File NavigationDelegates.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent

namespace Experimental


using DetectorVolumeUpdator = OwningDelegate<void(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState), INavigationDelegate>

Declare a Detctor Volume finding or switching delegate.

Param gctx

is the current geometry context

Param nState

[in, out] is the navigation state to be updated


the new DetectorVolume into which one changes at this switch

using SurfaceCandidatesUpdator = OwningDelegate<void(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState), INavigationDelegate>

Declare an updator for the local navigation, i.e.

the navigation inside a detector volume. This can be called either directly after a volume switch or in order to update within a volume after some progression

This delegate dispatches the local navigation action to a dedicated struct or function that is optimised for the given environment.


it relies on the detector volume to be set to the state Memory managed navigation state updator

Param gctx

is the current geometry context

Param nState

[in,out] is the navigation state to be updated


static inline DetectorVolumeUpdator unconnectedUpdator()

A dummy constructed updator.

class INavigationDelegate
#include <Acts/Navigation/NavigationDelegates.hpp>

Base class for navigation delegates This allows to define a common Owning delegate schema, which in turn allows for accessing the holder of the delegate implementation for e.g.

I/O or display

Subclassed by Acts::Experimental::IndexedUpdatorImpl< VariableBoundIndexGrid1, DetectorVolumesCollection, DetectorVolumeFiller >, Acts::Experimental::AdditionalSurfacesImpl, Acts::Experimental::AllPortalsAndSurfacesImpl, Acts::Experimental::AllPortalsImpl, Acts::Experimental::BoundVolumesGrid1Impl, Acts::Experimental::ChainedUpdatorImpl< updators_t >, Acts::Experimental::EndOfWorldImpl, Acts::Experimental::IndexedUpdatorImpl< grid_t, extractor_type, filler_type >, Acts::Experimental::NoopFinder, Acts::Experimental::RootVolumeFinder, Acts::Experimental::SingleDetectorVolumeImpl, Acts::Experimental::SingleObjectImpl< object_type, filler_type >, Acts::Experimental::StaticUpdatorImpl< extractor_type, filler_type >, Acts::Experimental::TrialAndErrorVolumeFinder

Public Functions

virtual ~INavigationDelegate() = default