File BinnedArrayXD.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


this is foreseen for the ‘Geometry’ module

template<class T>
class BinnedArrayXD : public Acts::BinnedArray<T>
#include <Acts/Utilities/BinnedArrayXD.hpp>

Avoiding a map search, the templated BinnedArray class can help ordereing geometrical objects by providing a dedicated BinUtility.

This can be 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D in regular binning

the type of Binning is given defined through the BinUtility

Public Functions

inline BinnedArrayXD(T object)

Constructor for single object.

Template Parameters

object – is the single object

inline BinnedArrayXD(const std::vector<TAP> &tapvector, std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> bu)

Constructor with std::vector and a BinUtility.

  • fills the internal data structur

  • tapvector – is a vector of object and binning position

  • bu – is the unique bin utility for this binned array

inline BinnedArrayXD(const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> &grid, std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> bu)

Constructor with a grid and a BinUtility.

  • grid – is the prepared object grid

  • bu – is the unique bin utility for this binned array

BinnedArrayXD(const BinnedArrayXD<T> &barr) = delete

Copy constructor.

  • not allowed, use the same array

~BinnedArrayXD() override = default


inline virtual const std::vector<T> &arrayObjects() const final

Return all unqiue object.


vector of unique array objects

inline virtual const BinUtility *binUtility() const final

Return the BinUtility.


plain pointer to the bin utility of this array

inline virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition, std::array<size_t, 3> &bins) const final

Returns the object in the array from a local position.

  • lposition – is the local position for the bin search

  • bins – is the bin triple filled during this access


is the object in that bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector2 &lposition) const override

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


lposition – is the local position for finding the obect


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector3 &position, std::array<size_t, 3> &bins) const final

Returns the object in the array from a global position.

  • position – is the global position for the bin search

  • bins – is the bins triple filled during access


is the object in that bin

inline virtual T object(const Vector3 &position) const override

Same method without bins for backward compatibility.


position – is the global position for the object finding


the object according to the estimated bin

inline virtual const std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> &objectGrid() const final

Return the object grid multiple entries are allowed and wanted.


internal object grid

BinnedArrayXD &operator=(const BinnedArrayXD<T> &barr) = delete

Assignment operator.

  • not allowed, use the same array

Private Types

using TAP = std::pair<T, Vector3>

typedef the object and position for readability

Private Members

std::vector<T> m_arrayObjects

Vector of unique Array objects.

std::unique_ptr<const BinUtility> m_binUtility

binUtility for retrieving and filling the Array

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T>>> m_objectGrid

the data store - a 3D array at default