File GsfOptions.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


this is foreseen for the ‘Geometry’ module

namespace Experimental
template<typename traj_t>
struct GsfExtensions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GsfOptions.hpp>

The extensions needed for the GSF.

Public Types

using Calibrator = Delegate<void(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy)>
using ConstTrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::ConstTrackStateProxy
using OutlierFinder = Delegate<bool(ConstTrackStateProxy)>
using TrackStateProxy = typename MultiTrajectory<traj_t>::TrackStateProxy
using Updater = Delegate<Result<void>(const GeometryContext&, TrackStateProxy, NavigationDirection, LoggerWrapper)>

Public Functions

inline GsfExtensions()

Default constructor which connects the default void components.

Public Members

Calibrator calibrator

The Calibrator is a dedicated calibration algorithm that allows to calibrate measurements using track information, this could be e.g.

sagging for wires, module deformations, etc.

OutlierFinder outlierFinder

Determines whether a measurement is supposed to be considered as an outlier.

Updater updater

The updater incorporates measurement information into the track parameters.

template<typename traj_t>
struct GsfOptions
#include <Acts/TrackFitting/GsfOptions.hpp>

Public Functions

GsfOptions() = delete

Public Members

bool abortOnError = true
std::reference_wrapper<const CalibrationContext> calibrationContext
bool disableAllMaterialHandling = false
GsfExtensions<traj_t> extensions
std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext
LoggerWrapper logger
std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> magFieldContext
std::size_t maxComponents = 4
PropagatorPlainOptions propagatorPlainOptions
const Surface *referenceSurface = nullptr
double weightCutoff = 1.e-4