File LinearizerTrackParameters.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent


enum LinIndices

Enum to access the components of a track parameter vector.

Here, we parametrize the track via a 4D point on the track, the momentum angles of the particle at that point, and q/p or 1/p.


It would make sense to rename these parameters if they are used outside of track linearization.


This must be a regular enum and not a scoped enum class to allow implicit conversion to an integer. The enum value are thus visible directly in namespace Acts and are prefixed to avoid naming collisions.


enumerator eLinPos0
enumerator eLinPos1
enumerator eLinPos2
enumerator eLinTime
enumerator eLinPhi
enumerator eLinTheta
enumerator eLinQOverP
enumerator eLinSize
enumerator eLinPosSize
enumerator eLinMomSize