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const = 0

Return the vertices.


that the extremas are given, which may slightly alter the number of segments returned


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

class PlanarModuleCluster : public Acts::Measurement<BoundIndices, 3>
#include <Acts/Digitization/PlanarModuleCluster.hpp>

Public Functions

inline PlanarModuleCluster(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, SourceLink sourceLink, const Base::CovarianceMatrix &cov, double loc0, double loc1, double t, std::vector<DigitizationCell> dCells, const DigitizationModule *dModule = nullptr)

Constructor from DigitizationCells.

  • surface[in] The surface the cluster is on

  • sourceLink[in] is the link to the truth information

  • cov[in] is the covariance matrix

  • loc0[in] is the local position in the first coordinate

  • loc1[in] is the local position in the second coordinate

  • t[in] Timestamp of the cluster

  • dCells[in] is the vector of digitization cells

  • dModule[in] an optional pointer to a digitization configuration

inline const std::vector<DigitizationCell> &digitizationCells() const

access to the digitization cells


the vector to the digitization cells

inline const DigitizationModule *digitizationModule() const

access to the digitization module


the pointer to the digitization module

inline const Surface &referenceObject() const

Module surface.

class PlanarModuleStepper
#include <Acts/Digitization/PlanarModuleStepper.hpp>

Module for fast, geometric digitization this is a planar module stepper that calculates the step length in given segmentations and retrunes digitisation steps.

Public Functions

PlanarModuleStepper(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> mlogger = getDefaultLogger("PlanarModuleStepper", Logging::INFO))



mlogger – is the logging istance

~PlanarModuleStepper() = default


std::vector<DigitizationStep> cellSteps(const GeometryContext &gctx, const DigitizationModule &dmodule, const Vector3 &startPoint, const Vector3 &endPoint) const

Calculate the steps caused by this track - full simulation interface.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • dmodule – is the digitization module

  • startPoint – is the starting position of the stepping

  • endPoint – is the end postion of the stepping


is the vector of digitization steps

std::vector<DigitizationStep> cellSteps(const GeometryContext &gctx, const DigitizationModule &dmodule, const Vector2 &moduleIntersection, const Vector3 &trackDirection) const

Calculate the steps caused by this track - fast simulation interface.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • dmodule – is the digitization module

  • moduleIntersection – is the 2d intersection at the module surface

  • trackDirection – is the track direction at the instersection


is the vector of digitization steps

inline void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

Set logging instance.


logger – is the logging instance to be set

class PlaneLayer : public virtual Acts::PlaneSurface, public Acts::Layer
#include <Acts/Geometry/PlaneLayer.hpp>

Class to describe a planar detector layer for tracking, it inhertis from both, Layer base class and PlaneSurface class.

Public Functions

PlaneLayer() = delete
PlaneLayer(const PlaneLayer &pla) = delete
~PlaneLayer() override = default
PlaneLayer &operator=(const PlaneLayer&) = delete
virtual const PlaneSurface &surfaceRepresentation() const override

Transforms the layer into a Surface representation for extrapolation.


returns a reference to a PlaneSurface

virtual PlaneSurface &surfaceRepresentation() override

Public Static Functions

static inline MutableLayerPtr create(const Transform3 &transform, std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> pbounds, std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArray = nullptr, double thickness = 0., std::unique_ptr<ApproachDescriptor> ad = nullptr, LayerType laytyp = Acts::active)

Factory for a shared plane layer.

  • transform – which places the layer in the global frame

  • pbounds – the planar bounds that define the layer dimensions

  • surfaceArray – is the surface array that holds the sensitive surfaces

  • thickness – is the thickness of the layer (normal direction to plane)

  • ad – is the approach descriptor for describing the approach surface

  • laytyp – is the layer type


shared pointer to a PlaneLayer

class PlaneSurface : public Acts::Surface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/PlaneSurface.hpp>

Class for a planaer in the TrackingGeometry.

The PlaneSurface extends the Surface class with the possibility to convert local to global positions (vice versa).


Subclassed by Acts::PlaneLayer

Public Functions

PlaneSurface() = delete
~PlaneSurface() override = default
virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const final

The binning position is the position calcualted for a certain binning type.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the binning type to be used


position that can beused for this binning

virtual const SurfaceBounds &bounds() const override

Return method for bounds object of this surfrace.

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const override

Global to local transformation For planar surfaces the momentum is ignroed in the global to local transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored) method symmetry)

  • tolerance – optional tolerance within which a point is considered valid on surface


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = false) const final

Straight line intersection.

mathematical motivation:

the equation of the plane is given by: \( \vec n \cdot \vec x = \vec n \cdot \vec p,\) where \( \vec n = (n_{x}, n_{y}, n_{z})\) denotes the normal vector of the plane, \( \vec p = (p_{x}, p_{y}, p_{z})\) one specific point on the plane and \( \vec x = (x,y,z) \) all possible points on the plane.

Given a line with:\( \vec l(u) = \vec l_{1} + u \cdot \vec v \)


the solution for

\( u \) can be written: \( u = \frac{\vec n (\vec p - \vec l_{1})}{\vec n \vec v}\) If the denominator is 0 then the line lies:
  • either in the plane

  • perpendicular to the normal of the plane


expected to be normalized)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The start position of the intersection attempt

  • direction – The direction of the interesection attempt, (

  • bcheck – The boundary check directive


the SurfaceIntersection object

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const final

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const override

Local to global transformation For planar surfaces the momentum is ignroed in the local to global transformation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – local 2D position in specialized surface frame

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)


the global position by value

virtual std::string name() const override

Return properly formatted class name for screen output.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const final

Normal vector return.

return a Vector3 by value

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position is ignored

PlaneSurface &operator=(const PlaneSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – The source PlaneSurface for assignment

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const final

Method that calculates the correction due to incident angle.


this is the final implementation of the pathCorrection function

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • direction – global 3D momentum direction (ignored for PlaneSurface)


a double representing the scaling factor

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const override

Return a Polyhedron for the surfaces.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, it represents the full 2*M_PI coverange, if lseg is set to 1 only the extrema are given


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual SurfaceType type() const override

Return the surface type.

template<typename T = double>
class PlyVisualization3D : public Acts::IVisualization3D
#include <Acts/Visualization/PlyVisualization3D.hpp>

Helper to write out PlyVisualization3D visualization format.

Public Types

using ValueType = T

Stored value type, should be double or float.

using VertexType = Eigen::Matrix<ValueType, 3, 1>

Type of a vertex based on the value type.

Public Functions

virtual void clear() final

Remove all contents of this helper.

virtual void face(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) final

Draw a face that connects a list of vertices.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the face

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void faces(const std::vector<Vector3> &vtxs, const std::vector<FaceType> &faces, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) final

Draw a faces that connects a list of vertices - expert only.


Depending on the helper implementation, out of plane vertices might be handled differently.

  • vtxs – The vertices that make up the faceS

  • faces – The face presectiotions (i.e. connecting vertices)

  • color – The color of the face

virtual void line(const Vector3 &a, const Vector3 &b, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) final

Draw a line from a vertex to another.

  • a – The start vertex

  • b – The end vertex

  • color – The color of the line

virtual void vertex(const Vector3 &vtx, ColorRGB color = {120, 120, 120}) final

Draw a vertex at a given location and a color.

  • vtx – The vertex position

  • color – The color

virtual void write(const std::string &path) const final

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


wil change to std::filesystem::path once gcc9 is standard


path – is the file system path for writing the file

virtual void write(std::ostream &os) const final

Write the content of the helper to an outstream.


os – The output stream for file

class Polyhedron
#include <Acts/Geometry/Polyhedron.hpp>

Struct which contains a cartesian approximation for any surface type.

It contains a list of cartesian vertices in the global frame, and additionally a list of lists of indices which indicate which vertices form a face. Each entry in faces is a face, which is in turn a list of vertices that need to be connected to form a face. This allows the objString method to produce a ready-to-go obj output.

Public Types

using FaceType = std::vector<size_t>

Public Functions

Polyhedron() = default

Default constructor.

inline Polyhedron(const std::vector<Vector3> &verticesIn, const std::vector<FaceType> &facesIn, const std::vector<FaceType> &triangularMeshIn, bool isExact = true)

Default constructor from a vector of vertices and a vector of faces.


This creates copies of the input vectors

  • verticesIn – The 3D global vertices that make up the object

  • facesIn – List of lists of indices for faces.

  • triangularMeshIn – List of lists of indices for a triangular mesh

  • isExact – A dedicated flag if this is exact or not

Extent extent(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

Maximum extent of the polyhedron in space.


transform – An (optional) transform to apply to the vertices for estimation the extent with respect to a given coordinate frame


ranges that describe the space taken by this surface

void merge(const Polyhedron &other)

Merge another Polyhedron into this one.


other – is the source representation

void move(const Transform3 &transform)

Move the polyhedron with a Transfrom3D.


transform – The additional transform applied

Public Members

bool exact = true

Is this an exact representation (approximating curved spaces)

std::vector<FaceType> faces

List of faces connecting the vertices.

each face is a list of vertices v corresponding to the vertex vector above

std::vector<FaceType> triangularMesh

List of faces connecting the vertices.

each face is a list of vertices v

  • in this case restricted to a triangular representation

std::vector<Vector3> vertices

List of 3D vertices as vectors.

template<typename stepper_t, typename navigator_t = detail::VoidNavigator>
class Propagator
#include <Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp>

Propagator for particles (optionally in a magnetic field)

The Propagator works with a state objects given at function call This state object contains the thread local state objects

  • Navigator::state_type for object navigation and screen output

  • Stepper::state_type state for the actual transport caching (pos,dir,field)

This Propagator class serves as high-level steering code for propagating track parameters. The actual implementation of the propagation has to be implemented in the stepper_t object, which has to provide the following:

  • a function for performing a single propagation step

  • a type mapping for: initial track parameter type -> type of final track parameters

  • a type mapping for: (initial track parameter type and destination surface type) -> type of final track parameters

  • a type mapping for: initial track parameter type -> type of internal state object

  • a type mapping for: (initial track parameter type and destination surface type) -> type of internal state object

Template Parameters
  • stepper_t – Type of stepper implementation of the propagation

  • naviagor_t – Type of the navigator (optional)

Public Types

using action_list_t_result_t = typename result_type_helper<parameters_t, action_list_t>::type

Short-hand type definition for propagation result derived from an action list.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of the final track parameters

  • action_list_t – List of propagation action types

using Navigator = navigator_t

Type of the navigator in use for public scope.

using NavigatorState = typename navigator_t::State

Typedef the navigator state.

using Stepper = stepper_t

Type of the stepper in use for public scope.

using StepperState = typename Stepper::State

Type of state object used by the propagation implementation.

Public Functions

inline explicit Propagator(stepper_t stepper, navigator_t navigator = navigator_t(), std::shared_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("Propagator", Acts::Logging::INFO))

Constructor from implementation object.

  • stepper – The stepper implementation is moved to a private member

  • navigator – The navigator implementation, moved to a private member

  • _logger – a logger instance

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t, typename path_aborter_t = PathLimitReached>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<CurvilinearTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const propagator_options_t &options) const

Propagate track parameters.

This function performs the propagation of the track parameters using the internal stepper implementation, until at least one abort condition is fulfilled or the maximum number of steps/path length provided in the propagation options is reached.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of initial track parameters to propagate

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • path_aborter_t – The path aborter type to be added

  • start[in] initial track parameters to propagate

  • options[in] Propagation options, type Options<,>


Propagation result containing the propagation status, final track parameters, and output of actions (if they produce any)

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t, typename path_aborter_t = PathLimitReached>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<CurvilinearTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const propagator_options_t &options, action_list_t_result_t<CurvilinearTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type> &&inputResult) const

Propagate track parameters.

This function performs the propagation of the track parameters using the internal stepper implementation, until at least one abort condition is fulfilled or the maximum number of steps/path length provided in the propagation options is reached.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of initial track parameters to propagate

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • path_aborter_t – The path aborter type to be added

  • start[in] initial track parameters to propagate

  • options[in] Propagation options, type Options<,>

  • inputResult[in] an existing result object to start from


Propagation result containing the propagation status, final track parameters, and output of actions (if they produce any)

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t, typename target_aborter_t = SurfaceReached, typename path_aborter_t = PathLimitReached>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<BoundTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const Surface &target, const propagator_options_t &options) const

Propagate track parameters - User method.

This function performs the propagation of the track parameters according to the internal implementation object until at least one abort condition is fulfilled, the destination surface is hit or the maximum number of steps/path length as given in the propagation options is reached.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of initial track parameters to propagate

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • target_aborter_t – The target aborter type to be added

  • path_aborter_t – The path aborter type to be added

  • start[in] Initial track parameters to propagate

  • target[in] Target surface of to propagate to

  • options[in] Propagation options


Propagation result containing the propagation status, final track parameters, and output of actions (if they produce any)

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t, typename target_aborter_t = SurfaceReached, typename path_aborter_t = PathLimitReached>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<BoundTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const Surface &target, const propagator_options_t &options, action_list_t_result_t<BoundTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type> inputResult) const

Propagate track parameters - User method.

This function performs the propagation of the track parameters according to the internal implementation object until at least one abort condition is fulfilled, the destination surface is hit or the maximum number of steps/path length as given in the propagation options is reached.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of initial track parameters to propagate

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • target_aborter_t – The target aborter type to be added

  • path_aborter_t – The path aborter type to be added

  • start[in] Initial track parameters to propagate

  • target[in] Target surface of to propagate to

  • options[in] Propagation options

  • inputResult[in] an existing result object to start from


Propagation result containing the propagation status, final track parameters, and output of actions (if they produce any)

template<typename propagator_options_t>
struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp>

private Propagator state for navigation and debugging

This struct holds the common state information for propagating which is independent of the actual stepper implementation.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of the track parameters

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the Objections object

Public Functions

template<typename parameters_t>
inline State(const parameters_t &start, const propagator_options_t &topts, StepperState steppingIn)

Create the propagator state from the options.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – the type of the start parameters

  • propagator_options_t – the type of the propagator options

  • start – The start parameters, used to initialize stepping state

  • topts – The options handed over by the propagate call

  • steppingIn – Stepper state instance to begin with

Public Members

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

NavigatorState navigation

Navigation state - internal state of the Navigator.

propagator_options_t options

These are the options - provided for each propagation step.

StepperState stepping

Stepper state - internal state of the Stepper.

template<typename action_list_t = ActionList<>, typename aborter_list_t = AbortList<>>
struct PropagatorOptions : public Acts::PropagatorPlainOptions
#include <Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp>

Options for propagate() call.

Template Parameters
  • action_list_t – List of action types called after each propagation step with the current propagation and stepper state

  • aborter_list_t – List of abort conditions tested after each propagation step using the current propagation and stepper state

Subclassed by Acts::DenseStepperPropagatorOptions< action_list_t, aborter_list_t >

Public Types

using aborter_list_type = aborter_list_t
using action_list_type = action_list_t

Public Functions

PropagatorOptions() = delete

Delete default contructor.

PropagatorOptions(const PropagatorOptions<action_list_t, aborter_list_t> &po) = default

PropagatorOptions copy constructor.

inline PropagatorOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)

PropagatorOptions with context.

template<typename extended_aborter_list_t>
inline PropagatorOptions<action_list_t, extended_aborter_list_t> extend(extended_aborter_list_t aborters) const

Expand the Options with extended aborters.

Template Parameters

extended_aborter_list_t – Type of the new aborter list


aborters – The new aborter list to be used (internally)

inline void setPlainOptions(const PropagatorPlainOptions &pOptions)

Set the plain options.


pOptions – The plain options

Public Members

aborter_list_t abortList

List of abort conditions.

action_list_t actionList

List of actions.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

The context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

The context object for the magnetic field.

struct PropagatorPlainOptions
#include <Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp>

Class holding the trivial options in propagator options.

Subclassed by Acts::PropagatorOptions< action_list_t, aborter_list_t >

Public Members

int absPdgCode = 211

The |pdg| code for (eventual) material integration - pion default.

NavigationDirection direction = NavigationDirection::Forward

Propagation direction.

double loopFraction = 0.5

Allowed loop fraction, 1 is a full loop.

bool loopProtection = true

Loop protection step, it adapts the pathLimit.

double mass = 139.57018 * UnitConstants::MeV

The mass for the particle for (eventual) material integration.

unsigned int maxRungeKuttaStepTrials = 10000

Maximum number of Runge-Kutta steps for the stepper step call.

unsigned int maxSteps = 1000

Maximum number of steps for one propagate call.

double maxStepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

Absolute maximum step size.

double pathLimit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

Absolute maximum path length.

double stepSizeCutOff = 0.

Cut-off value for the step size.

double targetTolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

Required tolerance to reach target (surface, pathlength)

double tolerance = 1e-4

Tolerance for the error of the integration.

template<typename parameters_t, typename ...result_list>
struct PropagatorResult : private detail::Extendable<result_list...>
#include <Acts/Propagator/Propagator.hpp>

Simple class holding result of propagation call.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of final track parameters

  • result_list – Result pack for additional propagation quantities

Public Members

std::optional<parameters_t> endParameters = std::nullopt

Final track parameters.

double pathLength = 0.

Signed distance over which the parameters were propagated.

unsigned int steps = 0

Number of propagation steps that were carried out.

std::optional<BoundMatrix> transportJacobian = std::nullopt

Full transport jacobian.

struct ProtoDetector
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoDetector.hpp>

A proto detector description being used to define an overall structure of either a TrackingGeometry or Experimental::Detector.

Public Functions

inline void harmonize(bool legacy = true)

Harmonize the detector information, this can run in two modes, steered by the.

The legacy mode prepares everything for Acts::TrackingVolume, if off it creates a description for Acts::Detector.


legacy – boolean

std::string toString(const std::string &indent = "") const

Write the tracking volume to screen.


indent – the current indentation

Public Members

std::string name = ""
ProtoVolume worldVolume
struct ProtoLayer
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoLayer.hpp>

Encapsulates min/max boundaries that will be turned into a layer.

The struct allows this information to be obtained in a consistent way, or be caller provided.

Public Functions

ProtoLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces)


Loops over a provided vector of surface and calculates the various min/max values in one go. Also takes into account the thickness of an associated DetectorElement, if it exists.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – The vector of surfaces to consider

ProtoLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> &surfaces)


Loops over a provided vector of surface and calculates the various min/max values in one go. Also takes into account the thickness of an associated DetectorElement, if it exists.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – The vector of surfaces to consider

ProtoLayer() = default
void add(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Surface &surface)

Add a surface, this will also increase the extent.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surface – The surface which is added to the ProtoLayer

double max(BinningValue bval, bool addenv = true) const
  • bval – The accessed binning value

  • addenv – The steering if enevlope is added or not

double medium(BinningValue bval, bool addenv = true) const
  • bval – The accessed binning value

  • addenv – The steering if enevlope is added or not

double min(BinningValue bval, bool addenv = true) const

Get the parameters : min.

  • bval – The accessed binning value

  • addenv – The steering if enevlope is added or not

double range(BinningValue bval, bool addenv = true) const
  • bval – The accessed binning value

  • addenv – The steering if enevlope is added or not

inline const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces() const

Give access to the surfaces used/assigned to the ProtoLayer.

std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const

Output to ostream.


sl – the input ostream

Public Members

ExtentEnvelope envelope = zeroEnvelopes

The envelope parameters.

Extent extent

The extent of the ProtoLayer.

class ProtoLayerHelper
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoLayerHelper.hpp>

This class is designed to parse a vector of Surfaces and sort them into corresponding proto layers.

Public Types

using SortingConfig = std::pair<BinningValue, double>

Public Functions

inline ProtoLayerHelper(const Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("ProtoLayerHelper", Logging::INFO))

Constructor with explicit config.

  • config – Explicit config struct

  • logger – logging instance

~ProtoLayerHelper() = default
std::vector<ProtoLayer> protoLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces, const SortingConfig &sorting) const

Sort the surfaces into ProtoLayers.

  • gctx – The geometry context (usually building context at this stage)

  • surfaces – The surfaces to be sorted into arrays

  • sorting – The sorting setup, one single sorting


A vector of ProtoLayers

std::vector<ProtoLayer> protoLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces, const std::vector<SortingConfig> &sortings) const

Sort the surfaces into ProtoLayers, sequential sorting.

  • gctx – The geometry context (usually building context at this stage)

  • surfaces – The surfaces to be sorted into arrays

  • sortings – The sequential sorting setup


A vector of ProtoLayers

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoLayerHelper.hpp>
class ProtoSurfaceMaterial : public Acts::ISurfaceMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/ProtoSurfaceMaterial.hpp>

proxy to SurfaceMaterial hand over BinUtility

The ProtoSurfaceMaterial class acts as a proxy to the SurfaceMaterial to mark the layers and surfaces on which the material should be mapped on at construction time of the geometry and to hand over the granularity of of the material map with the bin Utility.

Public Functions

ProtoSurfaceMaterial() = default

Constructor without BinUtility - homogenous material.

ProtoSurfaceMaterial(const BinUtility &binUtility, MappingType mappingType = MappingType::Default)

Constructor with BinUtility - multidimensional material.

  • binUtility – a BinUtility determining the granularity and binning of the material on the surface/layer

  • mappingType – is the type of surface mapping associated to the surface

ProtoSurfaceMaterial(const ProtoSurfaceMaterial &smproxy) = default

Copy constuctor.


smproxy – The source proxy

ProtoSurfaceMaterial(ProtoSurfaceMaterial &&smproxy) = default

Copy move constuctor.


smproxy – The source proxy

~ProtoSurfaceMaterial() override = default


inline const BinUtility &binUtility() const

Return the BinUtility.

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector2 &lp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface - from local coordinates.


lp – is local positioning vector


will return dummy material

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(const Vector3 &gp) const final

Return method for full material description of the Surface - from the global coordinates.


gp – is the global positioning vector


will return dummy material

inline virtual const MaterialSlab &materialSlab(size_t ib0, size_t ib1) const final

Direct access via bins to the MaterialSlab.

  • ib0 – indicates the first bin

  • ib1 – indicates the seconf bin


will return dummy material

virtual ProtoSurfaceMaterial &operator*=(double scale) final

Scale operator.


scale – The value to scale this material by

ProtoSurfaceMaterial &operator=(const ProtoSurfaceMaterial &smproxy) = default

Assignment operator.


smproxy – The source proxy

ProtoSurfaceMaterial &operator=(ProtoSurfaceMaterial &&smproxy) = default

Assigment move operator.


smproxy – The source proxy

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.

struct ProtoVolume
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoDetector.hpp>

A proto volume description being used to define an overall structure of either a TrackingVolume or Experimental::DetectorVolume.

Public Functions

void constrainDown(const ProtoVolume &ptVolume)

Constrain the daughter volumes with this volume.


ptVolume – is the proto volume from which the constrain is taken

void extendUp(ProtoVolume &ptVolume)

Extend the tracking volume with its own constituents, upwards here means that extents are promoted to the mother.


ptVolume – the protoVolume

void harmonize(bool legacy = true)

Harmonize the detector information, this can run in two modes, steered by the.

The legacy mode prepares everything for Acts::TrackingVolume, if off it creates a description for Acts::Detector.


legacy – boolean

bool operator==(const ProtoVolume &ptVolume) const

Define an operator==.


ptVolume – the proto volume to be checked

void propagateMaxDown(BinningValue bValue)

Extend the tracking volume with its own constituents.


bValue – the binning value that is propagated

void propagateMinDown(BinningValue bValue)

Extend the tracking volume with its own constituents.


bValue – the binning value that is propagated

std::string toString(const std::string &indent = "") const

Write the tracking volume to screen.


indent – the current indentation

Public Members

std::optional<ContainerStructure> container = std::nullopt

Information about container structure.

Extent extent

The extent of this volume.

std::optional<InternalStructure> internal = std::nullopt

Information about internal structure.

std::string name = ""

Name of the proto volume.

struct ContainerStructure
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoDetector.hpp>

Public Members

std::vector<BinningData> constituentBinning = {}

The constituent binning if this a container.

std::vector<ProtoVolume> constituentVolumes = {}

Internal structure container.

bool layerContainer = false

Layer container flag.

struct InternalStructure
#include <Acts/Geometry/ProtoDetector.hpp>

Public Members

Surface::SurfaceType layerType = Surface::SurfaceType::Other

Possibility to provide a layer type information.

std::vector<BinningData> surfaceBinning = {}

Possibility to provide a surface binning.

class ProtoVolumeMaterial : public Acts::IVolumeMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/ProtoVolumeMaterial.hpp>

proxy to VolumeMaterial hand over BinUtility

The ProtoVolumeMaterial class acts as a proxy to the VolumeMaterial to mark the volume on which the material should be mapped on at construction time of the geometry and to hand over the granularity of of the material map with the bin Utility.

Public Functions

ProtoVolumeMaterial() = default

Constructor without BinUtility - homogenous material.

ProtoVolumeMaterial(const BinUtility &binUtility)

Constructor with BinUtility - multidimensional material.


binUtility – a BinUtility determining the granularity and binning of the material on the volume

ProtoVolumeMaterial(const ProtoVolumeMaterial &vmproxy) = default

Copy constuctor.


vmproxy – The source proxy

ProtoVolumeMaterial(ProtoVolumeMaterial &&vmproxy) = default

Copy move constuctor.


vmproxy – The source proxy

~ProtoVolumeMaterial() override = default


inline const BinUtility &binUtility() const

Return the BinUtility.

Return the bin Utility.

inline virtual const Material material(const Vector3&) const final

Return the material.

ProtoVolumeMaterial &operator=(const ProtoVolumeMaterial &vmproxy) = default

Assignment operator.


vmproxy – The source proxy

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – The outoput stream

class RadialBounds : public Acts::DiscBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/RadialBounds.hpp>

Class to describe the bounds for a planar DiscSurface.

By providing an argument for hphisec, the bounds can be restricted to a phi-range around the center position.

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eMinR
enumerator eMaxR
enumerator eHalfPhiSector
enumerator eAveragePhi
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

RadialBounds() = delete
inline RadialBounds(double minR, double maxR, double halfPhi = M_PI, double avgPhi = 0.) noexcept(false)

Constructor for full disc of symmetric disc around phi=0.

  • minR – The inner radius (0 for full disc)

  • maxR – The outer radius

  • halfPhi – The half opening angle (Pi for full angular coverage)

  • avgPhi – The average phi for the disc/ring sector

inline RadialBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor from array values.


values – The bound values

~RadialBounds() override = default
inline virtual double binningValuePhi() const final

Return a reference radius for binning.

inline virtual double binningValueR() const final

Return a reference radius for binning.

inline virtual bool coversFullAzimuth() const final

Returns true for full phi coverage.

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

For disc surfaces the local position in (r,phi) is checked.

  • lposition – local position to be checked

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


is a boolean indicating the operation success

inline virtual bool insideRadialBounds(double R, double tolerance = 0.) const final

Checks if this is inside the radial coverage given the a tolerance.

inline virtual double rMax() const final

Return method for outer Radius.

inline virtual double rMin() const final

Return method for inner Radius.

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Outstream operator.


sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

virtual SurfaceBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

template<typename Type>
class Range1D
#include <Acts/Utilities/Range1D.hpp>

A one-dimensional range between two points.

This type describes a one-demensional range of values, designed to be used in the construction of more complex multi-dimensional types. The class provides functionality for growing and shrinking the range, as well as some other utilities. These ranges are half-open, including the minimum but excluding the maximum.

Template Parameters

Type – The scalar type of the values contained in this range.

Public Functions

inline Range1D()

Construct a new degenerate range object.

This constructor coonstructs a degenerate range object with a maximum lower than the minimum. In other words, this range is empty.

inline Range1D(Type min, Type max)

Construct a new range object from a lower and upper bound.

Construct a new range object given the values for the minimum and maximum. Note that it is perfectly possible to construct a degenerate range in this way.

  • min – The minimum value in the range (inclusive)

  • max – The maximum value in the range (exclusive)

inline Range1D(const std::pair<Type, Type> &p)

Construct a new range object from a pair of bounds.

Construct a new range object from a pair of values, the first of which is taken to be the minimum, and the second of which is taken to be the maximum.


p – The pair of values to use as the minimum and maximum

inline Range1D(const Range1D<Type> &o)

Construct a new range object from an existing range.

This simply copies the values from the existing range to the new one. It’s the copy constructor.


o – The range to copy

inline bool contains(const Type &v) const

Determine if the range contains a given value.

A value is inside a range if and only if it is greater than the minimum and smaller than the maximum.


v – The value to check


true The value is inside the range


false The value is not inside the range

inline bool degenerate(void) const

Determine if this range is degenerate or not.

A degenerate range has a minimum higher than the maximum, and thus cannot contain any values.


true The range is degenerate and has size zero


false The range is not degenerate

inline void expand(const Type &min, const Type &max)

Expand a range on both ends.

Expand a range by decreasing the minimum value as well as increasing the maximum value. If either of the values are already larger or smaller (respectively) than the proposed values, then that particular boundary of the interval is not expanded.


After this operation, the range is always equal to or larger than [min, max].

  • min – The proposed new minimum for the range

  • max – The proposed new maximum for the range

inline void expandMax(const Type &v)

Expand a range by increasing the maximum value.

Expand the range by increasing the maximum value. If the given value is smaller than the current maximum (in other words, if the proposed new range would be smaller than the current range), this is a no-op.


v – The proposed new maximum for the range

inline void expandMin(const Type &v)

Expand a range by decreasing the minimum value.

Expand the range by decreasing the minimum value. If the given value is larger than the current minimum (in other words, if the proposed new range would be smaller than the current range), this is a no-op.


v – The proposed new minimum for the range

inline Type max(void) const

Return the maximum value of the range (inclusive)

inline Type min(void) const

Return the minimum value of the range (inclusive)

inline Range1D<Type> operator&(const Range1D<Type> &o) const

Compute the intersection of two ranges.

The intersection of two ranges is the range containing all values contained in both ranges. If the two ranges do not intersect, the intersection is a degenerate range. This operation is commutative.


o – The range to compute the intersection with


The intersection range between the two ranges

inline bool operator&&(const Range1D<Type> &o) const

Determine whether the range intersects another range.

The intersection of a range is the space where both ranges overlap. If the ranges overlap at all, they are said to intersect. This operation is commutative.


o – The other range to check


true The ranges intersect


false The ranges do not intersect

inline Range1D<Type> &operator&=(const Range1D<Type> &o)

Set the range to the intersection of itself and another range.

This is an assignment version of operator&, which updates the range on which it is called to ensure that the new range is the intersection of the old range and the new range.


o – The range to compute the intersection with


This object

inline bool operator<=(const Range1D<Type> &o) const

Determine whether the left-hand range is a subset of the right-hand range.

A range is a subset of another range if and only if all values contained in the first range are also contained in the second range.


o – The other range to check


true The left-hand range is a subset of the right-hand range


false The left-hand range is not a subset of the right-hand range

inline Range1D<Type> &operator=(const Range1D<Type> &o)

Assignment operator.

Copy the right-hand range into the left-hand range, which means setting the minimum and maximum to equal the minimum and maximum of the right-hand side.


o – The range of values to copy


This range

inline bool operator==(const Range1D<Type> &o) const

Determine whether the range is equal to another range.

Two ranges are equal if and only if their minima and maxima are the same.


This method relies on the existence of a well-defined notion of equality for the underlying types. Using this method on floating ranges may have unintended effecrs.


o – The other range to check


true The ranges are equal


false The ranges are not equal

inline bool operator>=(const Range1D<Type> &o) const

Determine whether the left-hand range is a superset of the right-hand range.

A range is a superset of another range if and only if all values contained in the second range are also contained in the first range.


o – The other range to check


true The left-hand range is a superset of thr right-hand range


false The left-hand range is not a superset of the right-hand range

inline void set(const Type &min, const Type &max)

Set the minimum and maximum value.

Override both the minimum and maximum value of the range, regardless of what they were set to.


If you want to shrink or expand the range, use the shrink and expand methods.


After this operation, the range should be exactly equal to [min, max]

  • min – The new minimum value of the range

  • max – The new maximum value of the range

inline void setMax(const Type &v)

Set the maximum value.

Override the maximum value of the range, regardless of what was already set.


If you want to shrink or expand the range, use the shrink and expand methods.


v – The value to use as the new maximum

inline void setMin(const Type &v)

Set the minimum value.

Override the minimum value of the range, regardless of what was already set.


If you want to shrink or expand the range, use the shrink and expand methods.


v – The value to use as the new minimum

inline void shrink(const Type &min, const Type &max)

Shrink a range on both ends.

Shrink a range by increasing the minimum value as well as decreasing the maximum value. If either of the values are already smaller or larger (respectively) than the proposed values, then that particular boundary of the interval is not shrunk.


After this operation, the range is always equal to or smaller than [min, max].

  • min – The proposed new minimum for the range

  • max – The proposed new maximum for the range

inline void shrinkMax(const Type &v)

Shrink a range by decreasing the maximum value.

Shrink the range by decreasing the maximum value. If the given value is larger than the current maximum (in other words, if the proposed new range would be larger than the current range), this is a no-op.


v – The proposed new maximum for the range

inline void shrinkMin(const Type &v)

Shrink a range by increasing the minimum value.

Shrink the range by increasing the minimum value. If the given value is smaller than the current minimum (in other words, if the proposed new range would be larger than the current range), this is a no-op.


v – The proposed new minimum for the range

inline Type size(void) const

Compute the size of the range.

The size of a range is defined as the difference between the minimum and the maximum. For degenerate ranges, this is zero.


Due to the nature of numbers, the result of this function can be somewhat ambiguous. For natural numbers, you could argue that the range [n, n] has size 0 or size 1. In this case we say it has size 0. The uncountable nature of the reals means this doesn’t matter for them, but this can be awkward when working with integers.


The size of the range

template<std::size_t Dims, typename Type, template<typename, std::size_t> typename Vector = std::array>
class RangeXD
#include <Acts/Utilities/RangeXD.hpp>

An orthogonal range in an arbitrary number of dimensions.

By combining a number one-dimensional ranges we can (under the assumption that our axes are orthogonal) construct an orthogonal range of values. In other words, a hyperrectangular volume in space.

Template Parameters
  • Dims – The number of dimensions in our range

  • Type – The scalar type of our ranges

  • Vector – The vector type used to define coordinates

Public Types

using coordinate_t = Vector<Type, Dims>

The type used to describe coordinates in our range.

Public Functions

inline bool contains(const coordinate_t &v) const

Determine whether the range contains a certain point.

This is true if and only if the range contains the point in all of its dimensions.


v – The coordinate to check for membership in the range


true The coordinate is inside the range


false The coordinate is outside the range

inline bool degenerate(void) const

Determine whether this range is degenerate.

A degenerate multi-dimensional range has no volume and cannot contain any values. This is the case if any of its dimensions are degenerate.


true The range is degenerate


false The range is not degenerate

inline RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> operator&(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &o) const

Compute the intersection of this range with another range.

The intersection of one orthogonal range with another orthogonal range is in itself an orthogonal range. This operation is commutative. This intersection between two n-dimensional ranges is defined simply as the intersection in each dimension of the two ranges.


o – The orthogonal range to compute the intersection with


The intersection between the ranges

inline bool operator&&(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &r) const

Determine whether this range intersects another.

Two n-dimensional ranges intersect if and only if they intersect in every one of their n dimensions. Otherwise, they are disjoint.


r – The other range to check


true The ranges intersect


false The ranges do not intersect

inline RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &operator&=(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &o)

Update the range to the intersection with another range.

This is the assignment version of the operator& method, meaning that it updates the object on which it is called rather than producing a new range.


o – The range to compute the intersection with


This object

inline bool operator<=(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &o) const

Determine whether one range is a subset of another range.

One range is a subset of another range if and only if all points contained within the first set are also contained within the second set. Alternatively, this is equivalent to each of the first range’s one-dimensional ranges being a subset of the second range’s equivalent one-dimensional range.


o – The other range to compare to


true The first range is a subset of the second range


false The first range is not a subset of the second range

inline bool operator==(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &o) const

Determine whether two ranges are equal.

Two n-dimensional ranges are equal if and only if they are equal in each of their n dimensions.


o – The other range to check for equality


true The ranges are equal


false The ranges are not equal

inline bool operator>=(const RangeXD<Dims, Type, Vector> &o) const

Determine whether one range is a superset of another range.

One range is a superset of another range if and only if all points contained within the second range are also contained within the first range. Alternatively, this is equivalent to each of the one-dimensional ranges in the first range being a superset of the corresponding one-dimensional range in the second range.


o – The other range to compare to


true The left-hand range is a superset of the right-hand range


false The left-hand range is not a superset of the right-hand range

inline Range1D<Type> &operator[](const std::size_t &i)

Access one of the dimensional ranges of the volume.


i – The index of the dimension to access


A reference to the dimension contained in this range

inline const Range1D<Type> &operator[](const std::size_t &i) const

Access one of the dimensional ranges of the volume.


i – The index of the dimension to access


A reference to the dimension contained in this range

inline std::string toString(void) const

Represent the range as a string.

This method produces a helpful string that can be used to debug the range if needed. Not really designed to be used in production code.


A string representing the range

template<typename value_t, size_t DIM>
class Ray
#include <Acts/Utilities/Ray.hpp>

Class which models a ray.

It is defined by a starting point and a direction.

Template Parameters
  • value_t – The floating point type to use

  • DIM – The number of dimensions in which this ray is defined (2 or 3)

Public Types

using transform_type = Eigen::Transform<value_t, DIM, Eigen::Affine>

Associated transform type.

using value_type = value_t

Re expose the value type.

using vertex_array_type = Eigen::Array<value_t, DIM, 1>

Vertex array type corresponding to the vertex type.

using VertexType = Eigen::Matrix<value_t, DIM, 1>

Vertex type based on the value type and dimension.

Public Functions

Ray(const VertexType &origin, const VertexType &dir)

Constructor from an origin point and a direction.

  • origin – The origin of the ray

  • dir – The direction of the ray

inline const VertexType &dir() const

Getter for the direction.


The direction

template<size_t D = DIM, std::enable_if_t<D == 3, int> = 0>
void draw(IVisualization3D &helper, value_type far_distance = 10) const

Helper to draw this ray using a given visualization helper.

  • helper – The visualization helper

  • far_distance – The “length” of the drawn line representing the ray

inline const vertex_array_type &idir() const

Getter for the element wise inverse of the direction.


The element wise inverse.

inline const VertexType &origin() const

Getter for the origin.


The origin

std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const

Write information on this instance to an outstream.


os – The out stream


The out stream given as an argument

Ray<value_t, DIM> transformed(const transform_type &trf) const

Transforms this ray using a given transform and returns a new instance.


trf – The transform to apply


Copy of this ray with the transform applied

struct RecordedMaterial
#include <Acts/Material/MaterialInteraction.hpp>

Simple result struct to be returned It mainly acts as an internal state which is created for every propagation/extrapolation step.

Public Members

double materialInL0 = 0.

The accumulated materialInL0.

std::vector<MaterialInteraction> materialInteractions

This one is only filled when recordInteractions is switched on.

double materialInX0 = 0.
class RectangleBounds : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/RectangleBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a rectangular, planar surface - it can be used to for rectangles that are symetrically centered around (0.

/0.) and for generic shifted rectangles

Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eMinX
enumerator eMinY
enumerator eMaxX
enumerator eMaxY
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

RectangleBounds() = delete
inline RectangleBounds(double halfX, double halfY) noexcept(false)

Constructor with halflength in x and y - symmetric.

  • halfX – halflength in X

  • halfY – halflength in Y

inline RectangleBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from fixed size array - generic.


values – The parameter values

inline RectangleBounds(const Vector2 &min, const Vector2 &max) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from min/max - generic.

  • min – The left bottom corner

  • max – The right top corning

~RectangleBounds() override = default
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Bounding box parameters.


rectangle bounds for a bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

inline double halfLengthX() const

Access to the half length in X.

inline double halfLengthY() const

Access to the half length in Y.

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

inline const Vector2 &max() const

Get the max vertex defining the bounds.


The max vertex

inline const Vector2 &min() const

Get the min vertex defining the bounds.


The min vertex

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream for the dump

inline virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Access method for bound values, this is a dynamically sized vector containing the parameters needed to describe these bounds.


of the stored values for this SurfaceBounds object

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

template<typename T, typename E = std::error_code>
class Result
#include <Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp>

Class which encapsulates either a valid result, or an error.

Template Parameters
  • T – The valid result value

  • E – The error, defaults to std::error_code

Public Functions

Result() = delete

Default construction is disallowed.

Result(const Result<T, E> &other) = delete

Copy construction is disallowed.

inline Result(Result<T, E> &&other)

Move construction is allowed.

template<typename T2, typename _E = E, typename _T = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<(!std::is_same_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_constructible_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_convertible_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_constructible_v<_E, _T> && !std::is_convertible_v<_E, _T> && !(std::is_convertible_v<T2, _T> && std::is_convertible_v<T2, _E>))>>
inline Result(T2 value) noexcept

Constructor from arbitrary value This constructor allows construction from any value.

This constructor is only enabled if T and E are unambiguous, meaning the cannot be implicitly converted and there is T cannot be constructed from E and vice-versa. This means that when this is invoked, the value can be propagated to the underlying variant, and the assignment will be correct, and error will be an error, and a value will be a value.


If T and E are ambigious, use the success and failure static factory methods.

Template Parameters

T2 – Type of the potential assignment


value – The potential value, could be an actual valid value or an error.

inline E &error() & noexcept

Returns a reference to the error stored in the result.


If res.ok() this method will abort (noexcept)


Reference to the error

inline E error() && noexcept

Returns the error by-value.


If res.ok() this method will abort (noexcept)


The error

inline bool ok() const noexcept

Checks whether this result contains a valid value, and no error.


bool Whether result contains an error or not.

inline T &operator*() noexcept

Returns a reference into the variant to the valid value.


If !res.ok(), this method will abort (noexcept)


Reference to value stored in the variant.

inline T *operator->() noexcept

Allows to access members of the stored object with res->foo similar to std::optional.


If !res.ok(), this method will abort (noexcept)


Pointer to value stored in the variant.

Result<T, E> &operator=(const Result<T, E> &other) = delete

Assignment is disallowed.

inline Result<T, E> &operator=(Result<T, E> &&other)

Move assignment is allowed.


other – The other result instance, rvalue reference


The assigned instance

template<typename T2, typename _E = E, typename _T = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<(!std::is_same_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_constructible_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_convertible_v<_T, _E> && !std::is_constructible_v<_E, _T> && !std::is_convertible_v<_E, _T> && !(std::is_convertible_v<T2, _T> && std::is_convertible_v<T2, _E>))>>
inline Result<T, E> &operator=(T2 value) noexcept

Assignment operator from arbitrary value This operator allows construction from any value.

The same rules as for the Result(T2 value) constructor apply.

Template Parameters

T2 – Type of the potential assignment


value – The potential value, could be an actual valid value or an error.


The assigned instance

inline T &value() &

Retrieves the valid value from the result object.


This is the lvalue version, returns a reference to the value


The valid value as a reference

inline T value() &&

Retrieves the valid value from the result object.


This is the rvalue version, returns the value by-value and moves out of the variant.


The valid value by value, moved out of the variant.

Public Static Functions

static inline Result<T, E> failure(E error)

Static helper factory which forces assignment as an error.


error – The error to assign. Will not be converted to T.


Initialized result object

static inline Result<T, E> success(T value)

Static helper factory which forces assignment as valid value.


value – The valid value to assign. Will not be converted to E.


Initialized result object

template<typename E>
class Result<void, E>
#include <Acts/Utilities/Result.hpp>

Template specialization for the void case.

This specialization handles the case where there is no actual return value, but an error might be returned. Returning the error directly would make handling different from other functions using the Result<T, E> mechanism. Result<void, E> does not have the dereference operator, and value methods. The static success factory does not accept a value.


To ease usage, this Result<void, E> is default constructible in the ok state, whereas Result<T, E> is not.

Template Parameters

E – The type of the error

Public Functions

Result() = default

Default constructor which initializes the result in the ok state.

Result(const Result<void, E> &other) = default

The copy constructor is deleted.

inline Result(Result<void, E> &&other)

Move constructor.


other – The other result object, rvalue ref

template<typename E2>
inline Result(E2 error) noexcept

Constructor from error.

This implicitly requires E2 to be convertible to E.

Template Parameters

E2 – The type of the actual error


error – The instance of the actual error

inline E &error() & noexcept

Returns a reference to the error stored in the result.


If res.ok() this method will abort (noexcept)


Reference to the error

inline E error() && noexcept

Returns the error by-value.


If res.ok() this method will abort (noexcept)


Reference to the error

inline bool ok() const noexcept

Checks whether this result is in the ok state, and no error.


bool Whether result contains an error or not.

Result<void, E> &operator=(const Result<void, E> &other) = default

The (self) assignment operator is deleted.

inline Result<void, E> &operator=(Result<void, E> &&other) noexcept

Move assignment operator.


other – The other result object, rvalue ref

template<typename E2>
inline Result<void, E> &operator=(E2 error)

Assignment operator from an error.

Template Parameters

E2 – The type of the actual error


error – The instance of the actual error


The assigned instance

Public Static Functions

static inline Result<void, E> failure(E error)

Static factory function to initialize the result in the error state.


error – The errorr to initialize with.


Result object, in error state.

static inline Result<void, E> success()

Static factory function to initialize the result in the ok state.


Result object, in ok state

template<typename propagator_t>
class RiddersPropagator
#include <Acts/Propagator/RiddersPropagator.hpp>

This class performs the Ridders algorithm to estimate the propagation of the covariance to a certain point in space.

The algorithm is based on the small deviations of the start parameters based on their uncertainty at the beginning of the propgation. This deviation is represented here by a vector of relative deviations of these parameters and fix for all parameters. So, a common choice has to be found that is able to actually fit into the order of magnitude of the uncertainty of each parameter. Using these deviations, the propagation is repeated multiple times and the final covariance matrix at a given target surface is afterwards evaluated by first order derivatives of the final state parameters wrt. the inital parameters. Therefore this evaluation represents a first order approximation of the transport jacobian. Since performing multiple propagations and a numerical evaluation of the covariance requires more time than a single propagation towards a target + a common propagation of the covariance, this class just serves to verify the results of the latter classes.

Public Functions

inline RiddersPropagator(propagator_t &propagator)

Constructor using a propagator.


propagator[in] Underlying propagator that will be used

template<typename stepper_t, typename navigator_t = detail::VoidNavigator>
inline RiddersPropagator(stepper_t stepper, navigator_t navigator = navigator_t())

Constructor building a propagator.

Template Parameters
  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • navigator_t – Type of the navigator

  • stepper[in] Stepper that will be used

  • navigator[in] Navigator that will be used

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<CurvilinearTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const propagator_options_t &options) const

Propagation method targeting curvilinear parameters.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of the start parameters

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • start[in] Start parameters

  • options[in] Options of the propagations


Result of the propagation

template<typename parameters_t, typename propagator_options_t>
Result<action_list_t_result_t<BoundTrackParameters, typename propagator_options_t::action_list_type>> propagate(const parameters_t &start, const Surface &target, const propagator_options_t &options) const

Propagation method targeting bound parameters.


If the target surface is a disc, the resulting covariance may be inconsistent. In this case a zero matrix is returned.

Template Parameters
  • parameters_t – Type of the start parameters

  • propagator_options_t – Type of the propagator options

  • start[in] Start parameters

  • target[in] The target surface

  • options[in] Options of the propagations


Result of the propagation

struct SameSurfaceIntersection
#include <Acts/Utilities/Intersection.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename intersection_t>
inline bool operator()(const intersection_t &i1, const intersection_t &i2) const

comparison operator

This is a struct to pick out intersection with identical surfaces

Template Parameters

intersection_t – Type of the intersection object

  • i1 – First intersection to test

  • i2 – Second intersection to test

template<typename SpacePoint>
class Seed
#include <Acts/Seeding/Seed.hpp>

Public Functions

Seed(const SpacePoint &b, const SpacePoint &m, const SpacePoint &u, float vertex, float seedQuality = -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
Seed(const Seed&) = default
Seed &operator=(const Seed&) = default
inline float seedQuality() const
inline const auto &sp() const
inline double z() const
struct SeedConfirmationRangeConfig
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedConfirmationRangeConfig.hpp>

contains parameters for seed confirmation

Public Members

float minImpactSeedConf = 1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
size_t nTopForLargeR = 0
size_t nTopForSmallR = 0
float rMaxSeedConf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max()
float seedConfMaxZOrigin = 150. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float seedConfMinBottomRadius = 60. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float zMaxSeedConf = std::numeric_limits<float>::max()
float zMinSeedConf = std::numeric_limits<float>::min()
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class SeedFilter
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFilter.hpp>

Filter seeds at various stages with the currently available information.

Public Functions

SeedFilter(SeedFilterConfig config, IExperimentCuts<external_spacepoint_t> *expCuts = nullptr)
SeedFilter() = delete
virtual ~SeedFilter() = default
virtual void filterSeeds_1SpFixed(CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>> &candidates_collector, std::size_t &numQualitySeeds, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>> outIt) const

Filter seeds once all seeds for one middle space point have been created.

  • candidates_collector – collection of seed candidates

  • numQualitySeeds – number of high quality seeds in seed confirmation

  • outIt – Output iterator for the seeds for all seeds with the same middle space point

virtual void filterSeeds_1SpFixed(std::vector<typename CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>>::value_type> &candidates, std::size_t &numQualitySeeds, std::back_insert_iterator<std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>> outIt) const

Filter seeds once all seeds for one middle space point have been created.

  • candidates – collection of seed candidates

  • numQualitySeeds – number of high quality seeds in seed confirmation

  • outIt – Output iterator for the seeds for all seeds with the same middle space point

virtual void filterSeeds_2SpFixed(InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &bottomSP, InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &middleSP, std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> &topSpVec, std::vector<float> &invHelixDiameterVec, std::vector<float> &impactParametersVec, SeedFilterState &seedFilterState, CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>> &candidates_collector) const

Create InternalSeeds for the all seeds with the same bottom and middle space point and discard all others.

  • bottomSP – fixed bottom space point

  • middleSP – fixed middle space point

  • topSpVec – vector containing all space points that may be compatible with both bottom and middle space point

  • invHelixDiameterVec – vector containing 1/(2*r) values where r is the helix radius

  • impactParametersVec – vector containing the impact parameters

  • seedFilterState – holds quantities used in seed filter

  • candidates_collector – container for the seed candidates

inline const IExperimentCuts<external_spacepoint_t> *getExperimentCuts() const
inline const SeedFilterConfig getSeedFilterConfig() const
struct SeedFilterConfig
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFilterConfig.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SeedFilterConfig toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

SeedConfirmationRangeConfig centralSeedConfirmationRange
size_t compatSeedLimit = 2
float compatSeedWeight = 200.
bool curvatureSortingInFilter = false
float deltaInvHelixDiameter = 0.00003 * 1. / Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMin = 5. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
SeedConfirmationRangeConfig forwardSeedConfirmationRange
float impactWeightFactor = 1.
bool isInInternalUnits = false
std::size_t maxQualitySeedsPerSpMConf = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()
unsigned int maxSeedsPerSpM = 10
std::size_t maxSeedsPerSpMConf = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()
float numSeedIncrement = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity()
bool seedConfirmation = false
float seedWeightIncrement = 0
bool useDeltaRorTopRadius = false
float zOriginWeightFactor = 1.
struct SeedFilterState
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFilter.hpp>

Public Members

size_t nTopSeedConf = 0
std::size_t numQualitySeeds = 0
std::size_t numSeeds = 0
float zOrigin = 0
template<typename external_spacepoint_t, typename platform_t = void*>
class SeedFinder
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinder.hpp>

Disallow default instantiation, copy, assignment

SeedFinder() = default
SeedFinder(const SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t>&) = delete
SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t> &operator=(const SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t>&) = default

Public Functions

SeedFinder(const Acts::SeedFinderConfig<external_spacepoint_t> &config)

The only constructor.

Requires a config object.


config – the configuration for the SeedFinder

~SeedFinder() = default
template<template<typename...> typename container_t, typename sp_range_t>
void createSeedsForGroup(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, SeedingState &state, std::back_insert_iterator<container_t<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>> outIt, sp_range_t bottomSPs, sp_range_t middleSPs, sp_range_t topSPs, const Acts::Range1D<float> &rMiddleSPRange) const

Create all seeds from the space points in the three iterators.

Can be used to parallelize the seed creation


Ranges must return pointers.


Ranges must be separate objects for each parallel call.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • state – State object that holds memory used

  • outIt – Output iterator for the seeds in the group

  • bottomSPs – group of space points to be used as innermost SP in a seed.

  • middleSPs – group of space points to be used as middle SP in a seed.

  • topSPs – group of space points to be used as outermost SP in a seed.

  • rMiddleSPRange – range object containing the minimum and maximum r for middle SP for a certain z bin.

template<typename sp_range_t>
std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>> createSeedsForGroup(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, sp_range_t bottomSPs, sp_range_t middleSPs, sp_range_t topSPs) const

Compatibility method for the new-style seed finding API.

This method models the old-style seeding API where we only need a container for the bottom, middle, and top space points. Also, the results are returned by value instead of inserted into an inserter.


This method is a very simply wrapper around the more modern API.


The performance of the seeding code is far greater if the new API is used, and this is recommended for all new uses which do not require backwards-compatibility.

Template Parameters

sp_range_t – container type for the seed point collections.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • bottomSPs – group of space points to be used as innermost SP in a seed.

  • middleSPs – group of space points to be used as middle SP in a seed.

  • topSPs – group of space points to be used as outermost SP in a seed.


a vector of seeds.

struct SeedingState
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinder.hpp>

Public Members

CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>> candidates_collector
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> compatBottomSP
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> compatTopSP
std::vector<float> curvatures
std::vector<float> etaVec
std::vector<float> impactParameters
std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleBottom
std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleTop
std::vector<float> ptVec
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> topSpVec
template<typename SpacePoint>
struct SeedFinderConfig
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinderConfig.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SeedFinderConfig calculateDerivedQuantities() const
inline SeedFinderConfig toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

bool arithmeticAverageCotTheta = false
float binSizeR = 1. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
SeedConfirmationRangeConfig centralSeedConfirmationRange
float collisionRegionMax = +150 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float collisionRegionMin = -150 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float cotThetaMax = 7.40627
float deltaRMax = 270 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMaxBottomSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float deltaRMaxTopSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float deltaRMiddleMaxSPRange = 10. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMiddleMinSPRange = 10. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMin = 5 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMinBottomSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float deltaRMinTopSP = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float deltaZMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool forceRadialSorting = false
SeedConfirmationRangeConfig forwardSeedConfirmationRange
Delegate<float(const SpacePoint&)> getBottomHalfStripLength
Delegate<Acts::Vector3(const SpacePoint&)> getBottomStripDirection
Delegate<Acts::Vector3(const SpacePoint&)> getStripCenterDistance
Delegate<float(const SpacePoint&)> getTopHalfStripLength
Delegate<Acts::Vector3(const SpacePoint&)> getTopStripCenterPosition
Delegate<Acts::Vector3(const SpacePoint&)> getTopStripDirection
float highland = 0
float impactMax = 20. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool interactionPointCut = false
bool isInInternalUnits = false
int maxBlockSize = 1024
float maxPtScattering = 10 * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV
float maxScatteringAngle2 = 0
unsigned int maxSeedsPerSpM = 5
float minPt = 400. * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV
int nAvgTrplPerSpBLimit = 2
int nTrplPerSpBLimit = 100
float phiMax = M_PI
float phiMin = -M_PI
float radLengthPerSeed = 0.05
float rAlign = 0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMax = 600 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMaxMiddle = 120.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMin = 33 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMinMiddle = 60.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
std::vector<std::vector<float>> rRangeMiddleSP
bool seedConfirmation = false
std::shared_ptr<Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>> seedFilter
float sigmaError = 5
float sigmaScattering = 5
bool skipPreviousTopSP = false
float toleranceParam = 1.1 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool useDetailedDoubleMeasurementInfo = false
bool useVariableMiddleSPRange = true
float zAlign = 0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
std::vector<float> zBinEdges
std::vector<size_t> zBinsCustomLooping = {}
float zMax = 2800 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float zMin = -2800 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
struct SeedFinderOptions
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinderConfig.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename Config>
inline SeedFinderOptions calculateDerivedQuantities(const Config &config) const
inline SeedFinderOptions toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

Acts::Vector2 beamPos = {0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm, 0 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm}
float bFieldInZ = 2.08 * Acts::UnitConstants::T
bool isInInternalUnits = false
float minHelixDiameter2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float pT2perRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float pTPerHelixRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
float sigmapT2perRadius = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()
template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
class SeedFinderOrthogonal
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinderOrthogonal.hpp>

Public Types

using internal_sp_t = InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>

The spacepoint type used by this seeder internally.

using seed_t = Seed<external_spacepoint_t>

The seed type used by this seeder internally.

using tree_t = KDTree<NDims, internal_sp_t*, ActsScalar, std::array, 4>

The k-d tree type used by this seeder internally, which is three-dimensional, contains internal spacepoint pointers, uses the Acts scalar type for coordinates, stores its coordinates in std::arrays, and has leaf size 4.

Public Functions

SeedFinderOrthogonal(const Acts::SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig<external_spacepoint_t> &config)

Construct a new orthogonal seed finder.


config – The configuration parameters for this seed finder.

SeedFinderOrthogonal() = default
SeedFinderOrthogonal(const SeedFinderOrthogonal<external_spacepoint_t>&) = delete
~SeedFinderOrthogonal() = default

Destroy the orthogonal seed finder object.

template<typename input_container_t, typename output_container_t, typename callable_t>
void createSeeds(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, const input_container_t &spacePoints, output_container_t &out_cont, callable_t &&extract_coordinates) const

Perform seed finding, appending seeds to a container.

This method performs seed finding through an orthogonal range search strategy. This strategy differs from binning approaches because it selects seeds constructively rather than destructively; instead of trying a large number of possible space point combinations and then rejecting many of them, this algorithm tries to only consider valid seed candidates to reduce combinatorics.

In addition, this algorithm replaces the binning step used in other seed finding algorithms with the construction of a k-d tree, which allows us to efficiently search for space points within a given range.

The core idea behind this algorithm is to create axis-aligned bounding boxes around the region of validity for a seed candidate (be it a bottom spacepoint for a given middle, a top for a given middle, a middle for a given bottom, or any other combination), and then searching the detector volume for points that lie inside that AABB.

Template Parameters
  • input_container_t – The type of the input spacepoint container.

  • output_container_t – The type of the output seed container.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • spacePoints – The input spacepoints from which to create seeds.

  • out_cont – The output container to write seeds to.

  • extract_coordinates – User-defined function for extracting global position and covariance of the external space point

template<typename input_container_t, typename callable_t>
std::vector<seed_t> createSeeds(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, const input_container_t &spacePoints, callable_t &&extract_coordinates) const

Perform seed finding, returning a new container of seeds.

This is a filterCandidates method for scenarios where a non-inserter API is more ergonomic. In general, the inserter-based method should be preferred as it is more flexible and usually more performant. For more information about the seeding algorithm, please see that function.

Template Parameters

input_container_t – The type of the input spacepoint container.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • spacePoints – The input spacepoints from which to create seeds.

  • extract_coordinates – User-defined function for extracting global position and covariance of the external space point


A vector of seeds.

SeedFinderOrthogonal<external_spacepoint_t> &operator=(const SeedFinderOrthogonal<external_spacepoint_t>&) = default

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t NDims = 3

Set the number of dimensions in which to embed points.

This is just 3 for now (phi, r, and z), but we might want to increase or decrease this number in the future.

template<typename SpacePoint>
struct SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig calculateDerivedQuantities() const
inline SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

SeedConfirmationRangeConfig centralSeedConfirmationRange
float collisionRegionMax = +150 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float collisionRegionMin = -150 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float cotThetaMax = 7.40627
float deltaPhiMax = 0.085
float deltaRMaxBottomSP = 270 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMaxTopSP = 270 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMiddleMaxSPRange = 10. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMiddleMinSPRange = 10. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMinBottomSP = 5 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaRMinTopSP = 5 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float deltaZMax = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
SeedConfirmationRangeConfig forwardSeedConfirmationRange
float highland = 0
float impactMax = 20. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
bool interactionPointCut = false
bool isInInternalUnits = false
float maxPtScattering = 10 * Acts::UnitConstants::GeV
float maxScatteringAngle2 = 0
unsigned int maxSeedsPerSpM = 5
float minPt = 400. * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV
float phiMax = M_PI
float phiMin = -M_PI
float radLengthPerSeed = 0.05
float rMax = 600 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMaxMiddle = 120.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMin = 33 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float rMinMiddle = 60.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
std::vector<std::vector<float>> rRangeMiddleSP
bool seedConfirmation = false
std::shared_ptr<Acts::SeedFilter<SpacePoint>> seedFilter
float sigmaScattering = 5
bool skipPreviousTopSP = false
bool useVariableMiddleSPRange = true
float zMax = 2800 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
float zMin = -2800 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
class Segmentation
#include <Acts/Digitization/Segmentation.hpp>

Segmentation Base class.

This helper class allows to define an arbitrary readout segmentation for the geoemtric digitization, provided a shape of the module, it creates the segmentation surfaces and hands them to the digitization module

Since the segmentation description might be identical for many elements while the lorentz angle may change, lorentzAngle and readoutDirection are provided and th the segmenation class only creates the surfaces for the module, but hosts the binning information.

Subclassed by Acts::CartesianSegmentation

Public Functions

virtual ~Segmentation() = default

Virtual Destructor.

virtual const BinUtility &binUtility() const = 0

return the bin utility that defines the readout

virtual DigitizationCell cell(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Get the digitization cell fropm a 3D position.

  • ignores the shift, i.e. assumenes in to be in cell frame


position – is the position for which the cell is requested


is a cell with cell ids

virtual DigitizationCell cell(const Vector2 &position) const = 0

Get the digitization cell fropm a 2D position.

  • ignores the shift, i.e. assumenes in to be in cell frame


position – is the position for which the cell is requested


is a cell with cell ids

virtual Vector2 cellPosition(const DigitizationCell &dCell) const = 0

Calculate the cell Position from the Id.


dCell – the digitization cell


the center position of the associated cell

virtual void createSegmentationSurfaces(SurfacePtrVector &boundarySurfaces, SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesX, SurfacePtrVector &segmentationSurfacesY, double halfThickness, int readoutDirection, double lorentzAngle) const = 0

Create the segmentation surfaces in X.

This method is only used if the full 3D digitization is done

  • boundarySurfaces – vector to be filled

  • segmentationSurfacesX – are the segmetation boundaries in X

  • segmentationSurfacesY – are the segmetation boundaries in Y

  • halfThickness – is the half thickness in z of the module

  • readoutDirection – is the direction w.r.t normal vector where the readout is given : -1, 0, 1 possible

  • lorentzAngle – is the lorentz angle measured from the local z towards x axis

virtual DigitizationStep digitizationStep(const Vector3 &start, const Vector3 &end, double halfThickness, int readoutDirection, double lorentzAngle) const = 0

Fill the associated digitization cell from the start and end position in 3D correct for lorentz effect if needed.

  • start – is the start position of the step

  • end – is the end position of the step

  • halfThickness – is the half thickness in z

  • readoutDirection – is the readout direction with respect to local z

  • lorentzAngle – is the lorentz angle measured from local z towards x


is a fully calculated digitzation step

virtual const SurfaceBounds &moduleBounds() const = 0

return the surface bounds by reference

template<class charge_t>
class SingleBoundTrackParameters
#include <Acts/EventData/SingleBoundTrackParameters.hpp>

Track parameters bound to a reference surface for a single track.

This is intended as a user-facing data class that adds additional accessors and charge/momentum interpretation on top of the pure parameters vector. All parameters and their corresponding covariance matrix are stored in bound parametrization. The specific definition of the local spatial parameters is defined by the associated surface.


This class holds shared ownership on its reference surface.

Template Parameters

charge_t – Helper type to interpret the particle charge/momentum

Subclassed by Acts::SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters< charge_t >

Public Types

using CovarianceMatrix = BoundSymMatrix
using ParametersVector = BoundVector
using Scalar = ActsScalar

Public Functions

inline SingleBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const ParametersVector &params, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector on the surface and particle charge.

In principle, only the charge magnitude is needed her to allow unambigous extraction of the absolute momentum. The particle charge is required as an input here to be consistent with the other constructors below that that also take the charge as an input. The charge sign is only used in debug builds to check for consistency with the q/p parameter.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • params – Bound parameters vector

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline SingleBoundTrackParameters(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const ParametersVector &params, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector on the surface.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge type is default-constructible.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • params – Bound parameters vector

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

SingleBoundTrackParameters() = delete

Parameters are not default constructible due to the charge type.

SingleBoundTrackParameters(const SingleBoundTrackParameters&) = default
SingleBoundTrackParameters(SingleBoundTrackParameters&&) = default
~SingleBoundTrackParameters() = default
inline Scalar absoluteMomentum() const

Absolute momentum.

inline Scalar charge() const

Particle electric charge.

inline std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> &covariance()

Optional covariance matrix.

inline const std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> &covariance() const

Optional covariance matrix.

inline Vector4 fourPosition(const GeometryContext &geoCtx) const

Space-time position four-vector.

This uses the associated surface to transform the local position on the surface to globalcoordinates. This requires a geometry context to select the appropriate transformation and might be a computationally expensive operation.


geoCtx[in] Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

template<BoundIndices kIndex>
inline Scalar get() const

Access a single parameter value indentified by its index.

Template Parameters

kIndex – Track parameter index

inline Vector3 momentum() const

Momentum three-vector.

SingleBoundTrackParameters &operator=(const SingleBoundTrackParameters&) = default
SingleBoundTrackParameters &operator=(SingleBoundTrackParameters&&) = default
inline ParametersVector &parameters()

Parameters vector.

inline const ParametersVector &parameters() const

Parameters vector.

inline Vector3 position(const GeometryContext &geoCtx) const

Spatial position three-vector.

This uses the associated surface to transform the local position on the surface to globalcoordinates. This requires a geometry context to select the appropriate transformation and might be a computationally expensive operation.


geoCtx[in] Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

inline RotationMatrix3 referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &geoCtx) const

Reference frame in which the local error is defined.

For planar surfaces, this is the transformation local-to-global rotation matrix. For non-planar surfaces, it is the local-to-global rotation matrix of the tangential plane at the track position.


geoCtx[in] Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

inline const Surface &referenceSurface() const

Reference surface onto which the parameters are bound.

inline Scalar time() const

Time coordinate.

inline Scalar transverseMomentum() const

Transverse momentum.

inline Vector3 unitDirection() const

Unit direction three-vector, i.e.

the normalized momentum three-vector.

Public Static Functions

static inline Result<SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t>> create(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const GeometryContext &geoCtx, const Vector4 &pos4, const Vector3 &dir, Scalar p, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Factory to construct from four-position, direction, absolute momentum, and charge.


The returned result indicates whether the free parameters could successfully be converted to on-surface parameters.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • geoCtx – Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • dir – Track direction three-vector; normalization is ignored.

  • p – Absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
static inline Result<SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t>> create(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, const GeometryContext &geoCtx, const Vector4 &pos4, const Vector3 &dir, Scalar qOverP, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Factory to construct from four-position, direction, and charge-over-momentum.


This factory is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge type is default-constructible. The position must be located on the surface.


The returned result indicates whether the free parameters could successfully be converted to on-surface parameters.

  • surface – Reference surface the parameters are defined on

  • geoCtx – Geometry context for the local-to-global transformation

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • dir – Track direction three-vector; normalization is ignored.

  • qOverP – Charge-over-momentum-like parameter

  • cov – Bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename charge_t>
class SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters : public Acts::SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t>
#include <Acts/EventData/SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters.hpp>

Curvilinear track parameters for a single track.

This is intended as a user-facing data class that adds additional accessors and charge/momentum interpretation on top of the pure parameters vector. All parameters and their corresponding covariance matrix are stored in curvilinear parametrization.

See also


Template Parameters

charge_t – Helper type to interpret the particle charge/momentum

Public Types

using CovarianceMatrix = BoundSymMatrix
using ParametersVector = BoundVector
using Scalar = ActsScalar

Public Functions

inline SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, const Vector3 &dir, Scalar p, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, direction, absolute momentum, and charge.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • dir – Track direction three-vector; normalization is ignored.

  • p – Absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Curvilinear bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, const Vector3 &dir, Scalar qOverP, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, direction, and charge-over-momentum.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge interpretation type is default-constructible.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • dir – Track direction three-vector; normalization is ignored.

  • qOverP – Charge-over-momentum-like parameter

  • cov – Curvilinear bound parameters covariance matrix

inline SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, Scalar phi, Scalar theta, Scalar p, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, angles, absolute momentum, and charge.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • phi – Transverse track direction angle

  • theta – Longitudinal track direction angle

  • p – Absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Curvilinear bound parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, Scalar phi, Scalar theta, Scalar qOverP, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, angles, and charge-over-momentum.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge interpretation type is default-constructible.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • phi – Transverse track direction angle

  • theta – Longitudinal track direction angle

  • qOverP – Charge-over-momentum-like parameter

  • cov – Curvilinear bound parameters covariance matrix

SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters() = delete

Parameters are not default constructible due to the charge type.

SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(const SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters&) = default
SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters(SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters&&) = default
~SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters() = default
SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters &operator=(const SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters&) = default
SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters &operator=(SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters&&) = default
template<class charge_t>
class SingleFreeTrackParameters
#include <Acts/EventData/SingleFreeTrackParameters.hpp>

Track parameters not bound to a surface for a single track.

Parameters and covariance matrix are stored using the free parametrization defined in enum FreeIndices.

Template Parameters

charge_t – Helper type to interpret the particle charge

Public Types

using CovarianceMatrix = FreeSymMatrix
using ParametersVector = FreeVector
using Scalar = ActsScalar

Public Functions

inline SingleFreeTrackParameters(const ParametersVector &params, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector and particle charge.

In principle, only the charge magnitude is needed her to allow unambigous extraction of the absolute momentum. The particle charge is required as an input here to be consistent with the other constructors below that that also take the charge as an input. The charge sign is only used in debug builds to check for consistency with the q/p parameter.

  • params – Free parameters vector

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Free parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline SingleFreeTrackParameters(const ParametersVector &params, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from a parameters vector.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge interpretation type is default-constructible.

  • params – Free parameters vector

  • cov – Free parameters covariance matrix

Template Parameters

T – Internal helper template be able to check charge type

inline SingleFreeTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, Scalar phi, Scalar theta, Scalar p, Scalar q, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, angles, absolute momentum, and charge.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • phi – Transverse track direction angle

  • theta – Longitudinal track direction angle

  • p – Absolute momentum

  • q – Particle charge

  • cov – Free parameters covariance matrix

template<typename T = charge_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<T>, int> = 0>
inline SingleFreeTrackParameters(const Vector4 &pos4, Scalar phi, Scalar theta, Scalar qOverP, std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> cov = std::nullopt)

Construct from four-position, angles, and charge-over-momentum.

This constructor is only available if there are no potential charge ambiguities, i.e. the charge interpretation type is default-constructible.

  • pos4 – Track position/time four-vector

  • phi – Transverse track direction angle

  • theta – Longitudinal track direction angle

  • qOverP – Charge-over-momentum-like parameter

  • cov – Free parameters covariance matrix

SingleFreeTrackParameters() = delete

Parameters are not default constructible due to the charge type.

SingleFreeTrackParameters(const SingleFreeTrackParameters&) = default
SingleFreeTrackParameters(SingleFreeTrackParameters&&) = default
~SingleFreeTrackParameters() = default
inline Scalar absoluteMomentum() const

Absolute momentum.

inline Scalar charge() const

Particle electric charge.

inline const std::optional<CovarianceMatrix> &covariance() const

Optional covariance matrix.

inline Vector4 fourPosition() const

Space-time position four-vector.

template<FreeIndices kIndex>
inline Scalar get() const

Access a single parameter value indentified by its index.

Template Parameters

kIndex – Track parameter index

inline Vector3 momentum() const

Momentum three-vector.

SingleFreeTrackParameters &operator=(const SingleFreeTrackParameters&) = default
SingleFreeTrackParameters &operator=(SingleFreeTrackParameters&&) = default
inline const ParametersVector &parameters() const

Parameters vector.

inline Vector3 position() const

Spatial position three-vector.

inline Scalar time() const

Time coordinate.

inline Scalar transverseMomentum() const

Transverse momentum.

inline Vector3 unitDirection() const

Unit direction three-vector, i.e. the normalized momentum three-vector.

struct SinglyCharged
#include <Acts/EventData/Charge.hpp>

Charge and momentum interpretation for particles with +-e charge.

Public Functions

SinglyCharged() = default
template<typename T>
inline constexpr SinglyCharged(T absQ) noexcept

Construct and verify the input charge magnitude (in debug builds).

This constructor is only provided to allow consistent construction.

template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractCharge(T qOverP) const noexcept
template<typename T>
inline constexpr T extractMomentum(T qOverP) const noexcept


inline friend constexpr bool operator==(SinglyCharged, SinglyCharged) noexcept

Compare for equality.

This is always true as SinglyCharged has no internal state. Must be available to provide a consistent interface.

class SolenoidBField : public Acts::MagneticFieldProvider
#include <Acts/MagneticField/SolenoidBField.hpp>

Implements a multi-coil solenoid magnetic field.

On every call, the field is evaluated at that exact position. The field has radially symmetry, the field vectors point in +z direction. The config exposes a target field value in the center. This value is used to empirically determine a scale factor which reproduces this field value in the center.

E_1(k^2) = complete elliptic integral of the 1st kind E_2(k^2) = complete elliptic integral of the 2nd kind

E_1(k^2) and E_2(k^2) are usually indicated as K(k^2) and E(k^2) in literature, respectively _ 2 / pi / 2 2 2 - 1 / 2 E (k ) = | ( 1 - k sin {theta} ) dtheta 1 _/ 0

        _          ____________________
2 / pi / 2| / 2 2 E (k ) = | |/ 1 - k sin {theta} dtheta 2 _/ 0

k^2 = is a function of the point (r, z) and of the radius of the coil R

2 4Rr k = ————&#8212; 2 2 (R + r) + z Using these, you can evaluate the two components B_r and B_z of the magnetic field: _ _ mu I | / 2 \ | 0 kz | |2 - k | 2 2 | B (r, z) = –&#8212; —&#8212; | |—-&#8212;|E (k ) - E (k ) | r 4pi ___ | | 2| 2 1 | | / 3 |_ \2 - 2k / _| |/ Rr

 _                                       _
mu I | / 2 \ | 0 k | | (R + r)k - 2r | 2 2 | B (r,z) = –&#8212; -&#8212; | | ———–&#8212; | E (k ) + E (k ) | z 4pi __ | | 2 | 2 1 | |/Rr |_ \ 2r(1 - k ) / _|

Public Functions

SolenoidBField(Config config)

the constructur with a shared pointer


since it is a shared field, we enforce it to be const

Template Parameters

bField – is the shared BField to be stored

Vector2 getField(const Vector2 &position) const

Retrieve magnetic field value in local (r,z) coordinates.


position[in] local 2D position

Vector3 getField(const Vector3 &position) const

Get the B field at a position.


position – The position to query at

virtual Result<Vector3> getField(const Vector3 &position, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value at a given location.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().

  • position[in] global 3D position for the lookup

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector at given position

virtual Result<Vector3> getFieldGradient(const Vector3 &position, ActsMatrix<3, 3> &derivative, MagneticFieldProvider::Cache &cache) const override

Retrieve magnetic field value its its gradient.

Requires a cache object created through makeCache().


currently the derivative is not calculated

  • position[in] global 3D position

  • derivative[out] gradient of magnetic field vector as (3x3) matrix

  • cache[inout] Field provider specific cache object


magnetic field vector

virtual MagneticFieldProvider::Cache makeCache(const MagneticFieldContext &mctx) const override

Make an opaque cache for the magnetic field.

Instructs the specific implementation to generate a Cache instance for magnetic field lookup.


mctx – The magnetic field context to generate cache for


Cache The opaque cache object

struct Cache
#include <Acts/MagneticField/SolenoidBField.hpp>

Public Functions

inline Cache(const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)

Constructor with magnetic field context.


mctx – the magnetic field context

struct Config
#include <Acts/MagneticField/SolenoidBField.hpp>

Config struct for the SolenoidBfield.

Public Members

double bMagCenter

The target magnetic field strength at the center.

This will be used to scale coefficients

double length

Extent of the solenoid in z.

It goes from -length/2 to +length/2 by convention

size_t nCoils

The number of coils that make up the solenoid.

double radius

Radius at which the coils are located.

class SourceLink
#include <Acts/EventData/SourceLink.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, SourceLink>>>
inline explicit SourceLink(GeometryIdentifier id, T &&upstream)

Constructor from source link and explicit geometry id.

Template Parameters

T – The source link type

  • id – The geometry identifier

  • upstream – The upstream source link to store

template<typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Concepts::exists<detail_sl::geometry_id_t, T> && !std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<T>, SourceLink>>>
inline explicit SourceLink(T &&upstream)

Constructor from source link only, geometry identifier is determined automatically.

Template Parameters

T – The source link type


upstream – The upstream source link to store

inline constexpr GeometryIdentifier geometryId() const

Getter for the geometry identifier.


The GeometryIdentifier

template<typename T>
inline T &get()

Concrete source link class getter.

Template Parameters

T – The source link type to retrieve


Reference to the stored source link

template<typename T>
inline const T &get() const

Concrete source link class getter, const version.

Template Parameters

T – The source link type to retrieve


Const reference to the stored source link

template<typename T>
struct SourceLinkAdapterIterator
#include <Acts/EventData/SourceLink.hpp>

Public Types

using BaseIterator = T
using difference_type = typename BaseIterator::difference_type
using iterator_category = typename BaseIterator::iterator_category
using pointer = typename BaseIterator::pointer
using reference = typename BaseIterator::reference
using value_type = typename BaseIterator::value_type

Public Functions

inline explicit SourceLinkAdapterIterator(T iterator)
inline bool operator!=(const SourceLinkAdapterIterator &other) const
inline Acts::SourceLink operator*() const
inline SourceLinkAdapterIterator &operator++()
inline auto operator-(const SourceLinkAdapterIterator &other) const
inline bool operator==(const SourceLinkAdapterIterator &other) const

Public Members

BaseIterator m_iterator
template<typename spacepoint_t>
class SpacePointBuilder
#include <Acts/SpacePointFormation/SpacePointBuilder.hpp>

After the particle interaction with surfaces are recorded and digitized measurements on the pixel or strip detectors need further treatment.

This class takes the measurements and provides the corresponding space points.

Public Types

using Measurement = Acts::BoundVariantMeasurement

Public Functions

SpacePointBuilder(const SpacePointBuilderConfig &cfg, std::function<spacepoint_t(Acts::Vector3, Acts::Vector2, boost::container::static_vector<SourceLink, 2>)> func, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("SpamcePointBuilder", Logging::INFO))
  • cfg – The configuration for the space point builder

  • func – The function that provides user’s SP constructor with global pos, global cov, and sourceLinks.

  • logger – The logging instance

SpacePointBuilder() = default
template<template<typename...> typename container_t>
void buildSpacePoint(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<const Measurement*> &measurements, const SpacePointBuilderOptions &opt, std::back_insert_iterator<container_t<spacepoint_t>> spacePointIt) const

Calculates the space points out of a given collection of measurements and stores the results.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • measurements – vector of measurements

  • opt – option for the space point bulding. It contains the ends of the strips for strip SP building

  • spacePointIt – Output iterator for the space point

void makeMeasurementPairs(const GeometryContext &gctx, const std::vector<const Measurement*> &measurementsFront, const std::vector<const Measurement*> &measurementsBack, std::vector<std::pair<const Measurement*, const Measurement*>> &measurementPairs) const

Searches possible combinations of two measurements on different surfaces that may come from the same particles.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • measurementsFront – vector of measurements on a surface

  • measurementsBack – vector of measurements on another surface

  • measurementPairs – storage of the measurement pairs

struct SpacePointBuilderConfig
#include <Acts/SpacePointFormation/SpacePointBuilderConfig.hpp>

Public Functions

SpacePointBuilderConfig() = default

Public Members

double diffDist = 100. * UnitConstants::mm

Accepted distance between two clusters.

double diffPhi2 = 1.

Accepted squared difference in phi for two clusters.

double diffTheta2 = 1.

Accepted squared difference in theta for two clusters.

double stripLengthGapTolerance = 0.01

Allowed increase of strip length wrt gaps between strips.

double stripLengthTolerance = 0.01

Allowed increase of strip length.

std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry

Tracking geometry.

bool usePerpProj = false

Perform the perpendicular projection for space point finding.

Vector3 vertex = {0., 0., 0.}

vertex position

struct SpacePointBuilderOptions
#include <Acts/SpacePointFormation/SpacePointBuilderOptions.hpp>

Public Members

std::pair<const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3>, const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3>> stripEndsPair
struct SpacePointGridConfig
#include <Acts/Seeding/SpacePointGrid.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SpacePointGridConfig toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

float cotThetaMax = 0
float deltaRMax = 0
float impactMax = 0
bool isInInternalUnits = false
float minPt = 0
int phiBinDeflectionCoverage = 1
float phiMax = M_PI
float phiMin = -M_PI
float rMax = 0
std::vector<float> zBinEdges
float zMax = 0
float zMin = 0
class SpacePointGridCreator
#include <Acts/Seeding/SpacePointGrid.hpp>

Public Static Functions

template<typename external_spacepoint_t>
static std::unique_ptr<SpacePointGrid<external_spacepoint_t>> createGrid(const Acts::SpacePointGridConfig &_config, const Acts::SpacePointGridOptions &_options)
struct SpacePointGridOptions
#include <Acts/Seeding/SpacePointGrid.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SpacePointGridOptions toInternalUnits() const

Public Members

float bFieldInZ = 0
bool isInInternalUnits = false
struct SpacePointParameters
#include <Acts/Utilities/SpacePointUtility.hpp>

Storage container for variables related to the calculation of space points.

Public Members

Vector3 firstBtmToTop

Vector pointing from bottom to top end of first SDE.

Vector3 firstBtmToTopXvtxToFirstMid2

Cross product between firstBtmToTop and vtxToFirstMid2.

double limit = 1.

Regular limit of the absolut values of SpacePointParameters::m and SpacePointParameters::n.

double limitExtended = 0.

Limit of SpacePointParameters::m and SpacePointParameters::n in case of variable vertex.

double m = 0.

Parameter that determines the hit position on the first SDE.

double mag_firstBtmToTop = 0.

Magnitude of SpacePointParameters::firstBtmToTop.

double n = 0.

Parameter that determines the hit position on the second SDE.

Vector3 secondBtmToTop

Vector pointing from bottom to top end of second SDE.

Vector3 secondBtmToTopXvtxToSecondMid2

Cross product between secondBtmToTop and vtxToSecondMid2.

Vector3 vtxToFirstMid2

Twice the vector pointing from vertex to to midpoint of first SDE.

Vector3 vtxToSecondMid2

Twice the vector pointing from vertex to to midpoint of second SDE.

class SpacePointUtility
#include <Acts/Utilities/SpacePointUtility.hpp>

Public Types

using Measurement = Acts::BoundVariantMeasurement

Public Functions

inline SpacePointUtility(SpacePointBuilderConfig cfg)


Result<double> calcPerpendicularProjection(const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3> &stripEnds1, const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3> &stripEnds2, SpacePointParameters &spParams) const

Calculates a space point whithout using the vertex.


This is mostly to resolve space points from cosmic data


The meaning of the parameter is explained in more detail in the function body

  • stripEnds1 – The ends of one strip

  • stripEnds2 – The ends of another strip

  • spParams – SpacePointParamaters for the SP


parameter that indicates the location of the space point; returns

  1. if it failed

Acts::Vector2 calcRhoZVars(const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx, const Measurement &measFront, const Measurement &measBack, const Vector3 &globalPos, const double theta) const

Calculate the rho and z covariance from the front and back measurement in the strip SP formation.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • measFront – The measurement on the front layer

  • measBack – The measurement on the back layer

  • globalPos – global position

  • theta – The angle between the two strips


(rho, z) components of the global covariance

Result<void> calculateStripSPPosition(const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3> &stripEnds1, const std::pair<Vector3, Vector3> &stripEnds2, const Vector3 &posVertex, SpacePointParameters &spParams, const double stripLengthTolerance) const

This function performs a straight forward calculation of a space point and returns whether it was succesful or not.

  • stripEnds1[in] Top and bottom end of the first strip

  • stripEnds2[in] Top and bottom end of the second strip

  • posVertex[in] Position of the vertex

  • spParams[inout] Data container of the calculations

  • stripLengthTolerance[in] Tolerance scaling factor on the strip detector element length


Result whether the space point calculation was succesful

Result<double> differenceOfMeasurementsChecked(const Vector3 &pos1, const Vector3 &pos2, const Vector3 &posVertex, const double maxDistance, const double maxAngleTheta2, const double maxAnglePhi2) const

Calculates (Delta theta)^2 + (Delta phi)^2 between two measurements.

  • pos1[in] position of the first measurement

  • pos2[in] position the second measurement

  • posVertex[in] Position of the vertex

  • maxDistance[in] Maximum distance between two measurements

  • maxAngleTheta2[in] Maximum squared theta angle between two measurements

  • maxAnglePhi2[in] Maximum squared phi angle between two measurements


Result with the squared sum within configuration parameters.

std::pair<Vector3, Vector2> globalCoords(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Measurement &meas) const

Getter method for the global coordinates of a measurement.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • meas – measurement that holds the necessary information


vectors of the global coordinates and covariance of the measurement

Result<void> recoverSpacePoint(SpacePointParameters &spParams, double stripLengthGapTolerance) const

This function tests if a space point can be estimated by a more tolerant treatment of construction.

In fact, this function indirectly allows shifts of the vertex.

  • spParams[in] container that stores geometric parameters and rules of the space point formation

  • stripLengthGapTolerance[in] Tolerance scaling factor of the gap between strip detector elements


indicator if the test was successful

Acts::Vector2 rhoZCovariance(const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx, const Acts::GeometryIdentifier &geoId, const Acts::Vector3 &globalPos, const Acts::SymMatrix2 &localCov) const

Get rho and z covariance from the local position and covariance.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • geoId – The geometry ID

  • globalPos – The global position

  • localCov – The local covariance matrix


(rho, z) components of the global covariance

template<typename ...extensions>
struct StepperExtensionList : private detail::Extendable<extensions...>
#include <Acts/Propagator/StepperExtensionList.hpp>

Container of extensions used in the stepper of the propagation.

This struct allows a broadcast of function calls for each element in the list. The broadcasts occur for a certain function at each step in a specific order. The first function is an evaluater if an extension is or how many extensions are applicable for an upcoming step. The next functions called are the evaluations of the k_1 - k_4 or the RKN4 integration. The last function call in a step is the finalize() method. This method is an overloaded function (optionally propagates the covariance). Each method has the possibility to break the evaluation of a given step if an extension reports that something went wrong (e.g. a particle lost too much momentum during the step)

Template Parameters

extensions – Types of the extensions

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool finalize(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const double h, FreeMatrix &D)

This functions broadcasts the call of the method finalize().

It collects all extensions and arguments and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool finalize(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const double h)

This functions broadcasts the call of the method finalize().

It collects all extensions and arguments and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP, const int i, const double h = 0., const Vector3 &kprev = Vector3::Zero())

This functions broadcasts the call for evaluating a generic k.

It collects all arguments and extensions, test their validity for the evaluation and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean as indicator if the evaluation is valid.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k1(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP)

This functions broadcasts the call for evaluating k1.

It collects all arguments and extensions, test their validity for the evaluation and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean as indicator if the evaluation is valid.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k2(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP, const double h, const Vector3 &kprev)

This functions broadcasts the call for evaluating k2.

It collects all arguments and extensions and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean as indicator if the evaluation is valid.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k3(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP, const double h, const Vector3 &kprev)

This functions broadcasts the call for evaluating k3.

It collects all arguments and extensions and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean as indicator if the evaluation is valid.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool k4(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, Vector3 &knew, const Vector3 &bField, std::array<double, 4> &kQoP, const double h, const Vector3 &kprev)

This functions broadcasts the call for evaluating k4.

It collects all arguments and extensions and passes them forward for evaluation and returns a boolean as indicator if the evaluation is valid.

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool validExtensionForStep(const propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper)

Evaluation function to set valid extensions for an upcoming integration step.

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the state of the propagator

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[in] State of the propagator

  • stepper[in] Stepper of the propagation

class StraightLineStepper
#include <Acts/Propagator/StraightLineStepper.hpp>

straight line stepper based on Surface intersection

The straight line stepper is a simple navigation stepper to be used to navigate through the tracking geometry. It can be used for simple material mapping, navigation validation

Public Types

using BField = NullBField
using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Covariance = BoundSymMatrix
using CurvilinearState = std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>
using Jacobian = BoundMatrix
using state_type = State

Always use the same propagation state type, independently of the initial track parameter type and of the target surface.

Public Functions

StraightLineStepper() = default
Result<BoundState> boundState(State &state, const Surface &surface, bool transportCov = true, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Create and return the bound state at the current position.

It does not check if the transported state is at the surface, this needs to be guaranteed by the propagator

  • state[in] State that will be presented as BoundState

  • surface[in] The surface to which we bind the state

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound


A bound state:

  • the parameters at the surface

  • the stepwise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline double charge(const State &state) const

Charge access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

CurvilinearState curvilinearState(State &state, bool transportCov = true) const

Create and return a curvilinear state at the current position.

This creates a curvilinear state.

  • state[in] State that will be presented as CurvilinearState

  • transportCov[in] Flag steering covariance transport


A curvilinear state:

  • the curvilinear parameters at given position

  • the stepweise jacobian towards it (from last bound)

  • and the path length (from start - for ordering)

inline Vector3 direction(const State &state) const

Momentum direction accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline Result<Vector3> getField(State &state, const Vector3 &pos) const

Get the field for the stepping, this gives back a zero field.

  • state[inout] is the propagation state associated with the track the magnetic field cell is used (and potentially updated)

  • pos[in] is the field position

inline double getStepSize(const State &state, ConstrainedStep::Type stype) const

Get the step size.

  • state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be returned

template<typename charge_t>
inline State makeState(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx, std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const
inline double momentum(const State &state) const

Absolute momentum accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline std::string outputStepSize(const State &state) const

Output the Step Size - single component.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline double overstepLimit(const State &state) const

Overstep limit.


state – The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline Vector3 position(const State &state) const

Global particle position accessor.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

inline void releaseStepSize(State &state) const

Release the Step size.


state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

void resetState(State &state, const BoundVector &boundParams, const BoundSymMatrix &cov, const Surface &surface, const NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward, const double stepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const

Resets the state.

  • state[inout] State of the stepper

  • boundParams[in] Parameters in bound parametrisation

  • cov[in] Covariance matrix

  • surface[in] The reset State will be on this surface

  • navDir[in] Navigation direction

  • stepSize[in] Step size

inline void setStepSize(State &state, double stepSize, ConstrainedStep::Type stype = ConstrainedStep::actor, bool release = true) const

Set Step size - explicitely with a double.

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • stepSize – [in] The step size value

  • stype – [in] The step size type to be set

  • release – [in] Do we release the step size?

template<typename propagator_state_t>
inline Result<double> step(propagator_state_t &state) const

Perform a straight line propagation step.


state[inout] is the propagation state associated with the track parameters that are being propagated. The state contains the desired step size, it can be negative during backwards track propagation, and since we’re using an adaptive algorithm, it can be modified by the stepper class during propagation.


the step size taken

inline double time(const State &state) const

Time access.


state – [in] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

void transportCovarianceToBound(State &state, const Surface &surface, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection = FreeToBoundCorrection(false)) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state - for the moment a dummy method.


no check is done if the position is actually on the surface

Template Parameters

surface_t – the surface type - ignored here

  • state[inout] The stepper state

  • surface[in] is the surface to which the covariance is forwarded to

  • freeToBoundCorrection[in] Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound

void transportCovarianceToCurvilinear(State &state) const

Method for on-demand transport of the covariance to a new curvilinear frame at current position, or direction of the state - for the moment a dummy method.


state[inout] State of the stepper

void update(State &state, const FreeVector &freeParams, const BoundVector &boundParams, const Covariance &covariance, const Surface &surface) const

Method to update a stepper state to the some parameters.

  • state[inout] State object that will be updated

  • freeParams[in] Free parameters that will be written into state

  • boundParams[in] Corresponding bound parameters used to update jacToGlobal in state

  • covariance[in] Covariance that willl be written into state

  • surface[in] The surface used to update the jacToGlobal

void update(State &state, const Vector3 &uposition, const Vector3 &udirection, double up, double time) const

Method to update momentum, direction and p.

  • state[inout] State object that will be updated

  • uposition[in] the updated position

  • udirection[in] the updated direction

  • up[in] the updated momentum value

  • time[in] the updated time value

template<typename object_intersection_t>
inline void updateStepSize(State &state, const object_intersection_t &oIntersection, bool release = true) const

Update step size.

It checks the status to the reference surface & updates the step size accordingly

  • state – [in,out] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • oIntersection – [in] The ObjectIntersection to layer, boundary, etc

  • release – [in] boolean to trigger step size release

inline Intersection3D::Status updateSurfaceStatus(State &state, const Surface &surface, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Update surface status.

This method intersects the provided surface and update the navigation step estimation accordingly (hence it changes the state). It also returns the status of the intersection to trigger onSurface in case the surface is reached.

  • state[inout] The stepping state (thread-local cache)

  • surface[in] The surface provided

  • bcheck[in] The boundary check for this status update

  • logger[in] A logger instance

struct State
#include <Acts/Propagator/StraightLineStepper.hpp>

State for track parameter propagation.

Public Functions

State() = delete
template<typename charge_t>
inline explicit State(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t> &par, NavigationDirection ndir = NavigationDirection::Forward, double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance)

Constructor from the initial bound track parameters.


the covariance matrix is copied when needed

Template Parameters

charge_t – Type of the bound parameter charge

  • gctx[in] is the context object for the geometry

  • mctx[in] is the context object for the magnetic field

  • par[in] The track parameters at start

  • ndir[in] The navigation direction w.r.t momentum

  • ssize[in] is the maximum step size

  • stolerance[in] is the stepping tolerance

Public Members

Covariance cov = Covariance::Zero()
bool covTransport = false

Boolean to indiciate if you need covariance transport.

FreeVector derivative = FreeVector::Zero()

The propagation derivative.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext
Jacobian jacobian = Jacobian::Identity()

The full jacobian of the transport entire transport.

BoundToFreeMatrix jacToGlobal = BoundToFreeMatrix::Zero()

Jacobian from local to the global frame.

FreeMatrix jacTransport = FreeMatrix::Identity()

Pure transport jacobian part from runge kutta integration.

NavigationDirection navDir

Navigation direction, this is needed for searching.

FreeVector pars = FreeVector::Zero()

Internal free vector parameters.

double pathAccumulated = 0.

accummulated path length state

double previousStepSize = 0.
double q = 1.

The charge as the free vector can be 1/p or q/p.

ConstrainedStep stepSize

adaptive step size of the runge-kutta integration

double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance

The tolerance for the stepping.

class StrawSurface : public Acts::LineSurface
#include <Acts/Surfaces/StrawSurface.hpp>

Class for a StrawSurface in the TrackingGeometry to describe dirft tube and straw like detectors.


Public Functions

StrawSurface() = delete
~StrawSurface() override = default
inline virtual std::string name() const final

Return properly formatted class name for screen output */.

StrawSurface &operator=(const StrawSurface &other)

Assignment operator.


other – is the source surface for copying

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const final

Return a Polyhedron for the surfaces.


if lseg is set to 1 then only the straw is created

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, it represents the full 2*M_PI coverange, if lseg is set to 1 only the extrema are given


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

inline virtual SurfaceType type() const final

Return the surface type.

class Surface : public virtual Acts::GeometryObject, public std::enable_shared_from_this<Surface>
#include <Acts/Surfaces/Surface.hpp>

Abstract Base Class for tracking surfaces.

The Surface class builds the core of the Acts Tracking Geometry. All other geometrical objects are either extending the surface or are built from it.

Surfaces are either owned by Detector elements or the Tracking Geometry, in which case they are not copied within the data model objects.

Subclassed by Acts::ConeSurface, Acts::CylinderSurface, Acts::DiscSurface, Acts::LineSurface, Acts::PlaneSurface

Public Types

enum SurfaceType

This enumerator simplifies the persistency & calculations, by saving a dynamic_cast, e.g.

for persistency


enumerator Cone
enumerator Cylinder
enumerator Disc
enumerator Perigee
enumerator Plane
enumerator Straw
enumerator Curvilinear
enumerator Other

Public Functions

virtual ~Surface()
AlignmentToBoundMatrix alignmentToBoundDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters, const FreeVector &pathDerivative) const

The derivative of bound track parameters w.r.t.

alignment parameters of its reference surface (i.e. local frame origin in global 3D Cartesian coordinates and its rotation represented with extrinsic Euler angles)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment change of alignment parameters

  • parameters – is the free parameters

  • pathDerivative – is the derivative of free parameters w.r.t. path length


Derivative of bound track parameters w.r.t. local frame alignment parameters

virtual AlignmentToPathMatrix alignmentToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

alignment parameters of the surface (i.e. local frame origin in global 3D Cartesian coordinates and its rotation represented with extrinsic Euler angles)


Re-implementation is needed for surface whose intersection with track is not its local xy plane, e.g. LineSurface, CylinderSurface and ConeSurface

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. the alignment parameters

void assignSurfaceMaterial(std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> material)

Assign the surface material description.

The material is usually derived in a complicated way and loaded from a framework given source. As various surfaces may share the same source this is provided by a shared pointer


material – Material description associated to this surface

const DetectorElementBase *associatedDetectorElement() const

Return method for the associated Detector Element.


plain pointer to the DetectorElement, can be nullptr

const Layer *associatedLayer() const

Return method for the associated Layer in which the surface is embedded.


Layer by plain pointer, can be nullptr

void associateLayer(const Layer &lay)

Set Associated Layer Many surfaces can be associated to a Layer, but it might not be known yet during construction of the layer, this can be set afterwards.


lay – the assignment Layer by reference

virtual const SurfaceBounds &bounds() const = 0

Return method for SurfaceBounds.


SurfaceBounds by reference

virtual BoundToFreeMatrix boundToFreeJacobian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const BoundVector &boundParams) const

Calculate the jacobian from local to global which the surface knows best, hence the calculation is done here.


In principle, the input could also be a free parameters vector as it could be transformed to a bound parameters. But the transform might fail in case the parameters is not on surface. To avoid the check inside this function, it takes directly the bound parameters as input (then the check might be done where this function is called).

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • boundParams – is the bound parameters vector


Jacobian from local to global

virtual Vector3 center(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

Return method for the surface center by reference.


the center is always recalculated in order to not keep a cache


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment


center position by value

virtual FreeToBoundMatrix freeToBoundJacobian(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const

Calculate the jacobian from global to local which the surface knows best, hence the calculation is done here.


It assumes the input free parameters is on surface, hence no onSurface check is done inside this function.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Jacobian from global to local

virtual FreeToPathMatrix freeToPathDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const FreeVector &parameters) const

Calculate the derivative of path length at the geometry constraint or point-of-closest-approach w.r.t.

free parameters. The calculation is identical for all surfaces where the reference frame does not depend on the direction

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • parameters – is the free parameters


Derivative of path length w.r.t. free parameters

std::shared_ptr<Surface> getSharedPtr()

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (non-const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior (but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception), in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

std::shared_ptr<const Surface> getSharedPtr() const

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior, but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception, in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

virtual Result<Vector2> globalToLocal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance) const = 0

Global to local transformation Generalized global to local transformation for the surface types.

Since some surface types need the global momentum/direction to resolve sign ambiguity this is also provided

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)

  • tolerance – optional tolerance within which a point is considered valid on surface


a Result<Vector2> which can be !ok() if the operation fails

virtual bool insideBounds(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const

The insideBounds method for local positions.

  • lposition – The local position to check

  • bcheck – BoundaryCheck directive for this onSurface check


boolean indication if operation was successful

virtual SurfaceIntersection intersect(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const = 0

Straight line intersection schema from position/direction.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position to start from

  • direction – The direction at start

  • bcheck – the Boundary Check


SurfaceIntersection object (contains intersection & surface)

bool isOnSurface(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck = true) const

The geometric onSurface method.

Geometrical check whether position is on Surface

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global position to be evaludated

  • momentum – global momentum (required for line-type surfaces)

  • bcheck – BoundaryCheck directive for this onSurface check


boolean indication if operation was successful

virtual ActsMatrix<2, 3> localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Calculate the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.

position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position of the paramters in global


Derivative of bound local position w.r.t. position in local 3D cartesian coordinates

virtual Vector3 localToGlobal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition, const Vector3 &momentum) const = 0

Local to global transformation Generalized local to global transformation for the surface types.

Since some surface types need the global momentum/direction to resolve sign ambiguity this is also provided

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – local 2D position in specialized surface frame

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)


The global position by value

virtual std::string name() const = 0

Return properly formatted class name.

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector2 &lposition) const = 0

Return method for the normal vector of the surface The normal vector can only be generally defined at a given local position It requires a local position to be given (in general)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lposition – is the local position where the normal vector is constructed


normal vector by value

virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const

Return method for the normal vector of the surface The normal vector can only be generally defined at a given local position It requires a local position to be given (in general)

  • position – is the global position where the normal vector is constructed

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment


normal vector by value

inline virtual Vector3 normal(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

Return method for the normal vector of the surface.

It will return a normal vector at the center() position


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment


normal vector by value

virtual bool operator!=(const Surface &sf) const

Comparison (non-equality) operator.


sf – Source surface for the comparison

Surface &operator=(const Surface &other)

Assignment operator.


copy construction invalidates the association to detector element and layer


other – Source surface for the assignment

virtual bool operator==(const Surface &other) const

Comparison (equality) operator The strategy for comparison is (a) first pointer comparison (b) then type comparison (c) then bounds comparison (d) then transform comparison.


other – source surface for the comparison

virtual double pathCorrection(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction) const = 0

Calucation of the path correction for incident.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • direction – global 3D momentum direction


Path correction with respect to the nominal incident.

virtual Polyhedron polyhedronRepresentation(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t lseg) const = 0

Return a Polyhedron for this object.


An internal surface transform can invalidate the extrema in the transformed space

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • lseg – Number of segments along curved lines, if the lseg is set to one, only the corners and the extrema are given, otherwise it represents the number of segments for a full 2*M_PI circle and is scaled to the relevant sector


A list of vertices and a face/facett description of it

virtual Acts::RotationMatrix3 referenceFrame(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &momentum) const

Return mehtod for the reference frame This is the frame in which the covariance matrix is defined (specialized by all surfaces)

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – global 3D position - considered to be on surface but not inside bounds (check is done)

  • momentum – global 3D momentum representation (optionally ignored)


RotationMatrix3 which defines the three axes of the measurement frame

const ISurfaceMaterial *surfaceMaterial() const

Return method for the associated Material to this surface.


SurfaceMaterial as plain pointer, can be nullptr

const std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> &surfaceMaterialSharedPtr() const

Return method for the shared pointer to the associated Material.


SurfaceMaterial as shared_pointer, can be nullptr

virtual std::ostream &toStream(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::ostream &sl) const

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

std::string toString(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

Output into a std::string.


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

virtual const Transform3 &transform(const GeometryContext &gctx) const

Return method for the surface Transform3 by reference In case a detector element is associated the surface transform is just forwarded to the detector element in order to keep the (mis-)alignment cache cetrally handled.


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment


the contextual transform

virtual SurfaceType type() const = 0

Return method for the Surface type to avoid dynamic casts.

Public Static Functions

template<class T, typename ...Args>
static inline std::shared_ptr<T> makeShared(Args&&... args)

Factory for producing memory managed instances of Surface.

Will forward all parameters and will attempt to find a suitable constructor.

class SurfaceArray
#include <Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceArray.hpp>

Provides Surface binning in N dimensions.

Uses Grid under the hood to implement the storage and lookup Contains a lookup struct which talks to the Grid and performs utility actions. This struct needs to be initialised externally and passed to SurfaceArray on construction.

Public Functions

SurfaceArray(std::unique_ptr<ISurfaceGridLookup> gridLookup, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity())

Default constructor which takes a SurfaceLookup and a vector of surfaces.

  • gridLookup – The grid storage. SurfaceArray does not fill it on its own

  • surfaces – The input vector of surfaces. This is only for bookkeeping, so we can ask

  • transform – Optional additional transform for this SurfaceArray

SurfaceArray(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> srf)

Constructor with a single surface.


srf – The one and only surface

inline SurfaceVector &at(const Vector3 &position)

Get all surfaces in bin given by position.


position – the lookup position


reference to SurfaceVector contained in bin at that position

inline const SurfaceVector &at(const Vector3 &position) const

Get all surfaces in bin given by position pos.


position – the lookup position


const reference to SurfaceVector contained in bin at that position

inline SurfaceVector &at(size_t bin)

Get all surfaces in bin given by global bin index bin.


bin – the global bin index


reference to SurfaceVector contained in bin

inline const SurfaceVector &at(size_t bin) const

Get all surfaces in bin given by global bin index.


bin – the global bin index


const reference to SurfaceVector contained in bin

inline std::vector<BinningValue> binningValues() const

The binning values described by this surface grid lookup They are in order of the axes.

inline std::vector<const IAxis*> getAxes() const

Get vector of axes spanning the grid as AnyAxis.


The axes in the vector are copies. Only use for introspection and querying.


vector of AnyAxis

inline Vector3 getBinCenter(size_t bin)

Get the center of the bin identified by global bin index bin.


bin – the global bin index


Center position of the bin in global coordinates

inline bool isValidBin(size_t bin) const

Checks if global bin is valid.


Valid means that the index points to a bin which is not a under or overflow bin or out of range in any axis.


bin – the global bin index


bool if the bin is valid

inline const SurfaceVector &neighbors(const Vector3 &position) const

Get all surfaces in bin at pos and its neighbors.


The SurfaceVector will be combined. For technical reasons, the different bin content vectors have to be copied, so the resulting vector contains copies.


position – The position to lookup as nominal


Merged SurfaceVector of neighbors and nominal

inline size_t size() const

Get the size of the underlying grid structure including under/overflow bins.


the size

inline const SurfaceVector &surfaces() const

Get all surfaces attached to this SurfaceArray.


This does not reflect the actual state of the grid. It only returns what was given in the constructor, without any checks if that is actually whats in the grid.


Reference to SurfaceVector containing all surfaces

std::ostream &toStream(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::ostream &sl) const

String representation of this SurfaceArray.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • sl – Output stream to write to


the output stream given as sl

inline const Transform3 &transform() const
struct ISurfaceGridLookup
#include <Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceArray.hpp>

Base interface for all surface lookups.

Subclassed by Acts::SurfaceArray::SingleElementLookup, Acts::SurfaceArray::SurfaceGridLookup< Axes >

Public Functions

virtual ~ISurfaceGridLookup() = 0

Pure virtual destructor.

inline virtual std::vector<BinningValue> binningValues() const

The binning values described by this surface grid lookup They are in order of the axes (optional) and empty for eingle lookups.

virtual size_t completeBinning(const GeometryContext &gctx, const SurfaceVector &surfaces) = 0

Attempts to fix sub-optimal binning by filling closest Surfaces into empty bin.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – The surface pointers to fill


number of bins that were filled

virtual size_t dimensions() const = 0

Get the number of dimensions of the grid.


number of dimensions

virtual void fill(const GeometryContext &gctx, const SurfaceVector &surfaces) = 0

Fill provided surfaces into the contained Grid.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – Input surface pointers

virtual std::vector<const IAxis*> getAxes() const = 0

Returns copies of the axes used in the grid as AnyAxis.


This returns copies. Use for introspection and querying.


The axes

virtual Vector3 getBinCenter(size_t bin) const = 0

Gets the center position of bin bin in global coordinates.


bin – the global bin index


The bin center

virtual bool isValidBin(size_t bin) const = 0

Checks if global bin is valid.


Valid means that the index points to a bin which is not a under or overflow bin or out of range in any axis.


bin – the global bin index


bool if the bin is valid

virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) = 0

Performs lookup at pos and returns bin content as reference.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin

virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Performs lookup at pos and returns bin content as const reference.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin

virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) = 0

Performs lookup at global bin and returns bin content as reference.


bin – Global lookup bin


SurfaceVector at given bin

virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) const = 0

Performs lookup at global bin and returns bin content as const reference.


bin – Global lookup bin


SurfaceVector at given bin

virtual const SurfaceVector &neighbors(const Vector3 &position) const = 0

Performs a lookup at pos, but returns neighbors as well.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin. Copy of all bins selected

virtual size_t size() const = 0

Returns the total size of the grid (including under/overflow bins)


Size of the grid data structure

struct SingleElementLookup : public Acts::SurfaceArray::ISurfaceGridLookup
#include <Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceArray.hpp>

Lookup implementation which wraps one element and always returns this element when lookup is called.

Public Functions

inline SingleElementLookup(SurfaceVector::value_type element)

Default constructor.


element – the one and only element.

inline virtual size_t completeBinning(const GeometryContext&, const SurfaceVector&) override

Comply with concept and provide completeBinning method.


Does nothing

inline virtual size_t dimensions() const override

Get the number of dimensions.


always 0

inline virtual void fill(const GeometryContext&, const SurfaceVector&) override

Comply with concept and provide fill method.


Does nothing

inline virtual std::vector<const IAxis*> getAxes() const override

Returns an empty vector of AnyAxis.


empty vector

inline virtual Vector3 getBinCenter(size_t bin) const override

Gets the bin center, but always returns (0, 0, 0)


bin – is ignored


(0, 0, 0)

inline virtual bool isValidBin(size_t bin) const override

Returns if the bin is valid (it is)


bin – is ignored


always true

inline virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) override

Lookup, always returns element.


position – is ignored


reference to vector containing only element

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) const override

Lookup, always returns element.


position – is ignored


reference to vector containing only element

inline virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) override

Lookup, always returns element.


bin – is ignored


reference to vector containing only element

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) const override

Lookup, always returns element.


bin – is ignored


reference to vector containing only element

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &neighbors(const Vector3 &position) const override

Lookup, always returns element.


position – is ignored


reference to vector containing only element

inline virtual size_t size() const override

returns 1



template<class ...Axes>
struct SurfaceGridLookup : public Acts::SurfaceArray::ISurfaceGridLookup
#include <Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceArray.hpp>

Lookup helper which encapsulates a Grid.

Template Parameters

Axes – The axes used for the grid

Public Types

using Grid_t = detail::Grid<SurfaceVector, Axes...>
using point_t = std::conditional_t<DIM == 1, std::array<double, 1>, ActsVector<DIM>>

Specifies the local coordinate type.

This resolves to ActsVector<DIM> for DIM > 1, else std::array<double, 1>

Public Functions

inline SurfaceGridLookup(std::function<point_t(const Vector3&)> globalToLocal, std::function<Vector3(const point_t&)> localToGlobal, std::tuple<Axes...> axes, std::vector<BinningValue> bValues = {})

Default constructor.


Signature of localToGlobal and globalToLocal depends on DIM. If DIM > 1, local coords are ActsVector<DIM> else std::array<double, 1>.

  • globalToLocal – Callable that converts from global to local

  • localToGlobal – Callable that converts from local to global

  • axes – The axes to build the grid data structure.

  • bValues – What the axes represent (optional)

inline virtual std::vector<BinningValue> binningValues() const override

The binning values described by this surface grid lookup They are in order of the axes.

inline virtual size_t completeBinning(const GeometryContext &gctx, const SurfaceVector &surfaces) override

Attempts to fix sub-optimal binning by filling closest Surfaces into empty bins.


This does not always do what you want.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – The surface pointers to fill


number of bins that were filled

inline virtual size_t dimensions() const override

Get the number of dimensions of the grid.


number of dimensions

inline virtual void fill(const GeometryContext &gctx, const SurfaceVector &surfaces) override

Fill provided surfaces into the contained Grid.

This is done by iterating, accessing the binningPosition, lookup and append. Also populates the neighbor map by combining the filled bins of all bins around a given one.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • surfaces – Input surface pointers

inline virtual std::vector<const IAxis*> getAxes() const override

Returns copies of the axes used in the grid as AnyAxis.


This returns copies. Use for introspection and querying.


The axes

inline virtual Vector3 getBinCenter(size_t bin) const override

Gets the center position of bin bin in global coordinates.


bin – the global bin index


The bin center

inline virtual bool isValidBin(size_t bin) const override

Checks if global bin is valid.


Valid means that the index points to a bin which is not a under or overflow bin or out of range in any axis.


bin – the global bin index


bool if the bin is valid

inline virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) override

Performs lookup at pos and returns bin content as reference.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(const Vector3 &position) const override

Performs lookup at pos and returns bin content as const reference.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin

inline virtual SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) override

Performs lookup at global bin and returns bin content as reference.


bin – Global lookup bin


SurfaceVector at given bin

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &lookup(size_t bin) const override

Performs lookup at global bin and returns bin content as const reference.


bin – Global lookup bin


SurfaceVector at given bin

inline virtual const SurfaceVector &neighbors(const Vector3 &position) const override

Performs a lookup at pos, but returns neighbors as well.


position – Lookup position


SurfaceVector at given bin. Copy of all bins selected

inline virtual size_t size() const override

Returns the total size of the grid (including under/overflow bins)


Size of the grid data structure

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t DIM = sizeof...(Axes)
class SurfaceArrayCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/SurfaceArrayCreator.hpp>

It is designed create sub surface arrays to be ordered on Surfaces.

Public Functions

inline SurfaceArrayCreator(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", Logging::INFO))

Constructor with default config.


logger – logging instance

inline SurfaceArrayCreator(const Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("SurfaceArrayCreator", Logging::INFO))

Constructor with explicit config.

  • cfg – Explicit config struct

  • logger – logging instance

virtual ~SurfaceArrayCreator() = default


inline void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

Set logging instance.


logger – is the logging instance to be set

std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArrayOnCylinder(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsPhi, size_t binsZ, std::optional<ProtoLayer> protoLayerOpt = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

SurfaceArrayCreator interface method.

  • create an array in a cylinder, binned in phi, z when extremas and bin numbers are known


This function requires the cylinder aligned with the z-axis

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces to be ordered on the cylinder

  • gctx[in] The gometry context fro this building call

  • protoLayerOpt – The proto layer containing the layer size

  • binsPhi – is the number of bins in phi for the surfaces

  • binsZ – is the number of bin in Z for the surfaces

  • transform – is the (optional) additional transform applied


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


a unique pointer to a new SurfaceArray

std::unique_ptr<Acts::SurfaceArray> surfaceArrayOnCylinder(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypePhi = equidistant, BinningType bTypeZ = equidistant, std::optional<ProtoLayer> protoLayerOpt = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

SurfaceArrayCreator interface method.

  • create an array in a cylinder, binned in phi, z when extremas and bin numbers are unknown - this method goes through the surfaces and finds out the needed information


This function requires the cylinder aligned with the z-axis

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces to be ordered on the cylinder

  • gctx[in] The gometry context fro this building call

  • protoLayerOpt – The proto layer containing the layer size

  • bTypePhi – the binning type in phi direction (equidistant/aribtrary)

  • bTypeZ – the binning type in z direction (equidistant/aribtrary)

  • transform – is the (optional) additional transform applied


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


a unique pointer a new SurfaceArray

std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArrayOnDisc(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t binsR, size_t binsPhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> protoLayerOpt = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

SurfaceArrayCreator interface method.

  • create an array on a disc, binned in r, phi when extremas and bin numbers are known


This function requires the disc aligned with the z-axis

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces to be ordered on the disc

  • gctx[in] The gometry context fro this building call

  • protoLayerOpt – The proto layer containing the layer size

  • binsPhi – is the number of bins in phi for the surfaces

  • binsR – is the number of bin in R for the surfaces

  • transform – is the (optional) additional transform applied


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


a unique pointer a new SurfaceArray

std::unique_ptr<Acts::SurfaceArray> surfaceArrayOnDisc(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, BinningType bTypeR, BinningType bTypePhi, std::optional<ProtoLayer> protoLayerOpt = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

SurfaceArrayCreator interface method.

  • create an array in a cylinder, binned in phi, r when extremas and bin numbers are unknown - this method goes through the surfaces and finds out the needed information


If there is more than on R-Ring, number of phi bins will be set to lowest number of surfaces of any R-ring. This ignores bTypePhi and produces equidistant binning in phi


This function requires the disc aligned with the z-axis

  • surfaces – is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces to be ordered on the disc

  • gctx[in] The gometry context fro this building call

  • protoLayerOpt – The proto layer containing the layer size

  • bTypeR – the binning type in r direction (equidistant/aribtrary)

  • bTypePhi – the binning type in phi direction (equidistant/aribtrary)

  • transform – is the (optional) additional transform applied


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


a unique pointer a new SurfaceArray

std::unique_ptr<SurfaceArray> surfaceArrayOnPlane(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> surfaces, size_t bins1, size_t bins2, BinningValue bValue, std::optional<ProtoLayer> protoLayerOpt = std::nullopt, const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const

SurfaceArrayCreator interface method.

  • create an array on a plane


This function requires the plane aligned with either the x-, y- or z-axis

  • gctx[in] The gometry context fro this building call

  • surfaces[in] is the vector of pointers to sensitive surfaces to be ordered on the plane

  • bins1[in] is the number of bins in the orthogonal direction to bValue

  • bins2[in] is the number of bins in the orthogonal direction to bValue

  • bValue[in] Direction of the aligned surfaces

  • protoLayerOpt[in] Optional ProtoLayer instance

  • transform[in] is the (optional) additional transform applied


the pointers to the sensitive surfaces in the surfaces vectors all need to be valid, since no check is performed


a unique pointer a new SurfaceArray

Public Static Functions

static inline bool isSurfaceEquivalent(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue, const Surface *a, const Surface *b)

Static check funtion for surface equivalent.

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this check

  • bValue – the binning value for the binning

  • a – first surface for checking

  • b – second surface for checking


friend class Acts::SurfaceArray
friend struct Acts::Test::SurfaceArrayCreatorFixture
struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/SurfaceArrayCreator.hpp>

Public Members

bool doPhiBinningOptimization = true

Optimize the binning in phi for disc layers.

Reduces the number of bins to the lowest number of non-equivalent phi surfaces of all r-bins. If false, this step is skipped.

SurfaceMatcher surfaceMatcher = SurfaceArrayCreator::isSurfaceEquivalent

Type-erased function which determines whether two surfaces are supposed to be considered equivalent in terms of the binning.

struct ProtoAxis
#include <Acts/Geometry/SurfaceArrayCreator.hpp>

Public Functions

inline size_t getBin(AxisScalar x) const

Public Members

std::vector<AxisScalar> binEdges
BinningType bType = BinningType::equidistant
BinningValue bValue = BinningValue::binX
AxisScalar max = 0
AxisScalar min = 0
size_t nBins = 0
struct SurfaceBinningMatcher
#include <Acts/Geometry/SurfaceBinningMatcher.hpp>

Public Types

using Range = std::pair<double, double>

The binning tolerance parameters.

Public Functions

SurfaceBinningMatcher() = default
inline SurfaceBinningMatcher(const std::vector<Range> &tolpars)
inline bool operator()(const Acts::GeometryContext &gctx, Acts::BinningValue bValue, const Acts::Surface *one, const Acts::Surface *other) const

Check function for surface equivalent.

  • gctx – [in] gctx the geometry context for this check

  • bValue – the binning value for the binning

  • one – first surface for checking

  • other – second surface for checking

Public Members

std::vector<Range> tolerances = {(int)binValues, {0., 0.}}
class SurfaceBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/SurfaceBounds.hpp>

Interface for surface bounds.

Surface bounds provide:

  • inside() checks

  • distance to boundary calculations

  • the BoundsType and a set of parameters to simplify persistency

Subclassed by Acts::ConeBounds, Acts::CylinderBounds, Acts::DiscBounds, Acts::InfiniteBounds, Acts::LineBounds, Acts::PlanarBounds

Public Types

enum BoundsType

This is nested to the SurfaceBounds, as also VolumeBounds will have Bounds Type.


enumerator eCone
enumerator eCylinder
enumerator eDiamond
enumerator eDisc
enumerator eEllipse
enumerator eLine
enumerator eRectangle
enumerator eTrapezoid
enumerator eTriangle
enumerator eDiscTrapezoid
enumerator eConvexPolygon
enumerator eAnnulus
enumerator eBoundless
enumerator eOther

Public Functions

virtual ~SurfaceBounds() = default
virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const = 0

Inside check for the bounds object driven by the boundary check directive Each Bounds has a method inside, which checks if a LocalPosition is inside the bounds Inside can be called without/with tolerances.

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &os) const = 0

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.


os – is the outstream in which the string dump is done

virtual BoundsType type() const = 0

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

virtual std::vector<double> values() const = 0

Access method for bound values, this is a dynamically sized vector containing the parameters needed to describe these bounds.


of the stored values for this SurfaceBounds object

template<typename Selector = SurfaceSelector>
struct SurfaceCollector
#include <Acts/Propagator/SurfaceCollector.hpp>

A Surface Collector struct templated with a Selector type.

Whenever a surface is passed in the propagation that satisfies the selector, it is recorded for further usage in the flow.

Public Types

using result_type = this_result

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, result_type &result, const Logger &logger) const

Collector action for the ActionList of the Propagator It checks if the propagator state has a current surface, in which case the action is performed:

  • it records the surface given the configuration

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper used for the propagation

  • state[inout] is the mutable stepper state object

  • stepper[in] The stepper in use

  • result[inout] is the mutable result object

  • logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t&, const stepper_t&, const Logger&) const

Pure observer interface.

  • this does not apply to the surface collector

Public Members

Selector selector

The selector used for this surface.

struct this_result
#include <Acts/Propagator/SurfaceCollector.hpp>

Simple result struct to be returned It has all the SurfaceHit objects that are collected (and thus have been selected)

Public Members

std::vector<SurfaceHit> collected
struct SurfaceHit
#include <Acts/Propagator/SurfaceCollector.hpp>

The information to be writtern out per hit surface.

Public Members

Vector3 direction
Vector3 position
const Surface *surface = nullptr
class SurfaceMaterialMapper
#include <Acts/Material/SurfaceMaterialMapper.hpp>


This is the main feature tool to map material information from a 3D geometry onto the TrackingGeometry with its surface material description.

The process runs as such:

1) TrackingGeometry is parsed and for each Surface with ProtoSurfaceMaterial a local store is initialized the identification is done hereby through the Surface::GeometryIdentifier

2) A Cache is generated that is used to keep the filling thread local, the filling is protected with std::mutex

3) A number of N material tracks is read in, each track has : origin, direction, material steps < position, step length, x0, l0, a, z, rho >

for each track: surfaces along the origin/direction path are collected the closest material steps are assigned

4) Each ‘hit’ bin per event is counted and averaged at the end of the run

Public Types

using StraightLinePropagator = Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator>

Public Functions

SurfaceMaterialMapper() = delete

Delete the Default constructor.

SurfaceMaterialMapper(const Config &cfg, StraightLinePropagator propagator, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> slogger = getDefaultLogger("SurfaceMaterialMapper", Logging::INFO))

Constructor with config object.

  • cfg – Configuration struct

  • propagator – The straight line propagator

  • slogger – The logger

State createState(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const TrackingGeometry &tGeometry) const

helper method that creates the cache for the mapping

This method takes a TrackingGeometry, finds all surfaces with material proxis and returns you a Cache object tO be used

  • gctx[in] The geometry context to use

  • mctx[in] The magnetic field context to use

  • tGeometry[in] The geometry which should be mapped

void finalizeMaps(State &mState) const

Method to finalize the maps.

It calls the final run averaging and then transforms the AccumulatedSurface material class to a surface material class type



void mapInteraction(State &mState, RecordedMaterialTrack &mTrack) const

Loop through all the material interactions and add them to the associated surface.

  • mState – The current state map

  • mTrack – The material track to be mapped

void mapMaterialTrack(State &mState, RecordedMaterialTrack &mTrack) const

Process/map a single track.


the RecordedMaterialSlab of the track are assumed to be ordered from the starting position along the starting direction

  • mState – The current state map

  • mTrack – The material track to be mapped

void mapSurfaceInteraction(State &mState, std::vector<MaterialInteraction> &rMaterial) const

Loop through all the material interactions and add them to the associated surface.


The material interactions are assumed to have an associated surface ID

  • mState – The current state map

  • rMaterial – Vector of all the material interactions that will be mapped

struct Config
#include <Acts/Material/SurfaceMaterialMapper.hpp>

Nested Configuration struct for the material mapper.

Public Members

bool computeVariance = false

Compute the variance of each material slab (only if using an input map)

bool emptyBinCorrection = true

Correct for empty bins (recommended)

std::array<double, 2> etaRange = {{-6., 6.}}

Mapping range.

bool mapperDebugOutput = false

Mapping output to debug stream.

struct State
#include <Acts/Material/SurfaceMaterialMapper.hpp>

Nested State struct which is used for the mapping prococess.

Public Functions

inline State(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)
  • gctx[in] The geometry context to use

  • mctx[in] The magnetic field context to use

Public Members

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, AccumulatedSurfaceMaterial> accumulatedMaterial

The accumulated material per geometry ID.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Reference to the geometry context for the mapping.

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>> inputSurfaceMaterial

The surface material of the input tracking geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Reference to the magnetic field context.

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::unique_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>> surfaceMaterial

The created surface material from it.

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial>> volumeMaterial

The volume material of the input tracking geometry.

struct SurfaceReached
#include <Acts/Propagator/StandardAborters.hpp>

This is the condition that the Surface has been reached it then triggers an propagation abort of the propagation.

Public Functions

SurfaceReached() = default
template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Logger &logger) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper used for propagation

  • logger – a logger instance

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline bool operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, const Surface &targetSurface, const Logger &logger) const

boolean operator for abort condition without using the result

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – Type of the propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper

  • state[inout] The propagation state object

  • stepper[in] Stepper used for the progation

  • targetSurface[in] The target surface

  • logger – a logger instance

struct SurfaceSelector
#include <Acts/Propagator/SurfaceCollector.hpp>

Simple struct to select surfaces.

Public Functions

inline SurfaceSelector(bool sSensitive = true, bool sMaterial = false, bool sPassive = false)

SurfaceSelector with options.

  • sSensitive – is the directive to select sensitive surfaces

  • sMaterial – is the directive to select material surfaces

  • sPassive – is the directive to select passive surfaces

inline bool operator()(const Acts::Surface &surface) const

Call operator to check if a surface should be selected.


surface – is the test surface

Public Members

bool selectMaterial = false
bool selectPassive = false
bool selectSensitive = true
struct TargetOptions
#include <Acts/Propagator/StandardAborters.hpp>

TargetOptions struct for geometry interface.

Public Functions

inline TargetOptions(NavigationDirection ndir)

create target options

Public Members

BoundaryCheck boundaryCheck = false

Target Boundary check directive - always false here.

NavigationDirection navDir = NavigationDirection::Forward

Navigation direction.

double pathLimit = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

The path limit.

const Surface *startObject = nullptr

Object to check against - always nullptr here.

class TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter : public Acts::ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter.hpp>


Split Cylinder and disks into submodules

Public Functions

TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter(const Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Acts::Logger> logger = Acts::getDefaultLogger("TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter", Acts::Logging::INFO))


  • cfg – the configuration struct

  • logger – the logging object

~TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter() override = default
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement>> split(const GeometryContext &gctx, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::TGeoDetectorElement> tgde) const override

Take a geometry context and TGeoElement and split it into sub elements.


If no split is performed the unsplit detector element is returned

  • gctx – is a geometry context object

  • tgde – is a TGeoDetectorElement that is eventually split


a vector of TGeoDetectorElement objects

struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoCylinderDiscSplitter.hpp>

Nested configuration struct.

Public Members

int cylinderLongitudinalSegments = -1

Number of segments in r for a disk.

int cylinderPhiSegments = -1

Number of segments in phi for a disc.

int discPhiSegments = -1

Number of segments in phi for a disc.

int discRadialSegments = -1

Number of segments in r for a disk.

class TGeoDetectorElement : public Acts::IdentifiedDetectorElement
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoDetectorElement.hpp>

DetectorElement plugin for ROOT TGeo shapes.

Added possibility to hand over transformation matrix.

Subclassed by Acts::DD4hepDetectorElement

Public Types

using ContextType = GeometryContext

Broadcast the context type.

Public Functions

TGeoDetectorElement(const Identifier &identifier, const TGeoNode &tGeoNode, const TGeoMatrix &tGeoMatrix = TGeoIdentity(), const std::string &axes = "XYZ", double scalor = 10., std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> material = nullptr)



this constructor used auto-translation


This parameter only needs to be set for plane modules


In the translation from a 3D geometry (TGeo) which only knows tubes to a 2D geometry (Tracking geometry) a distinction if the module should be described as a cylinder or a disc surface needs to be done. Since this information can not be taken just from the geometry description (both can be described as TGeoTubeSeg), one needs to set the flag ‘isDisc’ in case a volume with shape TGeoTubeSeg should be translated to a disc surface. Per default it will be translated into a cylindrical surface.

  • identifier – is the detector identifier

  • tGeoNode – is the TGeoNode which should be represented

  • tGeoMatrix – The Matrix to global (i.e. ACTS transform)

  • axes – is the axis orientation with respect to the tracking frame it is a string of the three characters x, y and z (standing for the three axes) there is a distinction between capital and lower case characters :

    • capital -> positive orientation of the axis

    • lower case -> negative orientation of the axis example options are “XYZ” -> identical frame definition (default value) “YZX” -> node y axis is tracking x axis, etc. “XzY” -> negative node z axis is tracking y axis, etc.

  • scalor – is the scale factor for unit conversion if needed

  • material – Possible material of detector element

TGeoDetectorElement(const Identifier &identifier, const TGeoNode &tGeoNode, const Transform3 &tgTransform, const std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds> &tgBounds, double tgThickness = 0.)

Constructor with pre-computed surface.


this detector element constructor needs everything pre-computed.

  • identifier – is the detector identifier

  • tGeoNode – is the TGeoNode which should be represented

  • tgTransform – the transform of this detector element

  • tgBounds – the bounds of this surface

  • tgThickness – the thickness of this detector element

TGeoDetectorElement(const Identifier &identifier, const TGeoNode &tGeoNode, const Transform3 &tgTransform, const std::shared_ptr<const DiscBounds> &tgBounds, double tgThickness = 0.)

Constructor with pre-computed disk surface.


this detector element constructor needs everything pre-computed.

  • identifier – is the detector identifier

  • tGeoNode – is the TGeoNode which should be represented

  • tgTransform – the transform of this detector element

  • tgBounds – the bounds of this surface

  • tgThickness – the thickness of this detector element

~TGeoDetectorElement() override
inline virtual const std::shared_ptr<const DigitizationModule> digitizationModule() const final

Retrieve the DigitizationModule.

inline virtual Identifier identifier() const final

Retrieve the Identifier.

inline const Surface &surface() const override

Return surface associated with this identifier, which should come from the.

inline const TGeoNode &tgeoNode() const

Return the TGeoNode for back navigation.

inline double thickness() const override

Returns the thickness of the module.

inline const Transform3 &transform(const GeometryContext &gctx) const override

Return local to global transform associated with this identifier.


gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

class TGeoLayerBuilder : public Acts::ILayerBuilder
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoLayerBuilder.hpp>

This parses the gGeoManager and looks for a defined combination of volume with contained sensitive detector element.

The association is done by matching the names of the TGeoNode / TGeoVolume to the search string.

The parsing can be restricted to a given parse volume (in r and z), and given some splitting parameters the surfaces can be automatically split into layers.

Public Types

using ElementFactory = std::function<std::shared_ptr<TGeoDetectorElement>(const Identifier&, const TGeoNode&, const TGeoMatrix &tGeoMatrix, const std::string &axes, double scalor, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> material)>

Public Functions

TGeoLayerBuilder(const Config &config, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("TGeoLayerBuilder", Logging::INFO))


  • config – is the configuration struct

  • logger – the local logging instance

~TGeoLayerBuilder() override


virtual const LayerVector centralLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method - returning the central layers.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call

inline const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const TGeoDetectorElement>> &detectorElements() const

Return the created detector elements.

inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get the configuration object.

inline virtual const std::string &identification() const final

Name identification.

virtual const LayerVector negativeLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method - returning the layers at negative side.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call

virtual const LayerVector positiveLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

LayerBuilder interface method - returning the layers at negative side.


gctx – the geometry context for this build call

void setConfiguration(const Config &config)

Set the configuration object.


config – is the configuration struct

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

Set logging instance.

Public Static Functions

static std::shared_ptr<TGeoDetectorElement> defaultElementFactory(const Identifier &identifier, const TGeoNode &tGeoNode, const TGeoMatrix &tGeoMatrix, const std::string &axes, double scalor, std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> material)
struct Config
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoLayerBuilder.hpp>

nested configuration struct for steering of the layer builder

Public Members

bool autoSurfaceBinning = false

Automated binning & tolerances.

std::string configurationName = "undefined"

String based identification.

std::shared_ptr<const ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter> detectorElementSplitter = nullptr

Split TGeoElement if a splitter is provided.

ElementFactory elementFactory = defaultElementFactory

Factory for creating detector elements based on TGeoNodes.

std::shared_ptr<const ITGeoIdentifierProvider> identifierProvider = nullptr

Create an indentifier from TGeoNode.

std::array<std::vector<LayerConfig>, 3> layerConfigurations

Configuration is always | n | c | p |.

std::shared_ptr<const LayerCreator> layerCreator = nullptr

Layer creator.

std::array<double, 3> layerSplitToleranceR = {-1., -1., -1.}

Split tolerances in R.

std::array<double, 3> layerSplitToleranceZ = {-1., -1., -1.}

Split tolerances in Z.

std::shared_ptr<const ProtoLayerHelper> protoLayerHelper = nullptr

ProtoLayer helper.

Acts::SurfaceBinningMatcher surfaceBinMatcher

The surface binning matcher.

double unit = 1 * UnitConstants::cm

Unit conversion.

struct LayerConfig
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoLayerBuilder.hpp>

Helper config structs for volume parsing.

Public Types

using RangeConfig = std::pair<BinningValue, std::pair<double, double>>
using SplitConfig = std::pair<BinningValue, double>

Public Functions

inline LayerConfig()

Public Members

std::vector<std::pair<int, BinningType>> binning0 = {{-1, equidistant}}

Binning setup in l0: nbins (-1 -> automated), axis binning type.

std::vector<std::pair<int, BinningType>> binning1 = {{-1, equidistant}}

Binning setup in l1: nbins (-1 -> automated), axis binning type.

std::pair<double, double> envelope = {1 * UnitConstants::mm, 1 * UnitConstants::mm}

The envelope to be built around the layer.

std::string localAxes = "XYZ"

The local axis definition of TGeo object to Acts::Surface.

std::vector<RangeConfig> parseRanges = {}

Parse ranges: parameter and ranges.

std::vector<std::string> sensorNames = {}

Identify the sensor(s) by name.

std::vector<SplitConfig> splitConfigs = {}

Layer splitting: parameter and tolerance.

std::string volumeName = ""

Identify the search volume by name.

struct TGeoParser
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoParser.hpp>

TGeoParser is a helper struct that walks recursively through a TGeometry and selects by string comparison the TGeoNodes that match the criteria.

It also buils up the global transform for the conversion into an ACTS Surface

Public Types

using ParseRange = std::pair<double, double>

Public Static Functions

static void select(State &state, const Options &options, const TGeoMatrix &gmatrix = TGeoIdentity("ID"))

The parsing module, it takes the top Volume and recursively steps down.

  • state – [out] The parseing state configuration, passed through

  • options – [in] The parsing options as requiremed

  • gmatrix – The current built-up transform to global at this depth

struct Options
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoParser.hpp>

Nested configuration struct.

This contains the parsing configuration

Public Members

std::string localAxes = "XYZ"

The local axis definition of TGeo object wrt Acts::Surface.

std::vector<std::pair<BinningValue, ParseRange>> parseRanges = {}

Parse restrictions, several can apply.

std::vector<std::string> targetNames = {}

Identify the sensor(s)/target(s) by name.

double unit = 1 * UnitConstants::cm

Scaling from TGeo to ROOT.

std::vector<std::string> volumeNames = {}

Identify the volume by name.

struct SelectedNode
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoParser.hpp>

Public Members

const TGeoNode *node = nullptr
std::unique_ptr<TGeoMatrix> transform = nullptr
struct State
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoParser.hpp>

Nested state struct.

This is needed for the recursive parsing of the geometry, it collects the information during the parsing process and keeps track of the built up transform

Public Members

TGeoNode *node = nullptr
bool onBranch = false
std::vector<SelectedNode> selectedNodes = {}
TGeoVolume *volume = nullptr
struct TGeoPrimitivesHelper
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoPrimitivesHelper.hpp>

Public Static Functions

static inline Transform3 makeTransform(const Eigen::Vector3d &rotationMatrixCol0, const Eigen::Vector3d &rotationMatrixCol1, const Eigen::Vector3d &rotationMatrixCol2, const Eigen::Vector3d &translation)

Helper method to create a transform from Rotation matrix vectors:

  • rotationMatrixCol0

  • rotationMatrixCol1

  • rotationMatrixCol2 – And translation

  • translation

static bool match(const char *first, const char *second)

Private helper method : match string with wildcards.

  • first – is the one with the potential wildcard

  • second – is the test string

static bool match(const std::vector<std::string> &first, const char *second)

Private helper method : match string with wildcards Method that uses the match method with wild cards and performs it on an input list.

  • first – is the one with the potential wildcard

  • second – is the test string

struct TGeoSurfaceConverter
#include <Acts/Plugins/TGeo/TGeoSurfaceConverter.hpp>

Helper struct to convert TGeoShapes into Surface or Volume Bounds.

Public Static Functions

static std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<const CylinderBounds>, const Transform3, double> cylinderComponents(const TGeoShape &tgShape, const Double_t *rotation, const Double_t *translation, const std::string &axes, double scalor = 10.) noexcept(false)

Convert a TGeoShape into cylinder surface components.

  • tgShape – The TGeoShape

  • rotation – The rotation matrix as Double_t* from root

  • translation – The translation vector as Double_t* from root

  • axes – The axes definition

  • scalor – The unit scalor between TGeo and Acts


tuple of DiscBounds, Trasnform, thickness

static std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<const DiscBounds>, const Transform3, double> discComponents(const TGeoShape &tgShape, const Double_t *rotation, const Double_t *translation, const std::string &axes, double scalor = 10.) noexcept(false)

Convert a TGeoShape into disk surface components.

  • tgShape – The TGeoShape

  • rotation – The rotation matrix as Double_t* from root

  • translation – The translation vector as Double_t* from root

  • axes – The axes definition

  • scalor – The unit scalor between TGeo and Acts


tuple of DiscBounds, Trasnform, thickness

static std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<const PlanarBounds>, const Transform3, double> planeComponents(const TGeoShape &tgShape, const Double_t *rotation, const Double_t *translation, const std::string &axes, double scalor = 10.) noexcept(false)

Convert a TGeoShape into plane surface components.

  • tgShape – The TGeoShape

  • rotation – The rotation matrix as Double_t* from root

  • translation – The translation as a Double_t*

  • axes – The axes definition

  • scalor – The unit scalor between TGeo and Acts


tuple of PlanarBounds, Trasnform, thickness

static inline double toRadian(double degree)

Transalte TGeo degree [0, 360) to radian.

  • will correct to [-pi,pi)


degree – The input in degree


angle in radians

static std::shared_ptr<Surface> toSurface(const TGeoShape &tgShape, const TGeoMatrix &tgMatrix, const std::string &axes, double scalor = 10.) noexcept(false)

Convert a TGeoShape to a Surface.

  • tgShape – The TGeoShape

  • tgMatrix – The matrix representing the tranbsform

  • axes – The axes definition

  • scalor – The unit scalor between TGeo and Acts


shared pointer to a surface

template<typename T, bool ReadOnly>
struct TrackAccessorBase
#include <Acts/EventData/Track.hpp>

Utility class that eases accessing dynamic columns in track containers.

Template Parameters
  • T – the type of the value to access

  • ReadOnly – true if this is a const accessor

Public Functions

inline TrackAccessorBase(HashedString _key)

Create the accessor from an already-hashed string key.


_key – the key

inline TrackAccessorBase(const std::string &_key)

Create the accessor from a string key.


_key – the key

template<typename track_proxy_t, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline T &operator()(track_proxy_t track)

Access the stored key on the track given as an argument.

Mutable version

Template Parameters

track_proxy_t – the type of the track proxy


track – the track to access


mutable reference to the column behind the key

template<typename track_proxy_t, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<RO>>
inline const T &operator()(track_proxy_t track)

Access the stored key on the track given as an argument.

COnst version

Template Parameters

track_proxy_t – the type of the track proxy


track – the track to access


const reference to the column behind the key

Public Members

HashedString key
template<typename input_track_t>
class TrackAtVertex
#include <Acts/Vertexing/TrackAtVertex.hpp>

Defines a track at vertex object.

Template Parameters

input_track_t – Track object type

Public Functions

TrackAtVertex() = delete

Deleted default constructor.

inline TrackAtVertex(double chi2perTrack, const BoundTrackParameters &paramsAtVertex, const input_track_t *originalTrack)

Parameterized constructor.

  • chi2perTrack – Chi2 of track

  • paramsAtVertex – Fitted perigee parameter

  • originalTrack – Original perigee parameter

inline TrackAtVertex(const BoundTrackParameters &paramsAtVertex, const input_track_t *originalTrack)

Constructor with default chi2.

  • paramsAtVertex – Fitted perigee parameter

  • originalTrack – Original perigee parameter

Public Members

double chi2Track = 0

Chi2 of track.

BoundTrackParameters fittedParams

Fitted perigee.

bool isLinearized = false

Is already linearized.

LinearizedTrack linearizedState

The linearized state of the track at vertex.

double ndf = 0

Number degrees of freedom Note: Can be different from integer value since annealing can result in effective non-interger values.

const input_track_t *originalParams

Original input parameters.

double trackWeight = 1

Weight of track in fit.

double vertexCompatibility = 0

Value of the compatibility of the track to the actual vertex, based on the estimation of the 3d distance between the track and the vertex.

template<typename track_container_t, typename traj_t, template<typename> class holder_t = detail_tc::RefHolder>
class TrackContainer
#include <Acts/EventData/Track.hpp>

Track container interface class.

This type represents a collections of tracks. It uses a backend to store bothe the actual tracks and the associated track states.

Template Parameters
  • track_container_t – the track container backend

  • traj_t – the track state container backend

  • holder_t – ownership management class for the backend

Public Types

using ConstTrackProxy = detail_tc::TrackProxy<track_container_t, traj_t, holder_t, true>
using IndexType = MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType
using TrackProxy = detail_tc::TrackProxy<track_container_t, traj_t, holder_t, false>

Public Functions

inline TrackContainer(holder_t<track_container_t> container, holder_t<traj_t> traj)

Constructor from a track container backend and a track state container backend.

  • container – the track container backend

  • traj – the track state container backend

template<template<typename> class H = holder_t, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail_tc::is_same_template<H, detail_tc::RefHolder>::value>>
inline TrackContainer(track_container_t &container, traj_t &traj)

Constructor from references to a track container backend and to a track state container backend.


The track container will not assume ownership over the backends in this case. You need to ensure suitable lifetime

  • container – the track container backend

  • traj – the track state container backend

template<typename T, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void addColumn(const std::string &key)

Add a dymanic column to the track container.


key – the name of the column to be added

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline IndexType addTrack()

Add a track to the container.

Note this only creates the logical track and allocates memory. You can combine this with getTrack to obtain a track proxy


the index to the newly added track

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto begin()

Get a mutable iterator to the first track in the container.


a mutable iterator to the first track

inline auto begin() const

Get an const iterator to the first track in the container.


a const iterator to the first track

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto &container()

Get a mutable reference to the track container backend.


a mutable reference to the backend

inline const auto &container() const

Get a const reference to the track container backend.


a const reference to the backend

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto end()

Get a past-the-end iterator for this container.


a past-the-end iterator

inline auto end() const

Get a past-the-end iterator for this container.


a past-the-end iterator

inline ConstTrackProxy getTrack(IndexType itrack) const

Get a const track proxy for a track index.


itrack – the track index in the container


A const track proxy for the index

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline TrackProxy getTrack(IndexType itrack)

Get a mutable track proxy for a track index.


itrack – the track index in the container


A mutable track proxy for the index

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(const std::string &key) const

Check if this track container has a specific dynamic column.


key – the key to check for

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(HashedString key) const

Check if a this track container has a specific dynamic column.


key – the key to check for

inline constexpr IndexType size() const

Get the size of the track container.


the sixe

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto &trackStateContainer()

Get a mutable reference to the track state container backend.


a mutable reference to the backend

inline const auto &trackStateContainer() const

Get a const reference to the track state container backend.


a const reference to the backend

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = MultiTrajectoryTraits::kInvalid
static constexpr bool ReadOnly = IsReadOnlyTrackContainer<track_container_t>::value
static constexpr bool TrackStateReadOnly = IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<traj_t>::value
template<typename vfitter_t, typename track_density_t = GaussianTrackDensity<typename vfitter_t::InputTrack_t>>
class TrackDensityVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

Finds a vertex seed based on the maximum of a track density function.

Each track is modelled as a 2d density function around its d0/z0 perigee parameter values. The z seed position is then found as the position of the maximum of all summed track density functions.

Ref. (1):

Template Parameters
  • vfitter_t – The vertex fitter type (needed to fulfill concept)

  • track_density_t – The track density type

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline TrackDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg)

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.


cfg – Configuration object

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline TrackDensityVertexFinder()

Default constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

inline TrackDensityVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

inline TrackDensityVertexFinder(const std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> &func)

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters with default Config object.


func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &trackVector, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Function that finds single vertex candidate.

  • trackVector – Input track collection

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – State for fulfilling interfaces


Vector of vertices, filled with a single vertex (for consistent interfaces)

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

The Config struct.

Public Members

track_density_t trackDensityEstimator
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/TrackDensityVertexFinder.hpp>

State struct for fulfilling interface.

class TrackingGeometry
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometry.hpp>

The TrackingGeometry class is the owner of the constructed TrackingVolumes.

It enables both, a global search for an asociatedVolume (respectively, if existing, a global search of an associated Layer or the next associated Layer), such as a continous navigation by BoundarySurfaces between the confined TrackingVolumes.

Public Functions

TrackingGeometry(const MutableTrackingVolumePtr &highestVolume, const IMaterialDecorator *materialDecorator = nullptr, const GeometryIdentifierHook &hook = {}, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger())


  • highestVolume – is the world volume

  • materialDecorator – is a dediated decorator that can assign surface or volume based material to the TrackingVolume

  • hook – Identifier hook to be applied to surfaces

  • logger – instance of a logger (defaulting to the “silent” one)



const Layer *associatedLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &gp) const

Forward the associated Layer information.

  • gctx – is the context for this request (e.g. alignment)

  • gp – is the global position of the call


plain pointer to assocaiated layer

const Surface *findSurface(GeometryIdentifier id) const

Search for a surface with the given identifier.


id – is the geometry identifier of the surface

Return values
  • nullptr – if no such surface exists

  • pointer – to the found surface otherwise.

const TrackingVolume *findVolume(GeometryIdentifier id) const

Search for a volume with the given identifier.


id – is the geometry identifier of the volume

Return values
  • nullptr – if no such volume exists

  • pointer – to the found volume otherwise.

const Surface *getBeamline() const

surface representing the beam pipe


The ownership is not passed, e.g. do not delete the pointer


raw pointer to surface representing the beam pipe (could be a null pointer)

const TrackingVolume *highestTrackingVolume() const

Access to the world volume.


plain pointer to the world volume

const TrackingVolume *lowestTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &gp) const

return the lowest tracking Volume

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • gp – is the global position of the call


plain pointer to the lowest TrackingVolume

void registerBeamTube(std::shared_ptr<const PerigeeSurface> beam)

Register the beam tube.


beam – is the beam line surface

template<typename visitor_t>
inline void visitSurfaces(visitor_t &&visitor) const

Visit all sensitive surfaces.

Template Parameters

visitor_t – Type of the callable visitor


visitor – The callable. Will be called for each sensitive surface that is found

class TrackingGeometryBuilder : public Acts::ITrackingGeometryBuilder
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometryBuilder.hpp>

The Acts::TrackingGeometry Builder for volumes that wrap around another.

It retrieves an array of std::functions that build the TrackingGeometry sequentially in order, with the following options:

  • contained (e.g. a final insertion of a beam pipe of longer extend)

  • wrapped (e.g. an outer detector wrapping an inner one)

  • attached (e.g. a neighbor detector attaching to the previous one)

The returned volume of each step must be processable by the previous step

Public Functions

TrackingGeometryBuilder(const Config &cgbConfig, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("TrackingGeometryBuilder", Logging::INFO))


  • cgbConfig[in] is the configuration struct for this builder

  • logger[in] logging instance

~TrackingGeometryBuilder() override = default


inline Config getConfiguration() const

Get configuration method.


the current configuration

void setConfiguration(const Config &cgbConfig)

Set configuration method.


cgbConfig – is the new configuration struct

void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> newLogger)

set logging instance


newLogger – the new logging instance

virtual std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry(const GeometryContext &gctx) const final

TrackingGeometry Interface method.


gctx – geometry context of that building call


a unique pointer to a TrackingGeometry

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingGeometryBuilder.hpp>

Nested Configuration for the CylinderVolumeBuilder.

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<const GeometryIdentifierHook> geometryIdentifierHook = std::make_shared<GeometryIdentifierHook>()

Optional geometry identfier hook to be used during closure.

std::shared_ptr<const IMaterialDecorator> materialDecorator = nullptr

The optional material decorator for this.

std::vector< std::function< std::shared_ptr< TrackingVolume > const GeometryContext &gctx, const TrackingVolumePtr &, const VolumeBoundsPtr &)> > trackingVolumeBuilders

The list of tracking volume builders.

std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeHelper> trackingVolumeHelper = nullptr

The tracking volume helper for detector construction.

class TrackingVolume : public Acts::Volume
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingVolume.hpp>

Full Volume description used in Tracking, it inherits from Volume to get the geometrical structure.

A TrackingVolume at navigation level can provide the (layer) material information / internal navigation with in 5 different ways:

--- a) Static confinement of Layers
--- b) detached sub volumes
--- b) unordered (arbitrarily oriented) layers
--- d) unordered sub volumes
--- e) unordered layers AND unordered subvolumes

The TrackingVolume can also be a simple container of other TrackingVolumes

In addition it is capable of holding a subarray of Layers and TrackingVolumes.

Public Functions

TrackingVolume() = delete
TrackingVolume(const TrackingVolume&) = delete
~TrackingVolume() override
void assignBoundaryMaterial(std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial> surfaceMaterial, BoundarySurfaceFace bsFace)

Set the boundary surface material description.

The material is usually derived in a complicated way and loaded from a framework given source. As various volumes could potentially share the the same material description, it is provided as a shared object

  • surfaceMaterial – Material description of this volume

  • bsFace – Specifies which boundary surface to assign the material to

inline void assignVolumeMaterial(std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> material)

Set the volume material description.

The material is usually derived in a complicated way and loaded from a framework given source. As various volumes could potentially share the the same material description, it is provided as a shared object


material – Material description of this volume

const Layer *associatedLayer(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const

Return the associated Layer to the global position.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the associated global position


plain pointer to layer object

const TrackingVolumeBoundaries &boundarySurfaces() const

Method to return the BoundarySurfaces.

inline unsigned int colorCode() const

Get the color code.

boost::container::small_vector<BoundaryIntersection, 4> compatibleBoundaries(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const NavigationOptions<Surface> &options, const Logger &logger = getDummyLogger()) const

Returns all boundary surfaces sorted by the user.

Template Parameters
  • options_t – Type of navigation options object for decomposition

  • sorter_t – Type of the boundary surface sorter

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position for searching

  • direction – The direction for searching

  • options – The templated navigation options

  • logger – A Logger instance


is the templated boundary intersection

boost::container::small_vector<LayerIntersection, 10> compatibleLayers(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, const NavigationOptions<Layer> &options) const

Resolves the volume into (compatible) Layers.

This is the method for the propagator/extrapolator

Template Parameters

options_t – Type of navigation options object for decomposition

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – Position for the search

  • direction – Direction for the search

  • options – The templated navigation options


vector of compatible intersections with layers

std::vector<SurfaceIntersection> compatibleSurfacesFromHierarchy(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const Vector3 &direction, double angle, const NavigationOptions<Surface> &options) const

Return surfaces in given direction from bounding volume hierarchy.

Template Parameters

options_t – Type of navigation options object for decomposition

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – The position to start from

  • direction – The direction towards which to test

  • angle – The opening angle

  • options – The templated navigation options


Vector of surface candidates

inline const LayerArray *confinedLayers() const

Return the confined static layer array - if it exists.


the BinnedArray of static layers if exists

inline std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> confinedVolumes() const

Return the confined volumes of this container array - if it exists.

inline const MutableTrackingVolumeVector denseVolumes() const

Return the confined dense volumes.

void glueTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, BoundarySurfaceFace bsfMine, TrackingVolume *neighbor, BoundarySurfaceFace bsfNeighbor)

Glue another tracking volume to this one.

  • if common face is set the glued volumes are sharing the boundary, down to the last navigation volume

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bsfMine – is the boundary face indicater where to glue

  • neighbor – is the TrackingVolume to be glued

  • bsfNeighbor – is the boudnary surface of the neighbor

void glueTrackingVolumes(const GeometryContext &gctx, BoundarySurfaceFace bsfMine, const std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolumeArray> &neighbors, BoundarySurfaceFace bsfNeighbor)

Glue another tracking volume to this one.

  • if common face is set the glued volumes are sharing the boundary, down to the last navigation volume

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bsfMine – is the boundary face indicater where to glue

  • neighbors – are the TrackingVolumes to be glued

  • bsfNeighbor – are the boudnary surface of the neighbors

GlueVolumesDescriptor &glueVolumesDescriptor()

Register the outside glue volumes - ordering is in the TrackingVolume Frame:

  • negativeFaceXY

  • (faces YZ, ZY, radial faces)

  • positiveFaceXY

inline bool hasBoundingVolumeHierarchy() const

Return whether this TrackingVolume has a BoundingVolumeHierarchy associated.


If it has a BVH or not.

const TrackingVolume *lowestTrackingVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, const double tol = 0.) const

Return the associated sub Volume, returns THIS if no subVolume exists.

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • position – is the global position associated with that search

  • tol – Search position tolerance for dense volumes


plain pointer to associated with the position

inline const TrackingVolume *motherVolume() const

Return the MotherVolume - if it exists.

TrackingVolume &operator=(const TrackingVolume&) = delete
inline void registerColorCode(unsigned int icolor)

Register the color code.


icolor – is a color number

void registerGlueVolumeDescriptor(GlueVolumesDescriptor *gvd)

Register the outside glue volumes - ordering is in the TrackingVolume Frame:

  • negativeFaceXY

  • (faces YZ, ZY, radial faces)

  • positiveFaceXY


gvd – register a new GlueVolumeDescriptor

inline void setMotherVolume(const TrackingVolume *mvol)

Set the MotherVolume.


mvol – is the mother volume

void updateBoundarySurface(BoundarySurfaceFace bsf, std::shared_ptr<const BoundarySurfaceT<TrackingVolume>> bs, bool checkmaterial = true)

Provide a new BoundarySurface from the glueing.

  • bsf – is the boundary face indicater where to glue

  • bs – is the new boudnary surface

  • checkmaterial – is a flag how to deal with material, if true:

    • if the old boundary surface had a material description but the new one has not, keep the current one

    • in all other cases just assign the new boundary surface

template<typename visitor_t>
inline void visitSurfaces(visitor_t &&visitor) const

Visit all sensitive surfaces.

If a context is needed for the vist, the vistitor has to provide this e.g. as a private member

Template Parameters

visitor_t – Type of the callable visitor


visitor – The callable. Will be called for each sensitive surface that is found

inline const IVolumeMaterial *volumeMaterial() const

Return the material of the volume.

inline const std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> &volumeMaterialSharedPtr() const

Return the material of the volume as shared pointer.

inline const std::string &volumeName() const

Returns the VolumeName - for debug reason, might be depreciated later.

Public Static Functions

static inline MutableTrackingVolumePtr create(const Transform3 &transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volumeBounds, const std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> &containedVolumes = nullptr, const std::string &volumeName = "undefined")

Factory constructor for a container TrackingVolume.

  • by definition a Vacuum volume

  • transform – is the global 3D transform to position the volume in space

  • volumeBounds – is the description of the volume boundaries

  • containedVolumes – are the static volumes that fill this volume

  • volumeName – is a string identifier


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

static inline MutableTrackingVolumePtr create(const Transform3 &transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volbounds, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Volume::BoundingBox>> boxStore, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const Volume>> descendants, const Volume::BoundingBox *top, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, const std::string &volumeName = "undefined")

Factory constructor for Tracking Volume with a bounding volume hierarchy.

  • transform – is the global 3D transform to position the volume in space

  • volbounds – is the description of the volume boundaries

  • boxStore – Vector owning the contained bounding boxes

  • descendants – Vector owning the child volumes

  • top – The top of the hierarchy (top node)

  • volumeMaterial – is the materials of the tracking volume

  • volumeName – is a string identifier


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

static inline MutableTrackingVolumePtr create(const Transform3 &transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volumeBounds, std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterial, std::unique_ptr<const LayerArray> containedLayers = nullptr, std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> containedVolumes = nullptr, MutableTrackingVolumeVector denseVolumes = {}, const std::string &volumeName = "undefined")

Factory constructor for Tracking Volumes with content.

  • can not be a container volume

  • transform – is the global 3D transform to position the volume in space

  • volumeBounds – is the description of the volume boundaries

  • volumeMaterial – is are materials of the tracking volume

  • containedLayers – is the confined layer array (optional)

  • containedVolumes – is the confined volume array (optional)

  • denseVolumes – is the array of dense volulmes (optional)

  • volumeName – is a string identifier


shared pointer to a new TrackingVolume

class TrackingVolumeArrayCreator : public Acts::ITrackingVolumeArrayCreator
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator.hpp>

The TrackingVolumeArrayCreator is a simple Tool that helps to construct binned arrays of TrackingVolumes for both, confinement in another volume and navigation issues.

Public Functions

inline TrackingVolumeArrayCreator(const Config&, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("LayerArrayCreator", Logging::INFO))



logger – logging instance

~TrackingVolumeArrayCreator() override = default


inline void setLogger(std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger)

Set logging instance.


logger – is the logging instance to be set

virtual std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolumeArray> trackingVolumeArray(const GeometryContext &gctx, const TrackingVolumeVector &tVolumes, BinningValue bValue) const override

create a tracking volume array

  • gctx[in] the geometry context for this building

  • tVolumes[in] is the vector of TrackingVolumes to be

  • bValue[in] is the binning value


new created volume array

struct Config
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrackingVolumeArrayCreator.hpp>

This struct stores the configuration of the tracking geometry.

template<size_t M, bool ReadOnly = true>
struct TrackStateTraits
#include <Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectory.hpp>

Public Types

using Covariance = typename detail_lt::Types<eBoundSize, ReadOnly>::CovarianceMap
using IndexType = std::uint32_t
using Measurement = typename detail_lt::Types<M, ReadOnly>::CoefficientsMap
using MeasurementCovariance = typename detail_lt::Types<M, ReadOnly>::CovarianceMap
using Parameters = typename detail_lt::Types<eBoundSize, ReadOnly>::CoefficientsMap
using Projector = Eigen::Matrix<typename Covariance::Scalar, M, eBoundSize, ProjectorFlags>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::max()
static constexpr auto ProjectorFlags = Eigen::RowMajor | Eigen::AutoAlign
class TrapezoidBounds : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/TrapezoidBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a trapezoidal, planar Surface.


Public Types

enum BoundValues


enumerator eHalfLengthXnegY
enumerator eHalfLengthXposY
enumerator eHalfLengthY
enumerator eSize

Public Functions

TrapezoidBounds() = delete
inline TrapezoidBounds(double halfXnegY, double halfXposY, double halfY) noexcept(false)

Constructor for symmetric Trapezoid.

  • halfXnegY – minimal half length X, definition at negative Y

  • halfXposY – maximal half length X, definition at positive Y

  • halfY – half length Y - defined at x=0

inline TrapezoidBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor for symmetric Trapezoid - from fixed size array.


values – the values to be stream in

~TrapezoidBounds() override
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Bounding box parameters.


rectangle bounds for a bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

The orientation of the Trapezoid is according to the figure above, in words: the shorter of the two parallel sides of the trapezoid intersects with the negative \( y \) - axis of the local frame.

The cases are:


\( y \) or \( x \)

bounds are 0 || 0

(1) the local position is outside

\( y \)


(2) the local position is inside

\( y \) bounds, but outside maximum \( x \)


(3) the local position is inside

\( y \) bounds AND inside minimum \( x \)


(4) the local position is inside

\( y \) bounds AND inside maximum \( x \) bounds, so that it depends on the \( eta \) coordinate (5) the local position fails test of (4)

The inside check is done using single equations of straight lines and one has to take care if a point lies on the positive \( x \) half area(I) or the negative one(II). Denoting \( |x_{min}| \) and \( | x_{max} | \) as minHalfX respectively maxHalfX, such as \( | y_{H} | \) as halfY, the equations for the straing lines in (I) and (II) can be written as:

  • (I): \( y = \kappa_{I} x + \delta_{I} \)

  • (II): \( y = \kappa_{II} x + \delta_{II} \)



    \( \kappa_{I} = - \kappa_{II} = 2 \frac{y_{H}}{x_{max} - x_{min}} \) and \( \delta_{I} = \delta_{II} = - \frac{1}{2}\kappa_{I}(x_{max} + x_{min}) \)

  • lposition – Local position (assumed to be in right surface frame)

  • bcheck – boundary check directive


boolean indicator for the success of this operation

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream to be dumped into

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Access method for bound values, this is a dynamically sized vector containing the parameters needed to describe these bounds.


of the stored values for this SurfaceBounds object

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segements is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

class TrapezoidVolumeBounds : public Acts::VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/TrapezoidVolumeBounds.hpp>

Bounds for a trapezoidal shaped Volume, the orientedSurface(…) method creates a vector of 6 surfaces:

BoundarySurfaceFace [index]:

  • negativeFaceXY [0] : Trazpezoidal Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( xy \) plane at negative \(z\)

  • positiveFaceXY [1] : Trazpezoidal Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( xy \) plane at positive \(z\)

  • trapezoidFaceAlpha [2] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, attached to [0] and [1] at negative \(x\) (associated to alpha)

  • trapezoidFaceBeta [3] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, attached to [0] and [1] at positive \( x\) (associated to beta)

  • negativeFaceZX [4] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( zx \) plane at negative \(y\)

  • positiveFaceZX [5] : Rectangular Acts::PlaneSurface, parallel to \( zx \) plane at positive \(y\)

Public Types

enum BoundValues

for acces / streaming


enumerator eHalfLengthXnegY

halflength in x at negative y

enumerator eHalfLengthXposY

halflength in x at positive y

enumerator eHalfLengthY

halflength in y

enumerator eHalfLengthZ

halflength in z

enumerator eAlpha

opening angle alpha (in point A)

enumerator eBeta

opening angle beta (in point B)

enumerator eSize

length of the bounds vector

Public Functions

TrapezoidVolumeBounds() = delete
TrapezoidVolumeBounds(double minhalex, double maxhalex, double haley, double halez) noexcept(false)

Constructor - the trapezoid boundaries (symmetric trapezoid)

  • minhalex – is the half length in x at minimal y

  • maxhalex – is the half length in x at maximal y

  • haley – is the half length in y

  • halez – is the half length in z

TrapezoidVolumeBounds(double minhalex, double haley, double halez, double alpha, double beta) noexcept(false)

Constructor - the trapezoid boundaries (arbitrary trapezoid)

  • minhalex – is the half length in x at minimal y

  • haley – is the half length in y

  • halez – is the half length in z

  • alpha – is the openeing angle at -x,-y

  • beta – is the openeing angle at +x,-y

inline TrapezoidVolumeBounds(const std::array<double, eSize> &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor - from a fixed size array.


values – The bound values

TrapezoidVolumeBounds(const TrapezoidVolumeBounds &trabo) = default
~TrapezoidVolumeBounds() override = default
virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const final

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

inline double get(BoundValues bValue) const

Access to the bound values.


bValue – the class nested enum for the array access

virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &pos, double tol = 0.) const override

This method checks if position in the 3D volume frame is inside the cylinder.

  • pos – is the global position to be checked

  • tol – is the tolerance applied


boolean indicator if position is inside

TrapezoidVolumeBounds &operator=(const TrapezoidVolumeBounds &trabo) = default
virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const override

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const override

Output Method for std::ostream.

inline virtual VolumeBounds::BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

inline virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

template<typename external_space_point_t>
struct TripletCandidate
#include <Acts/Seeding/CandidatesForMiddleSp.hpp>

A description of a triplet candidate.

Template Parameters

external_space_point_t – The external spacepoint type.

Public Functions

TripletCandidate() = default

Default Constructor.

inline TripletCandidate(external_space_point_t &b, external_space_point_t &m, external_space_point_t &t, float w, float z, bool q)


  • b – The bottom space point

  • m – The middle space point

  • t – The top space point

  • w – The quality of the candidate

  • z – The z coordinate of the origin

  • q – Whether the candidate is high or low quality

TripletCandidate(const TripletCandidate&) = default

Copy operations.

TripletCandidate(TripletCandidate&&) = default

Move operations.

~TripletCandidate() = default

Default Destructor.

TripletCandidate &operator=(const TripletCandidate&) = default
TripletCandidate &operator=(TripletCandidate&&) = default

Public Members

external_space_point_t *bottom = {nullptr}
bool isQuality = {false}
external_space_point_t *middle = {nullptr}
external_space_point_t *top = {nullptr}
float weight = {0.}
float zOrigin = {0.}
class VectorMultiTrajectory : public Acts::detail_vmt::VectorMultiTrajectoryBase, public Acts::MultiTrajectory<VectorMultiTrajectory>
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorMultiTrajectory.hpp>

Public Functions

VectorMultiTrajectory() = default
inline VectorMultiTrajectory(const VectorMultiTrajectory &other)
inline VectorMultiTrajectory(VectorMultiTrajectory &&other)
inline Statistics statistics() const
class VectorTrackContainer : public Acts::detail_vtc::VectorTrackContainerBase
#include <Acts/EventData/VectorTrackContainer.hpp>

Public Functions

inline VectorTrackContainer()
VectorTrackContainer(const VectorTrackContainer &other) = default
VectorTrackContainer(VectorTrackContainer&&) = default
template<typename T>
inline constexpr void addColumn_impl(const std::string &key)
inline IndexType addTrack_impl()
inline std::any component_impl(HashedString key, IndexType itrack)
inline std::any component_impl(HashedString key, IndexType itrack) const
inline Covariance covariance(IndexType itrack)
inline ConstCovariance covariance(IndexType itrack) const
inline Parameters parameters(IndexType itrack)
inline ConstParameters parameters(IndexType itrack) const
template<typename input_track_t>
class Vertex
#include <Acts/Vertexing/Vertex.hpp>

Class for storing vertex objects.

Template Parameters

input_track_t – Track object type

Public Functions

Vertex() = default

Default constructor.

Vertex(const Vector3 &position)

Construct for vertex at given 3d-position, sets covariance to zero.


position – Vertex position

Vertex(const Vector4 &position)

Construct for vertex at given 4d-position, sets covariance to zero.


position – Vertex position

Vertex(const Vector3 &position, const SymMatrix3 &covariance, const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> &tracks)

Vertex constructor.

  • position – Vertex position

  • covariance – Position covariance matrix

  • tracks – Vector of tracks associated with the vertex

Vertex(const Vector4 &position, const SymMatrix4 &covariance, const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> &tracks)

Vertex constructor.

  • position – Full vertex position

  • covariance – 4x4 covariance matrix

  • tracks – Vector of tracks associated with the vertex

SymMatrix3 covariance() const

Returns position covariance

std::pair<double, double> fitQuality() const

Returns pair of (chi2, numberDoF)

const SymMatrix4 &fullCovariance() const

Returns 4x4 covariance

const Vector4 &fullPosition() const

Returns 4-position

Vector3 position() const

Returns 3-position

void setCovariance(const SymMatrix3 &covariance)

Sets 3x3 covariance.


covariance – Position covariance matrix

void setFitQuality(double chiSquared, double numberDoF)
  • chiSquared – Chi2 of fit

  • numberDoF – Number of degrees of freedom

void setFitQuality(std::pair<double, double> fitQuality)

fitQuality – pair of (chi2, numberDoF)

void setFullCovariance(const SymMatrix4 &covariance)

Sets 4x4 covariance.


covariance – The 4x4 covariance matrix

void setFullPosition(const Vector4 &fullPosition)

Set position and time.


fullPosition – Vertex position and time

void setPosition(const Vector3 &position, ActsScalar time = 0)

Set position and time.

  • position – Vertex position

  • time – The time

void setTime(ActsScalar time)

Sets time.


time – The time

void setTracksAtVertex(const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> &tracks)

tracks – Vector of tracks at vertex

ActsScalar time() const

Returns time

const std::vector<TrackAtVertex<input_track_t>> &tracks() const

Returns vector of tracks associated with the vertex

template<typename input_track_t>
struct VertexInfo
#include <Acts/Vertexing/AMVFInfo.hpp>

Helper struct for storing vertex related information.

Public Functions

VertexInfo() = default
inline VertexInfo(const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, const Acts::Vector4 &pos)

Public Members

Acts::Vertex<input_track_t> constraintVertex
std::map<const input_track_t*, const BoundTrackParameters> ip3dParams
Acts::Vector4 linPoint = {Acts::Vector4::Zero()}
Acts::Vector4 oldPosition = {Acts::Vector4::Zero()}
bool relinearize = true
Acts::Vector4 seedPosition = {Acts::Vector4::Zero()}
std::vector<const input_track_t*> trackLinks
template<typename input_track_t>
struct VertexingOptions
#include <Acts/Vertexing/VertexingOptions.hpp>

Vertex Finder Options.

Public Functions

VertexingOptions() = delete

Default contstructor is deleted.

inline VertexingOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const Vertex<input_track_t> &vconstr = Vertex<input_track_t>())

VertexingOptions with context.

  • gctx – The goemetry context for this fit

  • mctx – The magnetic context for this fit

  • vconstr – The pointing contraint to a vertex

Public Members

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Context object for the magnetic field.

Vertex<input_track_t> vertexConstraint

The vertex constraint for the fitting.

struct ViewConfig
#include <Acts/Visualization/ViewConfig.hpp>

Struct to concentrate all visulation configuration in order to harmonize visualization interfaces.

Public Functions

inline ViewConfig(bool vis = true)

Constructor to switch visibility off.

inline ViewConfig(const ColorRGB &rgb)

Constructor for color settings only.

Public Members

ColorRGB color = {250, 0, 0}

The RGB color for this object.

double lineThickness = 0.15

The visual line thickness for this object.

unsigned int nSegments = 72

The number of segments to approximate full 2pi.

double offset = 0.1

Out of plane drawing parameter for objects.

std::string outputName = ""

Write name - non-empty string indicates writing.

double surfaceThickness = 0.15

The visual surface thickness for this object.

bool triangulate = false

Whether to triangulate or not.

bool visible = true

Visible flag.

class Volume : public virtual Acts::GeometryObject
#include <Acts/Geometry/Volume.hpp>

It inhertis of GeometryObject for TDD identification.

Base class for all volumes inside the tracking realm, it defines the interface for inherited Volume classes regarding the geometrical information.

Subclassed by Acts::AbstractVolume, Acts::TrackingVolume

Public Types

using BoundingBox = AxisAlignedBoundingBox<Volume, ActsScalar, 3>

Public Functions

Volume(const Transform3 &transform, VolumeBoundsPtr volbounds)

Explicit constructor with shared arguments.


This will automatically build an oriented bounding box with an envelope value of (0.05, 0.05, 0.05)mm

  • transform – is the transform to position the volume in 3D space

  • volbounds – is the volume boundary definitions

Volume(const Volume &vol, const Transform3 &shift = Transform3::Identity())

Copy Constructor - with optional shift.


This will automatically build an oriented bounding box with an envelope value of (0.05, 0.05, 0.05)mm

  • vol – is the source volume for the copy

  • shift – is the optional shift applied as : shift * vol.transform()

Volume() = delete
virtual ~Volume() = default
virtual Vector3 binningPosition(const GeometryContext &gctx, BinningValue bValue) const override

The binning position method.

  • as default the center is given, but may be overloaded

  • gctx – The current geometry context object, e.g. alignment

  • bValue – is the binning value schema


vector 3D that can be used for the binning

BoundingBox boundingBox(const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}) const

Construct bounding box for this shape.


envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max


Constructed bounding box pointing to this volume

inline const Vector3 &center() const

returns the center of the volume

bool inside(const Vector3 &gpos, double tol = 0.) const

Inside() method for checks.

  • gpos – is the position to be checked

  • tol – is the tolerance parameter


boolean indicator if the position is inside

inline const Transform3 &itransform() const

Returns the inverted transform of this volume.

Volume &operator=(const Volume &vol)

Assignment operator.


vol – is the source volume to be copied

const BoundingBox &orientedBoundingBox() const

Construct oriented bounding box for this shape.


Constructed oriented bounding box pointing to this volume

inline const Transform3 &transform() const

Return methods for geometry transform.

inline const VolumeBounds &volumeBounds() const

returns the volumeBounds()

class VolumeBounds
#include <Acts/Geometry/VolumeBounds.hpp>

Pure Absract Base Class for Volume bounds.

Acts::VolumeBounds are a set of up to six confining Surfaces that are stored in a std::vector. Each type of Acts::VolumeBounds has to implement a orientedSurfaces() and a inside() method.

The Volume, retrieving a set of Surfaces from the VolumeBounds, can turn the Surfaces into BoundarySurfaces.

Subclassed by Acts::ConeVolumeBounds, Acts::CuboidVolumeBounds, Acts::CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds, Acts::CylinderVolumeBounds, Acts::GenericCuboidVolumeBounds, Acts::TrapezoidVolumeBounds

Public Types

enum BoundsType

This is nested to the VolumeBounds, as also SurfaceBounds will have Bounds Type.


enumerator eCone
enumerator eCuboid
enumerator eCutoutCylinder
enumerator eCylinder
enumerator eGenericCuboid
enumerator eTrapezoid
enumerator eOther

Public Functions

VolumeBounds() = default
virtual ~VolumeBounds() = default
inline virtual double binningBorder(BinningValue bValue) const

Binning borders in double.


bValue – is the binning schema used


float offset to be used for the binning

inline virtual Vector3 binningOffset(BinningValue bValue) const

Binning offset - overloaded for some R-binning types.


bValue – is the binning schema used


vector 3D to be used for the binning

virtual Volume::BoundingBox boundingBox(const Transform3 *trf = nullptr, const Vector3 &envelope = {0, 0, 0}, const Volume *entity = nullptr) const = 0

Construct bounding box for this shape.

  • trf – Optional transform

  • envelope – Optional envelope to add / subtract from min/max

  • entity – Entity to associate this bounding box with


Constructed bounding box

virtual bool inside(const Vector3 &gpos, double tol = 0.) const = 0

Checking if position given in volume frame is inside.

  • gpos – is the global position to be checked

  • tol – is the tolerance applied for the inside check


boolean indicating if the position is inside

virtual OrientedSurfaces orientedSurfaces(const Transform3 &transform = Transform3::Identity()) const = 0

Oriented surfaces, i.e.

the decomposed boundary surfaces and the according navigation direction into the volume given the normal vector on the surface

It will throw an exception if the orientation prescription is not adequate


transform – is the 3D transform to be applied to the boundary surfaces to position them in 3D space


a vector of surfaces bounding this volume

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const = 0

Output Method for std::ostream, to be overloaded by child classes.


sl – is the output stream to be dumped into

virtual BoundsType type() const = 0

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

virtual std::vector<double> values() const = 0

Access method for bound values, this is a dynamically sized vector containing the parameters needed to describe these bounds.


of the stored values for this SurfaceBounds object

template<typename Selector = VolumeSelector>
struct VolumeCollector
#include <Acts/Propagator/VolumeCollector.hpp>

A Volume Collector struct templated with a Selector type.

Whenever a volume is passed in the propagation that satisfies the selector, it is recorded for further usage in the flow.

Public Types

using result_type = this_result

Public Functions

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, const stepper_t &stepper, result_type &result, const Logger &logger) const

Collector action for the ActionList of the Propagator It checks if the propagator state has a current volume, in which case the action is performed:

  • it records the volume given the configuration

Template Parameters
  • propagator_state_t – is the type of Propagator state

  • stepper_t – Type of the stepper used for the propagation

  • state[inout] is the mutable stepper state object

  • stepper[in] The stepper in use

  • result[inout] is the mutable result object

  • logger – the logger object

template<typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
inline void operator()(propagator_state_t&, const stepper_t&, const Logger&) const

Pure observer interface.

  • this does not apply to the volume collector

Public Members

Selector selector

The selector used for this volume.

struct this_result
#include <Acts/Propagator/VolumeCollector.hpp>

Simple result struct to be returned It has all the VolumeHit objects that are collected (and thus have been selected)

Public Members

std::vector<VolumeHit> collected
struct VolumeConfig
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBuilder.hpp>

VolumeConfig struct to understand the layer config.

Public Functions

inline VolumeConfig()

Default constructor.

inline void adapt(const VolumeConfig &lConfig)

Adapt to the dimensions of another config it will take the maximum/minimum values and just overwrite them.


lConfig[in] is the config to which it should be adapded

inline void adaptR(const VolumeConfig &lConfig)

Adapt to the dimensions of another config in R it will take the maximum/minimum values and just overwrite them.


lConfig[in] is the config to which it should be adapded

inline void adaptZ(const VolumeConfig &lConfig)

Adapt to the dimensions of another config in Z it will take the maximum/minimum values and just overwrite them.


lConfig[in] is the config to which it should be adapded

inline void attachZ(const VolumeConfig &lConfig)

Attach method - const it attaches the one volume config to the other one.


lConfig[in] is the confit to which it should be attached

inline bool contains(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Check if contained full set.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked

inline bool containsInR(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Check if contained radially.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked

inline bool containsInZ(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Check if contained longitudinally.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked

inline void midPointAttachZ(VolumeConfig &lConfig)

Attach method - non-const it attaches the one volume config to the other one in Z this is the non-cost method, i.e.

the mid point is used


lConfig will be changed


lConfig[in] is the config to which it should be attached

inline operator bool() const

Conversion operator to bool.

inline bool overlapsInR(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Overlap check radially.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked


boolean if the overlap in r exists

inline bool overlapsInZ(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Overlap check longitudinally.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked


boolean if the overlap in z exists

inline std::string toString() const

Method for output formatting.

inline bool wraps(const VolumeConfig &vConfig) const

Compatibility check full set.


vConfig[in] is the config against which is checked


boolean if the current volume wraps the vConfig fully

Public Members

LayerVector layers

the layers you have

bool present = {false}

layers are present

double rMax

max parameter r

double rMin

min parameter r

MutableTrackingVolumeVector volumes

the confined volumes you have

bool wrapping = {false}

in what way they are binned

double zMax

max parameter z

double zMin

min parameter z

struct VolumeHit
#include <Acts/Propagator/VolumeCollector.hpp>

The information to be writtern out per hit volume.

Public Members

Vector3 direction
Vector3 position
const TrackingVolume *volume = nullptr
class VolumeMaterialMapper
#include <Acts/Material/VolumeMaterialMapper.hpp>


This is the main feature tool to map material information from a 3D geometry onto the TrackingGeometry with its surface material description.

The process runs as such:

1) TrackingGeometry is parsed and for each Volume with ProtoVolumeMaterial a local store is initialized the identification is done hereby through the Volume::GeometryIdentifier

2) A number of N material tracks is read in, each track has : origin, direction, material steps (< position, step length, x0, l0, a, z, rho >, thichness)

for each track: volume along the origin/direction path are collected. the step are then associated to volume inside which they are. Additional step are created along the track direction.

3) Each ‘hit’ bin per event is counted and averaged at the end of the run

Public Types

using StraightLinePropagator = Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator>

Public Functions

VolumeMaterialMapper() = delete

Delete the Default constructor.

VolumeMaterialMapper(const Config &cfg, StraightLinePropagator propagator, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> slogger = getDefaultLogger("VolumeMaterialMapper", Logging::INFO))

Constructor with config object.

  • cfg – Configuration struct

  • propagator – The straight line propagator

  • slogger – The logger

State createState(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, const TrackingGeometry &tGeometry) const

helper method that creates the cache for the mapping

This method takes a TrackingGeometry, finds all surfaces with material proxis and returns you a Cache object tO be used

  • gctx[in] The geometry context to use

  • mctx[in] The magnetic field context to use

  • tGeometry[in] The geometry which should be mapped

void finalizeMaps(State &mState) const

Method to finalize the maps.

It calls the final run averaging and then transforms the Homogeneous material into HomogeneousVolumeMaterial and the 2D and 3D grid into a InterpolatedMaterialMap



void mapMaterialTrack(State &mState, RecordedMaterialTrack &mTrack) const

Process/map a single track.


the RecordedMaterialSlab of the track are assumed to be ordered from the starting position along the starting direction

  • mState – The current state map

  • mTrack – The material track to be mapped

struct Config
#include <Acts/Material/VolumeMaterialMapper.hpp>

Nested Configuration struct for the material mapper.

Public Members

float mappingStep = 1.

Size of the step for the step extrapolation.

struct State
#include <Acts/Material/VolumeMaterialMapper.hpp>

Nested State struct which is used for the mapping prococess.

Public Functions

inline State(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx)

Constructor of the Sate with contexts.

Public Members

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Reference to the geometry context for the mapping.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, Grid2D> grid2D

The 2D material grid for each geometry ID.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, Grid3D> grid3D

The 3D material grid for each geometry ID.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, Acts::AccumulatedVolumeMaterial> homogeneousGrid

The recorded material per geometry ID.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Reference to the magnetic field context.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, BinUtility> materialBin

The binning for each geometry ID.

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>> surfaceMaterial

The surface material of the input tracking geometry.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, std::function<Acts::Vector2(Acts::Vector3)>> transform2D

The recorded 2D transform associated the grid for each geometry ID.

std::map<const GeometryIdentifier, std::function<Acts::Vector3(Acts::Vector3)>> transform3D

The recorded 3D transform associated the material grid for each geometry ID.

std::map<GeometryIdentifier, std::unique_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial>> volumeMaterial

The created volume material from it.

struct VolumeSelector
#include <Acts/Propagator/VolumeCollector.hpp>

Simple struct to select volumes.

Public Functions

inline VolumeSelector(bool sMaterial = true, bool sLayer = false, bool sPassive = false)

VolumeSelector with options.

  • sMaterial – is the directive to select material volumes

  • sLayer – is the directive to select volumes with layers

  • sPassive – is the directive to select passive volumes

inline bool operator()(const Acts::TrackingVolume &volume) const

Call operator to check if a volume should be selected.


volume – is the test volume

Public Members

bool selectLayer = false
bool selectMaterial = true
bool selectPassive = false
struct WeightedComponentReducerLoop
#include <Acts/Propagator/MultiEigenStepperLoop.hpp>

Reducer struct for the Loop MultiEigenStepper which reduces the multicomponent state to simply by summing the weighted values.

Public Static Functions

template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar charge(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline FreeVector cov(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline Vector3 direction(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar momentum(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline FreeVector pars(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline Vector3 position(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename stepper_state_t>
static inline ActsScalar time(const stepper_state_t &s)
template<typename component_range_t>
static inline Vector3 toVector3(const component_range_t &comps, const FreeIndices i)
struct WrappingConfig
#include <Acts/Geometry/CylinderVolumeBuilder.hpp>

The WrappingSetup that is happening here.

Public Functions

WrappingConfig() = default


inline void configureContainerVolume()

configure the new Volume

inline std::string toString() const

Method for output formatting.

inline void wrapInsertAttach()

wrap, insert, attach

Public Members

VolumeConfig containerVolumeConfig

the combined volume

VolumeConfig cVolumeConfig
VolumeConfig existingVolumeConfig

existing volume config with potential gaps

VolumeConfig externalVolumeConfig

externally provided config, this can only change the the ncp volumes

VolumeConfig fGapVolumeConfig
VolumeConfig nVolumeConfig

the new volumes

VolumeConfig pVolumeConfig
VolumeConfig sGapVolumeConfig
WrappingCondition wCondition = Undefined
std::string wConditionScreen = "[left untouched]"
template<typename vfitter_t>
class ZScanVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp>

Implements a vertex finder based on the mode of z0 values:

  1. Determines the mode value of all input track z0 values

  2. If no contraint is given, returns (0,0, z0_mode) as vertex position

  3. If vertex contraint is given with x=x_constr and y=y_constr, the returned vertex position will be (x_constr, y_constr, z0_mode).

Public Types

using InputTrack_t = typename vfitter_t::InputTrack_t

Public Functions

template<typename T = InputTrack_t, std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, BoundTrackParameters>::value, int> = 0>
inline ZScanVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("ZScanVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor used if InputTrack_t type == BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • logger – The logging instance

inline ZScanVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, std::function<BoundTrackParameters(InputTrack_t)> func, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> logger = getDefaultLogger("ZScanVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))

Constructor for user-defined InputTrack_t type =! BoundTrackParameters.

  • cfg – Configuration object

  • func – Function extracting BoundTrackParameters from InputTrack_t object

  • logger – Logging instance

Result<std::vector<Vertex<InputTrack_t>>> find(const std::vector<const InputTrack_t*> &trackVector, const VertexingOptions<InputTrack_t> &vertexingOptions, State &state) const

Function that determines single vertex, based on z0 values of input tracks, using a Half Sample Mode algorithm.

  • trackVector – Input track collection

  • vertexingOptions – Vertexing options

  • state – State for fulfilling correct interface


Vector of vertices, filled with a single vertex (for consistent interfaces)

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp>

Configuration struct.

Public Functions

inline Config(const ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> &ipEst)

Finder configuration.


ipEst – ImpactPointEstimator

Public Members

float constraintcutoff = 9.
float constrainttemp = 1.
bool disableAllWeights = false
double expPt = 1.
ImpactPointEstimator<InputTrack_t, Propagator_t> ipEstimator
double minPt = 0.4 * UnitConstants::GeV
double minWeight = 0.01
FsmwMode1dFinder mode1dFinder
bool useLogPt = true
bool usePt = false
struct State
#include <Acts/Vertexing/ZScanVertexFinder.hpp>

State struct for fulfilling interface.

namespace Ccl


using Label = int


enum ConnectResult


enumerator eNoConn
enumerator eNoConnStop
enumerator eConn


template<typename CellCollection, typename ClusterCollection, size_t GridDim = 2, typename Connect = DefaultConnect<typename CellCollection::value_type, GridDim>>
ClusterCollection createClusters(CellCollection &cells, Connect connect = Connect())

createClusters Conveniance function which runs both labelClusters and createClusters.

template<typename CellCollection, size_t GridDim = 2, typename Connect = DefaultConnect<typename CellCollection::value_type, GridDim>>
void labelClusters(CellCollection &cells, Connect connect = Connect())


In-place connected component labelling using the Hoshen-Kopelman algorithm. The Cell type must have the following functions defined: int getCellRow(const Cell&), int getCellColumn(const Cell&) int& getCellLabel(Cell&)

  • cells[in] the cell collection to be labeled

  • connect[in] the connection type (see DefaultConnect)

template<typename CellCollection, typename ClusterCollection, size_t GridDim>
std::enable_if<GridDim != 1 and GridDim != 2, ClusterCollection>::type mergeClusters(CellCollection&)


Merge a set of cells previously labeled (for instance with labelClusters) into actual clusters. The Cluster type must have the following function defined: void clusterAddCell(Cluster&, const Cell&)




constexpr Label NO_LABEL = 0
template<typename Cell>
struct Connect1D
#include <Acts/Clusterization/Clusterization.hpp>

Subclassed by Acts::Ccl::DefaultConnect< Cell, 1 >

Public Functions

ConnectResult operator()(const Cell &ref, const Cell &iter)
template<typename Cell>
struct Connect2D
#include <Acts/Clusterization/Clusterization.hpp>

Subclassed by Acts::Ccl::DefaultConnect< Cell, 2 >

Public Functions

inline Connect2D()
inline Connect2D(bool commonCorner)
ConnectResult operator()(const Cell &ref, const Cell &iter)

Public Members

bool conn8
template<typename Cell, size_t GridDim = 2>
struct DefaultConnect
#include <Acts/Clusterization/Clusterization.hpp>
template<typename Cell>
struct DefaultConnect<Cell, 1> : public Acts::Ccl::Connect1D<Cell>
#include <Acts/Clusterization/Clusterization.hpp>
template<typename Cell>
struct DefaultConnect<Cell, 2> : public Acts::Ccl::Connect2D<Cell>
#include <Acts/Clusterization/Clusterization.hpp>

Public Functions

inline DefaultConnect(bool commonCorner)
inline DefaultConnect()
namespace Concepts


using detected_or = detail::detector<Default, void, Op, Args...>

Helper which invokes the detector with a default type, and resolves to the type.

Template Parameters
  • Default – The type to resolve to if Op<Args...> does not resolve.

  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The argument to the operation

using detected_t = typename detail::detector<detail::nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::type

This type calls into the detector (same as is_detected) but it extracts the return type of Op<Args...>.

Template Parameters
  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation

using is_detected = typename detail::detector<detail::nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::value_t

This type ties together the detection idiom.

It instantiates the detector template with the Op and Args and resolves to the exact value type. In essence, if Op<Args...> succeeds, this will evaluate to std::true_type, and if not, it will evaluate to std::false_type.

Template Parameters
  • Op – The operation to test

  • Args – The arguments to the operation

using is_detected_convertible = std::is_convertible<detected_t<Op, Args...>, To>

This evaluates Op inside the detector, and checks whether the resolved type is convertible to To.

Template Parameters
  • To – The type to check convertibility to.

  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation

using is_detected_exact = std::is_same<Expected, detected_t<Op, Args...>>

This invokes detected_t, and checks whether its result matches Expected.

Template Parameters
  • Expected – The expected result of the operation.

  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation

using ReturnTypeAbsoluteMomentum = decltype(std::declval<T>().absoluteMomentum())
using ReturnTypeCharge = decltype(std::declval<T>().charge())
using ReturnTypeCovariance = decltype(std::declval<T>().covariance())
using ReturnTypeFourPosition = decltype(std::declval<T>().fourPosition())
using ReturnTypeFourPositionFromContext = decltype(std::declval<T>().fourPosition(std::declval<GeometryContext>()))
using ReturnTypeParameters = decltype(std::declval<T>().parameters())
using ReturnTypePosition = decltype(std::declval<T>().position())
using ReturnTypePositionFromContext = decltype(std::declval<T>().position(std::declval<GeometryContext>()))
using ReturnTypeReferenceSurface = decltype(std::declval<T>().referenceSurface())
using ReturnTypeTime = decltype(std::declval<T>().time())
using ReturnTypeUnitDirection = decltype(std::declval<T>().unitDirection())
using TypeCovarianceMatrix = typename T::CovarianceMatrix
using TypeParametersVector = typename T::ParametersVector
using TypeScalar = typename T::Scalar


template<typename parameters_t>
constexpr bool BoundTrackParametersConcept = BoundTrackParametersConceptImpl<parameters_t>::value
template<class To, template<class...> class Op, class ...Args>
constexpr bool converts_to = is_detected_convertible<To, Op, Args...>::value

Alias to conversion check, which also extracts the constexpr boolean value.

Template Parameters
  • To – The type to check convertibility to.

  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation.

template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool disallow = not require<Bs...>

Alias for the negation of a require.

This is essentially a NOT ANY test.

Template Parameters

Bs – The booleans.

template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool either = std::disjunction<std::bool_constant<Bs>...>::value

Helper which forms the logical OR of its arguments.

Converts to std::bool_constant.

Template Parameters

Bs – The booleans to combine.

template<template<class...> class Op, class ...Args>
constexpr bool exists = is_detected<Op, Args...>::value

Alias to is_detected which unpacks the constexpr boolean value.

Template Parameters
  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation.

template<typename parameters_t>
constexpr bool FreeTrackParametersConcept = FreeTrackParametersConceptImpl<parameters_t>::value
template<typename T, template<class...> class M, typename V>
constexpr bool has_member = identical_to<V, M, T>

Helper to assert if a member of a given type exists.

Basically only calls into identical_to but is nicer to read.

Template Parameters
  • T – The type to check existence of member on.

  • M – The member type trait

  • V – The type that the member is supposed to have.

template<typename T, typename R, template<class...> class M, typename ...Arguments>
constexpr bool has_method = M<T, R, Arguments...>::template tv<T>::value

Helper which evaluates whether the type T has a method with a given signature.

Template Parameters
  • T – The type to check on. This can contain a const qualifier if you want to check on that.

  • R – The return type

  • M – The method trait, as generated by METHOD_TRAIT

  • Arguments – The argument types that make up the signature.

template<class Exact, template<class...> class Op, class ...Args>
constexpr bool identical_to = is_detected_exact<Exact, Op, Args...>::value

Unpacks the constexpr boolean value from is_detected_exact

Template Parameters
  • Exact – The type to check identity against

  • Op – The operation

  • Args – The arguments to the operation.

template<bool... Bs>
constexpr bool require = std::conjunction<std::bool_constant<Bs>...>::value

Define some sort of “Domain Specific Language” to declare concepts a little more naturally.

These are taken from Helper which combines a set of predicates (constexpr bools) with a logical AND. Converts to std::bool_constant.

Template Parameters

Bs – The booleans to combine

template<typename T>
struct BoundTrackParametersConceptImpl
#include <Acts/EventData/TrackParametersConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool hasMethodAbsoluteMomentum = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeAbsoluteMomentum, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodCharge = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeCharge, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodCovariance = std::is_convertible_v<ReturnTypeCovariance<T>, std::optional<BoundSymMatrix>>
static constexpr bool hasMethodFourPositionFromContext = identical_to<Vector4, ReturnTypeFourPositionFromContext, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodParameters = std::is_convertible_v<ReturnTypeParameters<T>, BoundVector>
static constexpr bool hasMethodPositionFromContext = identical_to<Vector3, ReturnTypePositionFromContext, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodReferenceSurface = identical_to<const Surface&, ReturnTypeReferenceSurface, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodTime = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeTime, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodUnitDirection = identical_to<Vector3, ReturnTypeUnitDirection, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeCovarianceMatrix = exists<TypeCovarianceMatrix, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeParametersVector = exists<TypeParametersVector, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeScalar = exists<TypeScalar, const T>
static constexpr bool value = require<hasTypeScalar, hasTypeParametersVector, hasTypeCovarianceMatrix, hasMethodParameters, hasMethodCovariance, hasMethodFourPositionFromContext, hasMethodPositionFromContext, hasMethodTime, hasMethodUnitDirection, hasMethodAbsoluteMomentum, hasMethodCharge, hasMethodReferenceSurface>
template<typename T>
struct FreeTrackParametersConceptImpl
#include <Acts/EventData/TrackParametersConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool hasMethodAbsoluteMomentum = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeAbsoluteMomentum, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodCharge = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeCharge, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodCovariance = std::is_convertible_v<ReturnTypeCovariance<T>, std::optional<FreeSymMatrix>>
static constexpr bool hasMethodFourPosition = identical_to<Vector4, ReturnTypeFourPosition, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodParameters = std::is_convertible_v<ReturnTypeParameters<T>, FreeVector>
static constexpr bool hasMethodPosition = identical_to<Vector3, ReturnTypePosition, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodTime = identical_to<TypeScalar<T>, ReturnTypeTime, const T>
static constexpr bool hasMethodUnitDirection = identical_to<Vector3, ReturnTypeUnitDirection, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeCovarianceMatrix = exists<TypeCovarianceMatrix, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeParametersVector = exists<TypeParametersVector, const T>
static constexpr bool hasTypeScalar = exists<TypeScalar, const T>
static constexpr bool value = require<hasTypeScalar, hasTypeParametersVector, hasTypeCovarianceMatrix, hasMethodParameters, hasMethodCovariance, hasMethodFourPosition, hasMethodPosition, hasMethodTime, hasMethodUnitDirection, hasMethodAbsoluteMomentum, hasMethodCharge>
namespace Linearizer


using propagator_t = typename T::Propagator_t
using state_t = typename T::State


METHOD_TRAIT(linTrack_t, linearizeTrack)
template<typename S>
struct LinearizerConcept
#include <Acts/Vertexing/LinearizerConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool linTrack_exists = has_method<const S, Result<LinearizedTrack>, linTrack_t, constBoundTrackParameters&, constVector4&, constActs::GeometryContext&, constActs::MagneticFieldContext&, typename S::State&>
static constexpr bool propagator_exists = exists<propagator_t, S>
static constexpr bool state_exists = exists<state_t, S>
static constexpr bool value = require<linTrack_exists, propagator_exists, state_exists>
namespace SourceLinkAccessor


using container_t = typename T::Container
using iterator_t = typename T::Iterator
using key_t = typename T::Key
using value_t = typename T::Value


METHOD_TRAIT(count_t, count)
METHOD_TRAIT(range_t, range)
METHOD_TRAIT(at_t, at)
template<typename S>
struct SourceLinkAccessorConcept
#include <Acts/TrackFinding/SourceLinkAccessorConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool at_exists = has_method<const S, const typename S::Value&, at_t, const typename S::Iterator&>
static constexpr bool container_exists = exists<container_t, S>
static constexpr bool container_pointer_exists = std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<decltype(*(std::declval<S>().container))>, container_t<S>>
static constexpr bool count_exists = has_method<const S, size_t, count_t, constSurface&>
static constexpr bool iterator_exists = exists<iterator_t, S>
static constexpr bool key_exists = exists<key_t, S>
static constexpr bool range_exists = has_method<const S, std::pair<typename S::Iterator, typename S::Iterator>, range_t, constSurface&>
static constexpr bool value = require<container_exists, key_exists, value_exists, container_pointer_exists, iterator_exists, count_exists, range_exists, at_exists>
static constexpr bool value_exists = exists<value_t, S>
namespace Stepper


using bound_state_t = typename T::BoundState
using cov_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().cov)
using cov_transport_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().covTransport)
using covariance_t = typename T::Covariance
using curvilinear_state_t = typename T::CurvilinearState
using jacobian_t = typename T::Jacobian
using nav_dir_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().navDir)
using path_accumulated_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().pathAccumulated)
using state_t = typename T::State
using step_size_t = decltype(std::declval<T>().stepSize)


METHOD_TRAIT(reset_state_t, resetState)
METHOD_TRAIT(get_field_t, getField)
METHOD_TRAIT(position_t, position)
METHOD_TRAIT(direction_t, direction)
METHOD_TRAIT(momentum_t, momentum)
METHOD_TRAIT(charge_t, charge)
METHOD_TRAIT(time_t, time)
METHOD_TRAIT(overstep_t, overstepLimit)
METHOD_TRAIT(bound_state_method_t, boundState)
METHOD_TRAIT(curvilinear_state_method_t, curvilinearState)
METHOD_TRAIT(update_t, update)
METHOD_TRAIT(covariance_transport_bound_t, transportCovarianceToBound)
METHOD_TRAIT(covariance_transport_curvilinear_t, transportCovarianceToCurvilinear)
METHOD_TRAIT(step_t, step)
METHOD_TRAIT(update_surface_status_t, updateSurfaceStatus)
METHOD_TRAIT(set_step_size_t, setStepSize)
METHOD_TRAIT(get_step_size_t, getStepSize)
METHOD_TRAIT(release_step_size_t, releaseStepSize)
METHOD_TRAIT(output_step_size_t, outputStepSize)


template<typename S>
constexpr bool MultiStepperStateConcept = require<has_member<S, cov_transport_t, bool>, has_member<S, nav_dir_t, NavigationDirection>, has_member<S, path_accumulated_t, double>>
template<typename S>
constexpr bool StepperStateConcept = require<has_member<S, cov_transport_t, bool>, has_member<S, cov_t, BoundSymMatrix>, has_member<S, nav_dir_t, NavigationDirection>, has_member<S, path_accumulated_t, double>>
template<typename S, typename state = typename S::State>
struct CommonStepperConcept
#include <Acts/Propagator/StepperConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool bound_state_exists = exists<bound_state_t, S>
static constexpr bool bound_state_method_exists = has_method<const S, Result<typename S::BoundState>, bound_state_method_t, state&, const Surface&, bool, const FreeToBoundCorrection&>
static constexpr bool charge_exists = has_method<const S, double, charge_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool covariance_exists = exists<covariance_t, S>
static constexpr bool covariance_transport_exists = require<has_method<const S, void, covariance_transport_curvilinear_t, state&>, has_method<const S, void, covariance_transport_bound_t, state&, const Surface&, const FreeToBoundCorrection&>>
static constexpr bool curvilinear_state_exists = exists<curvilinear_state_t, S>
static constexpr bool curvilinear_state_method_exists = has_method<const S, typename S::CurvilinearState, curvilinear_state_method_t, state&, bool>
static constexpr bool direction_exists = has_method<const S, Vector3, direction_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool get_step_size_exists = has_method<const S, double, get_step_size_t, const state&, ConstrainedStep::Type>
static constexpr bool jacobian_exists = exists<jacobian_t, S>
static constexpr bool momentum_exists = has_method<const S, double, momentum_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool output_step_size_exists = has_method<const S, std::string, output_step_size_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool overstep_exists = has_method<const S, double, overstep_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool position_exists = has_method<const S, Vector3, position_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool release_step_size_exists = has_method<const S, void, release_step_size_t, state&>
static constexpr bool reset_state_exists = has_method<const S, void, reset_state_t, state&, const BoundVector&, const BoundSymMatrix&, const Surface&, const NavigationDirection, const double>
static constexpr bool set_step_size_exists = has_method<const S, void, set_step_size_t, state&, double, ConstrainedStep::Type, bool>
static constexpr bool state_exists = exists<state_t, S>
static constexpr bool time_exists = has_method<const S, double, time_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool update_surface_exists = has_method<const S, Intersection3D::Status, update_surface_status_t, state&, const Surface&, const BoundaryCheck&, const Logger&>
static constexpr bool value = require<state_exists, jacobian_exists, covariance_exists, bound_state_exists, curvilinear_state_exists, position_exists, direction_exists, momentum_exists, charge_exists, time_exists, bound_state_method_exists, curvilinear_state_method_exists, covariance_transport_exists, update_surface_exists, set_step_size_exists, release_step_size_exists, output_step_size_exists>
template<typename S, typename state = typename S::State>
struct MultiStepperConcept
#include <Acts/Propagator/StepperConcept.hpp>

Public Types

using component_proxy_t = typename T::ComponentProxy
using const_component_proxy_t = typename T::ConstComponentProxy

Public Functions

METHOD_TRAIT(number_components_t, numberComponents)
METHOD_TRAIT(clear_components_t, clearComponents)
METHOD_TRAIT(remove_missed_components_t, removeMissedComponents)

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool clear_components_exists = has_method<const S, void, clear_components_t, state&>
static constexpr bool common_stepper_concept_fullfilled = CommonStepperConcept<S, state>::value
static constexpr bool component_proxy_exists = exists<component_proxy_t, S>
static constexpr bool const_component_proxy_exists = exists<const_component_proxy_t, S>
static constexpr bool number_components_exists = has_method<const S, std::size_t, number_components_t, const state&>
static constexpr bool remove_missed_components_exists = has_method<const S, void, remove_missed_components_t, state&>
static constexpr bool value = require<common_stepper_concept_fullfilled, component_proxy_exists, const_component_proxy_exists, number_components_exists, clear_components_exists, remove_missed_components_exists>
template<typename S, typename state = typename S::State>
struct SingleStepperConcept
#include <Acts/Propagator/StepperConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool common_stepper_concept_fullfilled = CommonStepperConcept<S, state>::value
static constexpr bool get_field_exists = has_method<const S, Result<Vector3>, get_field_t, state&, const Vector3&>
static constexpr bool update_method_exists = require<has_method<const S, void, update_t, state&, const FreeVector&, const BoundVector&, const BoundSymMatrix&, const Surface&>, has_method<const S, void, update_t, state&, const Vector3&, const Vector3&, double, double>>
static constexpr bool value = require<common_stepper_concept_fullfilled, update_method_exists, get_field_exists>
namespace VertexFinder


using state_t = typename T::State


METHOD_TRAIT(find_t, find)
template<typename S>
struct VertexFinderConcept
#include <Acts/Vertexing/VertexFinderConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool find_exists = has_method<const S, Result<std::vector<Vertex<typename S::InputTrack_t>>>, find_t, const std::vector<const typename S::InputTrack_t*>&, constVertexingOptions<typename S::InputTrack_t>&, typename S::State&>
static constexpr bool state_exists = exists<state_t, S>
static constexpr bool value = require<state_exists, find_exists>
namespace VertexFitter


using linearizer_t = typename T::Linearizer_t
using propagator_t = typename T::Propagator_t
using state_t = typename T::State
using track_t = typename T::InputTrack_t


METHOD_TRAIT(fit_t, fit)
template<typename S>
struct VertexFitterConcept
#include <Acts/Vertexing/VertexFitterConcept.hpp>

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr bool fit_exists = has_method<const S, Result<Vertex<typename S::InputTrack_t>>, fit_t, const std::vector<const typename S::InputTrack_t*>&, const typename S::Linearizer_t&, constVertexingOptions<typename S::InputTrack_t>&, typename S::State&>
static constexpr bool linearizer_exists = exists<linearizer_t, S>
static constexpr bool propagator_exists = exists<propagator_t, S>
static constexpr bool state_exists = exists<state_t, S>
static constexpr bool track_exists = exists<track_t, S>
static constexpr bool value = require<fit_exists, track_exists, propagator_exists, linearizer_exists, state_exists>
namespace Experimental


using DetectorVolumeUpdator = OwningDelegate<void(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState), INavigationDelegate>

Declare a Detctor Volume finding or switching delegate.

Param gctx

is the current geometry context

Param nState

[in, out] is the navigation state to be updated


the new DetectorVolume into which one changes at this switch

using PortalGenerator = Delegate<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Portal>>(const Transform3&, const VolumeBounds&, const std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>&)>

The Portal genertor definition.

using SurfaceCandidatesUpdator = OwningDelegate<void(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState), INavigationDelegate>

Declare an updator for the local navigation, i.e.

the navigation inside a detector volume. This can be called either directly after a volume switch or in order to update within a volume after some progression

This delegate dispatches the local navigation action to a dedicated struct or function that is optimised for the given environment.


it relies on the detector volume to be set to the state Memory managed navigation state updator

Param gctx

is the current geometry context

Param nState

[in,out] is the navigation state to be updated


enum Chi2FitterError


enumerator NoMeasurementFound
enum GsfError


enumerator NavigationFailed
enumerator ComponentNumberMismatch
enumerator AllComponentsSteppingError
enumerator NoComponentCreated
enumerator NoStatesCreated
enumerator StartParametersNotOnStartSurface
enumerator PropagationEndedOnWrongSurface
enumerator LastStepParamsContainNan
enumerator SmoothingFailed


std::error_code make_error_code(Chi2FitterError e)
std::error_code make_error_code(GsfError e)
AtlasBetheHeitlerApprox<6, 5> makeDefaultBetheHeitlerApprox()

Creates a AtlasBetheHeitlerApprox object based on an ATLAS configuration, that are stored as static data in the source code.

This may not be an optimal configuration, but should allow to run the GSF without the need to load files

static inline DetectorVolumeUpdator unconnectedUpdator()

A dummy constructed updator.

struct AllPortalsExtractor
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Helper extractors: all portals.

Public Static Functions

static inline const std::vector<const Portal*> extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState)

Extract the portals from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state


a vector of raw Portal pointers

struct AllSubVolumesExtractor
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Helper extractors: all sub volumes of a volume.

Public Static Functions

static inline const std::vector<const DetectorVolume*> extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState, [[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<size_t> &indices = {})

Extract the sub volumes from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state

  • indices – are access indices into the volume store (ignored)


a vector of raw DetectorVolume pointers

struct AllSurfacesExtractor
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Helper extractors: all surfaces.

Public Static Functions

static inline const std::vector<const Surface*> extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState, [[maybe_unused]] const std::vector<size_t> &indices = {})

Extract the surfaces from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state

  • indices – is an ignored index vector


a vector of raw Surface pointers

template<int NComponents, int PolyDegree>
class AtlasBetheHeitlerApprox
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/BetheHeitlerApprox.hpp>

This class approximates the Bethe-Heitler distribution as a gaussian mixture.

To enable an approximation for continuous input variables, the weights, means and variances are internally parametrized as a Nth order polynomial.

Public Types

using Data = std::array<PolyData, NComponents>

Public Functions

inline constexpr AtlasBetheHeitlerApprox(const Data &low_data, const Data &high_data, bool low_transform, bool high_transform)

Construct the Bethe-Heitler approximation description.

Additional to the coefficients of the polynomials, the information whether these values need to be transformed beforehand must be given (see ATLAS code).

  • low_data – data for the lower x/x0 range

  • high_data – data for the higher x/x0 range

  • low_transform – wether the low data need to be transformed

  • high_transform – wether the high data need to be transformed

inline auto mixture(ActsScalar x) const

Generates the mixture from the polynomials and reweights them, so that the sum of all weights is 1.


x – pathlength in terms of the radiation length

inline constexpr auto numComponents() const

Returns the number of components the returned mixture will have.

inline constexpr bool validXOverX0(ActsScalar x) const

Checks if an input is valid for the parameterization.


x – pathlength in terms of the radiation length

Public Static Functions

static inline auto loadFromFiles(const std::string &low_parameters_path, const std::string &high_parameters_path)

Loads a parameterization from a file according to the Atlas file description.

  • low_parameters_path – Path to the foo.par file that stores the parameterization for low x/x0

  • high_parameters_path – Path to the foo.par file that stores the parameterization for high x/x0

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr double higherLimit = 0.20
static constexpr double lowerLimit = 0.10
static constexpr double noChangeLimit = 0.0001
static constexpr double singleGaussianLimit = 0.002
struct PolyData
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/BetheHeitlerApprox.hpp>

Public Members

std::array<ActsScalar, PolyDegree + 1> meanCoeffs
std::array<ActsScalar, PolyDegree + 1> varCoeffs
std::array<ActsScalar, PolyDegree + 1> weightCoeffs
struct BetheHeitlerApproxSingleCmp
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/BetheHeitlerApprox.hpp>

This class approximates the Bethe-Heitler with only one component.

This is mainly inside AtlasBetheHeitlerApprox, but can also be used as the only component approximation (then probably for debugging)

Public Functions

inline constexpr auto numComponents() const

Returns the number of components the returned mixture will have.

inline constexpr bool validXOverX0(ActsScalar x) const

Checks if an input is valid for the parameterization.

The threshold for x/x0 is 0.002 and orientates on the values used in ATLAS

Public Static Functions

static inline auto mixture(const ActsScalar x)

Returns array with length 1 containing a 1-component-representation of the Bethe-Heitler-Distribution.


x – pathlength in terms of the radiation length

template<typename propagator_t, typename traj_t>
class Chi2Fitter
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/Chi2Fitter.hpp>

Chi2 fitter implementation.

Template Parameters

propagator_t – Type of the propagation class

Public Functions

inline Chi2Fitter(propagator_t pPropagator, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("Chi2Fitter", Logging::INFO))

Fit implementation of the GX2F.


The input measurements are given in the form of SourceLink s. It’s the calibrators job to turn them into calibrated measurements used in the fit.

Template Parameters
  • source_link_iterator_t – Iterator type used to pass source links

  • start_parameters_t – Type of the initial parameters

  • parameters_t – Type of parameters used for local parameters

  • it – Begin iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • end – End iterator for the fittable uncalibrated measurements

  • sParameters – The initial track parameters

  • chi2FitterOptions – Chi2FitterOptions steering the fit

  • trajectory – Input trajectory storage to append into


the output as an output track

template<typename traj_t>
struct Chi2FitterExtensions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/Chi2Fitter.hpp>

Extension struct which holds delegates to customize the GX2F behavior.

Public Types

using Calibrator = Delegate<void(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy)>
using ConstTrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::ConstTrackStateProxy
using OutlierFinder = Delegate<bool(ConstTrackStateProxy)>
using Parameters = typename TrackStateProxy::Parameters
using TrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy

Public Functions

inline Chi2FitterExtensions()

Default constructor which connects the default void components.

Public Members

Calibrator calibrator

The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g.

sagging for wires, module deformations, etc.

OutlierFinder outlierFinder

Determines whether a measurement is supposed to be considered as an outlier.

template<typename traj_t>
struct Chi2FitterOptions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/Chi2Fitter.hpp>

Combined options for the GX2F fitter.

Template Parameters

traj_t – The trajectory type

Public Functions

inline Chi2FitterOptions(const GeometryContext &gctx, const MagneticFieldContext &mctx, std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> cctx, Chi2FitterExtensions<traj_t> extensions_, const PropagatorPlainOptions &pOptions, bool mScattering = false, bool eLoss = false, int nIter = 1, bool calcFinalChi2_ = true, const FreeToBoundCorrection &freeToBoundCorrection_ = FreeToBoundCorrection(false))

PropagatorOptions with context.

  • gctx – The goemetry context for this fit

  • mctx – The magnetic context for this fit

  • cctx – The calibration context for this fit

  • extensions_ – The chi2 extensions

  • pOptions – The plain propagator options

  • mScattering – Whether to include multiple scattering

  • eLoss – Whether to include energy loss

  • nIter – Number of update steps to the parameters

  • calcFinalChi2_ – Whether to run additional propagation to calculate final chi2

  • freeToBoundCorrection_ – Correction for non-linearity effect during transform from free to bound

Chi2FitterOptions() = delete

Contexts are required and the options must not be default-constructible.

Public Members

bool calcFinalChi2 = true

Whether to do an additional propagation step, just to get the latest chi2 value.

std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext

context object for the calibration

bool energyLoss = false

Whether to consider energy loss.

Chi2FitterExtensions<traj_t> extensions
FreeToBoundCorrection freeToBoundCorrection

Whether to include non-linear correction during global to local transformation.

std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext

Context object for the geometry.

std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext

Context object for the magnetic field.

bool multipleScattering = false

Whether to consider multiple scattering.

int nUpdates = 1

Number of iterations to improve chi2.

PropagatorPlainOptions propagatorPlainOptions

The trivial propagator options.

template<typename traj_t>
struct Chi2FitterResult
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/Chi2Fitter.hpp>

Public Members

ActsScalar chisquare = -1
std::vector<ActsScalar> chisquares
std::vector<ActsScalar> collectorCovariance
BoundVector collectorDerive1Chi2Sum = BoundVector::Zero()

first derivative of chi2 wrt starting track parameters

BoundMatrix collectorDerive2Chi2Sum = BoundMatrix::Zero()
std::vector<ActsScalar> collectorMeasurements
std::vector<ActsScalar> collectorResiduals
ActsDynamicMatrix covariance
bool finished = false
std::optional<BoundTrackParameters> fittedParameters
std::shared_ptr<traj_t> fittedStates
BoundMatrix jacobianFromStart = BoundMatrix::Identity()
size_t lastMeasurementIndex = SIZE_MAX
size_t lastTrackIndex = Acts::MultiTrajectoryTraits::kInvalid
size_t measurementHoles = 0
size_t measurementStates = 0
std::vector<const Surface*> missedActiveSurfaces
size_t processedStates = 0
ActsDynamicVector residuals
Result<void> result = {Result<void>::success()}
class Detector : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Detector>
#include <Acts/Geometry/Detector.hpp>

Public Functions

inline const DetectorVolumeUpdator &detectorVolumeFinder() const

Const access to the volume finder.

const DetectorVolume *findDetectorVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const

Find a volume from a position.


this creates internally a NavigationState object

  • gctx – is the Geometry context of the call

  • position – is the position of the call


the volume pointer or nullptr (if outside)

const DetectorVolume *findDetectorVolume(const std::string &name) const

Find a volume by name.


name – with which the volume is searched for


the volume pointer or nullptr (if not found)

std::shared_ptr<Detector> getSharedPtr()

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (non-const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior (but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception), in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

std::shared_ptr<const Detector> getSharedPtr() const

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior, but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception, in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

inline const std::string &name() const

Return the name of the detector.

void updateDetectorVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const

Update the current volume of a given navigation state.

  • gctx – is the Geometry context of the call

  • nState – [in, out] is the navigation state

inline void updateDetectorVolumeFinder(DetectorVolumeUpdator &&mVolumeFinder)

Update the volume finder.


mVolumeFinder – the new volume finder

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &volumePtrs()

Non-const access to the volumes.


the volumes shared pointer store

inline const std::vector<const DetectorVolume*> &volumes() const

Const access to sub volumes.


a vector to const DetectorVolume raw pointers

Public Static Functions

template<typename ...Args>
static inline std::shared_ptr<Detector> makeShared(Args&&... args)

Factory for producing memory managed instances of Detector.

Will forward all parameters and will attempt to find a suitable constructor.

Template Parameters

Args – the arguments that will be forwarded

class DetectorVolume : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DetectorVolume>
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

A detector volume description which can be:


A detector volume holds non-const objects internally that are allowed to be modified as long as the geometry is not yet closed. Using this, material can be attached, and GeometryIdentifier can be set at construction time.


The construction of DetectorVolumes is done via a dedicated factory, this is necessary as then the shared_ptr is non-weak and it can be registred in the portal generator for further geometry processing.


Navigation is always done by plain pointers, while object ownership is done by shared/unique pointers.

Public Types

using BoundingBox = Acts::AxisAlignedBoundingBox<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume, Acts::ActsScalar, 3>

Public Functions

inline void assignDetector(const Detector &detector)

Assign Detector to this volume (for back navigation issues)


detector – the parenting detector class

void assignSurfaceCandidatesUpdator(SurfaceCandidatesUpdator &&surfaceCandidateUpdator, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> &surfaces = {}, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &volumes = {})

This method allows to udate the navigation state updator module.

  • surfaceCandidateUpdator – the new navigation state updator for surfaces

  • surfaces – the surfaces the new navigation state updator points to

  • volumes – the volumes the new navigation state updator points to

inline void assignVolumeMaterial(std::shared_ptr<IVolumeMaterial> material)

Assign the volume material description.

This method allows to load a material description during the detector geometry building, and assigning it (potentially multiple) times to detector volumes.


material – Material description associated to this volumw

inline Vector3 center(const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext()) const

Const access to the center.


the geometry context is currently ignored, but is a placeholder for eventually misaligned volumes


gctx – the geometry contect


a contextually created center

void closePortals()

Final closing of portal, i.e. this sets the end of world.

inline const Detector *detector() const

Const access to the detector.

Extent extent(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t nseg = 1) const

The Extent for this volume.

  • gctx – is the geometry context

  • nseg – is the number of segements to approximate


an Extent object

inline const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId() const

the geometry identifier

const BoundingBox &getBoundingBox() const
std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume> getSharedPtr()

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (non-const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior (but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception), in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

std::shared_ptr<const DetectorVolume> getSharedPtr() const

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior, but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception, in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

bool inside(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position, bool excludeInserts = true) const

Inside/outside method.

  • gctx – the geometry context

  • position – the position for the inside check

  • excludeInserts – steers whether inserted volumes overwrite this


a bool to indicate inside/outside

inline const std::string &name() const

the name of the volume

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Portal>> &portalPtrs()

Non-const access to the portals.


the portal shared pointer store

inline const std::vector<const Portal*> &portals() const

Const access to the detector portals.


an empty vector indicates a container volume that has not been properly connected


a vector to const Portal raw pointers

inline const SurfaceCandidatesUpdator &surfaceCandidatesUpdator() const

Const access to the navigation state updator.

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> &surfacePtrs()

Non-const access to the surfaces.


the surfaces shared pointer store

inline const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces() const

Const access to the surfaces.


an empty vector indicates either gap volume or container volume, a non-empty vector indicates a layer volume.


a vector to const Surface raw pointers

inline const Transform3 &transform(const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext()) const

Const access to the transform.


the geometry context is currently ignored, but is a placeholder for eventually misaligned volumes


gctx – the geometry contect


const reference to the contextual transform

void updateNavigationState(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const

Initialize/update the navigation status in this environment.

This method calls:

  • the local navigation delegate for candidate surfaces

  • the portal navigation delegate for candidate exit portals

  • set the current detector volume

  • gctx – is the current geometry context

  • nState – [in,out] is the detector navigation state to be updated

void updatePortal(std::shared_ptr<Portal> portal, unsigned int pIndex) noexcept(false)

Update a portal given a portal index.


throws exception if portal index out of bounds

  • portal – the portal to be updated

  • pIndex – the portal index

inline const VolumeBounds &volumeBounds() const

Const access to the volume bounds.


const reference to the volume bounds object

inline const IVolumeMaterial *volumeMaterial() const

Const access to the volume amterial.

inline std::shared_ptr<IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterialPtr()

Non-const access to the voume material (for scaling, e.g.)

inline std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &volumePtrs()

Non-const access to the volumes.


the volumes shared pointer store

inline const std::vector<const DetectorVolume*> &volumes() const

Const access to sub volumes.


and empty vector indicates this is either a gap volume or a layer volume, in any case it means the volume is on navigation level and the portals need to be connected


a vector to const DetectorVolume raw pointers


friend class DetectorVolumeFactory
template<typename internal_type>
struct ObjectStore
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Nested object store that holds the internal (non-const), reference counted objects and provides an external (const raw pointer) access.

Template Parameters

internal_type – is the internal storage representation, has to comply with std::shared_ptr semantics

Public Functions

inline ObjectStore(const std::vector<internal_type> &objects)

Store constructor.


objects – are the ones copied into the internal store

ObjectStore() = default

Public Members

std::vector<const typename internal_type::element_type*> external = {}

The external storage vector, const raw pointer.

std::vector<internal_type> internal = {}

The internal storage vector.

class DetectorVolumeFactory
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

A detector volume factory which first constructs the detector volume and then constructs the portals.

This ensures that the std::shared_ptr holding the detector volume is not weak when assigning to the portals.

Public Static Functions

template<typename ...Args>
static inline std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume> construct(const PortalGenerator &portalGenerator, const GeometryContext &gctx, Args&&... args)

Create a detector volume - from factory.

  • portalGenerator – the volume portal generator

  • gctx – the geometry context for construction and potential contextual store

  • args – the arguments forwarded to the detector volume contructor


a shared object DetectorVolume

struct DetectorVolumeFiller
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationState.hpp>

Filler of the current volume.

Public Static Functions

static inline void fill(NavigationState &nState, const DetectorVolume *volume)

Helper struct that allows to fill a volume into the navigation state, it allows to use common navigation structs for volume, portal, surfaces.

  • nState – the navigation state

  • volume – the volume that is filled

template<typename propagator_t, typename bethe_heitler_approx_t, typename traj_t>
struct GaussianSumFitter
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GaussianSumFitter.hpp>

Gaussian Sum Fitter implementation.


This GSF implementation tries to be as compatible to the KalmanFitter as possible. However, strict compatibility is not garantueed.


Currently there is no possibility to export the states of the individual components from the GSF, the only information returned in the MultiTrajectory are the means of the states. Therefore, also NO dedicated component smoothing is performed as described e.g. by R. Fruewirth.

Template Parameters
  • propagator_t – The propagator type on which the algorithm is built on

  • bethe_heitler_approx_t – The type of the Bethe-Heitler-Approximation

  • traj_t – The MultiTrajectory type (backend)

Public Types

using GsfActor = detail::GsfActor<bethe_heitler_approx_t, traj_t>

The actor type.

using GsfNavigator = typename propagator_t::Navigator

The navigator type.

Public Functions

inline GaussianSumFitter(propagator_t &&propagator, bethe_heitler_approx_t &&bha, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> _logger = getDefaultLogger("GSF", Logging::INFO))

The fit function for the Direct navigator.

The fit function for the standard navigator.

The generic implementation of the fit function.

TODO check what this function does with the referenceSurface is e.g. the first measuerementSurface

inline const Logger &logger() const

Public Members

std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_actorLogger
bethe_heitler_approx_t m_betheHeitlerApproximation

The fitter holds the instance of the bethe heitler approx.

std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger

The logger.

propagator_t m_propagator

The propagator instance used by the fit function.

template<typename traj_t>
struct GsfExtensions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GsfOptions.hpp>

The extensions needed for the GSF.

Public Types

using Calibrator = Delegate<void(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy)>
using ConstTrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::ConstTrackStateProxy
using OutlierFinder = Delegate<bool(ConstTrackStateProxy)>
using TrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy
using Updater = Delegate<Result<void>(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy, NavigationDirection, const Logger&)>

Public Functions

inline GsfExtensions()

Default constructor which connects the default void components.

Public Members

Calibrator calibrator

The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g.

sagging for wires, module deformations, etc.

OutlierFinder outlierFinder

Determines whether a measurement is supposed to be considered as an outlier.

Updater updater

The updater incorporates measurement information into the track parameters.

template<typename traj_t>
struct GsfOptions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GsfOptions.hpp>

Public Functions

GsfOptions() = delete

Public Members

bool abortOnError = true
std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext
bool disableAllMaterialHandling = false
GsfExtensions<traj_t> extensions
std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext
std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext
std::size_t maxComponents = 4
PropagatorPlainOptions propagatorPlainOptions
const Surface *referenceSurface = nullptr
double weightCutoff = 1.e-4
class INavigationDelegate
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationDelegates.hpp>

Base class for navigation delegates This allows to define a common Owning delegate schema, which in turn allows for accessing the holder of the delegate implementation for e.g.

I/O or display

struct IndexedSubVolumesExtractor
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Helper extractors: indexed sub volume of a volume.

Public Static Functions

static inline const std::vector<const DetectorVolume*> extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState, const std::vector<size_t> &indices)

Extract the sub volumes from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state

  • indices – are access indices into the volume store


a vector of raw DetectorVolume pointers

struct IndexedSurfacesExtractor
#include <Acts/Geometry/DetectorVolume.hpp>

Helper extractors: indexed surfaces.

Public Static Functions

static inline const std::vector<const Surface*> extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState, const std::vector<size_t> &indices)

Extract the surfaces from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state

  • indices – are access indices into the surfaces store


a vector of raw Surface pointers

struct NavigationState
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationState.hpp>

A navigation state struct that is holding the current navigation information about volume, surfaces, and portals.

Public Types

using SurfaceCandidates = std::vector<SurfaceCandidate>

Surface candidate vector alias, this allows to use e.g.

boost_small vector or other stl like containers

Public Members

ActsScalar absMomentum = 0.

The current absolute momentum.

std::any auxilliary

Auxilliary attached information.

ActsScalar charge = 0.

The current charge.

const Detector *currentDetector = nullptr

The current detector in processing.

const Surface *currentSurface = nullptr

The current surface, i.e the position is on surface.

const DetectorVolume *currentVolume = nullptr

The current volume in processing, i.e. the position is inside.

Vector3 direction = Vector3(0., 0., 0.)

The current direction.

Vector3 magneticField = Vector3(0., 0., 0.)

The current magnetic field.

ActsScalar overstepTolerance = -0.1

An overstep tolerance.

Vector3 position = Vector3(0., 0., 0.)

The current position.

BoundaryCheck surfaceBoundaryCheck = true

Boundary directives for surfaces.

SurfaceCandidates::iterator surfaceCandidate = surfaceCandidates.end()
SurfaceCandidates surfaceCandidates = {}

That are the candidate surfaces to process.

struct SurfaceCandidate
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationState.hpp>

A surface candidate and its intersection.

candidates can either be surfaces or portals (which contain a surface)

Public Members

BoundaryCheck bCheck = true

The boundary check used for the candidate, boundary checks can differ for sensitive surfaces and portals.

ObjectIntersection<Surface> objectIntersection

A candidate intersection, in Surface view.

const Portal *portal = nullptr

Or a portal.

const Surface *surface = nullptr

A candidate is either a detector Surface.

class Portal : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Portal>
#include <Acts/Geometry/Portal.hpp>

A portal description between the detector volumes.

It has a Surface representation for navigation and propagation and guides from one volume to the next.

The surface can carry material to allow mapping onto portal positions if required.

Public Types

using AttachedDetectorVolumes = std::array<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>>, 2u>

The vector of attached volumes forward/backward, this is useful in the geometry building.

using DetectorVolumeUpdators = std::array<DetectorVolumeUpdator, 2u>

The volume links forward/backward with respect to the surface normal.

Public Functions

Portal() = delete
virtual ~Portal() = default
void assignDetectorVolumeUpdator(NavigationDirection nDir, DetectorVolumeUpdator &&dVolumeUpdator, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &attachedVolumes)

Update the volume link.


this overwrites the existing link

  • nDir – the navigation direction for the link

  • dVolumeUpdator – is the mangaged volume updator delegate

  • attachedVolumes – is the list of attached volumes for book keeping

void assignDetectorVolumeUpdator(DetectorVolumeUpdator &&dVolumeUpdator, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &attachedVolumes) noexcept(false)

Update the volume link, w/o directive, i.e.

it relies that there’s only one remaining link to be set, throws an exception if that’s not the case


this overwrites the existing link

  • dVolumeUpdator – is the mangaged volume updator delegate

  • attachedVolumes – is the list of attached volumes for book keeping

void assignGeometryId(const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId)

Set the geometry identifier (to the underlying surface)


geometryId – the geometry identifier to be assigned

inline AttachedDetectorVolumes &attachedDetectorVolumes()
inline const DetectorVolumeUpdators &detectorVolumeUpdators() const
void fuse(std::shared_ptr<Portal> &other) noexcept(false)

Fuse with another portal, this one is kept.


this will move the portal links from the other into this volume, it will throw an exception if the portals are not fusable


that other will be overwritten to point to this


other – is the portal that will be fused

std::shared_ptr<Portal> getSharedPtr()

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (non-const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior (but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception), in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

std::shared_ptr<const Portal> getSharedPtr() const

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior, but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception, in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

inline const Surface &surface() const

Const access to the surface representation.

inline Surface &surface()

Non-const access to the surface reference.

void updateDetectorVolume(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const noexcept(false)

Update the current volume.

  • gctx – is the Geometry context of this call

  • nState – [in,out] the navigation state for the volume to be updated

Public Static Functions

template<typename ...Args>
static inline std::shared_ptr<Portal> makeShared(Args&&... args)

Factory for producing memory managed instances of Portal.

Will forward all parameters and will attempt to find a suitable constructor.


friend class DetectorVolume
struct PortalsFiller
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationState.hpp>

Fillers and attachers for portals to act on the navigation state.

Public Static Functions

static inline void fill(NavigationState &nState, const std::vector<const Portal*> &portals)

Helper struct that allows to fill surfaces into the candidate vector it allows to use common navigation structs for volume, portal, surfaces.

  • nState – the navigation state

  • portals – the portals that are filled in

struct SurfacesFiller
#include <Acts/Geometry/NavigationState.hpp>

Fillers and attachers for surfaces to act on the navigation state.

Public Static Functions

static inline void fill(NavigationState &nState, const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces)

Helper struct that allows to fill surfaces into the candidate vector it allows to use common navigation structs for volume, portal, surfaces.

  • nState – the navigation state

  • surfaces – the surfaces that are filled in

namespace HashedStringLiteral


constexpr HashedString operator""_hash(char const *s, std::size_t count)
namespace KalmanVertexTrackUpdater


template<typename input_track_t>
void update(TrackAtVertex<input_track_t> &track, const Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx)


Refits a single track with the knowledge of the vertex it has originated from

  • track – Track to update

  • vtx – Vertex track belongs to

namespace KalmanVertexUpdater


template<typename input_track_t>
void updatePosition(const Acts::Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, const Acts::LinearizedTrack &linTrack, double trackWeight, int sign, MatrixCache &matrixCache)

Updates vertex position.

  • vtx – Old vertex

  • linTrack – Linearized version of track to be added or removed

  • trackWeight – Track weight

  • sign – +1 (add track) or -1 (remove track)

  • matrixCache[out] A cache to store matrix information

template<typename input_track_t>
void updateVertexWithTrack(Vertex<input_track_t> &vtx, TrackAtVertex<input_track_t> &trk)

Updates vertex with knowledge of new track.


KalmanVertexUpdater updates the vertex w.r.t. the newly given track, but does NOT add the track to the TrackAtVertex list. Has to be done manually after calling this method

  • vtx – Vertex to be updated

  • trk – Track to be used for updating the vertex

struct MatrixCache
#include <Acts/Vertexing/KalmanVertexUpdater.hpp>


adds or removes track from or updates current vertex Based on R. Frühwirth et al. Vertex reconstruction and track bundling at the lep collider using robust Algorithms Computer Physics Comm.: 96 (1996) 189, chapter 2.1 Cache object to store matrix information

Public Members

SymMatrix3 momWeightInv = SymMatrix3::Zero()
SymMatrix3 newVertexCov = SymMatrix3::Zero()
Vector3 newVertexPos = Vector3::Zero()
SymMatrix3 newVertexWeight = SymMatrix3::Zero()
SymMatrix3 oldVertexWeight = SymMatrix3::Zero()
namespace Legacy
template<typename SpacePoint>
class AtlasSeedFinder
#include <Acts/Seeding/AtlasSeedFinder.hpp>

Public Functions

virtual ~AtlasSeedFinder()
void find3Sp()
template<class RandIter>
void newEvent(int, RandIter, RandIter)
inline const Seed<SpacePoint> *next()

Public Members

const Config m_config
class comCurvature
#include <Acts/Seeding/AtlasSeedFinder.hpp>

Public Functions

template<typename SpacePoint>
inline bool operator()(const std::pair<float, Acts::Legacy::SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*> &i1, const std::pair<float, Acts::Legacy::SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*> &i2)
template<typename SpacePoint>
class InternalSeed
#include <Acts/Seeding/LegacyInternalSeed.hpp>

Public Functions

InternalSeed(SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, float)
InternalSeed(const InternalSeed<SpacePoint>&)
virtual ~InternalSeed()
InternalSeed<SpacePoint> &operator=(const InternalSeed<SpacePoint>&)
inline const float &quality() const
void set(SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, SPForSeed<SpacePoint>*&, float)
bool set3(Acts::Legacy::Seed<SpacePoint>&)
bool setQuality(float)
inline SPForSeed<SpacePoint> *spacepoint0()
inline SPForSeed<SpacePoint> *spacepoint1()
inline SPForSeed<SpacePoint> *spacepoint2()
inline const float &z() const
template<typename SpacePoint>
class Seed
#include <Acts/Seeding/LegacySeed.hpp>

Public Functions

Seed(const SpacePoint*, const SpacePoint*, const SpacePoint*, const double)
Seed(const Seed&)
virtual ~Seed()
void add(const SpacePoint*&)
void erase()
Seed &operator=(const Seed&)
void setZVertex(const double&)
const std::list<const SpacePoint*> &spacePoints() const
const double &zVertex() const
template<typename SpacePoint>
class SPForSeed
#include <Acts/Seeding/SPForSeed.hpp>

Public Functions

inline SPForSeed()
inline SPForSeed(SpacePoint*const&, const float*)
inline SPForSeed(SpacePoint*const&, const float*, const float*)
inline SPForSeed(const SPForSeed&)
inline virtual ~SPForSeed()
inline const float &covr() const
inline const float &covz() const
inline SPForSeed &operator=(const SPForSeed&)
inline const float &param() const
inline float phi() const
inline const float &quality() const
inline const float &radius() const
inline void set(SpacePoint*const&, const float*)
inline void set(SpacePoint*const&, const float*, const float*)
inline void setParam(const float&)
inline void setQuality(float)
inline const int &surface() const
inline const float &x() const
inline const float &y() const
inline const float &z() const

Public Members

const SpacePoint *spacepoint = nullptr
namespace Logging

debug output related helper classes and functions


enum Level

constants steering the debug output

All messages with a debug level equal or higher than the currently set debug output level will be printed.


enumerator VERBOSE

VERBOSE level.

enumerator DEBUG

DEBUG level.

enumerator INFO

INFO level.

enumerator WARNING

WARNING level.

enumerator ERROR

ERROR level.

enumerator FATAL

FATAL level.

enumerator MAX

Must be kept above the maximum supported debug level.


Level getFailureThreshold()

Get debug level above which an exception will be thrown after logging.

All messages with a debug level equal or higher than the return value of this function will cause an exception to be thrown after log emission.


Depending on preprocessor settings ACTS_ENABLE_LOG_FAILURE_THRESHOLD and ACTS_LOG_FAILURE_THRESHOLD, this operations is either constexpr or a runtime operation.

inline std::string_view levelName(Level level)
void setFailureThreshold(Level level)

Set debug level above which an exception will be thrown after logging.

All messages with a debug level equal or higher than level will cause an exception to be thrown after log emission.


This function is only available if ACTS_LOG_FAILURE_THRESHOLD is unset, i.e. no compile-time threshold is used. Otherwise an exception is thrown.


The runtime log failure threshold is global state, therefore this function is not threadsafe. The intention is that this level is set once, before multi-threaded execution begins, and then not modified before the end of the job.

class DefaultFilterPolicy : public Acts::Logging::OutputFilterPolicy
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

default filter policy for debug messages

All debug messages with a debug level equal or larger to the specified threshold level are processed.

Public Functions

inline explicit DefaultFilterPolicy(Level lvl)



lvl[in] threshold debug level

~DefaultFilterPolicy() override = default

virtual default destructor

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputFilterPolicy> clone(Level level) const override

Make a copy of this filter policy with a new level.


level – the new level


the new copy

inline virtual bool doPrint(const Level &lvl) const override

decide whether a debug message should be processed


lvl[in] debug level of debug message


true if lvl >= m_level, otherwise false

inline virtual Level level() const override

Get the level of this filter policy.


the levele

class DefaultPrintPolicy : public Acts::Logging::OutputPrintPolicy
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

default print policy for debug messages

This class allows to print debug messages without further modifications to a specified output stream.

Public Functions

inline explicit DefaultPrintPolicy(std::ostream *out = &std::cout)



out[in] pointer to output stream object


out is non-zero

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const override

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) final

flush the debug message to the destination stream

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

inline virtual const std::string &name() const override

Fulfill OutputPrintPolicy interface.

This policy doesn’t actually have a name, so the assumption is that somewhere in the decorator hierarchy, there is something that returns a name without delegating to a wrappee, before reaching this overload.


This method will throw an exception


the name, but it never returns

class LevelOutputDecorator : public Acts::Logging::OutputDecorator
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

decorate debug message with its debug level

The debug message is complemented with its debug level.

Public Functions

inline explicit LevelOutputDecorator(std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> wrappee)



wrappee[in] output print policy object to be wrapped

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const override

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) override

flush the debug message to the destination stream

This function prepends the debug level to the debug message and then delegates the flushing of the whole message to its wrapped object.

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

class NamedOutputDecorator : public Acts::Logging::OutputDecorator
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

decorate debug message with a name

The debug message is complemented with a name.

Public Functions

inline NamedOutputDecorator(std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> wrappee, const std::string &name, unsigned int maxWidth = 15)


  • wrappee[in] output print policy object to be wrapped

  • name[in] name to be added to debug message

  • maxWidth[in] maximum width of field used for name

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const override

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) override

flush the debug message to the destination stream

This function prepends the given name to the debug message and then delegates the flushing of the whole message to its wrapped object.

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

inline virtual const std::string &name() const override

Get this named output decorators name.


the name

class OutputDecorator : public Acts::Logging::OutputPrintPolicy
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

base class for decorating the debug output

Derived classes may augment the debug message with additional information. Chaining different decorators is possible to customize the output to your needs.

Subclassed by Acts::Logging::LevelOutputDecorator, Acts::Logging::NamedOutputDecorator, Acts::Logging::ThreadOutputDecorator, Acts::Logging::TimedOutputDecorator

Public Functions

inline explicit OutputDecorator(std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> wrappee)

constructor wrapping actual output print policy


wrappee[in] output print policy object which is wrapped by this decorator object

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) override

flush the debug message to the destination stream

This function delegates the flushing of the debug message to its wrapped object.

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

inline virtual const std::string &name() const override

Return the name of the output decorator (forwards to wrappee)


the name

class OutputFilterPolicy
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

abstract base class for filtering debug output

Implementations of this interface need to define whether a debug message with a certain debug level is processed or filtered out.

Subclassed by Acts::Logging::DefaultFilterPolicy

Public Functions

virtual ~OutputFilterPolicy() = default

virtual default destructor

virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputFilterPolicy> clone(Level level) const = 0

Make a copy of this filter policy with a new level.


level – the new level


the new copy

virtual bool doPrint(const Level &lvl) const = 0

decide whether a debug message should be processed


lvl[in] debug level of debug message


true of debug message should be processed, false if debug message should be skipped

virtual Level level() const = 0

Get the level of this filter policy.


the levele

class OutputPrintPolicy
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

abstract base class for printing debug output

Implementations of this interface need to define how and where to print debug messages (e.g. to a file, to a stream into a database etc).

Subclassed by Acts::Logging::DefaultPrintPolicy, Acts::Logging::OutputDecorator

Public Functions

virtual ~OutputPrintPolicy() = default

virtual default destructor

virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const = 0

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) = 0

handle output of debug message

  • lvl[in] debug output level of message

  • input[in] text of debug message

virtual const std::string &name() const = 0

Return the name of the print policy.


the name

class ThreadOutputDecorator : public Acts::Logging::OutputDecorator
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

decorate debug message with a thread ID

The debug message is complemented with a thread ID.

Public Functions

inline explicit ThreadOutputDecorator(std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> wrappee)



wrappee[in] output print policy object to be wrapped

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const override

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) override

flush the debug message to the destination stream

This function prepends the thread ID to the debug message and then delegates the flushing of the whole message to its wrapped object.

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

class ThresholdFailure : public std::runtime_error
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

Custom exception class so threshold failures can be caught.

class TimedOutputDecorator : public Acts::Logging::OutputDecorator
#include <Acts/Utilities/Logger.hpp>

decorate debug message with a time stamp

The debug message is complemented with a time stamp.

Public Functions

inline TimedOutputDecorator(std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> wrappee, const std::string &format = "%X")


  • wrappee[in] output print policy object to be wrapped

  • format[in] format of time stamp (see std::strftime)

inline virtual std::unique_ptr<OutputPrintPolicy> clone(const std::string &name) const override

Make a copy of this print policy with a new name.


name – the new name


the copy

inline virtual void flush(const Level &lvl, const std::string &input) override

flush the debug message to the destination stream

This function prepends a time stamp to the debug message and then delegates the flushing of the whole message to its wrapped object.

  • lvl[in] debug level of debug message

  • input[in] text of debug message

namespace MultiTrajectoryHelpers


using VolumeTrajectoryStateContainer = std::unordered_map<GeometryIdentifier::Value, TrajectoryState>


template<typename track_state_proxy_t>
FreeVector freeFiltered(const GeometryContext &gctx, const track_state_proxy_t &trackStateProxy)

Transforms the filtered parameters from a TrackStateProxy to free parameters.

Template Parameters

track_state_proxy_t – Type of the TrackStateProxy

  • gctx[in] Geometry context

  • trackStateProxy[in] TrackStateProxy


Free parameters representation of the filtered parameters

template<typename track_state_proxy_t>
FreeVector freeSmoothed(const GeometryContext &gctx, const track_state_proxy_t &trackStateProxy)

Transforms the smoothed parameters from a TrackStateProxy to free parameters.

Template Parameters

track_state_proxy_t – Type of the TrackStateProxy

  • gctx[in] Geometry context

  • trackStateProxy[in] TrackStateProxy


Free parameters representation of the smoothed parameters

template<typename traj_t>
TrajectoryState trajectoryState(const Acts::MultiTrajectory<traj_t> &multiTraj, size_t entryIndex)

Getter for global trajectory info.

  • multiTraj – The MultiTrajectory object

  • entryIndex – The entry index of trajectory to investigate


The trajectory summary info

template<typename traj_t>
VolumeTrajectoryStateContainer trajectoryState(const Acts::MultiTrajectory<traj_t> &multiTraj, size_t entryIndex, const std::vector<GeometryIdentifier::Value> &volumeIds)

Getter for trajectory info for different sub-detectors.

Template Parameters

source_link_t – Type of source link

  • multiTraj – The MultiTrajectory object

  • entryIndex – The entry index of trajectory to investigate track states at different sub-detectors.

  • volumeIds – The container for sub-detector Ids


The trajectory summary info at different sub-detectors (i.e. different volumes)

struct TrajectoryState
#include <Acts/EventData/MultiTrajectoryHelpers.hpp>

Struct for brief trajectory summary info.

Public Members

double chi2Sum = 0
std::vector<double> measurementChi2 = {}
std::vector<unsigned int> measurementLayer = {}
std::vector<unsigned int> measurementVolume = {}
size_t NDF = 0
size_t nHoles = 0
size_t nMeasurements = 0
size_t nOutliers = 0
size_t nSharedHits = 0
size_t nStates = 0
std::vector<double> outlierChi2 = {}
std::vector<unsigned int> outlierLayer = {}
std::vector<unsigned int> outlierVolume = {}
namespace MultiTrajectoryTraits

This namespace contains typedefs and constant values that are used by other parts of the MultiTrajectory implementation.

It extracts these from TrackStateTraits using the default maximum measurement dimension.


using IndexType = TrackStateTraits<MeasurementSizeMax, true>::IndexType


constexpr IndexType kInvalid = TrackStateTraits<MeasurementSizeMax, true>::kInvalid
constexpr unsigned int MeasurementSizeMax = eBoundSize
namespace PhysicalConstants

Physical constants in native units.

Unit constants are intentionally not listed.


constexpr double hbar = 6.582119569509066e-25 * UnitConstants::GeV * UnitConstants::s

Reduced Planck constant h/2*pi.

Computed from CODATA 2018 constants to double precision.

namespace Test
namespace UnitConstants

All physical quantities have both a numerical value and a unit. For the computations we always choose a particular unit for a given physical quantity so we only need to consider the numerical values as such. The chosen base unit for a particular physical dimension, e.g. length, time, or energy, within this code base is called the native unit. The base units should be chosen such that they are internally consistent, require the least amount of explicit conversion factors (ideally none at all), and have typical numerical values close to unity to reduce numerical issues.

Here, the following native units are used:

  • Length is expressed in mm.

  • Time is expressed in [speed-of-light * time] == mm. A consequence of this choice is that the speed-of-light expressed in native units is 1.

  • Angles are expressed in radian.

  • Energy, mass, and momentum are all expressed in GeV (consistent with speed-of-light == 1).

  • Electric charge is expressed in e, i.e. units of the elementary charge.

  • The magnetic field is expressed in GeV/(e*mm). The magnetic field connects momentum to length, e.g. in SI units the radius of a charged particle trajectory in a constant magnetic field is given by

    \[radius = - (momentum / charge) / field\]

    With the chosen magnetic field unit the expression above stays the same and no additional conversion factors are necessary.

  • Amount of substance is expressed in mol.

Depending on the context a physical quantity might not be given in the native units. In this case we need to convert to the native unit first before the value can be used. The necessary conversion factors are defined in Acts::UnitConstants. Multiplying a value with the unit constant produces the equivalent value in the native unit, e.g.

double length = 1 * Acts::UnitConstants::m;       // length == 1000.0
double momentum = 100 * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV; // momentum == 0.1

The conversion of a value in native units into the equivalent value in a specific other unit is computed by dividing with the relevant unit, e.g.

double length = 10.0;                               // native units mm
double lengthInM = length / Acts::UnitConstants::m; // == 0.01;

To further simplify the usage, physical quantities can also be expressed via C++ user literals defined in Acts::UnitLiterals. This allows us to express quantities in a concise way:

using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;

double length = 1_m;                     // == 1000.0
double momentum = 1.25_TeV;              // == 1250.0
double lengthInUm = length / 1_um;       // == 1000000.0
double momentumInMeV = momentum / 1_MeV; // == 1250000.0

To ensure consistent computations and results the following guidelines must be followed when handling physical quantities with units:

  • All unqualified numerical values, i.e. without a unit, are assumed to be expressed in the relevant native unit, e.g. mm for lengths or GeV for energy/momentum.

  • If a variable stores a physical quantity in a specific unit that is not the native unit, clearly mark this in the variable, i.e.

    double momentum = 100.0; // momentum is stored as native unit GeV
    double momentumInMeV = 10.0; // would be 0.01 in native units
  • All input values must be given as numerical_value * unit_constant or equivalently using the unit literals as value_unit. The resulting unqualified numerical value will be automatically converted to the native unit.

  • To output an unqualified numerical value in the native units as a numerical value in a specific unit divide by the unit constants as numerical_value / unit_constant or using the unit literals as value / 1_unit.


#include <Acts/include/Definitions/Units.hpp>
using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;

// define input values w/ units (via unit constants)
double width    = 12 * Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
double mmuon    = 105.7 * Acts::UnitConstants::MeV;
// define input values w/ units (via unit user literals)
double length   = 23_cm;
double time     = 1214.2_ns;
double angle    = 123_degree;
double momentum = 2.5_TeV;
double mass     = 511_keV;
double velocity = 345_m / 1_s;
double bfield   = 3.9_T;

// convert output values (via unit constants)
doube t_in_ns    = trackPars.time() / Acts::UnitConstants::ns;
// convert output values (via unit user literals)
double x_in_mm   = trackPars.position()[ePos0] / 1_mm;
double p_in_TeV = trackPars.absoluteMomentum() / 1_TeV;


A helper script is available in Core/scripts/ to validate some of the numerical values.


Since using user-defined literals requires a namespace import of Acts::UnitLiterals it should not be used in headers since it would (accidentally) modify the namespace wherever the header is included.


constexpr double C = J / eV
constexpr double cm = 10.0
constexpr double cm2 = cm * cm
constexpr double cm3 = cm * cm * cm
constexpr double degree = 0.017453292519943295
constexpr double e = 1.0
constexpr double eV = 1e-9
constexpr double fm = 1e-12
constexpr double fs = 1e-15 * s
constexpr double g = 1.0 / 1.782662e-24
constexpr double Gauss = 1e-4 * T
constexpr double GeV = 1.0
constexpr double h = 3600.0 * s
constexpr double J = 6241509074.460763 * GeV
constexpr double keV = 1e-6
constexpr double kg = 1.0 / 1.782662e-27
constexpr double kGauss = 1e-1 * T
constexpr double km = 1e6
constexpr double m = 1e3
constexpr double m2 = m * m
constexpr double m3 = m * m * m
constexpr double MeV = 1e-3
constexpr double min = 60.0 * s
constexpr double mm = 1.0
constexpr double mm2 = mm * mm
constexpr double mm3 = mm * mm * mm
constexpr double mol = 1.0
constexpr double mrad = 1e-3
constexpr double ms = 1e-3 * s
constexpr double nm = 1e-6
constexpr double ns = 1e-9 * s
constexpr double pm = 1e-9
constexpr double ps = 1e-12 * s
constexpr double rad = 1.0
constexpr double s = 299792458000.0
constexpr double T = 0.000299792458
constexpr double TeV = 1e3
constexpr double u = 0.93149410242
constexpr double um = 1e-3
constexpr double us = 1e-6 * s
namespace UnitLiterals
namespace VectorHelpers


inline double cast(const Vector3 &position, BinningValue bval)

Helper method to extract the binning value from a 3D vector.

For this method a 3D vector is required to guarantee all potential binning values.

inline ActsMatrix<3, 3> cross(const ActsMatrix<3, 3> &m, const Vector3 &v)

Calculates column-wise cross products of a matrix and a vector and stores the result column-wise in a matrix.

  • m[in] Matrix that will be used for cross products

  • v[in] Vector for cross products


Constructed matrix

template<typename Derived>
double eta(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) noexcept

Calculate the pseudorapidity for a vector.


Will static assert that the number of rows of v is at least 3, or in case of dynamic size, will abort execution if that is not the case.

Template Parameters

Derived – Eigen derived concrete type


v – Any vector like Eigen type, static or dynamic


The pseudorapidity value

static inline const std::array<ActsScalar, 5> evaluateTrigonomics(const Vector3 &direction)

Fast evaluation of trigonomic functions.


direction – for this evaluatoin


cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta), sin(theta), 1/sin(theta)

template<typename vector3_t>
inline auto makeVector4(const Eigen::MatrixBase<vector3_t> &vec3, typename vector3_t::Scalar w) -> Eigen::Matrix<typename vector3_t::Scalar, 4, 1>

Construct a four-vector from a three-vector and scalar fourth component.

template<typename Derived>
double perp(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) noexcept

Calculate radius in the transverse (xy) plane of a vector.


Will static assert that the number of rows of v is at least 2, or in case of dynamic size, will abort execution if that is not the case.

Template Parameters

Derived – Eigen derived concrete type


v – Any vector like Eigen type, static or dynamic


The transverse radius value.

template<typename Derived>
double phi(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) noexcept

Calculate phi (transverse plane angle) from compatible Eigen types.


Will static assert that the number of rows of v is at least 2, or in case of dynamic size, will abort execution if that is not the case.

Template Parameters

Derived – Eigen derived concrete type


v – Any vector like Eigen type, static or dynamic


The value of the angle in the transverse plane.

template<typename T, std::enable_if_t<detail::has_phi_method<T>::value, int> = 0>
double phi(const T &v) noexcept

Calculate phi (transverse plane angle) from anything implementing a method like phi() returing anything convertible to double.

Template Parameters

T – anything that has a phi method


v – Any type that implements a phi method


The phi value

inline auto position(const Vector4 &pos4)

Access the three-position components in a four-position vector.

inline auto position(const FreeVector &params)

Access the three-position components in a free parameters vector.

template<typename Derived>
double theta(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) noexcept

Calculate the theta angle (longitudinal w.r.t.

z axis) of a vector


Will static assert that the number of rows of v is at least 3, or in case of dynamic size, will abort execution if that is not the case.

Template Parameters

Derived – Eigen derived concrete type


v – Any vector like Eigen type, static or dynamic


The theta value