File GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


this is foreseen for the ‘Geometry’ module

template<typename value_t>
class GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter.hpp>

Convert a geometry hierarchy map to/from Json.

The value type is expected to be directly convertible to/from a Json object. It has to be either a fundamental type or appropriate to_json(json&, const value_t&) and from_json(const json&, value_t&) functions must be available. See the relevant nlohmann::json documentation for further information.

A user-defined identifier is stored in the encoded Json object that is used to identify which value type is stored in the file. The identifier is checked for consistency when decoding the Json object.

Template Parameters

value_t – value type stored in the geometry hierarchy map

Public Types

using Container = GeometryHierarchyMap<value_t>
using Value = value_t

Public Functions

inline GeometryHierarchyMapJsonConverter(std::string valueIdentifier)

Construct the converter.


valueIdentifier – user-defined identifier for the stored value

Container fromJson(const nlohmann::json &encoded) const

Decode a Json object into a geometry hierarchy map.


encoded – Json object that should be decoded


std::invalid_argument – in case of format errors


Decoded geometry hierarchy map

nlohmann::json toJson(const Container &container) const

Encode the geometry hierarchy map into a Json object.


container – Geometry hierarchy map that should be encoded


Encoded Json object

Private Members

std::string m_valueIdentifier

Private Static Functions

static inline GeometryIdentifier decodeIdentifier(const nlohmann::json &encoded)
static inline nlohmann::json encodeIdentifier(GeometryIdentifier id)

Private Static Attributes

static constexpr const char *kEntriesKey = "entries"
static constexpr int kFormatVersion = 0

The version of the encoded Json container format.

This must be increased manually everytime the container format changes.

static constexpr const char *kHeaderKey = "acts-geometry-hierarchy-map"