Class Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume

class DetectorVolume : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DetectorVolume>

A detector volume description which can be:


A detector volume holds non-const objects internally that are allowed to be modified as long as the geometry is not yet closed. Using this, material can be attached, and GeometryIdentifier can be set at construction time.


The construction of DetectorVolumes is done via a dedicated factory, this is necessary as then the shared_ptr is non-weak and it can be registred in the portal generator for further geometry processing.


Navigation is always done by plain pointers, while object ownership is done by shared/unique pointers.

Public Types

using BoundingBox = Acts::AxisAlignedBoundingBox<Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume, Acts::ActsScalar, 3>

Public Functions

void assignDetector(const Detector &detector)

Assign Detector to this volume (for back navigation issues)


detector – the parenting detector class

void assignSurfaceCandidatesUpdator(SurfaceCandidatesUpdator &&surfaceCandidateUpdator, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> &surfaces = {}, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &volumes = {})

This method allows to udate the navigation state updator module.

  • surfaceCandidateUpdator – the new navigation state updator for surfaces

  • surfaces – the surfaces the new navigation state updator points to

  • volumes – the volumes the new navigation state updator points to

void assignVolumeMaterial(std::shared_ptr<IVolumeMaterial> material)

Assign the volume material description.

This method allows to load a material description during the detector geometry building, and assigning it (potentially multiple) times to detector volumes.


material – Material description associated to this volumw

Vector3 center(const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext()) const

Const access to the center.


the geometry context is currently ignored, but is a placeholder for eventually misaligned volumes


gctx – the geometry contect


a contextually created center

void closePortals()

Final closing of portal, i.e. this sets the end of world.

const Detector *detector() const

Const access to the detector.

const DetectorVolumeUpdator &detectorVolumeUpdator() const

Const access to the detector volume updator.

bool exclusivelyInside(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const

Check if a point is exclusively inside this volume i.e.

this point is not inside a subvolume.

  • gctx – the geometry context

  • position – the position for the inside check


a bool to indicate inside/outside

Extent extent(const GeometryContext &gctx, size_t nseg = 1) const

The Extent for this volume.

  • gctx – is the geometry context

  • nseg – is the number of segements to approximate


an Extent object

const GeometryIdentifier &geometryId() const

the geometry identifier

const BoundingBox &getBoundingBox() const
std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume> getSharedPtr()

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (non-const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior (but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception), in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

std::shared_ptr<const DetectorVolume> getSharedPtr() const

Retrieve a std::shared_ptr for this surface (const version)


Will error if this was not created through the makeShared factory since it needs access to the original reference. In C++14 this is undefined behavior, but most likely implemented as a bad_weak_ptr exception, in C++17 it is defined as that exception.


Only call this if you need shared ownership of this object.


The shared pointer

bool inside(const GeometryContext &gctx, const Vector3 &position) const

Check if a point is inside this volume.

Subvolumes will not be checked.

  • gctx – the geometry context

  • position – the position for the inside check


a bool to indicate inside/outside

const std::string &name() const

the name of the volume

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Portal>> &portalPtrs()

Non-const access to the portals.


the portal shared pointer store

const std::vector<const Portal*> &portals() const

Const access to the detector portals.


an empty vector indicates a container volume that has not been properly connected


a vector to const Portal raw pointers

const SurfaceCandidatesUpdator &surfaceCandidatesUpdator() const

Const access to the navigation state updator.

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Surface>> &surfacePtrs()

Non-const access to the surfaces.


the surfaces shared pointer store

const std::vector<const Surface*> &surfaces() const

Const access to the surfaces.


an empty vector indicates either gap volume or container volume, a non-empty vector indicates a layer volume.


a vector to const Surface raw pointers

const Transform3 &transform(const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext()) const

Const access to the transform.


the geometry context is currently ignored, but is a placeholder for eventually misaligned volumes


gctx – the geometry contect


const reference to the contextual transform

void updateNavigationState(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const

Initialize/update the navigation status in this environment.

This method calls:

  • the local navigation delegate for candidate surfaces

  • the portal navigation delegate for candidate exit portals

  • set the current detector volume

  • gctx – is the current geometry context

  • nState – [in,out] is the detector navigation state to be updated

void updatePortal(std::shared_ptr<Portal> portal, unsigned int pIndex) noexcept(false)

Update a portal given a portal index.


throws exception if portal index out of bounds

  • portal – the portal to be updated

  • pIndex – the portal index

const VolumeBounds &volumeBounds() const

Const access to the volume bounds.


const reference to the volume bounds object

const IVolumeMaterial *volumeMaterial() const

Const access to the volume amterial.

std::shared_ptr<IVolumeMaterial> volumeMaterialPtr()

Non-const access to the voume material (for scaling, e.g.)

std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DetectorVolume>> &volumePtrs()

Non-const access to the volumes.


the volumes shared pointer store

const std::vector<const DetectorVolume*> &volumes() const

Const access to sub volumes.


and empty vector indicates this is either a gap volume or a layer volume, in any case it means the volume is on navigation level and the portals need to be connected


a vector to const DetectorVolume raw pointers


friend class DetectorVolumeFactory
template<typename internal_type>
struct ObjectStore

Nested object store that holds the internal (non-const), reference counted objects and provides an external (const raw pointer) access.

Template Parameters

internal_type – is the internal storage representation, has to comply with std::shared_ptr semantics

Public Functions

inline ObjectStore(std::vector<internal_type> objects)

Store constructor.


objects – are the ones copied into the internal store

ObjectStore() = default

Public Members

std::vector<const typename internal_type::element_type*> external = {}

The external storage vector, const raw pointer.

std::vector<internal_type> internal = {}

The internal storage vector.