File DigitizationCell.hpp

namespace Acts

Set the Geometry Context PLUGIN.

Set the Calibration Context PLUGIN.

Convenience functions to ease creation of and Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap and to avoid code duplication.

Set the Mangetic Field Context PLUGIN.

Convenience functions to ease creation of and Acts::InterpolatedBFieldMap and to avoid code duplication.

Currently implemented for the two most common formats: rz and xyz.

struct DigitizationCell
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationCell.hpp>

pair of ints for definition of a cell

Public Functions

inline DigitizationCell(size_t ch0, size_t ch1, float d = 0.)
DigitizationCell(const DigitizationCell &dc) = default
inline void addCell(const DigitizationCell &dc, bool analogueReadout)

To merge cells in case they are at the same position.


this function is needed because possible derived classes may calculate the energy deposit differently. Furthermore this allows to apply an energy cut, because the energy deposit can also be stored for digital readout.

  • dc – the cell to be added to the current cell

  • analogueReadout – flag indicating if we have analgue readout

inline double depositedEnergy() const

the deposited energy


this function is needed because possible derived classes may calculate the energy deposit differently. Furthermore this allows to apply an energy cut, because the energy deposit can also be stored for digital readout.

Public Members

size_t channel0 = 0
size_t channel1 = 1
float data = 0.
struct DigitizationStep
#include <Acts/Digitization/DigitizationCell.hpp>

DigitizationStep for further handling.

Public Functions

inline DigitizationStep()

this is the cell position

Standard constructor

inline DigitizationStep(double sl, double dl, const DigitizationCell &dc, const Vector3 &entryP, const Vector3 &exitP, const Vector2 &projectedPosition, const Vector2 &cellPosition)

Constructor with arguments.

  • sl – step length of this step

  • dl – drift length of this step

  • dc – is the digitization zell (with indices)

  • entryP – is the entry position into the cell

  • exitP – is the exit position from the cell

  • projectedPosition – is the position on the readout surface

  • cellPosition – is the nominal position of the cell

Public Members

double driftLength = {0.}

this is the path length within the cell

DigitizationCell stepCell

this is the path length of the setp center to the readout surface

Vector2 stepCellCenter

this is the projected position at the readout surface

Vector3 stepEntry

this is the cell identifier of the segment

Vector3 stepExit

this is the Entry point into the segment

double stepLength = {0.}
Vector2 stepReadoutProjected

this is the Exit point from the segment