Struct Acts::CombinatorialKalmanFilterResult

template<typename traj_t>
struct CombinatorialKalmanFilterResult

Public Members

std::vector<std::pair<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, CombinatorialKalmanFilterTipState>> activeTips

The indices of the ‘tip’ of the unfinished tracks.

bool filtered = false

Indicator if filtering has been done.

bool finished = false

Indicator if track finding has been done.

std::unordered_map<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType, BoundTrackParameters> fittedParameters

The Parameters at the provided surface for separate tracks.

traj_t *fittedStates = {nullptr}

Fitted states that the actor has handled.

MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType iSmoothed = 0

The index for the current smoothing track.

Result<void> lastError = {Result<void>::success()}

Last encountered error.

std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastMeasurementIndices

This is the indices of the ‘tip’ of the tracks stored in multitrajectory.

This corresponds to the last measurement state in the multitrajectory.

std::vector<MultiTrajectoryTraits::IndexType> lastTrackIndices

This is the indices of the ‘tip’ of the tracks stored in multitrajectory.

This corresponds to the last state in the multitrajectory.

PathLimitReached pathLimitReached

Path limit aborter.

bool smoothed = false

Indicator if smoothing has been done.

std::unordered_map<const Surface*, std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t>> sourcelinkTips

The indices of track states and corresponding source links on different surfaces.

std::shared_ptr<traj_t> stateBuffer

This is used internally to store candidate trackstates.

std::vector<typename traj_t::TrackStateProxy> trackStateCandidates