File ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


constexpr int PolygonDynamic = -1

Tag to trigger specialization of a dynamic polygon.

template<int N>
class ConvexPolygonBounds : public Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

This is the actual implementation of the bounds.

It is templated on the number of vertices, but there is a specialization for dynamic number of vertices, where the underlying storage is then a vector.

Template Parameters

N – Number of vertices

Public Types

using value_array = std::array<double, eSize>

Type that’s used to store the vertices, in this case a fixed size array.

using vertex_array = std::array<Vector2, num_vertices>

Type that’s used to store the vertices, in this case a fixed size array.

Public Functions

ConvexPolygonBounds() = delete
ConvexPolygonBounds(const std::vector<Vector2> &vertices) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a vector of vertices, to facilitate construction.

This will throw if the vector size does not match num_vertices. This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The list of vertices.

ConvexPolygonBounds(const vertex_array &vertices) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a fixed size array of vertices.

This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The vertices

ConvexPolygonBounds(const value_array &values) noexcept(false)

Constructor from a fixed size array of parameters This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


values – The values to build up the vertices

~ConvexPolygonBounds() override = default
virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Return a rectangle bounds object that encloses this polygon.


The rectangular bounds

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Return whether a local 2D point lies inside of the bounds defined by this object.

  • lposition – The local position to check

  • bcheck – The BoundaryCheck object handling tolerances.


Whether the points is inside

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type - for persistency optimization.


is a BoundsType enum

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segments is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr size_t eSize = 2 * N

Expose number of parameters as a template parameter.

static constexpr size_t num_vertices = N

Expose number of vertices given as template parameter.

Private Functions

void checkConsistency() const noexcept(false)

Return whether this bounds class is in fact convex throws a log error if not.

Private Members

RectangleBounds m_boundingBox
vertex_array m_vertices
class ConvexPolygonBounds<PolygonDynamic> : public Acts::ConvexPolygonBoundsBase
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

This is the specialization handling a polygon with a dynamic number of points.

It can accept any number of points.

Public Functions

ConvexPolygonBounds() = delete

Default constructor, deleted.

ConvexPolygonBounds(const std::vector<Vector2> &vertices)

Constructor from a vector of vertices, to facilitate construction.

This will throw if the vertices do not form a convex polygon.


vertices – The list of vertices.

~ConvexPolygonBounds() override = default

Defaulted destructor.

virtual const RectangleBounds &boundingBox() const final

Return a rectangle bounds object that encloses this polygon.


The rectangular bounds

virtual bool inside(const Vector2 &lposition, const BoundaryCheck &bcheck) const final

Return whether a local 2D point lies inside of the bounds defined by this object.

  • lposition – The local position to check

  • bcheck – The BoundaryCheck object handling tolerances.


Whether the points is inside

virtual BoundsType type() const final

Return the bounds type of this bounds object.


The bounds type

virtual std::vector<Vector2> vertices(unsigned int lseg = 1) const final

Return the vertices.


the number of segments is ignored in this representation


lseg – the number of segments used to approximate and eventually curved line


vector for vertices in 2D

Private Functions

void checkConsistency() const noexcept(false)

Return whether this bounds class is in fact convex thorws a logic error if not.

Private Members

RectangleBounds m_boundingBox
boost::container::small_vector<Vector2, 10> m_vertices
class ConvexPolygonBoundsBase : public Acts::PlanarBounds
#include <Acts/Surfaces/ConvexPolygonBounds.hpp>

base class for convex polygon bounds

This class serves as a base class for the actual bounds class. The only deriving type is the templated ConvexPolygonBounds.

Subclassed by Acts::ConvexPolygonBounds< N >, Acts::ConvexPolygonBounds< PolygonDynamic >

Public Functions

virtual std::ostream &toStream(std::ostream &sl) const final

Output Method for std::ostream.


sl – is the ostream to be written into

virtual std::vector<double> values() const final

Return the bound values as dynamically sized vector.


this returns a copy of the internal values

Protected Static Functions

template<typename coll_t>
static void convex_impl(const coll_t &vertices) noexcept(false)

Calculates whether a set of vertices forms a convex polygon.

This is generic over the number of vertices, so it’s factored out of the concrete classes and into this base class.


vertices – A collection of vertices. throws a logic error if this is not the case

template<typename coll_t>
static RectangleBounds makeBoundingBox(const coll_t &vertices)

Return a rectangle bounds instance that encloses a set of vertices.


vertices – A collection of vertices to enclose.


Enclosing rectangle.