Template Function Acts::Visualization::drawBoundParameters

Function Documentation

template<typename parameters_t>
void Visualization::Acts::drawBoundParameters(IVisualization &helper, const parameters_t &parameters, const GeometryContext &gctx = GeometryContext(), double momentumScale = 1., double locErrorScale = 1., double angularErrorScale = 1., bool drawParameterSurface = true, size_t lseg = 72, const IVisualization::ColorType &pcolor = {20, 120, 20}, const IVisualization::ColorType &scolor = {235, 198, 52})

Helper method to Surface objects.

  • helper: [in, out] The visualization helper

  • parameters: The bound parameters to be drawn

  • gctx: The geometry context for which it is drawn

  • momentumScale: The scale of the momentum

  • locErrorScale: The scale of the local error

  • angularErrorScale: The sclae of the angular error

  • drawParameterSurface: The indicator whether to draw the surface

  • lseg: The number of segments for a full arch (if needed)

  • pcolor: the (optional) color of the parameters to be written

  • scolor: the (optional) color of the surface to be written