Template Struct InterpolatedBFieldMapper

Nested Relationships

Struct Documentation

template<typename G>
struct Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMapper

struct for mapping global 3D positions to field values

Global 3D positions are transformed into a

DIM_POS Dimensional vector which is used to look up the magnetic field value in the underlying field map.
Template Parameters
  • DIM_POS: Dimensionality of position in magnetic field map

  • DIM_BFIELD: Dimensionality of BField in magnetic field map

Public Types

using FieldType = typename Grid_t::value_type
using Grid_t = G

Public Functions

InterpolatedBFieldMapper(std::function<ActsVector<DIM_POS>(const Vector3&)> transformPos, std::function<Vector3(const FieldType&, const Vector3&)> transformBField, Grid_t grid, )

default constructor

  • [in] transformPos: mapping of global 3D coordinates (cartesian) onto grid space

  • [in] transformBField: calculating the global 3D coordinates (cartesian) of the magnetic field with the local n dimensional field and the global 3D position as input

  • [in] grid: grid storing magnetic field values

Vector3 getField(const Vector3 &position) const

retrieve field at given position


magnetic field value at the given position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying magnetic field map.

  • [in] position: global 3D position

FieldCell getFieldCell(const Vector3 &position) const

retrieve field cell for given position


field cell containing the given global position


The given position must lie within the range of the underlying magnetic field map.

  • [in] position: global 3D position

const Grid_t &getGrid() const

Get a const reference on the underlying grid structure.


grid reference

std::vector<double> getMax() const

get the maximum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the maxima of all field map axes

std::vector<double> getMin() const

get the minimum value of all axes of the field map


vector returning the minima of all field map axes

std::vector<size_t> getNBins() const

get the number of bins for all axes of the field map


vector returning number of bins for all field map axes

bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

check whether given 3D position is inside look-up domain


true if position is inside the defined look-up grid, otherwise false

  • [in] position: global 3D position

Public Static Attributes

constexpr size_t DIM_POS = Grid_t::DIM
struct FieldCell

struct representing smallest grid unit in magnetic field grid

This type encapsulate all required information to perform linear interpolation of magnetic field values within a confined 3D volume.

Public Functions

FieldCell(std::function<ActsVector<DIM_POS>(const Vector3&)> transformPos, std::array<double, DIM_POS> lowerLeft, std::array<double, DIM_POS> upperRight, std::array<Vector3, N> fieldValues, )

default constructor

  • [in] transform: mapping of global 3D coordinates onto grid space

  • [in] lowerLeft: generalized lower-left corner of hyper box (containing the minima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • [in] upperRight: generalized upper-right corner of hyper box (containing the maxima of the hyper box along each Dimension)

  • [in] fieldValues: field values at the hyper box corners sorted in the canonical order defined in Acts::interpolate

Vector3 getField(const Vector3 &position) const

retrieve field at given position


magnetic field value at the given position


The given position must lie within the current field cell.

  • [in] position: global 3D position

bool isInside(const Vector3 &position) const

check whether given 3D position is inside this field cell


true if position is inside the current field cell, otherwise false

  • [in] position: global 3D position

Public Static Attributes

constexpr unsigned int N = 1 << DIM_POS

number of corner points defining the confining hyper-box