Class Acts::MultiComponentCurvilinearTrackParameters

class MultiComponentCurvilinearTrackParameters : public Acts::MultiComponentBoundTrackParameters

This class mimics the behaviour of the curvilinear parameters for ordinary track parameters.

To adopt this concept, a “common surface” is constructed, and all parameters are projected onto this surface. The use of this is questionable, and if the result is reasonable depends largely on the initial multi component state. However, the propagator infrastructure forces the existence of this type

Template Parameters

charge_t – Helper type to interpret the particle charge/momentum

Public Types

using ConstructionTuple = std::tuple<double, Acts::Vector4, Acts::Vector3, ActsScalar, covariance_t>

Public Functions

inline MultiComponentCurvilinearTrackParameters(const std::vector<ConstructionTuple> &cmps, ParticleHypothesis particleHypothesis)