File SingleSeedVertexFinder.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent

template<typename spacepoint_t>
class SingleSeedVertexFinder
#include <Acts/Vertexing/SingleSeedVertexFinder.hpp>

Implements the vertex finder based on the track seeds 0.

Assumes there is only 1 vertex and that it has a high multiplicity

  1. Sorts out all the input spacepoints based on their distance to the z-axis

  2. Create seeds from 3 spacepoints with a small deviation from a straigh line

  3. Find a point with a minimal distance from either planes (minimalizeWRT=”planes”) or rays (minimalizeWRT=”rays”) defined by the the seeds

  4. Returns the point position as the vertex

Public Functions

SingleSeedVertexFinder(const Config &cfg, std::unique_ptr<const Logger> lgr = getDefaultLogger("SingleSeedVertexFinder", Logging::INFO))


  • cfg – Configuration object

  • lgr – Logging instance

~SingleSeedVertexFinder() = default


inline const Config &config() const

Const access to the config.

Acts::Result<Acts::Vector3> findVertex(const std::vector<spacepoint_t> &spacepoints) const

Finds the vertex based on the provided spacepoints.


spacepoints – Vector of the input spacepoints; they do not need to be sorted anyhow


Position of the vertex

Private Functions

Acts::Vector3 findClosestPointFromPlanes(const std::vector<Triplet> &triplets) const

Find a point (=the vertex) that has minimum chi^2 with respect to all planes defined by the triplets.


triplets – Vector of all valid triplets


Position {x,y,z} of the vertex

Acts::Vector3 findClosestPointFromRays(const std::vector<Triplet> &triplets) const

Find a point (=the vertex) that has minimum chi^2 with respect to all rays fitted through the triplets.


triplets – Vector of all valid triplets


Position {x,y,z} of the vertex

std::vector<Triplet> findTriplets(const Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder<spacepoint_t>::SortedSpacepoints &sortedSpacepoints) const

Makes triplets from the provided vectors of near, middle, and far spacepoints; for each slice of phi; and for each slice of z.


sortedSpacepoints – Struct of the sorted spacepointss


Vector of valid triplets

inline const Logger &logger() const

Private access to logging instance.

Acts::SingleSeedVertexFinder<spacepoint_t>::SortedSpacepoints sortSpacepoints(const std::vector<spacepoint_t> &spacepoints) const

Sorts spacepoints into a separate vectors for near, middle, and far spacepoints; for each slice of phi; and for each slice of z.


spacepoints – Vector of the input spacepoints;


Struct of the sorted spacepoints

bool tripletValidationAndUpdate(Triplet &triplet) const

Validate the triplet based on “maxXYdeviation”, “maxXYZdeviation”, “maxZPosition”, and “maxRPosition”.


triplet – A single triplet to be validated


True if the deviations and fitted ray are within the configured ranges If “minimalizeWRT”==”rays”, then the fitted ray is also saved to the triplet for later

Private Members

Config m_cfg

Configuration instance.

std::unique_ptr<const Logger> m_logger

Logging instance.

Private Static Functions

static std::pair<Acts::Vector3, Acts::ActsScalar> makePlaneFromTriplet(const Triplet &triplet)

Calculates equation of the plane (alpha*x + beta*y + gamma*z + delta = 0), given the three points.


triplet – A single triplet (with 3 spacepoints)


A pair of {{alpha,beta,gamma},delta}

static Acts::Ray3D makeRayFromTriplet(const Triplet &triplet)

Calculates parameters of the ray (starting point + direction), given the three points.


triplet – A single triplet (with 3 spacepoints)


A ray of {starting_point, direction}

struct Config
#include <Acts/Vertexing/SingleSeedVertexFinder.hpp>

Configuration struct.

Public Members

Acts::ActsScalar maxAbsZ = 450. * Acts::UnitConstants::mm

maximum |z| to consider, z slices will be done within the range (-maxAbsZ,maxAbsZ) values of maxAbsZ, maxZPosition, rMaxFar, and minTheta should be set reasonably with respect to each other

std::uint32_t maxIterations = 20

maximum number of iterations when discarding triplets with the largest chi^2

Acts::ActsScalar maxPhideviation = 0.08

maximum deviation in phi between the near and middle spacepoints or middle and far spacepoints

Acts::ActsScalar maxRPosition = 10.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm

maximum R position of the vertex at the point closest to the Z axis

Acts::ActsScalar maxXYdeviation = 0.08

maximum deviation in X-Y between the first 2 spacepoints and the last 2 spacepoints

Acts::ActsScalar maxXYZdeviation = 0.08

maximum deviation in 3D between the first 2 spacepoints and the last 2 spacepoints

Acts::ActsScalar maxZPosition = 200.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm

maximum Z position of the vertex at the point closest to the Z axis

std::string minimalizeWRT = "planes"

chi^2 minimalization will happen with respect to “planes” or “rays”

Acts::ActsScalar minTheta = 1.

minimum angle between Z axis and a triplet, effectively removing triplets with large |eta|

Acts::ActsScalar minVtxShift = 0.3f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm

if the vertex estimation moves less than this, stop iterations

std::uint32_t numPhiSlices = 60

number of phi slices, at least 3 to avoid duplicities it should be less than 2*pi/maxPhideviation in order not to loop over triplets that will be rejected by maxPhideviation anyway

std::uint32_t numZSlices = 150

number of z slices

Acts::ActsScalar removeFraction = 0.10

each iteration, discard this fraction of triplets with the largest chi^2

Acts::ActsScalar rMaxFar = 320.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
Acts::ActsScalar rMaxMiddle = 190.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
Acts::ActsScalar rMaxNear = 60.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
Acts::ActsScalar rMinFar = 280.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
Acts::ActsScalar rMinMiddle = 150.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm
Acts::ActsScalar rMinNear = 20.f * Acts::UnitConstants::mm

thresholds for near, middle, and far spacepoints

Acts::ActsScalar useFracPhiSlices = 0.5

use only a fraction of available phi slices to speed up calculations;

Acts::ActsScalar useFracZSlices = 0.5

use only a fraction of available z slices to speed up calculations;

struct SortedSpacepoints

Struct to store sorted spacepoints for each layer (near, middle, and far), for each slice of phi, and for each slice of z.

Public Functions

inline SortedSpacepoints(const int phiSize, const int zSize)
inline std::vector<std::pair<spacepoint_t const*, Acts::ActsScalar>> &addSP(int layer, int phi, int z)

Provides non-const vector of spacepoints for a given layer, phi slice, and z slice.

  • layer – Index of the layer (near=0, middle=1, far=2)

  • phi – Index of the phi slice

  • z – Index of the z slice


Non-const vector of spacepoints

inline const std::vector<std::pair<spacepoint_t const*, Acts::ActsScalar>> &getSP(int layer, int phi, int z) const

Provides const vector of spacepoints for a given layer, phi slice, and z slice.

  • layer – Index of the layer (near=0, middle=1, far=2)

  • phi – Index of the phi slice

  • z – Index of the z slice


Const vector of spacepoints

Public Members

std::array<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<spacepoint_t const*, Acts::ActsScalar>>>>, 3> sortedSP
struct Triplet

Struct to store spacepoint combinations from near, middle, and far parts of the detector. Also stores straight line fit through the spacepoints in case minimalizeWRT==”rays”, so it’s not fitted twice.

Public Functions

inline Triplet(const spacepoint_t &aa, const spacepoint_t &bb, const spacepoint_t &cc)

Public Members

const spacepoint_t &a
const spacepoint_t &b
const spacepoint_t &c
Acts::Ray3D ray