Class Acts::MultiTrajectory

template<typename derived_t>
class MultiTrajectory

Store a trajectory of track states with multiple components.

This container supports both simple, sequential trajectories as well as combinatorial or multi-component trajectories. Each point can store a parent point such that the trajectory forms a directed, acyclic graph of sub-trajectories. From a set of endpoints, all possible sub-components can be easily identified. Some functionality is provided to simplify iterating over specific sub-components.

Public Types

using ConstTrackStateProxy = detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, true>
using Derived = derived_t
using IndexType = typename TrackStateProxy::IndexType
using TrackStateProxy = detail_lt::TrackStateProxy<Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, false>

Public Functions

template<typename T, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void addColumn(const std::string &key)

Add a column to the MultiTrajectory.


This takes a string argument rather than a hashed string to maintain compatibility with backends.

Template Parameters

T – Type of the column values to add

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr IndexType addTrackState(TrackStatePropMask mask = TrackStatePropMask::All, IndexType iprevious = kInvalid)

Add a track state without providing explicit information.

Which components of the track state are initialized/allocated can be controlled via mask

  • mask – The bitmask that instructs which components to allocate and which to leave invalid

  • iprevious – index of the previous state, kInvalid if first


Index of the newly added track state

template<typename F, bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline void applyBackwards(IndexType iendpoint, F &&callable)

Apply a function to all previous states starting at a given endpoint.


If the trajectory contains multiple components with common points, this can have an impact on the other components.

  • iendpoint – index of the last state

  • callable – modifying functor to be called with each point

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline constexpr void clear()

Clear the MultiTrajectory. Leaves the underlying storage untouched.

inline auto &&convertToReadOnly() const
template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline TrackStateProxy getTrackState(IndexType istate)

Access a writable point on the trajectory by index.


istate – The index to access


Read-write proxy to the stored track state

inline ConstTrackStateProxy getTrackState(IndexType istate) const

Access a read-only point on the trajectory by index.


istate – The index to access


Read only proxy to the stored track state

inline constexpr bool hasColumn(HashedString key) const

Check if a column with a key key exists.


key – Key to check for a column with


True if the column exists, false if not.

inline constexpr IndexType size() const

Returns the number of track states contained.

template<bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
inline auto trackStateRange(IndexType iendpoint)

Range for the track states from iendpoint to the trajectory start.


Mutable version


iendpoint – Trajectory entry point to start from


Iterator pair to iterate over

inline auto trackStateRange(IndexType iendpoint) const

Range for the track states from iendpoint to the trajectory start.


Const version


iendpoint – Trajectory entry point to start from


Iterator pair to iterate over

template<typename F>
void visitBackwards(IndexType iendpoint, F &&callable) const

Visit all previous states starting at a given endpoint.

  • iendpoint – index of the last state

  • callable – non-modifying functor to be called with each point

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = TrackStateProxy::kInvalid
static constexpr unsigned int MeasurementSizeMax = MultiTrajectoryTraits::MeasurementSizeMax
static constexpr bool ReadOnly = IsReadOnlyMultiTrajectory<Derived>::value


friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, false >
friend class detail_lt::TrackStateProxy< Derived, MeasurementSizeMax, true >