File DetectorVolumeFinders.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent

namespace Experimental


template<typename grid_type>
using IndexedDetectorVolumeImpl = IndexedUpdatorImpl<grid_type, IndexedDetectorVolumeExtractor, DetectorVolumeFiller>

An indexed volume implementation access.

Template Parameters

grid_type – is the grid type used for this


static inline DetectorVolumeUpdator tryAllSubVolumes()

Generate a delegate to try all sub volumes.

static inline DetectorVolumeUpdator tryNoVolumes()

Generate a delegate to try no volume.

static inline DetectorVolumeUpdator tryRootVolumes()

Generate a delegate to try the root volumes.

struct IndexedDetectorVolumeExtractor
#include <Acts/Navigation/DetectorVolumeFinders.hpp>

A helper struct that allows to extrace a volume from the detector by its index.

Public Static Functions

static inline const DetectorVolume *extract([[maybe_unused]] const GeometryContext &gctx, const NavigationState &nState, size_t index) noexcept(false)

Extract the surfaces from the volume.

  • gctx – the geometry contextfor this extraction call

  • nState – is the current navigation state

  • index – is the index in the global detector volume store


a raw DetectorVolume pointer

struct NoopFinder : public Acts::Experimental::INavigationDelegate
#include <Acts/Navigation/DetectorVolumeFinders.hpp>

Public Functions

inline void update(const GeometryContext&, NavigationState&) const
struct RootVolumeFinder : public Acts::Experimental::INavigationDelegate
#include <Acts/Navigation/DetectorVolumeFinders.hpp>

Public Functions

inline void update(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const
struct TrialAndErrorVolumeFinder : public Acts::Experimental::INavigationDelegate
#include <Acts/Navigation/DetectorVolumeFinders.hpp>

Public Functions

inline void update(const GeometryContext &gctx, NavigationState &nState) const