Template Struct Intersection

Struct Documentation

template<unsigned int DIM>
struct Acts::Intersection

Intersection struct used for position.

Public Types

enum Status

Nested Status enum.


enumerator missed
enumerator unreachable
enumerator reachable
enumerator onSurface

Public Functions

Intersection(const ActsVector<DIM> &sinter, double slength, Status sstatus)

Constructor with arguments.

  • sinter: is the position of the intersection

  • slength: is the path length to the intersection

  • svalid: is a boolean indicating if intersection is valid

Intersection() = default

Default constructor.

operator bool() const

Bool() operator for validity checking.

bool operator<(const Intersection<DIM> &si) const

Smaller operator for sorting,.

  • it respects the validity of the intersection

    • si: is the intersection for testing

bool operator>(const Intersection<DIM> &si) const

Greater operator for sorting,.

  • it respects the validity of the intersection

    • si: is the intersection for testing

Public Members

ActsVector<DIM>::Scalar pathLength{std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()}

Signed path length to the intersection (if valid)

ActsVector<DIM> position = ActsVector<DIM>::Zero()

Position of the intersection.

Status status = {Status::unreachable}

The Status of the intersection.