Class Acts::TrackContainer

template<typename track_container_t, typename traj_t, template<typename> class holder_t = detail_tc::RefHolder>
class TrackContainer

Track container interface class.

This type represents a collections of tracks. It uses a backend to store bothe the actual tracks and the associated track states.

Template Parameters
  • track_container_t – the track container backend

  • traj_t – the track state container backend

  • holder_t – ownership management class for the backend

Public Types

using ConstTrackProxy = detail_tc::TrackProxy<track_container_t, traj_t, holder_t, true>
using IndexType = MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType
using TrackProxy = detail_tc::TrackProxy<track_container_t, traj_t, holder_t, false>

Public Functions

inline TrackContainer(holder_t<track_container_t> container, holder_t<traj_t> traj)

Constructor from a track container backend and a track state container backend.

  • container – the track container backend

  • traj – the track state container backend

template<template<typename> class H = holder_t, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail_tc::is_same_template<H, detail_tc::RefHolder>::value>>
inline TrackContainer(track_container_t &container, traj_t &traj)

Constructor from references to a track container backend and to a track state container backend.


The track container will not assume ownership over the backends in this case. You need to ensure suitable lifetime

  • container – the track container backend

  • traj – the track state container backend

template<typename T, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void addColumn(const std::string &key)

Add a dymanic column to the track container.


key – the name of the column to be added

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline IndexType addTrack()

Add a track to the container.

Note this only creates the logical track and allocates memory. You can combine this with getTrack to obtain a track proxy


the index to the newly added track

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto begin()

Get a mutable iterator to the first track in the container.


a mutable iterator to the first track

inline auto begin() const

Get an const iterator to the first track in the container.


a const iterator to the first track

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto &container()

Get a mutable reference to the track container backend.


a mutable reference to the backend

inline const auto &container() const

Get a const reference to the track container backend.


a const reference to the backend

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto end()

Get a past-the-end iterator for this container.


a past-the-end iterator

inline auto end() const

Get a past-the-end iterator for this container.


a past-the-end iterator

inline ConstTrackProxy getTrack(IndexType itrack) const

Get a const track proxy for a track index.


itrack – the track index in the container


A const track proxy for the index

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline TrackProxy getTrack(IndexType itrack)

Get a mutable track proxy for a track index.


itrack – the track index in the container


A mutable track proxy for the index

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(const std::string &key) const

Check if this track container has a specific dynamic column.


key – the key to check for

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(HashedString key) const

Check if a this track container has a specific dynamic column.


key – the key to check for

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline void removeTrack(IndexType itrack)

Remove a track at index itrack from the container.


This invalidates all track proxies!


itrack – The index of the track to remmove

inline constexpr IndexType size() const

Get the size of the track container.


the sixe

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto &trackStateContainer()

Get a mutable reference to the track state container backend.


a mutable reference to the backend

inline const auto &trackStateContainer() const

Get a const reference to the track state container backend.


a const reference to the backend

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto &trackStateContainerHolder()

Retrieve the holder of the track state container.


The track state container including it’s holder

inline const auto &trackStateContainerHolder() const

Retrieve the holder of the track state container.


The track state container including it’s holder

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = MultiTrajectoryTraits::kInvalid
static constexpr bool ReadOnly = IsReadOnlyTrackContainer<track_container_t>::value
static constexpr bool TrackStateReadOnly = IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<traj_t>::value