Struct Acts::TGeoLayerBuilder::Config

struct Config

nested configuration struct for steering of the layer builder

Public Members

bool autoSurfaceBinning = false

Automated binning & tolerances.

std::string configurationName = "undefined"

String based identification.

std::shared_ptr<const ITGeoDetectorElementSplitter> detectorElementSplitter = nullptr

Split TGeoElement if a splitter is provided.

ElementFactory elementFactory = defaultElementFactory

Factory for creating detector elements based on TGeoNodes.

std::shared_ptr<const ITGeoIdentifierProvider> identifierProvider = nullptr

Create an identifier from TGeoNode.

std::array<std::vector<LayerConfig>, 3> layerConfigurations

Configuration is always | n | c | p |.

std::shared_ptr<const LayerCreator> layerCreator = nullptr

Layer creator.

std::array<double, 3> layerSplitToleranceR = {-1., -1., -1.}

Split tolerances in R.

std::array<double, 3> layerSplitToleranceZ = {-1., -1., -1.}

Split tolerances in Z.

std::shared_ptr<const ProtoLayerHelper> protoLayerHelper = nullptr

ProtoLayer helper.

Acts::SurfaceBinningMatcher surfaceBinMatcher

The surface binning matcher.

double unit = 1 * UnitConstants::cm

Unit conversion.