File IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator.hpp

namespace Acts


This file is foreseen for the Geometry module to replace Extent

class IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator
#include <Acts/Plugins/Json/IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator.hpp>

helper class to add extra information to surface or volume json objects

Public Functions

virtual ~IVolumeMaterialJsonDecorator() = default
virtual void decorate(const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial &material, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given surface material.

  • material – the surface material which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced

virtual void decorate(const Acts::IVolumeMaterial &material, nlohmann::json &json) const = 0

Add extra elements to the json object already filled for the given volume material.

  • material – the volume material which was used to fill the json object

  • json – the json object that is enhanced