File SeedFinder.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


this is foreseen for the ‘Geometry’ module

template<typename external_spacepoint_t, typename platform_t = void*>
class SeedFinder
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinder.hpp>

Disallow default instantiation, copy, assignment

SeedFinder() = default
SeedFinder(const SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t>&) = delete
SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t> &operator=(const SeedFinder<external_spacepoint_t, platform_t>&) = default

Public Functions

SeedFinder(const Acts::SeedFinderConfig<external_spacepoint_t> &config)

The only constructor.

Requires a config object.


config – the configuration for the SeedFinder

~SeedFinder() = default
template<template<typename...> typename container_t, typename sp_range_t>
void createSeedsForGroup(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, SeedingState &state, std::back_insert_iterator<container_t<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>> outIt, sp_range_t bottomSPs, sp_range_t middleSPs, sp_range_t topSPs, const Acts::Range1D<float> &rMiddleSPRange) const

Create all seeds from the space points in the three iterators.

Can be used to parallelize the seed creation


Ranges must return pointers.


Ranges must be separate objects for each parallel call.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • state – State object that holds memory used

  • outIt – Output iterator for the seeds in the group

  • bottomSPs – group of space points to be used as innermost SP in a seed.

  • middleSPs – group of space points to be used as middle SP in a seed.

  • topSPs – group of space points to be used as outermost SP in a seed.

  • rMiddleSPRange – range object containing the minimum and maximum r for middle SP for a certain z bin.

template<typename sp_range_t>
std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>> createSeedsForGroup(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, sp_range_t bottomSPs, sp_range_t middleSPs, sp_range_t topSPs) const

Compatibility method for the new-style seed finding API.

This method models the old-style seeding API where we only need a container for the bottom, middle, and top space points. Also, the results are returned by value instead of inserted into an inserter.


This method is a very simply wrapper around the more modern API.


The performance of the seeding code is far greater if the new API is used, and this is recommended for all new uses which do not require backwards-compatibility.

Template Parameters

sp_range_t – container type for the seed point collections.

  • options – frequently changing configuration (like beam position)

  • bottomSPs – group of space points to be used as innermost SP in a seed.

  • middleSPs – group of space points to be used as middle SP in a seed.

  • topSPs – group of space points to be used as outermost SP in a seed.


a vector of seeds.

Private Functions

void filterCandidates(InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &SpM, const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, SeedFilterState &seedFilterState, SeedingState &state) const
template<typename sp_range_t, typename out_range_t>
void getCompatibleDoublets(const Acts::SeedFinderOptions &options, sp_range_t &otherSPs, const InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t> &mediumSP, out_range_t &outVec, const float &deltaRMinSP, const float &deltaRMaxSP, bool isBottom) const

Private Members

Acts::SeedFinderConfig<external_spacepoint_t> m_config
struct SeedingState
#include <Acts/Seeding/SeedFinder.hpp>

Public Members

CandidatesForMiddleSp<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>> candidates_collector
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> compatBottomSP
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> compatTopSP
std::vector<float> curvatures
std::vector<float> etaVec
std::vector<float> impactParameters
std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleBottom
std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleTop
std::vector<float> ptVec
std::vector<InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>*> topSpVec